1 The Champion, Milton, Ont., Wed., Febraary 28, 1973 13 FOR RENT. 161 FINANCE 17 REAL ESTATE 17 REAL. ESTATE 17 uEAL E8TATE 17 RlEAL ESTATE S 8 HELP WANTED 8 HELP WANTED Ma 'rmnsPWCTMEBSQuE 50 acre tamt, wAmNItEgSlabup-ae3 MaffApRIOmeT. Mortgage Loans 'lange hue andbror 4 bndrootn bicq bone, clse I RESPONSIBLE POSITION $1td-tenaattntaat i,500 f0 $25,000 and Hafvcr ,y Ppim6t on-s'W I Dn 17oool.87-3 Me are leeking fer a mature totO idual eitb higb frm ee s-cemon, frnn hobby More for ANY Purpose iy1no7s ct94-30. ____________ tadrdandn"nepndnt b,.,.nmnc.,pprch obetail 'ceott ren parking. Wn aiso arngdqucl adcofdnt £nO,60 oo L Suepcintedett, Mr. and Mt'. TîetercletsI e.je ett fe. Cati 75'20tt afnr APPLY IMMEDIATELY TO DeeBheyn. Apt. 10, orcelotvitlr, 2003 fnalittr0f LcD ryAt10orK. ALLEN sita ce, tvi , 00 inqq.It. of ai 7644-4528 60 YEARS' CONTINUIOUS SERVICE C BA.SEOCALL 878-3180 Tocante 863-M040 days) cen, tamity romtthe'open -Mentis ot the Toronto, Oakvttc atn Brampton MITOxOTRSAESIc-Ont 'lin 844-4185 nvg/knds) ftmoac, 2 - e. a5hro & Real Estat Boads Sc388 MAIN ST. MILTON, ONT. COME AND SEE US av enbne ll, 4 bnttroms& _______tc4 GEN EDEN CUTont, but-m garage, ecenetCUTYLVN Z22Brntn St., Miltons. INVESTMENTS loca ion. M4,500, $30000 mn eHaeSvea Frs Of ad 2 edromi aartientstgagc vrer wut ecnstdcr W HveINTER ars P.Lnoeto f.CmayLmtd aabet ien thefiebuildings COLII 16ib45 Quik HOME BUYd. IN ER i t00 ACRE tacots in Esqunsing, gonid soit, cossd garden, century pe97 BRONTE ST., MILTON, ONT. whchbotter ynu many fuetitins c e OEBUE ut ston bouse, gond outbuitdings. i,500 per acre. HAS N IMEDATEVACNCYFOR Mtltuc.Tomnivaoemein cacit W.GNUSTAW122 ACRES nas'Carlisle, nice otd home, sew faimn buiding& -oe sauna batte - ctcreat- NE. - LSTA Ealy oes-s get BIG dive- 1250 per acre. iot o~anrreay n ons - paytemom er- NEW854-2213 vente oneneec Beavnc homes. 61 ACRES, Cactisi acea, rieur 6 - .Try $0 e ce . ed lay aas - ui7c4 andSave on tnnstgage, nIes-est and Gthftor a -orld o eriarkng free.ElOintsse17c44 DA Cinitiai invcsftoeot. COe n Accurtabe o he-roucionSuerIenen (Istne.Mai isany oftthe50 new 1973 Beaves-4ACE uActentebfrlmxie m hoPdct eion tinpducton e M inhersaiigvts.t1dstidnai A rnodcis. Lotosceers c an startOently iy ning as-m tond in Nos-lb Bariington, beautital boue ulsadi codnewt l te d safety standarsnby tcf- L U tPFtNTENDENT AT 1f n 2di et nse ittle as M200down .. . site, enitahin es-o hobby tas-to. Lstnd ai $1,200. per- unse. trct,,'elv ecrnMeepoeee Equpetnd Maeoisic. 8785375 MOKITGAtES berane Ibts Spcs. t tsg t 2 CE He/She inintais and dminisirs discplsnecassietnwytksAt. n0m edmitite s th ie Union Cents-et, trains. motettets and eteloates Ifne aneer, cai 078-5162. Servce WithItenictty TELIJ. PAROTON nw hn FAKPOnt te st o 25mto. d A C anifr toES wolv oss prctectncccreportseascrequiccd. c-t OM.BJs. Memberetoit fs-on ns 1-01I000 os-free iog 831,50 Ooei~eceiecs ce, os protitf Hcetng speccnee.Abti 9 ~Real Estate Bs-obs- 1973 bonhtanu tt c sce cd ntrpetdesiee eecssbp biitabe e -e 1 WNTD O ET P O ONVAUAIO838Bell St. Miton. 15046 10 ACRES Quoto ficains:bren hite eeecid. - Cornbinn ite. Ai-VILan eT . HALI2A HM S Sall homec ritb eitacbed garage, large stable for etter omoraee ity tP yaaitd yoocrpb, Lorniygs3leaderdhinrnistde, aleptut, 1EWciyEDBirdENT Eas-t9 r atea iee Orifoss r SSLLtrniywebt es-nt-Combine Ita'dbs . Lnely 3itbednn. 4-pt. bath , t a'l l or oaid accornrndatn 18 bus stalis for'bornes. Oood coont-y bnne citbcorn nete- - oildnkbtteh 'aeboombatextrd~ -andctaedivnt. Fewa t00cmsappiy. Asing $50,000. opten 10 ail ofters, Vendor Salary t lie disusset. Smitenty rimeesotiymotaveibuttds-edOld miii1 labow bathae sIac mos-tmo ageaeast08% INTERESTED APPLICANT TO CONTACT 00e.stinieriami cottage vitable. -Add a s-om, oit style s-e. -oc n iib fis-- tdollars on ton ome boros Tihe Personnel Deportment 1878-3049. 4c4-t4490 2nd Mos-igagex cfronts place, large ptation o- te cotage vt Haqliday% btg Ens-- BUILDING LOT __walk outsencings-onrn& ga- ly Bird -Eas-iy ssid discounts. TbreeQuarter-acr-elo - Only wtba new bouse of your choic 87-261 Lca 16GENTLEMN sIIhes tednare CALI oe s-rnmi.doble cor attath- 1For catalogue nnd toit dtils Lait for futrs information and psions, 878-2861, Local 126 apas-Onont ors-ent a monot, To- 30E REYNOLDS ed garage, situated on 11is- aýia oe ipa RETYWNE 8h44 esday. Wcsnendey and Thu, reiare.no miuelCot 551OMatele Ave., Bstrmng.Thetrnba uedtconryndsilowlvngwhmie ---da eenng. us b ano, NCMEMOTGGE frorn 401. A boy ast $59,900.ftinn, 637-51j. opeo eneni andsmobnrpopdle watonty efrmte os and sral o iin nt oe PART TIME bus drives-r-19 EMPLOYMENT WANTEO rrooer. Pbiooc 878-2341, nstes- SERVICES I 0h5l n oepoi toigt oototcinieadbti Sotreti Thi itteaheelcto 1 Paol Belanger. 4t44 4444 6914 Evnno r STELLAS PARTON of_____ ttbe citv. Mo bote iotrediato nood of lots - totali 527-557 amilon 88-675 Acon Sore uildng emages and resoinebnomes in Milton and aurs-ounding righî net eotfltet, Lccer Mo- 2-57Hmlo and Apartment Ptease catI. Ail catis witt buciseatnd connbdentiaity. elrerne Ce. Ltd. 7935o R PIANOS MOVED 15 PERSONAL (9an .. 74 er fbsns etof-n oeec mot n iht el R. 3, Cernpbnfln',lle. 8c44-45te i AND) DISMANTLED -( .-5 .. 74' eatobuiss- cteon,4rontFOR FRIENDLY INFORMATION AN 0 is - INCOME TAX timol For e-1sre lorpu aeetRELSTESRVC LEARN TO DRIVE amrple.-o Movng Sos-ice eonablte s-an, pinase phonne 87&- 17 REAL ESTATE 17 REAL ESTATE rtmntincer pe crent , REL ETAT SEVIC TRACTOR TRAILERS 4997 Mitton. 0064363-tf - -6 lange esomed apastrnnt, ga- Cl No co n trin regbt Ib me1DUITAR lscone, cildrco & cg tce-.On 258DENZIL LAWRENCE 878-9543 ie Cnada! Acmmodation ced BLAKELOCK CARTAGE 'adulte, everyTursday 3 iti 7, expene petd we ri n i . 878-5222 Stý. Paol Ct-tttn Cetse ayettesms. i LISTED FOR $46.908 OAKVILLE - 845-4267 Tuitton tee dedeetibîr' Focr MapS- Mlto. Phono colltisgiot iy":.e notgg plication ced intervine ewite: c-Il 545-5332. 1063944-tf0 e SAFETY DEPARTMENT Gay .Dh Trans Canada Transport etWJo lD Ms e ntadsJ oh- .1 JACK HOLMES Triig il LOST OR STRAYED wih Ms-. A. Oiliiotn, 1232a St.W REL ST E Site f, 2070QueeOs West Clair Ave. W, Apt. No. 2, 534- RA SAEBOE o i Tes-ente 117, Ont. , LADYS dt mond rng test *475. Ve meimporeant. Toronto C or cal: 41&464-9381 Fitos-s , 5, vriity f Dtpio- 0MIE 17. 15ce444360E TF8Y HARDERATN8315 8c44,met Apetrne'îc. 878-3044.ATN8315 114.4o AToef ybcas intsIOvo17c48EE ILS-$190 WANTED hem__________ ibeoth8e SoOnai fat. Fer HAVE IT BOTH WAYSNe brecitFepceadsî-.CllI-nePe. Les-mtio .it Baieoxoetccd n agod ize lt itFOR fetRENT e o minPANABODE e ieop aofo-tr613M, 8774213. lSedd-45W irit tes- teeor wy of ltvtng. Zoord MA lltgiýttindetrial REAL ESTATE LIMITED For yocconcnienceeand picasore on 10 etres cf ski-don pare- Pocfcto ytn ERO psinn b tettiise- niile Celi Jeckir Beetot,I BROKER ise. 3 itcdcoorn, Lebhapnd living and dtieg rs- ctsy Mo- eevn edtce e tos en3 ee 7- 2400 MOLLIE acOOREGOR f 8951sI itriten witb ecedk, lar-get. smoin, 2 fisepinees. For rnore Wor inolvs sli wate e- fu rnt.Phoe M460 MLLI MaG89O Mato Streot MILTON infor-mton pese rail, Is-me Pries, mimaei biologteel tretmet & 1 3t.-- _- l44-4530 SCHOOL 0F DANCING 20 ACRES fine irts-on. Serkiteepere, !NEW 3 -bedcr oobngalowt, Modes-n JaneGULP ttîtit ppept. a beiwcee i&n Mlten CalI Bsrpten 457 Cildren & Adtlt Classes P1sTowt bdn otieyarnecsly bonb 0e centre chadeOcam RveketeodcornerGUEL- itchanfcal es-i, ntneor 8rite vs- s-yceocte. Celil Bert LeRey 878-9511 or 8532059. NO EPRP Yperty. fot oniy 8$39,50. thgod naottnf. Fer asdtotal Wor codîion ad bneits1344467 Info. 878-9788 1Ftely meoton building, main tnfeomatiot ceti, Iccnn Pree. oorT etoeand brnfigts'- 1ELECTRIC HOTWMA T E RSTUDIO, MILTON LEGOON 10 ACRES 'tees-.comerctiali'plus 4 ap- gotTpnisyfrsgitee-HEATERS ith imefs-erce t. Titecce Atinoone & Evoiarge Tbree tacrneaile itosit coling lced near demo. Tcy en offer oým knenî $79,î000noo. CsomHOt iespi rikbnBaoYoado 1î ce n 'o.PhotoMiton Hydre 878-2345. '15- o f $18,500. Ccli Bts-t LrRey 878-9511 os- 853-2059. Trne Akig$90 Cctobttcde pit s-kbnglrictden7/arsad Apply toi 13cl65-t $39.000 fulli pie, eider homo, offerteg 4 beroornc, 3 baîbreerne, npeeious living s-cer RiE, 1erttldees-tent1epMi 11 FN NE100 ACRES ' cnsal lctd tttiig e it a fInsr- te-ciing stone fis-lceo.gento-us itrben BOX No. 219 SOEIlfq.f. t0Mc16iarietoaottbl:iyc-nbpfN2eromeploatmttcotd 'treitotoecrantocanietmiy- The anadan Campin ete iie.stes- parkiag. 878- fronttg onetteoerode 2 fernily dccliing. gond batkiktbarn 1IbaOitelos- apas-itet. The 16' e 32' ttgcooed pool te ber your scornoo-pleasoce. MILTON. Ont. 4.15e47..4ff FUNOS availabile foc let and ced stemr ths-etgb psoperîy. Te vemcalco Rose Ceecot Ficorstubng entes-prise toc aotb- Frfcbs tsmte iis ei e vle- gb44 .StiO N s 2tcna net2d rn,,-tg,,8,, p te $15,000. 878-9511 or 878-2755. BEfe-tn.rtf. seconbrain Apply te Box 217, TOn Cannd- ' tîtoc esoso tton o: GUELPH LINE patmnt rg. sov, root. tiot Aking $8,500. t100ecre esad a 5 Oods-o risikt tesrn itoose, ie n iei condition Truck Driver îet.'ls. 88-98070.tits-.dcmti4r ar5ba82 OUR NE'W'LOCATION S1 uilcding lt ntow, sevi seit el,.ege feetil iy kihand armaittfloor family Reqctsrd tes-deinv et offond su2 -EDRCO(M elartrnn, f dii TSa AIT5kndttinibed tackccrnm. FrfostesdetaiteeeiicI Le sblet Aps-tt i titfluor, Oton fs-col eccerseitb Champson 91 MAININ JSTREETi M .ITON Cseo.eBunkr. prodtcts.5 Sda e oitYes- Eden Ceort chuis-en nencomo C Country rouned eteplecteet Tep scies-y. $170 cati 878-5171. clestliede WHY NOT YOU? 171:44 lmmnociate 3 - budoom mime TIRED 0F RENTING? Cppyin teprsecete 1344-4442 et baîf acrsee t patin a, neibuttts-ocm Itcexn d o'be yor financeaitoe. As is, thin MaleLogeFamsLo.LARGE 2 - bedos-capa s- ______________________ pocl, fietnitedrsev. s-nom. Cati 2bd-c rm togîe cttu attktiemeei Mape ode arm I !en, goud lor fn odrnMycîle MCetian 876-51908 or rmtdelied, one 3 ptece bthtband coey living m-onm, i i M i-878-2008. cean attd rady te mocerien. S tetd ce a lot 66' x 132' IMinsten C et ii lnd.)f slae. , lî,,rs. Acotitbe Ape 95 acesres-rnm etmait higtecay io Frcbosc Frice. Cotact: Fay Smnithborthes-lie-details, & 't milee n ort fStcnoeAve I. 878-4578 13c44-4516 seitbriîcbbuse, barcc 65 ______________ biBe Mes-oi 1, $85 pes- mes. n tME 9 EMPLOYMENT WANTED stlee Appiy Bec 208, Ctadan1 __Citarnpion. 134267tf 84 acese, faon, gced barn, heat tecladnd. Collt, Ove owland. DRESSMAKING. 878-919. SSALL 1i- hdoorn apert- homeV with*2 L tmar, 0. lreAsttsg MILTON 9ol5tl 1 mont, suitabic tes- mature tc I mIa k % s-,od toupe, n citrdret sepo 4NW S I G E 7500.CllMyte eue_ lr2s-ton, homide, ass2items-tested ate c ing l rea DA ar nmyhme ayae nrnc.Phn ftr5I0lan 876-5190 os- 878-2ff5. mricudeaivbteete oasnl amily home, Dett.e-crnyete Sdy ec oîs-ct. Phno ts-SM od ]ecinîttef ocbrtesdeeopnnnnSitond on oco. p-scboos-s Woodwcasd yom,87&-4534. 3o34440 A A J ~ A CALL full sien tosce lot. Fer tes-thes- posticulars cui, Don St. 878-49017. 944.44, G 'j - AI~8829 ostiond. CXPEIEtOCFt) botbt.opes-' i AND 2 SEIJROOM IF cviILY- H O M ES 878-2095 tcil keep sotet httke-stem APRTMENT If Busy 878-6057 Behu eîy Srie es, titraesr, in ons b, ieAlet, AAILCaBET Bj hiRel evie 1e tsptsg. Mtl ti tep ted de- Fsrm $130 acnd 145,rnontie I CX lices- 853-169J9 Atîtt 9b354511 y in ACTON. Atone teetodes 1 IN Solne yoas- Hlp Wunted (9 1 îie cai1 tlitte,eceeornd appliances. poobloma by clliag 876-2541, (91 .11~ MUS LSSNS drepee and baicoy. ** . ~Champion cassifes. Milton 878-4121 Toronto 826-3085 AOCORDION, OUITAJO, PIANO Atn 5-29MI~ I L IeTOt N AND SVIOLON -and 878-4287 Acton 853-0272 DORSET PARK 0 RALTANT rr FULLY EQUIPPED ULTRA MODERN O IH N OMPSR RALESTATE MwuEM ROMA HALL LOCATION 3090 STEELES AVE, MILTON, ONT. Z N D C M ECA MAKE YOUR 1973 BOOKINOS NOM FOR Z N D C M E CA DANCES - WEDDINGS - BANQUETS ONTARIO ST. (Hwy. 25) A ttsactie 2-bdrorm bungalow, large kit bon, itving mioidtetog meot.i 4-piece CONVENTIONS, ETC. bth tî,fulbasemeot wtit s-s-c. moir7ûfeet fromiage. Ltsted as $39,900. Accommodattiosup te M4300YA DS N RDTH OFMAIN S.$45.900. iRanch style bungalowetntes-ge cores-ts-lot: famity izc kittiton, L-sbaped 80' x 26' danceii 'sji ST. initgsoecad dinng icomn wth fis-piace: ts-e bedroms and four Excelent bar facilities and kitchmn peebtrcm ag e onwt ielctoetabdom n nConts-olied lighting fopiece atomargo e nt s-cnr n d tit wBre iectonxs-o bol nm x a36 d Mdr ewSaiesman in Attendance from 10.30 arn. Daily ms is ateo nbsme.I,,sdscmigpn 0 6 Full equppedsoun sysemiFor Information on larger parcels and land values outside town; FOR FURTHER INFORMATION & BOOKINO ARRANGEMENTS Cal 878-.5364 Col Iect F requreewith YceurRealON- 88-45 P l e a s e C o n t a c t 8 7 8 - 2 6 2 1 , 9 f o 5 p . m . 4 2 W o w r v . M L O , O T R O P o e 8 8 2 5 or 878-3951, 878-6527 after 5 441Wo3adAv. MITNOTA17Po0«7-25