4Titi Champion, Milon, Ont._ Wad., Februury 21, 19i3 PUCE SHOOTING CONTEST t thte Sao Mark Cleinenle trios ta scre titrotigha sinal Festival as spnosored by Mfitttn ptimist Iole islise net. Titase witosucceoeagos a - Clib Opinist DosaMorley (rigist) mtches os hgLmckel ck (Phiole byR.Eoswna) Blue overtakes yellow in team's points race Fvîendly compelîlîoletonen te Polarts and Ski-Dmo drivers le i.amnle Hnvg Team is growiog ecdi eeb andwmOue teSlin-Osa be ail a bg enkend Fei. 10,- 11, the Polaris boys pilied aitead iis nevitesil otîlia string o oins ai Drotoqoa Soamobile Saves. Sooday and nI bthe MOSRA "B" saoctioned raves le Guepitamd te Unbirdge raceo Sturday. Polaris drivers tonde a big tweep oftheb raves Smndap ai rucaqui and lovai driver Ciris Badntg min te overailipota cbampîonsip ofthlie day mit atm i C Stock, D Sleck and A -Modited, second i B maddfied and tird inC modiîied. Saturdap in Guelpht Oc at ibrdi C modlrd anid A stock. AI Ksîgit, a 'Thunder-Jet driver rom Georgelonamd a mesbc. of he 10v llde coit, wona lhe i-lap open rave plat a lest aLte B matified cimamin secondlsi C modified and A Modlîcil AI Guelpht Sturday lie tomk ourhs in A and DModdfied. Actons Danny Arbir mas anoiber big Polarsoîinser, takig frst iC Modifiedlticd in open modifîed and seconds iB and (I Stock classes aIt Drumqui Sockets Split TOc Milles P.L.R. Sociteta pinyýed tw aismaes on te mekend wmnig on md iasleg onec On Fcîdayttîgitltheiluritets played Aacaslec on Mlton and sbaled le a 3-0O ctory. loba Taylor led te Soviets wi10 a goni andl an assitmuhle Pais Benlea and Brion Brown odded singles, Ke Mireadad John Turner pîcked up te assisto osnte Brown goal. Derrick Neelands and Joe Pin sitacd te sit-oul i inte Mlon ne asthe Sockets scored once in thecflrst and addcd 100 more i lihe 110111 Oi Saturday iglil lie Sorbets pinyrd Burbaglen i Burbangtos andlOece situoul 3-0. DlerrckcliNeelands ocol te routeite lnets tor te Soclielo and pinyrd a standout game and the ioys iteld Buvliiglon scovelvcc atti lte ast fine monules of the second peiod. la the trd pecîod the poerfut Burlînglos lento addcd 100 more le clici thieir vnclecy. The Sachets test gaine iis Frîday iglil ai 7.30 mites ttey pay itosi 10 10eOegeleo Miles. Bowling Lodiet010 ,eie ellv Stine 247; Lngiie0,0 Tipie, JeanAtin 6ais Othee STrip elps,.Shieiey Sicn t07 Voierie 5Oa,levi...atChihoin ns3 Marc Blir55 iilGtiny won 2lois68, la wemî5lat Oe lad a gnad day t Usbiige Salurday, woning ilslenopen stock, D Modified and E Mdiied, mnd beating theteolp driver iite A circuit, Mort Lake. Winder wmer A Skis-tio driven by Joe Oleden oi Lamnilie came second le C Staock t Drainqaîn, aid t tisbridge mas tint leù C mnd D Stockt, second i E Stockt. Ian Grant af Loonie drove is Skfi-Gm leo irst place in E Stock mnd second le open stock ut Uxbridge. He as lourlhinleD Stoait aDtraliqoin Smnday. Al lte above racer are Lamilie Ravotg Team meiniers. Aotier driver knownmo cally le Bdll Joiton ofFergno, non o BiSl Jonsn of Mlton, mita drave a Paris le firît place le B Stock and te lli-ap stock rave, tird le D Sturktamd A Modifiei t u DamuCarsno H. b wnU DneCarnefon o s A Socktamd mat second là Uie 10- 1a stockt rave at tirsiquin. E&JneWrarlofntHaolby vaine sevand le the ladies' rave t Drurnquin. Gien Eden plans ski school hers thio cursn cas cati Roger Skiera more skiera - Ha<fild at 8784.64 liandrnds of sk rs are fiai long ta Thennevnrn aidaif last weekend te hiltsaihi mter. For toOOy til ido t deter large numiters of slt firstone lpartcpale in poplc om enoyingthetSIOpe Cna' aststgowng s le. n aiday he tos Nancy feuili te gnea t eefr many G(eeneteame ompeed agautst more itraclars te ment itis ecbotinr wththelite n te m demani te Canadian Ski atnnig. On Sunday te Alpine instrtictrs' Aiance lo pravidlng tnsam cnmpnted in London a ton day training cinic at Gen againat Lndon Ski Club and Eden ibio weekend. Tio la mde Citedolie Ski Clb, bat te resutli possible trougit a poicial mre icanclaîlve. Thtegripn goveroment grant tram tite members mita ent le Cicapee - YooitamiRereain lianitoif Friday enjnyed titeinselves te Ministry af Coananity ami vnry mucit, tryotg ont teir nkils Social Services. oaa diflerent iili. Many sklieil amateur ikiers iii nom le leained le inacitL d inginners hitle ski varefuliy 1 More advaneed siiero mut lois te lainot CSIA tecitniques. fTue TooMltnrikswonnlimir firit ton gaine umard goingti M. course io tcitedaied train 9.30 maItchitut lestthlier second in Jonsnon fromi Kicitener a.m. le t pm. tiis Saitra n tankard in metilionteslat Waterlolihe second ton gaine 9.30 leS5 p.m. tiis S=dn. t=61Toeoday iOliii. Onesea B its nner onu Mci Hunarg caver anl aspects af training at skipped ityBEnv Gitian, seitt lrenoGuelpit and teigitome vanced, mit empitasîs on Huoghes as tecond and Grace mei Humbier igitland.\i enpianntias, demonstratias, Duncan as iead. Inethe seconddrao te egi tton deleetians and correction of Thte second leam mwas sklpçted gaine inner mas Adele Leslie inuits. Thte cosi is $3 per student, by Ede Crydertoan olit vice lean Milton, te iigit 0neIgame and stadents mmltlie 16 peurs of Jean MeDolte, second Evelpo inner mat E. Pappen tramin)biie age or over. Asynne islerested in Nadalaianami md Win Nemeli. and te seccond twon am in lner mat, .o-NaIgA., trai-.-non Pintos beaten Mtm Nice inasplayed to init iitngamesdorleg te pale enit. Lat TItursday nigitt thep dropped a 4-1 contint 10 a nvice team troin Hamillen. Thse game as more ovin titan te score wooodidicale and w11k a eo more breakts Mlton migitt bave coton 0ut a inner. Mlto's only goali mustcared ity Eddie l.aepricit on on assint leoto Brion Serafini. Milon mas minus litote regniar goal tmnding dan aI Joitn Aseleon nd Baitiy Os.ev. Consequently Brins Muiritmd ilied in mnd id a Bn lob for hiof irs-time ever in goal. On Manday nigitt Pistas letmind an Orangevilileto m8-. The loaa boys itad te gaine under volrol f1maite apening miistin and leS ns daubt le any mnes nnd talttey ere nul le Marksmmn Ina Zlîanomus teiig marboman for Mlton as lie scored a liat trick. Joe Geles firnd ton goals and assisted on twa aters. Sigle mariteri ent le Eddie Laepricit Bin Serafii and Wayne Marflougali. Otiter assista ment le Ricitard Shannon (2), Ridi Jetleey, Brad Nadalin and Eddie Lneprivit. Joitn Asellen amd Brion Muiritead combined for the sit-uit. FIRENZA SLFROM $3300 Look at the FEATURES i. 230OCC0 ootitost Cao egnîsg 6. Complgly undercnaied 2. 4 spegd transmissin 7. An eotra 600 lb. wighi or il compolîlor 3. Buckel leats wthitcusOlesinlerior and carpels 8. Whie ouIll ires ad flltI oeel 4. Power asîstnd Ifrnt disc bakfs 9. Paîni sîrîpo lealoîf slîîp 5. 97' wbeelbasg mit fulcnil suispgnsio 10. Rack and pîaîonî sleerng These features and many more are available on the G Canodian small car IN OUR 1 SHOWROOM NOW W*mm v$w à&Is Dm11 us ut 313-2351 - 318-2351 or 828-3U80 »8 MAIN ST., MILTON Ots top ýdiscs hosled a itanspiel mt ithte itigit Bowling ,7a(scie, hSile. Lene Olit 682; Ladies' OinS riple. sciesLitile Other Gond Sittfiea, Grie Little t e0r 0,'onevet es 251Mtary A, .dyOoK.... li B.ehvtissd Tel3 I, ie r Smld3'L'n Kesovi664,Leone rlaeî'tyit4vlNornia OvMeurhv 592 arycAns o o3,Ssan on 5t fo 2 ai wo 0 for 21 i, IHelena mas t toc 19, Krina won 2 forta, Shirleypo Hope. MiiisaCnti.iaiideditUaisn Ladocs'fig ttSingle vîrnlpa Heapa 25, Laiets 8(60 Triple, ciesîpo Henes658. Mmi i H Sin leMains vito neatuoel tii. nsi gTet. vuMartn nîen. vin81. Onaplen Other GsadiTinges, Pete vindeohoeuvtt28, Vti eaaSi2, V0Oe onlad r ipe, Pete vandenheuasi aons5tfor 76, reiti i'eduiia won i fae 75. Ca olyteapi Biloatovtvicenp a4ott71. in tankard FOR DEPINDABLE SERVICE 878-6380 Your ShoOt Dealer BELL BROS. MILTON