Burlington tops * Miton MinS 114k.y1 Junior Blo Hou se league happenings Fusal standings us the Cena trioJnrBHckyLa By John McLean Lions Club ellsnlnatedl St. Clair in two stragh ganses as tisey lunsped the Pit and Walpapert crew 6-1 mite second gane. Pautl teLiens nitlryt = -h b2?ie gols whlle Stevet Kearna added a single. tins Lytas, Rager Baiser and DennisI Lrcu auledonce each. r Me rbet crd thse bIse SI.t Clairnsariser ush tIse tsetp of Tedt Vatsdeslseuvel.t Firemnsi dosened Ponttans 3-1I ta put thse Pontiac squad on tise sideliases aBter alan wtnnlag thse firut ganse of tlseir sertes. Bill Marr, Lyle Thdibert and Kevn Marrison ucured for tise selnners aise, on solo attensptu. Bell Bnyd fiatsied uff a passng play wIts Wayne Artisur and Barry Mli to accntait for tise single Pontiac rqî.Firemnse seu nose eeet Uesin tise sent rotund of playaffa sebite St. Clair and Pisatiaca wlI play in esxsibitiun nmatchses. Aller playlng ta a 1-1 usunotout tiseprevions week, Beechssussdty traonced Rebekasas 7-2 in thiser second nsatchs. Slavon Jayne seas thse big paint glatter far tise selnnersoantte ttred four gaala uaid insistedt on enotiser pair. Stagle gul for Beecs more caented is eoI Scitreiber, CluBf Hart and aryen Mcîntoals. Scisretber and Rtobert Piccini drese asaistu. Gies GUI seured on a sels dass and arias Cnle fssislsed off a Curtis McCoy paon fer Rebekaus goata. Milton Lasen Service tank a 2-0 lead but Milton Upisolstery taenced bacs ta tamn a tmo ail drase. MiSe Witlals coonted bnlb goata forLen tServtce, gettlg lselp os tstirst on Jb Crisci and receivlng aid on thse otiser frens Greg Hames and Scott McColnnan. Ras Locisie connted btl tlphlstery ganta-tse tirst on on awarded penalty sbisn and lau second on a fine sein dass. Mambray Fuels boonred bacS ta even tiseir best of noves sertes seili Dusinion Hardware at a ganse apuece by nirtue of liseir 2-1 victary. Two fine solo daubes put Mowisray aisead 2-0 betore Domnion gat entracbed for tiseir singletan Staven tisane and Maris Teandel were tise inarbonses fer tise minners wiie arias Andercses replied for Dominion selle belp irons Jef f Lunsta. Pee Wee Local 490 elinsinatad Miltas Answering Service in two straiglst gaines on leey sounsdly taanped len t-t. Glenn Sseasce s lise pacesettar aubhe scored taire uaid mas responnible fer seting npte tsr.Steve Cole, HicSWiatn. a Theonpson and Greg Gilbsert seereusingle gal getterswhite assiste ment ta Cule, Wollason and Maris Lasgrldge. Guy Massall replied for Mitan Ansmering Service selle belp irons Paui Bradley and Tracy Murray. Aller tausg field to a tie la leeir opeser. Fuy'o Electrir got baris on tise tracS see leey dusnpedl Mccuaig Insuronce 5-1. Randy MacDonald and Robert MacKinnon eues scered taire for lee minneru , seiile Baisby tond. vay f ired a tingle Vittorio Trento mule a pair and Daony Arnold earned usujuta. Lance Lyons scered froin Steve Savard seile onty 24 seconds teft in lee gane to uptil lee sisout bld by David btcCullacis. Fay Plunlan canse up selle enatiser fn eftort la hsolding Milton Marine ta a 2-2 dram aBier dropping te Mariner la le peser. Mars Curtis ucored te first Fay genth l el p trois Jerry akier sebile a nota dasés il Greg Vivien accoontad for te pein gol hi.e gans for danse selilpIrn Rabert Vaughaon uaid les selle nlya ninute and 5t seconds nnaîràng, Wileneti se op Greg )rpen i th le tylag gol MtnAuto BIy avnged iir initinl setisaci ai leey upset Balley Fuels 4-1. Wiliams Hurlas. Doug Gilbsert (on a penatty abaet), Scott Orudisg and Stepises Baudler seere lee snlipers fer le eloners mile assinteubeing earsed by Gilbert, Brading and Baudter. Attonso Crisci scared on a solo attanspt nsid seay la te second stenza ta ruin Terry King's sutaut bld. Restais Hood's Clackes Kingu taaS a 3-0 lead os Stella Partos Real Estata, let the Realtars ratais op and tises mile "ny 35 seconds lait us lee gansie Peter Hunt nstcbe the =ennn goal fer Hood's aile leiepo Gary Dance. Oer scorers for tise seloners lorloded Gary Donce, Terry Evans and Geordie Jacsons. Grahams Bye and Richsard lenar earned asist. Gave Arisic srered once and .sied on ose for Partan selale raud Gille uaid Doug Waters Wws fired single goals and Tins SeeUo eursed tmo assiste. Beuver Homses buit up a M- edge before Bell Broters f ound lee range ond canse sellelo one goal uf lin Beaver crese before lne ras out. Steve Hart, Gary Love and Rager Del Ninseere le Oeaver isarson selale assinte seere earand by Hart, Del Nus and Joe Manders. Brion Fins rlfled bt lal gata on olo daubes. Color Your World oorprised Poice mile a 3-1 victary as Ted Glinsy, Kevn Kitcises asd Mars Kendrîcs aIl scored singles. Glenn Alisena and Put Haggort earned assista for lee nictoro whiate Pui Shields acored te lone Police goal mitis belpi Iron Orian Harisin. iget Odî's Auto Body edged Super Save 1-O in a fast estortaining gaine. Aller 16 msinutas and St accotais niend ta end action Pete Monro broSe lee scoretese gaine en be cooneclaio oa puseing play mile Dune Coultar and Bandy Murray. Pete Mebebe preaorvedbhis sbutouttforlee fientl 20 inutes and Gles Horney todled asy lurlinr seonld-be gents isy BOdia. Milton Travel Service surpriaed Jams BUllards S-t. Henry Nudalin, AI Ayer ondJobs Cliallinor wccc lin isarsmen for lee wionrs selle assiste *ong1 Ayer, Don Pope asduGeolc Osailinor. Wyatt Evans repiai toc Jua's Billiards aBter taising a paso trin Tins Pearsn ta spoîl the abutout id iy Gang Broses mile ooly 55 seconds le B inlte rastaut. Harris Slatîosery also fol cangist opu inete upset esovemnsce as Knigits dosened ens 3-1. Kevin Les acored on a seoc atat nerlemidman onrt of lt oolgtme ta give Han-h lear only gent. Glenn Murray ranspletd a Ted Cinsisey paseoul toc the lying goal toc Koigitss leen Stace McCann tirai tic mioner on a tie solo dass. Bob McGec added an issocance nsarker mile tise belp of Bruce Railey tour Msinutes latar. Pigmsent scoraili th firaI uaid lut goals ufthle gurea but Scobie's ountad four la tatween ATý CO METALS MLON8862 as lee 'l?îremn lacis a 4-2 dersien. Cruig Brown paced le seinnera selle a pair of goals and onc asess. Jobs Ransans tirai une goal uaid added a pair ot assiste, wite MîSe Arnold addai ose goal and Watt Mabne carsed ose uselal. Ricis King ocored lee firai Pigmnt isarer aile tise belp of Mltoe Taylor whitle Marc Hyatt taned op mile arad Toanel aed Bab Stringer for the oleer. Burlhogtonî topped te ceagot ailS 67 points tnllowed by Stceetsville, Oaisville and Brampton in that order. Tens Bleingtos Streetsville Galoville Bramnpton Hespetar Preston Miltas Dondai Here's a perfectly legul wuy t0 use the Goveroment's own rules t0 save on incorne Ian. The Goveronient has a law thal says in effect; "If you save now for your retirement, wc'ill et yoti PSY as much as $4,000 mbt a registered retirement savings plan every year, and we'll let you knock it off your incomne'. (It uscd tobe $2,500,buî this yeur lie Government has upped it t0 $4,000. Some things are getting better.) So you merely lower your taxable income by putting up 10 $4,000 in our L T 4 5 9OS 13 4 19 S St 7 203 St t 30 3 When you eventually choose to withdruw it, you huve to pay taxes on it ut that lime, of course. But Ibis is whuf's most important. You pay tax on your money when you decide t0 puy il. This means later, whcn votire likely in a lower tax brackeî. This bas led sontie t0 caîl this plan a tas shelter. One fellow soc know plans to pay mbt il for several years. waîcb il grow, then take il out 10 replace normal income while he lazes in Majorca. But cfa' face it, the real benefit registered retirement savings plan and comes from leaving il in 'tiI vou retire. don't pay the tax on it. UMoreover, we don't have a1 lot of Say you'rc self-employed, married, *ASE POR OETAILS AT PAOTICIPATING BRANCHES salesmen out making calîs, therefore have two dependants under 16 years and mortgages. Or you cao dtvîde your onthave 10 puy sales commis- of age and earned sixteen îhousand money up usîng any Cotbnx Yîlî 4a in 1972. Depending on the province these three ai e,, ~s3tt you haive you live on, your tan savîng could 1bet~4 put it off. You cao t amount to $1,161 which îa , le: c1 a ci.ee any deposîts from your 1972 inî any man's language. À j an the 'sI încome .fter Thursday, M.trch lst, To top il ail off. the m ne 401Cc Ï, cou! Inveat in 1973. save cao make more il or several yeurs, for long-term If you're short of cash, talk 10 us there are four c s growth. And then as you gel dloser to about a low cost boan. The inîerest is You Can have n est it in stocks. retîrement, you might want 10 switch deductible from your taxable income You cao have us învest il for a guar- 10 a guaranteed interest rate. soi youlIl still save a bundle. anteed rate of înterest. You cao have And you can gel your money out Make the rules work for you. Phone us inveat Il in încome producing bonda Wjthout paying a penalty. us oow! Canada Trust M~ Main at Charles-878-2834 HOWARD WRIGGLESWORTH strives ta tisa sccond pericU goal Milton Mustng tied regain las footing us Kerry KÇitrisen peeku White Data 5-5 la tise ganse Pîsyed MandsY. urond tise camner of the goal. Bian Watson (Photo by S. Dittal (9) opened tise scoring for White Ostos wits Start us"ing the Government's own rules a to a bundle on income tax, ue 1- The Champion, Milton, Ont. 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