4 The Championi, Milton, Ont., Weil., Februaey 21, 1973 Enrolment rlslng New rink needed president says SPRAWLING WHITE OAKS GOALIE glanoes af the peck juif game 1or Milton aid the lOurd fer Mekar. Miltai Mustangs lied iimped in byWade Beltar (1). The geoalwas te frt of te thUe game 5-5 againîf Whsite Qaki. (Photo byS. Dilo) By Demilawke Mittoe'ssneed for a new arena li fast kersin ap arentnwl li tse growilofap tlo Mille, asd with the lack sf nofficiesit avouable ice finie in Mition's 52- year-otd aresa, neye Gus Mowkray, prenfidesl ef Miltons Mioor Hockey Association. Tsere fia growleg and urgent seed fsr more ire lime, for bath practîces asd regutar minor hockey gaines. 'Milles lia Use lest ire in Use tri-country league,' leut Use amonoit of lime attolled to nuit players la approximatly ooty 10 le 15 minuten per weak," says Mowbray. Tie ail-ilar (tri-coonly) leans lare a litle baller, bavfig a practica sesion aid usuatty two if minule gaines par ireel. One game is ploae abomne and Use other away. Tlseir reailterparfi Us te bouge teagoe have onty one practire a year aid a 40 miute game par weak. Buzzer Syatem The biouge teagoe leami spossored by viariols infdonlrial aid commercial concerna rail ai Us humer nyolem le esare ail tie hY. ge euteie lime. =vr Usle =iabes a homzer ioa d aia naw hie fi sent onto Usa ice. le Bastai aid Midýgata Use coachi fl fren e toa Usoeh playeri foc tba lait five miutaes efthUe garne. "t don't like tba bhumer nynem, bal Usera ia=t 1a con reaily du", nayo topeient. Pliera ara 750 bays fron rive 10 18ayears fiolved in muior te¶Ie hockey, and the associIo Socecanli an earsimenl oS 1,000 boys loi next fait. Theice subdivisions being boil fin Milton's north eant quadrant are axpecsed 10 rafla the munar leagia hockey aicoiment hy 250 le 30f playeci hy neil neasos. Thisoseason Milles aiparieiced aninflcease of 150 sew players in osor kockcey. Minor hockey isooste boys $10 pic year if Usey livesi owi, and $110 Us ey live ont of town, bal an increase fi Sers ns eopcled oeil seosos. About 75 par cent of Use boys are fromn witin Milton and Use Test Jets lump ta Iead in fîrst two games Multon's Jic owe Jîe sceced lw ire acre Camp Berden fi weeheîd acties and moved leI iUsmn e gesse frem ostfig Use Camp BordeS leass. Jete ecoed aîlk wih -4 aid 7-3 marime. The lit fasse cas in Millen aed cas a bard loughl ceileil icolurmng aide Open play aidea lot of penaltîi. RirE Bridgman oeaed tke scerîng heom Pie Ck'uckssack on a power play situation aod Longcidge sceced Milaons serond goal, alo on e power play with as ieSet loia aid Wyssoas. Ken Fay roeoded oit tle îcecîsg hem Bidgmai aid Fcilzley in the ficet peried. Ksslk McKimeesn aid Ken Fay added singles fl e USecond pacîod le peovîde'a fine goal edge avec Camp Bordes. Bridgmai aesiiled on bet geale while Rebertson aid Fay baid emngle svule ine se ecend paried. Camp Berden sceced twice in Use second peried. Trailiîf 5-2 geieg met Use fsailoleenza Comp iterdie callied le score taure aid Iaro he gap le 5-4. Officiais of the Milton club alleibue Useir molet speci aid bard ckcckfig. Bpeed hcîps Il was Milloo's speed aid ckcckîeg dil paîd ehf agafi in Use second gesse as lleey Srlcele Bordes 7-3 in Camp Borde,. Ken Fay aid Scott MeKenîie scoed levîce whîle Rebertes, MeKînnen aed Frilzley hosssered singles pont île Camp Bordes gonhe. Bridgmsan assiîled on Iiriee goals wkîle MeKensie, Fop aid Ckuckssaek ail aonînled twice eack ond Pedeila, Wysman aod Roerts badl single anodets This irai a pesaIt riddes Optimists lose 3-1 Milton Peawee Optimiif i dropped e 3-1 conlest le Gueîpi' on Siinday aflernaan. Itltokad aI finIt ai though, Miltes might cp-c Ue Camu bul Use boys sesid onahle 10 put Use park in Use sol. Thse anty Milton goal rame inhes Donne Stark deflerled John Leepriehis bard stap ihof f ram jist inida Usa blue boae. on Beill aid Mika Shepherd nhared netmfidmng dolies for the Optionlît. Midgets Milton Miner Midgela came fross himd a 2-0 dehicit le lie Guelph kere Sosday. Bruce Elion scoced leUs Millen goals in Use tird pariait wilk assafi gofig lei Kevmn Watson aid Tecry Fritzley. centeit witk 130 mmnutes of penalties being assessed and Milton drew a majority of iliena The hest of fîve series is slaled ta resusse Saturday in Camp Bordensi ut:30. If a fourth game neceesary tl wîil be played le Milton Sunday ai 4.30 and the fifth garne if necessar y is ai Camp Berden Saturday March 3. VGLKSWAGI Repaîrs are stili by facfory train MILTON OHB Formerly 88 Ontario St. are f rom iarroidiog ares. . Need New ina Mowhray soid ha fi pnatdng soi lay mni Ons Soc Usa iyn nent fait. Ha soyi, "We oeed a in ringi aid wrea bist gofig le baie le gel one." A new arena sight ho boult le includa coller skating and dasiren, hecause ho Seele Use otd ares ia a paoc place le baild a daice or aiythiig othor Usai hockey. This year mîior teagoe hockey tank op aboaI 34 hoars oS ire lime a week. -Wa haie a goad esocotive", sayi Mowhray. AUl Use coarhes le Use teage are votilerer, hut tittle troahla has heen experienred in findiig goodoaile. Thera are 33 hockey leain l Use bougeeleague, aid Il leoi in Use major aid mio ail-star (bi-cousty lteagae. Thore a on ae "osIta" taam whirh fi Sormed leom, boys whli play baUs in Use home league aid on Use sperlal Setloct fam. This year'i bodget for Millen misor hockey was aroond $3,000, Bowling Leduei peaini File O uis, 3 îd ainii Lials 0,ah Tripe, liei io 73. Oter goco ingles, Ireos Glt 261. J1oie Watesii 254, oifih Oteasod icîptripe, Jeen Waters 646, 6e, ifc 35. leocay kh.rfclson Deceiceson S loc 2, Shilea S foi 26. Edile or16, elen 4ior 13 Luires'ih îlen le, Mliii une 007 Laies- fIaS Tiee, Olda Olge nia. tithersd esingles. Joie Watne cri, ceeua Lioceisoe 2i2, Aedrey Mîeoo either od triles. Audey Maii, Shiaey i wo oS 2, Ooeneeifoe2, cdi,, i fec 16, Oelao 0 loi a. EN GWNERS avaîlable in Milton ed mechanîcs at YSLER BOUGE Plaza Mofors MilItoe 878-2962 of which $14,000 went fir ies lima. Naît year uMc. Mowhray focrenaa bogel inreaua le $24,153 ar 1.000. DRIVE-INS henIesTAN W Einf ICEhre OeN 7 D TI aLe ClihnSnc R 85 Ce naBa 3 Ecn My Pak Warty Paklhay2 9i Pics Chinhan $5,50 Framn the Grill Hamkargs, Cheenehurgo From DehrciouFcesh Groaid Beef Regeler Siieni 12.' Hot Dagi D)eep Fried Shrimp, Pizaa FfihadChlpsAlsa Availale Add ta Yoer Dinners or Pali Specials Famly os oS French Fries $1,21 Six leils 30e ingle Oder French Pries M0e Six Parcs Honay m0e Phono 873-8028 and e'lhave yooc eirder caady STUDEN'I 0F MARlTIN STREET SCHOOL genged ap on leacher Carl Hymers, wko altampte to le rotff with the hall oning a brorban sti <bronen?) during a fun keoomhoil gasse it Use arana. Hip Percoîf soifs a weil placeil kroom, Maîlene Schultz aid Muke Eltii made sire ho did net gel away asts Uhe infraction of the raie, top photo, Usen referee Harry Sadler handed ouf a terra in the sn bun as a sentence, wisite anofler Meartin St. staffer Steve Lawrence aid pleelents Olga Tacoawsky aid Jeff Pionice catch sonne of tise action, bottnt photo. (Photio by J. Jenniof s) RENT A CAR FROMNE CORTI NAS .G *METEORS ,à IN STYLE For Careiree Motoriig Pleasure . .. For a Day' a Week' a Month! a Vgar' Drop in and see us. Oar Economy Ratts loplîde, Gas, Oil, loîorance -SPECIAL WEEK-END) RATES - GINE MOOR la I J No "iBig City" Gimmcks ... Just hontest to goodness SERVICE et a fair price with a genuine 90 day warranty on ail parts and service. Dealers for Matorela, OCA, Panasonic, Electrehome, Siesel, Dual and Garird Record Players. MoAL 827-1580 827-4153-4 Bioiinginentieees cati Zenith 5 tiO0 Thrae fines to serve you We have t he biggest service operat ion betweae Toroeto and Hamilton. Repairs te ail makes cf TV (celer or black and white) stereo, tape recorders, radios, home or car, etc. -LIPAC Nsw s then lime for planning if- yso arn csisideriîg aîy type if prnfabricated strilcture this Sammnr-bn itovacation cottage, - permanent home or garage. Start the bail rsIlisg . .. mail couipon ....,- tsdayl îaeeeneue. ,eei.tei arosu' i isauhcspeiee.Dcsisateifiir N'I rla'lesitedeaeyordese elis ad COOf 5' ELES f 0 sio collage 4$jgt Qple rush VOu' e t Ol $ S ttit.o5pesol,îeiaft ilcee Garag tie .. ..... I (à#.,~Fs5i*ei0s*iD/1 Address ....... Phoe . Piiii59î d s o c*~ là# $pria# orSuamaeieee.dite 5fy55 i-- ---------- - Chois. Thiiid5, "Motsee basoa.pll5.e pomvnaselhoe à),es/cd,7 -VACATION COTTAGES *HOMES -GARAGES llsitiid.- The "Bc.se-e*I niItpios avaifeh fillte "5olena -Suei.sesiliCOitii*5 COLONIAL 1 "Sulprsrîarket of Prefabs' CHMA I WsA EesI ne. Nesi I78 O Rac T.. EAST:ii.i un iO ri i ififiI Canada's Largest Masutaclorersnf vacaion Cottage$. Homes- Apartmients. Garages. Spacialty Structuresl 2PIasis and star 40 Deniers servIng Eastern Canada and Nnrltinslern U.S.A. tir more than 20_Boire»