WINTER HOME BUVER BONUS 60 YARS'CONTNUOU SERICEFariy orders cet BIG dise- 60 YAR0'CONTNIJUS SRVIC oats once- msOtati humrs. MeseioflthetToroto, Oakvile andlN aptona Saeon moctgege, ieteroat aed Ream at BleNerds initial investeet. Ohose (rme ___ ___________ any of te30 em 1973 Beavec modela. Lot eseeme a gtort COUNTRY LIVING mith os '100te as $20. clwn... oeil you cm e o le ver cae home ibis Sprilag. 001 thetos We Have Seve-al Farms: eme. 'Phone FRANOK PISIFLO 2 100 ACRE fonen ie Eeqeesieg, gotei soif, tod gaiee, teetuey toit t-me oO 14082614825 Pochrer et elece bosse, goil oothoiliigs. $1,5to per este , 1973 homes cataloge. 17c4 122 ACRES cer Carlisle, nce olil home, e fanei butilings. 1230pramMm. $0 per ocre. Brethour Realty 81 ACRES, Carlisle oras, ceor 6 Hw.Tt-y 00pr ce Services (1961) Ltd. 46 ACRES Oieetly rolling facm land in North Narîlngton. beautiful home site, suitoble for hobby fane. Listei at $1,20M. per acre. 25 ACRES West of Brampton. Ideal tarie for those seho love horses. AsE- ing $31,500. 10 ACRES Small borne with attached garage, large stable for enther mtorage or avoold accommodate I8 box staîls for herses. Good seocer soprply. Askine 550,000. opee te ail offert. Vendor milI lobe bock lot rnortgage at 8%I. BUILDING LOT Tbree Quarter acre lot - Ooly soilh a sew bouse of your chatte. Coltl for forîber informattion and Price. URGENTLY WANTED The trend hasltumed to counetry and smaol tome weh more and more people wastîce 10 move frein the noise oend hostIe of the city. 00e bave immediate need of lots - siegll acreoges and resale bornes in Milton and aeeeoosdieg ares. If yoo have such a pceperty you wish ea sali, Flease colt. AIl colIs mitI bo ireatrd coefldeetialty. FOR FRIENDLY INFORMATION ANID REAL ESTATE SERVICE Cali DENZIL LAWRENCE 878-9543 OAKVILLE - 845-4267 17c43 IFOBERT* H. FOBERT REAL ESTATE LT. 22 Ontario St. S., Milton (Acrsa tram, Plaie>) We WiII Be Open For Business In Less Thar, Two Weeks For informat ion on Iistod propertios and for ostimate of value, please contact one of our local reps., Mr. KEN MARSHALL at 878-6228. 17c43 FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS Phone- MAURICE BEATY - 878-6418 Representing CANADA TRUST REALTOR HALTON and PEEL DIVISION Private Sale A C TON 4 - 'bedro rn bock - aplil, liv- Wel toratrd borne mita sepor- ine routae, aeparote dittlag mont att dittle5 maie. recteoticfl and faity mtn, broodtcie, rota pae dcivrstoy. Reste- ceci ta $25,900. Oseter aoxious fircytoce, 2 bat-bracne, ecos- ta seit os rtey have siffercoe ed alstmiorn sont porah. garage. aeotber bore. Phone 878-2440 $12.900 fait price. Taxet $99. 3- 101 bedmrnt borne witb eg con- - veeiences. PRIVATE SALE 006ev boeuses in the Acton - 'Rodkaroil area are tavilale Older brick dusplex, ctal nuc. Miltos, toit lot 66 x 132, ltec GEORGE GRAY taxes. Con hold first rnorigage. RF.ALTOR Fossessioin Agi. Acton 853-2888 or Phono 878-9504 853-0964 174 ,17c42 17- 18 TENDERS 18 TENDERS TENDER FOR MAIL CONTRACI Tht Canada Fost Office le ievitittg teeders for the tee> voyance of Hec Mjesty's Mail over Horeby Ruai Route No 1 and 2 (Coieb.. This service seul opecate Monday to Saturda inclusice. Tendetrs mut be accepted trvm aey pecsa, 21 yeaes 0f age or aIder, or fraie busness finies, cesiding or operatiet scithinao reasonable distance of the oiras cavereil by daIs mai Ctttsrng dale for reccipt af tenders ie Toroeto for tM1 service as Wedtarsday, 2Sth Febmoary, 1973 et 3.00 F.M Fulpriuasa otedtiso rvl edrfraetc. may ho obtaieed tcorn the Fostasters at Horthy, Oag toma, Miltoe aeil Oakvii-le, Ontario, or fraie the Directer Centra District, Onttario Foetal Regioe, Roote 430, 21 Fraie Se. W Toroto, Ontario MSJ lA5 - Telephaee 416-369-3173. 1804 Successful Auctions Begin Here Starter Home Smal 2 - beilmern trame boag- close, tecotecien a 6&n 132' lot en Milton. Kitchee bas Steeo remolrOlm i rig4. & gteve iscisiledin et sasetase tente and, pimty 0f coatrils. tl 3-pt. bath, gos toreace, f tors haisiseoil ami Ille. A cosy home toc 6-ose timil 0f poyiag raie. Ooe't niss thia oeat $23.000. CatI: Fa- Campbellville ý100 acres vide sa 3 - bedron tramne farn bosse, moilemi te- tities pies o 50' s 00' bocik boriand opring fraI pond. The poteelmil is fbere. balt briso yoc uieaginiationi. Own- ert- ranofermil, moit is goiccil te soif at $745 pe- ocre. Colt: Les Bner. Hornby Cusoma boite vide - st-lit brick bongalow, os 7/4 att-s oeil olfet-ice 4 hedreeme. 3 batde- motea, spacis livitng momt mtth a fieertmàceiia stone firoplace, gtees bilcOte selde eooeeg omse ami o ai ftoor pamîll toamiiy muni. 'Me .16' ein - groed pol is foc yonc scemer phesre. 'For tortber information pIe- ose tc: Les Bunker-. Milton Dicer 2 cest-o home bos vite ceespiete aparemeote avide 'lange att-y tos, tould oas. iiy 6e convertoil tei asiaglo famity home, seouhi tend fi- self te botOer deadlopeot sitecteil on toit size tao lot. For tsrther potOelora calli *Dot Gemiacal. Brethour Realty Services (1961) Ltd. REALTOR Milton 878-4121 Toronto 826-3085 17o43 CHRISTIE & WOODS REAýL ESTATE LIMITE» BROOCER 109 Ma Streret MILTON Town INCOME PROPERTY F04 y montel buihineg, min Heeor, commcercial, tilue 4 ap- ot-stienta, excellent location. Teras. Anhieg $79.009. $39.000 feil prico, eider home. conitrat>. lectei, otaicica 2 2-hed-ooie eporimeets anil '1 bhotr apartmneet. Ftearideing octet-prise lo- aieh' itioaa pemson. ilomtom toc. ation. Asbieg $8,500. I building lat en tami, servitel Asbing $12,000. Country Near Milton tomnacailato 3 - bodroae bernei one hall acre seitlh polie pool. finishi rec. rout. Cal (dyrtie MaCicitesd 870.I10 et 95 ocre fanea on main higfoseo wîde brick homse, barm, &7 ocres good met-hable landl balance in hadei and joastuet w ide stram Caoli Mjerie Mc Cielloan 871.5190 or 878-2095. 35 ocres. poartly meoole, on 40 ,--Y. Ashin0 $2.069 pet- ocre Cali Myrite MicCiellas 87k 5190 ot- 8M2095. Wanted 3 h edr-on home seîh famît' reeto requitred 6y Mat-ch 3 9poyrnt. If t-nu ar o ¶5ii150 1 oself t-car home. pleose rai Mytfe *McCitlian 878-5190 e 'M82095. Wanted 3 - hedrevei 'lifleet ranch, ras ai Miltoe, torctash clie. Cat MyrÙt-e McCliallon 87M9419. CALI. 878-2095 t If Busy 878-6057 17 E.AL ESTATE 17 REAL ESTATE 117 REAL ESTATE Tel. 878-2576 R.R. 3. Milton, Ont. 209>4 Alarms, lasses up slightly TheChampion, Miltoe, Oet., Wed., Febray 21, 1973 il Chief asks 3 fuli time men AE.LiEPAGE 19 LESAL TAKE NOTICE "Articles Iéft far t-quIrt-9 RIJTLEIXR TV muset be pick- ait top Maich .16 or saiete will Ste sold for servIra. W. PAUL RUTLEDGE Notice to, Creditors AND OTHERS Att claires agoiest Ose Estate 0f ROY KRUEGEI toIsa, loeo- m as ROY EfAONRi, lte 0f the Maytair Aparunteots, le the Tome 0f mil-ton' ins flle oc- staty of Haioa, Retireil Mec- chat, deceaaed, tehe duel on or about Osre,2s dist ear et 5- test, 1973, miesrn bo gled wite the undem5igneil on or before MatOh 3, 1973; therealter, the andeceigsedilml istribute the ansets of de seuil esate, havng regard orly tu tIse Olaieea llaee f ted. Dated ai Millos, Onario, tis 2016 diay 0f Fobmuary, 1973. SIOLDEN, FERRAS, FOD & HAESLER, <1% Maie Se., Milton, Ont. Sagseitors for the Eecustore. 19M4 The Corporation of fthe TOWN 0F BURLINGTON IN THE MATIE OF 0.44cmr 443 et The Masslalê Act, R. S.0. 1970, COuper 284; AND ON IE LIATTER 0F co. shng and atepplag UrpPpaie or tihe Apoileby Lino unoletsud Numbser 4 Sidhemai. TARE NOTICE thaithlIe Cosr- cil 0f the Corporation ofth6e Tom 0ff Nealiepton proposea te pass a By-lawe etappieg Up part of Appieby Liee uaopeeed road aitomanve tocated betatece Concessions5 and 6 in thte ne survey andcoeeeieg at a point about 300 fmit soufb 0f Natober 4 Sidecoal oeil esten- ding sooitely 4,767 feet te the lot line bolmeeta LoIn I aed 2 in Concesio5anad 6in the ao srvey, arnd aofbocieingfhe tale 0f the said land to the ai otiegocmner or owe-t. AND FURTHER TARE NOT- ICE 6-iat t-be Public Servicea Cormntlee miii ai ils meeeting te bo held on Taomiloy, Miaicl 6th, 1973 at 4:30 pie. in the Coiemitter Roie, Civic Admin- istration Nuilding, 426 Brant St., Norlington, Ontario, bear in peraott, or by bis solicitor, casa- nslor ageet, aeey pet-oa mita ciairnas that lois land mill Ste pcejeadiciaily affecirl tty the By- tom anal mdo applies te Ste beard. A ccpy 0f fhe propornl Ny- lon may bo inspecled dut-mg 0f- fico bours ai the office cf Wil. hiaie K. Sites, Cierk 0f the Ce- c-pometios 0f e Tome 0f Su-- lintont, 426 Bmont St., Burlieg- ton, Ontarie. DATEiIa) eturiegaoe 6-la 76- day 0f Fehraary, 1973. Towna Clefhc, 426 Brant St., Burlington Ont. l9c44 20 AULCTION SALES PUBLIC AUCTION tNo Reset-cri MILTON LUMER YARD 139 MîSi Ne.. Miltoe. Ail Builg n t »d ixturea SATURDAY MARdi Oeil Il oie. otrnrp. We haveheetomirioned to el iit pubic astiuo thse fal- tomviet buildiegs Att buiilings eten on the coi promises for mreckieg andI mot- eriais coeaisting of: e Il trame storage aheds ma- alli; in nize aed totolisg over 30,000 sq. ft. 0if iight & betty iseiber e olao Talor- foo- soin e rny etectricat fixturea 0 fhausi fans * gos heaters O talsmirnom dont- a plambing fis- taites : pre - fab garage (modl- et-ai) 5 o 2' tinisabmi coantee e moadee ghelvieg e good used mati ýpaneliig a plate glass e iandl odeer mismîtlaneous mater iato * aiso 4 Stihl choin tome. erooging in aize a aoneet cd -coter TVa. Inspection: Fr'iday, Motels 2 1-5 pi.. TERMS: Codei mide 50% depo sitday ofeale. For fut-ther informeation contaci PEEL1HALTON AIICTION LT» 1105 Ctorksoe Road Netd S Misaissospo Auction Service Chris A. Schouten AUCTIONEER Soes et ait types. Soties ceedernerd aeywbere. AUCTION SALE 0F TRACTORS, FARM OMPLEMENTS, GARDEN AN» LAWN EQUIFMENT, OFFICE EQUIPMENT, HAN» TOOLS, TOYS AN» GAMES, MISC. ETC. At tht COUNTRY MART, 3 miles ert of Acton. right on Havy. 7. for ALFRED NEUMANN SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 24th at 1 1 ar. Johne Drere B tracter; John ANITIQUE double unit 1924 Otere A traCtai,; Jo Ottt-o A. portable niilýkiag mathine. R. tracter; 950 David Brcsen 3 apct-d 0C£M. girl's bicycile, trecter; Ford Major tiaos.rt eood 0cr. Iserds rrpairs); 3at-oe 3 ph. Office oqeipmtet incit. poils, Oliver pime; doloe dise John liesilt-, t-mord fumen bon, type- Orti ba rao Ilaleri ~ rter, dictaphone, Gtaetner Deer ha rak (fufffer) 40machinc, chairs, motel & wccei Cockhbot tracter; front teld sbotain0 a-ssramnt ai decora- blode andl heat heeser, boy ho- ctiv rat mol paels; legs fer 1er scide ejecter Sole sprayer; tables ec.: hanti tols nladvce 7' haymamcrir. 3p.h.; frontend K:os srali talsrebesair blaIr for 60-70 Jao Otere gar- gos. eleotic solei g imis, devn tracter (new); scme hlm- spray gates pipe bonder, dviii e- tor 60-70 Jo Dor- garieni bits etc.; assertmont 0f igntition troder (oiti; ailiosioble colt- parts, pointa, ceademsers ual- sialer tor gardra tracteir (net); t-buoe caps, hot annuits, t-cor blair fer gariltn trater hieèges bmass fittinga, tlectiira (ý;cuver for ceail ilump boes andl coecoer a, tort (nomi, doler seat fer 1- tc.; clectric radios; transistor 14 garilen tracter (new); Has- radios; clocha; toale laesps; pi- on Oeail mooer fat- 10-14 gaden Clamas ami frarats, hocha; al- tractor;14On9ox28 tiresalnet; botes mvifb ecords; elens ted 13 x 6 x tit-ea Inom. sif-pte- china; assomîment cd tapa, go- pelteil moi aw tmonacr; t-ml mnes, skie, train sel, cor racing poila lawnmeter; 19" Jahn set plus monyimeo eronmal Ottre pash lame mamer. i. TERMS ARE CASH. Fesiivttyenoreercs. Omoe-îa ovottetkd aendimust make rocom f or e oqoit-ment for tht Sprio0sesin Sait miii 6e htld in hetel building. Lunch avoulable. Sicliing by camber. Giver or aoctionr not rcaponeihte fer accidlento. 20h43 Aeticect: CHRIS A. SCHOUTEN, 87-2576. AUCTION SALE At the Agricultural Hall in the Fairgrounds, Milton on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 24th at 12.30 p.m. REFINIOHEO FIIRNITIIRE- 9', ateato regne; bt-osa boi; Mapin droep caïf table: 4 die- steate entine ail t-an mivit 322 ctîe chatr- pie bione beox; spoat; roulmey mater poil. Jacoeao hall trec. 2 tek sidce choit-, Viclerian toahagany co-I Eailmay tx-îte lamp mith cker; 2 bottcret ladeoiac&rb -e gloet; roîtmay cauteon chairs; ok chichra coup chair' l.îop; t-itmoy flow 1000; t-ait- pr. of- mapole choirs with courw t-aoil caoi; mailmail tetograps sct;omte rnapie aide chair rcio- alei itie ei acith e-abat inlay; 2 soitidiae [rame; von stove dont-; ht-ose hock cha-irs seith mii vcîveî roilt'oad t-ire eetingeiahtr; C. sas caeseat loddcrbc notice en tramne aigned Von chaýir, 'pit eh-air ith shapedsi.crc croat t-n uotbrctba p'ashsteat; 2 prescil hockilm;csirnovec; beer chairs; st-nle hach aide chtait-' papcr meight; matîl chols; 2 îîpholsttred occosiona choir' cil. c.rack; 2 oill 'oip; brochet t-oold piano aleei; earîy Fr-ench~ loeP, Esglisls china savieg Pt-oc seahogaoy 5 Iras-ct cheat' alec. hloc flots btl]; 2 Eetgliahi 3 drtaicr dre-sscr mith no'i-r china platts; Ceronation bosel; *l cict-oae t-lt an he iboot Carottvai glasa comepote; 2 min. hce -Itea ohît.caps and saaera; coup lurmen box;fer tale.andiltadîn. pair ht-aas canlle- ANTIQUEFS andl FURNITIfRE sticks 3 lie h-oanes ; 2 iel Victet-ioe highbhach t-oerr; se bres, hann am ticeoc - otemanail rocker; Boto r - t-cnasorbane oafa fl In, citt-; ici of 4 taldrbacb chairs; tort; and OCarmct e2 aid, pir- tCaptoins chair; cbto'hen coup a- siepticht glasata; 3 comtmodechair;- 2 ar,.m' tachecp;6ýrý;2lbt chairs: 2michcn am chairs; cthiC.ri odviorîa;s ha 3 prevat-lhbaCk chairs; 2bh k rli.gedctal'sa vo-ine msec, botules ec.. ora' andl pirc choit-s with planh acata; ophelateedliadderhach APPLIANCES ETC. - Mailla- l chair; oah ocoaieolchair; Vi- -y 4boumer22'tictric steo -ctct-iae heotomi choi-; 8et- 10 thte Oms%; Polaroïd Smingec cthech oi chairs of oarioes typ- cartt-a; 2 sets Ticeo caeh- ta; large pire htanhtt bon; seare, 3 pr. t-tlbroglosi drapes. omnai pine hianthet box; sttamn- thte nm; 4 smatI ht-eadillet er tru k; pimitivet-lal hif- rus; 2carving sets; 4 Gura filîcîce; boy heilfe. ce tenga; keivea; rnrdiciee cabiet; spico braeas top herse harea; bo-se capheard; ehildas cor at-at; 2 collet-; 2 herse ht-acas 2 brase motehes; o quaeîîey 0f 6-6-rn att-Osa sîtapa; 2 130e brasa btlls; and hiieheeîctnia. Hait Boot-i or actvoncot- et responsibo toc accidents saie doy. TERMS CASH Fceviem 10.30 Soit Momnieg. Lunch Avaitobte. Mat-g. Sroseeridgt WARO NROWNRIDGE, Aettioeeier Joch Lamsen. Clocha Phoee 8794730 f 2k43 Pire alarme anil louas la Aili aeil dlatrict tecreaseil lghiynl 1972, Milaen Fire Chiet A.E. Oeiee reparla la bla report un 6-e activities of the Mlilton Fiee Deportaieni foc the Chiet Oemeet recomminenda the fire oras miemettee part-hase on ogrial lediler truck ibla year. He ulo rges the hirlag f ethtlee lulîtone lirelighteee, oeil purchaeeof 40 feet of laed weat af lte Maie St. lire hall toc extesiee aI t11e parking aires. At presiet Chief Clement la the eely 20 AUCTION SALES Ward Brownridge Liteeised Aoessioee Fare - I ivestoch Fericatuer Sales Phono 878-6730 Apps'eiak - AR Types AUCTION To scit hy oeciioe, a Blue 1965 Meteor Convertible Omoiet by TMr. Smith, wils the ateourtof $500. omiag, wiii bo osectioeied off ai Il otcck an ON 'MARCH 3rd, 1973, AT BONI N'S ESSO 5 Main Si., Milice, Ont. 20c43 Oversize sewer Board c towfl re Tht w01er odvîsery bot-rd et Haltoe Regîoe Coeservatien Aotherîty ret-omieei l wemk 6-at the tern et Miltoe 6e ablord le eversîce a etone semer onSteeles Ave. as the tcwn hoil reqursîril. However a cambor et prvcioee were attocdtobi Oche iard's recommeedaioe. The permsion as groisteil provideil t ebe uscdnil et-m ebamneblieeio ta ougienei oeil set-ocilt, proviloi ne gailg or ooelameory cert-b a e seconil f os th6e er6-rt es quadrant Caedertakea. Members eeote 16e stipuilation e oecernîeg g roiliegt andi pt-ehnmt-p ce- oi tboth rast quadranet mas emesese te preveet evee Iarther a Cros et ilcemeag lacilitien. Mebr oteil in trhe reseIltie 6-at the net-ap woadlie h aileate pt-oviiag the ares eer6t oflgb cay 401 remamne agrictoal, bol onre eenlag changes mere fuIl-lace ieae on the farte. lsere wrnee 136 tire as paea, ap lon er 1971. fassi Oetîe $157,725, an laccease of $3.931 avec 6t previoes yerc Serves airt-a Milice biadt 54 fit-c colls and $45,400infsses. The brigade aise srves laed in four eeigbo-ieg mneicipalities. fitare mere 3 cala te Nurlingteeoei an03,550 la Icses; 22 ails O Ookville andI $29.200 in lesses; 15 calas te Eoqoeig oeil $77,000 le leeses; aed 22 ctoila 55 Nasagarneya aed $2,325 la lesees. Lot-gest single fie lest in Mitoe oas 0the Aahrey Richardes apoctieie drneleg on Mat-tin Si., o $30,000 ineurel lies. Largest i Esqaesieg mas the Joies Oeist bare et $Z00; in Oakville th1e W. L. Wlklansoe bornaio $13,000; la Nurhenglae a piet- sheltec oe conservaioe oo6-orily laed at $2.000; amdina Nasagorneya o drnelhng ornei hy Ed Coligs ait $1.000. Alarma esclaudei 16 dielnilga, tO apartment builings, 31 velacles, 26 grass oeil hesb ire, 13 bures, thcee lildslrial f irms, O sories and 45 inùncelaneos icbiiicy, molers, rabbah, f irst si, faler iaame, etc.) 69 Inspectolns Ourrng 1972, 69 bildief mere inspected by the tire chiefýýhee oparineet buildings, 10 stores, tO office builings, tour public halas, Irne botll, o jai1, ane et-boîle, e beepital oeil 37 drnellangs. Ho aed cfticere of 6-e deportmneet ahao carrei out 34 other investigatioes et gos ailere, spore heotere, elerti- moters, soke en buildingsand accidents' DSESNOPICIANS 00colist Prescriptions Filet SCovisît Levees HOUR0- HOURS- lMv Fh. i a v 5ý30 p-v Taesday, Wednesday Thvrs. 9O~ a- p & Thursday. Clased Sotard>e 9.30 arn. la 5.30 pr. 175 Lakeshere Rd. E. 70 MAIN ST. E. 845-3621 878-5151 OAKVILLE MILTON CAWLNGE We've just cut Our U prices on hs pre-owned specialsi 1969 FORD LTD 2 door kardtop, drives bow mileage by ene carefol emoor. Lic. N30644i 1972 PONTIAC VENTURA 2 dccc driven less thon 15099 miles. Lic. N010100 1972 TOYOTA 1600 2 deor ceupe milh radie. Lic. 20532 1967 METEOR il dccc mith V8 auooratic oeil doeble t-orner. Lic. S4iOîf. Only $,99800 MOO'ReM LT*u. Agaie lest yeor mehbers efthe Iseigade meilorteil an estive tire prevenOiae pregrote, bath throagb eir orn departmmOt oeil threagh the Hairen Coaety iri Preventico Bartau iiyî- lîcuseccihcldOct. 12 and 131 aI tht lit-v stalion, ttotarieg demeestratieea et tire, nharng et films aed distributioe et literatare. An mtoimateil 480 visited the ball se the twc eigbls. The brigade bad o tire preveetîoe booth aI Milice Fair and aise haeiled out tire preveetîte literaOore ie meîesrctoe wit- the Mascalar Dyetrophy tued-raisieg empaigea, te mol as conductiag 1he asa sprîgeglee-ap, Ctritmas oeil Halorneren sotety r egan, notes the report. Thte i e p onteot mas medoclail in the separate scbesls oeiy, oeil Karen f7evhen et Milice mas oee et the mioners efth6e maenty-wide competton. Coniact dills Fit preceOiee programas sere mendected ithe Maor, beeplici, eidustrires oeil 00 aed tire drilla me-e mendattein a 1c haildins pies local sckesls. Dat-mg the year 10 grosps et Scout-Guide gresps oeil oclool cloassea viitel 6-e tire hall ta rereive instruction in safety. Brigade membors aise serve in other orgaeizaies-as yrar Otîrt Cirerent mas provinrial vîce-presideet efth0e Ieter- natiol Associatioe et Fit-e Otiets, L. ordoe Ert-ot mas lirsO vice-prmîideO t 1f1te Oetario Firetîgbters Association, Lt. Gleen Stuiecer waa cbolrmae et HelOos Fire lmentioln Bureau, Firetlgbter Carl May mes tIraI vire-preideet et HanhersCrelit District Ficefigbters' Asse- lotion, and Copi. V. Coahson mas a dit--toc ot the Onltaio i o.. fighlcrs Association. Iwo members, Ivon Clarridge ted onald Toltla, rteîevel of la set-vice modal ter 30 t-ours eo service. Service truceks Firefîgbters apeet mesy heurs paintingoeil cleoerng the foll aend the Irno curetabers speet 186 fours cleoelag oeil servcmng the tire trot-bs lest yera, 6e eaid. Monhars efth6e deparOment tralard tor trno la 6-rer beurs, meo eighla each ne6an oeildu oe general meeting ra-l menth esiler the diecttion et Deput- Cbiet George Eaedy. The- troînoil in ldera, pateps, hydraabics, ventilation oeil lirai aid. Mca. V. Connon, the iîspotcher, arteil the deportmeet 136 tones toc tires os wel as testief oil atornatic alarma in idustries anil testief the tire alerbong systees each orek Sheloadees typngfothe tire chiot. Cbîet Clomeni repocteil atteeding 97 meetings en the post t-r pIes a tour-day training maurte oeil a leur-day Coneeoer et tire curIs Jast tOfre ceigbtera sere ajocei duresg their datien anil both wtt-e meser injaries. Tite brigade's nese tank truack shatili 6e reaily te, go inte service iabeo te rnonthn, 6e mencluded. >kays ~quest mntrempltel 6-e-e the drainage systeo seould have la 6ie t-e- tesesei Redore fleow Tht seock tht tern cetmlated seoulil tee mater die-t rem a krescheoftheo16 Mile Ct-mb 6-00 cern fletes dern tbreagb eorth Oahcîlle. The diversion wcouldi eutca off but weall relace 1he flem in tha remb. HRICA manager Murray Stephee . reporteil 6e hail teelactel résideetsa oeg the oras et the t-kt-m I rnoud 6ie otlertel oeil cotein aIl cases i oppeacel ne tee depened on the airody fleow efthe ct-mb ami the mar flew meal help selve o seasocal foodmg prehlem, they raperîrere. Oral the big oev brn Aisete Dive geereuay la the Heari Faed. 1 1 ý à à 1 1 1 40