A Blizzard of Bargains Drifts Through the Classified Ads BIRTHS j CARDS OF THANKS COMING EVENTS CL S IID R T S5 VEHICL ES FOR SALE 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE 5S SNOWMOBILES 8-LULS,'KENS -Mrt und Mre Sc', thtik, wtued,c -d , L-,on - At-e1iIr BSt FORt Renet Kieustkentt oel 285 Otttal- neieg'tbort' for cards alndl t',etv go.,,cTcec. 8 e- Lt Teeptie The Canediala 191 Main St.ltt '" itt St. N., Apt. 405, aeplcttvcd 'ducet ringy stay it Mitonet ost- gittt Hall. c387-tf i 878-2341 Chetplnn Miln, Oneio Iii.a il, jus ntgttat ogavtlneded.i7 t0 ettttttttte the birth tof their pilai. Spectai thanks t Dr. Mac-e8o.nun.oetto taagn andtecetns gasW if4. 3478.d 8485- dattghter, Je Anene, wnigh 7, Kay, Dr-. Kolovski, nurses and P. L. Robertsont Ettptttyeesv 94TS D&&TQý. MARA/.FRCOIGa1e4JE,378 S345t Ibhs., 2Vi ont., at Milton Distr'ict stotgf for theit- cet-e. Cr dit Uiontt Dietter and Dance FO AE O nale nec -s oIL5 m,,m h,,g, tt, 15 vet 7ý(1973 SKI-ttOO '400 Frete Aie' Hospital on Fdhtvtaey 9, 1973. c42-4322 Saanety 348v. vcili be 'ieldt Satut-day. Feb. 24, - . etccte -ccvose I .... Il ..c.ecet.g. ue o nl ope fhus îaliCubRonta. Steeles Ave. Sttp- -t'11,2 m..etnen h,,g, f-t 15 t, , 6,p,,,th..f,, o 150nw Btofe 8- MARTINEIJLO - Mr. eand 4Ts. I woId ikte, St hatek aIl my per 8.45 p.m. Ticket, frontm ex BO ttc EIReU> tce.ct ffI,ý etet dti .. ,SIIS S45. o B Sefe-85 John.Martttelo of 377 Broe- farnily uftieetds and eeigtleet-eectttives or It-ieds. relatives & CONOEVENIeott teRD OF 'cHANc --tatt, CLAIM0 1-1..TSý l. seaySt.ae pleased to aeaece for-a,l the loveyoe-sca6 mees. $4.00 peten. Ne t I f.tttt, thees ..] - 00e ttt etc ,, the hirth ol theit- dauteet, tee- gi10 eett acte of kiedev tickets availahe alter Feb. 19. tN tnOntco- $1.5.tc tt- 10,, ev- tc tvoctdi .c.t 1t L E S S 0C) BUS- OPPORTUNITIES igltt7 lbs., 2 os. atMilton Dis- satownt te me vottce Ttoronto. c42-4269 ~~ teict Hospital on Fht-arty fil Genet-ai Hoepital. Special 160 Plenoeteatct teAni DEADLINE US 12 NOON TUESDAY ON A MVN e e-oebvn 1973. A sistet- feor Joanna. Mat-ia k, te Dt-. Palmer, Dr. Legate, v Plnom ec atend the Mtltee cctsvtt-et andc,.v eau,.g esbust aee ett ct annd l uss n tf fUivriycsr ine fteMloPeut. IPAY A SAE- $.0ý I=Ich l o ae PV ies D ,RoN C e adR- ic-t ry Meub Joh Gest speaker voit1 DEADLINE THIS CLASSIFICATION - S P.M. MONDAY.'&H.Fo pinmtcal8- naof 155 Detat-io St. am Mcs Nelson Bosield.Fse-M.Ce ____________________ cOAI at-c pleaseel te atteounve 4373ada". Tecaay, Fc'h. 27, 1973, 6.45 -MI OV tinh 'U f tupetn, ut Milten District High e, e. GROCERY stefo sale o btt-th of theit- deugstet-, Kitel- Scheeî Caecteria Tickets avait- VrI,!~jIg,-ent For moret informaone ct-IyAne weigt tllbs., 8os., T'hanks vo mueh te ait tty chIc Icee Retary meonbc-sand CFOR SALE 31 ANIMALS BOARDEO 5'phtec Jett C,,sci 87&35161. Je's WeedaeTI7 Milto Ditrc Hospit onade Ckatptc toi'bor an frenio W 1st C A R Gecal Store, 176 Mattn SI.,Mil- 0 tol ath1e friends ted reeatives fi I 44 WE1)DING dress, hcautiful MODEliN D1SY STABLING o.6c'48 POLN. -Mu~a-e td 'ot- ot fosete. itet nt-e tv' Miton Sentit- Cities' tncct- l rtttngoec st le, -tc 12-14 voitb CARE Our G.W. Wart-anty includod on Ail Models iaee (nee Olterdkll of 35 sits. Thatats soa ek, teo, tuOn We0W cPe. 21,ait 730 P'te lacc tcatn. Wil sel] rcoeabic Fort6 httses, poecetc Etonte St. at-e pteased te, te- the tnurses ted stadf on <loot- 2. nthe kc mo,, Presbvtccian 1879.3438 Ctie t5- p.-o lc2'4377 R'atettabictrates. 190L ASSOT7 WANTED not 6ete bith of theit- da- Yat weee al wonedeetutl. This [Chch Hiait. The Chetteenet- k 90L M N PR gktet-, Anissa Lyte, teeight 6 tees mny third vsit and each i lcs nd the ltten Ceenty Jtttt' HARDWOOD ted seftwood, Call 878-3478 t tttcliivl bloc ctttleptctts a black ,etct,,tctnd hcckct seats. TO SUT, . ct7cttct', adze. lits., 12 oct., et Milton Distrct one gels hette-. We cala sucety ite, Farmvcys w favot- wttkse,îthlle, or s legs. Geed pt- Eqtcppect ,ttth 350 V-8, poet ',tcccttg, poer, dtse hcakcv '... 878'2834 eutet'c 5, 854- Hospitlon________1_1,_173._ b pcotd oif orhopital. A etusical neteteece. Picae, bciou ces. Appt3 Etsveed McKiben,,3c, adrioOuv2,0oignlnle.L.N37. '86ft 57c-40 TAZIAR - Tony andl Jud'y (t- spatial tha t ou to De. Kes- bev Cae tue trip t ea Scte ck R t, Resetent. 519-925-5381.1 Thomoaisn) at-e podto an, I5i also ta Ren. Mr. Hainer Batthcr Shup Quartettc e in Cc te IC44279 ________ 1970 CAMARO IIERTA SCrtcy pttevoioe noune the sale-rovl d nhi o i isite. Siacerety, 'cer. All evet- 60 ycacv ef age LADIES' Skt Dot ttshtee su- 4 IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE t ,et-,h.cî ttt ctett' yctte tcith black tieyi tep ,vod voCtckiog prcc pCtd fet- 'eed qait 878- Al oe- 4 ttet-e24391 Helen Stark. teelcoetn c42-4369 !,-,tc_',,ietui Equipîtcd attO ,350 V-8 eginc, aeteoatic 9ffl et' 878-3362. 7c4t'430 draugete-, Atil E'laine, 816e., 13 ______ lt, izc mecdiume. tieLieve ha tettee.eccttcscde e eae ne C REOdeltcml oas., on Fehetaey 11, 1973, et b arae hoehg hi,1FR Ntati n odr -rnyaalbe i.N00 Joseph Bt-tnt Mennot-ici fospit- -_____oth______and_______nre Mito o o Maintnanc jtt ao- l] t-cty geed cendttioae. -outt 818-4147. 4c42-4396: SELLING NOW AT S2,775. c-rrievt. 878-2430. 7c42-4370 ai. A eeesstee tor Revn. tk Matenanc Setoff o t- the re FO SAE bChe. 878-2637. lc42'439S1 gt-andchid lot- Joe ted Mat-j- roSho o h Dev ith' 1 tRiSAL et-ic Taciar. Secondl gt-andckild te, expess e mont kncee - _ CIL tep qeatity paitt tocre Afe 1970 PLYMOUTH SPORT FURY 111 -RIDE ut Torotote Meeday te lot Mtcic te Jen Calsn.thanke tottl teeqepesnseWho ttOOVER voCvkcc, spinedtyec. aplce ocire. S,, our dc e- yvIflir n vaIV Ecatpped vetth the 440 GlT packtge pies pottcc stc'cttog poerc Ft-,dae te a,tc, aci 8.30 ac., Snend gcoat gceat g-andohilnt helped mte the Aoction Sale 59 78-2738 tc42-t57 ttog cetre lcntacing hettdtedt ht-akes, atottac tt-ransitsin, racdio andl 4 ne tiese. taeeg Trcnteoeet 5 p.m. 854- toc Mes. Jeames Witds, Acton, a gceat etacevot We thank tkese 'etJo coittcs Ct CepciCod Lmeetet, 1 Otigtnal pCiet. Liec N5087. :2198. 7c42-4339 Ont. peveene sho doeated keusekntid WASING moachtne, Pay 700 Main' St. E., Mton.et ic2646-tt p ci PRICED lTu SLLL AT $2,575. it - te M-te te1- and otket- itemts; those oho gave teasho-/spin dcycc. $95. 878-9349. 1RD rn itnt 0Sd et theit- time tnd effort and 5-424378' VOU WILL LIRE heeteî Tee- I 1973 34F 300 Skt Whtez $795. 1970 CADILLAC SEDAN DE VILLE -ttad acd Mttt'at Ttown' Lie, thoeo el'pe in tO7t WESINGOUS bupc 6 ilding eteriats andl ceut at 1 973 MiF 440 Skt Whi,,0 tI.o ie i nctaditg tectety air ,ctndtteteg. A prcstige eue w4tk 2198. 7ct, C 3 l.42- ENGAGEMENTS 43Neapenat ec tedsecINO cun et 87- Craevords, Cvopbclteiitc. Qaick 1,E 2 nt hvvt.54 a lots ttlcegc. Ltc. N20500.LD eecicen td ta. etdT prcat ornd tv, cniin t7-1c'vice. figh quaity. Phoe KE7"su lwl,$85LD uneipit4md ---- genecoeity. Tkaek you tgttn. 9852.1444 Cetb-lit 894-72321 ci-l Mltvv- e- p-uc- 1970 CADILLAC FLEETWOOD BROUGHAM avo etac'd c'hai' scats, et pay 'Mr. ted Mcs. EImer (Shety) c424372 l,244 apelil 46tf1M 3894 u. mnr ped Wiidlang, 3533 ýDot-ty Read E., FREEZER. unciglu Viking., ,jUMBERED tickct et fo a 2 USES hatll, satts, $40 & ap Le.tdcd ,vtth l,,ec,, Ic, tac, we de't e-cd to evt,,tw ,'i. -O vttat:astvat ______________ sctta-none ey lat-ge, ,,ctlient conditton, 1dates, cn sdet ofi te 1,000, on 1 ,t,,cn lwe,$10 cpt at ecetblt, ecoetthiscar, butdoctct.,btt- app adpats eded. Minisaug, ote anoac $115. 878-2781. 1,424340 eo eicte parlcr enîy UDsncblv,.l3.Lt,. 683903. 05v a cc 78823 the enggenof etheit- daegh- MMN CCCtJTS II A - ,,, y, TchY 1, t E iNt-', tIte ce0 buts. ma- c4'4 to, Tanis Gay, te Mc. Alan Gerge Fese, sen et Me. Mat-y Fete,5138 Tenoaine Rd, But- titoln 'Mc. Ethel Pcsniak. 43 Ste- ton St., Mtoln, is pteased to ano ethe engagemenet et hot- daeghtet-. Pat-it Carol- yne (Palsyl 10 Mr. Cyil WYe- iffe tsaey, son et Mc. and Mes. Water lvany of Wtedeev. Nete- toendlend. The veddieg vit take place on Satocday, Matcht 31, 1973. aI 4 pet.,n Otane Anglican Chut-eh, Ilon. b COMINO MARRIAGES DREW- STEIN -M. and Mrs. Cyti teincutofR..3, Camp- helville, vith te onnotence the [etthcmigtariage of heie deoghter, Wesdy Cliae, te Mt.1 Robert Richar'd Doe,yen ofi Mt. and Mt-vGuicn Dccwofe R.R 3, Caetphelitvttt. Weddin te tahe place t Lntselie Unit- ed Chrch in oeville, Apit 21, 1973, t 48 eetoek. MARRIAGES WATSON - BCAGDEN - Oe Ft-day, Fbruaaty 9.1973, Jean Btagdeo lhtartt. ibt-tde, vos anted itneatriage tn Getorge R. Wasot, Mi8gt-ve. Re. cd DEATHS SCRATCH, Eilcen - At Guiîd- nord Vtllia, Satb-oet, on Sonday, e'OnatitIl. 1973, Etteen Harrison,. hevcd vile of f.. SrtctttfIToonto; der etethet- ot KRhinet Ilrs. James H. CetIheTioh Pinte Clare,ue.t sster coh redo B. (Mr. Havold Botdy) af MiE- tut; also toed y tht-en gand- chitdren. Funea service as held on Tecsduy t the MoLet-ie Fun- ct-at Hoet InteTnett Evet-- green Cemnetety. WATSON, Chatles Leenard - At St. Joseph'e Hospital, fia- uitn n Thursday. Fehttauty 8. 1973, Chat4es Leenrd Wat- son, ie hie 83rd yea, heved hooheand ut Catherioe Giiesoue; deac father of Mc. otis Allen aorCutgey. BC, -Ms. Jean Et-- chen oftVancouver ad Jam- e oifHaitoln ; heethet- At Vc- toc ai Eden Milleaed Rubect, Atlt'ed, E-mil5 and Ethel, doen 'Punet-al setvice teas heid on Sittntday t the ýMcRKecsb Forn ctai Home. Inleescent St. D- tid'v CeetetecY, Cumpheilvilie. IN MEMORIANIS PERROn - In ievtng oenorY o u dear hudtand. Harold Pcrtt, Whopasdtoeay F oece ,14 1972. Ncer rnot-e han a thought Duel eflt ntemhiet-d every dnY. Coettglp reneneed hy 66e tile aed taettly. c4243451 thee adveetienes aee having great suceos oitlt Ctampion -1-..- W94V MOT YOIJPl Rnotx Chut-eh Annoal Shant rock Bazaatand Tea' Sa ttday ,Marde 17, 2 tu 4.30' e42-43411 Liens Bingoe eety Thut-sday. Mtlton High Seheel. sîacttng ut1 7.30 pet. 2 Jackpots. c4035-tf Btngo gantes eveey Monday at 8 p.. 500.00 Jackpot. Hoty Retavy ParisO Hait, Milton. ct8-2665tf Bey ScotsoetMltton cnentk' ly paper dt-ive, Satueday, Feh. 24. Pleave 'have papers ott y 9 o..c43-4307 Euehvc, Boync Cneommnit Centre. Pcidty. 044. 145, 1973, 8.30 pot Adetisston SIc. Ladies pcovide. c42-3905 Milton Ce-Dp Nutrtschcvýoil bake sale. Sut., Pcb. 24, stact- ing 9.30n.., utDeominion Hue- dvoat-t(coret-oelMatn & Mac- tin).c43-434 Ci rcle yoet- calendCr toc Set- etdav. MavoS 10, ehcvMiton Ftgeure Skattng Cluhbvoili pt- sent theit- ceeue "Uedec the Big Top'c43-4260 Halten Chapîe DES. ehce. Uttion Hall, Pine St., Miton, Saterduy. Feh. 17. et ý8.15 pot. Adetission 75c. Oood pciavo. Lunch pcevided. c42-4257 Turkcy and Haet Shoot, Gn- elph Rod and Don Cluhb,8-don MtlIs, Sondoy, Poe 18, LOO p. Tcophy fet- high scnce. Pcvcder OtaPI Relay toc 16e ladies. bt42-4335 Haltatt Centettniet Munet-Aa xility sptnh azaar and tea -tii 'e heid Wednesday, 'May 9, t pet. te 5 p.m., te Pettit CHlESTERFIELD, Scoten and goid, in gend ceeditien, $50878- 9566 att- 4 pmt 1,424390 Chamtpiott, 191 Maie St. Miten.!n evspvcadcc, $475. ic23-42 t -'- f Milton Equipnm nt 190 ARLBERG voeeden skieU1tLARGE gtesss pt-tt, etCa- votth ied-tttgv. and siee 9 hechît adian Champion, staffi phetos. bocuts. $25. 8783618. 14243'16 1 o 7 ice $I.25, 8 s 10 ,tee $243, pIes tee Ce vOvmust acceopaey MAPLE iteveed, plit & de- nde.Etqit-ete utaiChamp- liveced. $20 single cet'deteasut-- ion office, t91 Main St., Mltete. tel 16" s 4' xe8t. 8789360. c7tt 135-f HASTI - NOTES tnxlui ADDING MACHINES, typle ariy sktches CtaI $1.00tas nc ttritct-v fe, sieor et-tttal. 'tttclAalaktce at Tht Canadan Phette 878-62. fiat-is Statitt- Champiett, 191 Maie St., Mtotn. ccy. c4l710 Il ot-dci-cg by otatt. pîca-scadd1 1ctuecoe c pstage. cl9-f FIREPLACE WOOD 1c 14 FOR SALE IDEAL latt oetat-cr ttdec; Detttct-ed tdcai tatet back appet-. bcd pat ,cdt 10 secoctnd hatd Caîl 854-23308 'eeocre. A-i.;350tId etotect-st td-f b-ceeetud, 25 tat-tets stel han- tdl-s.5003patîs. ait sieee;t75 set, opittet geatsaît stzet,400 CHAIN SAW RENTALS tytace ,tht-s. ail stees. Stlitg lut Phone, 877-3270, 16 Vctet-ia INGLE - FORD Atc, Gergettowcn. lc42-4383i EQUIPMENT SALES LTD. GEORGETOWNot. 877-5289 1,42 RU BYtS TROPICAL and EXOTIC FISH Open 8 uet. 9 pet teekdays I p.m. 6 p.mn. Sendays 5MILTON HEIGHTS CRS lc,,m Hitîtn Board ut Edttctt,'ctbilding at MILTON HEIGHTS 2 PRIOUCE FOR SALE STRAW fer .cle. 87"-550. 2v4O422 BALES ohet etra,av. gd codteo, 878-2101. 2c43-4224 COB ct,n.at,t1,400hatvs hae. gcd qualit, o. t ain. 878- 3787, 2c42-4294 400 BACES 2ed cot l faife tias W Snsdet. Maffat. 854- 9878. 2,044362 TOP qt.tltohated hay and maltltqcatci,epcehct'- cd. als is,,Ityotd. W,11 dctvv 827-1948. 2,4243-1h C.ompa~ny Limited 1970 GMC 1/2 TON PICK-UP Tttstt'ck etds pattattd atht-eagbctcuttep.Eqipotent tclacicv V8 ted auotict. Lic. 64888. 9 HELP WANTED 1 ~NOW ONLT Si,6753 -1969 CHRYSLER NEWPORT 2 Door Hardtop LADY tet- tîght houevootk. I 3163 Stvtvs Ave.', Mlt, Ont. A sharp St-rt,,, Lo tit ct cetcotmbtnes Sattaulty otth a beck da.V a 8c4 78 2437 9 878-2121 - 878-2122 ttttytvocof atid e, tctttgtttet l. his s tveeoti.cleen, 249 4h42 ttcattt to'-t ca -tvhat 361 V8a' teoaticttransmoission, RELIABLE hb.eepcvpt t pcttct-stc-,,t tt attdIpctt,-bctkes' Lt,. N4237. lokater C svhtac chttdt-ett e THIS 008-FR$1.983. I prce-cheertt- le i n t. 878- 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE 1969 DATSUN 2 DOOR SEDAN 12078,4432 A tgtttticoctftnih ctttasts etth tht hlack tctecioretnhie eut-. tIE(HANIC for seteli let et 1971DATUN 14.eccittte at,,e, uttthov ettlag adadioe. occonrytek, CassA icecnseod s- 191DTU 10,iefne atd -n,t ttsttseticI bc curs. Lt,. N4710. aryail henetitîs.Phone 1i4l6- 4c7r. CliJhn 4e P1 -:S CONOMY PILE $1.173, 239-2991. 8b334559 44 70 - 5ci4365EXPERIENZCED he,,vttvt i1972 CORTINA, txceletcet- , 1969 CADILLAC SEDAN DeVILLE ,t pcttcAp3AtSC dttîtet.$1,85,tr 'ctt ettct- 878- uicctcppcc e- ttith ,aurquoie-cvîtet- eetvth otatclting ter- ,sots HfieStylst, 14 Marttt 3340. 5,42-4367 qttctse itît ittt tni hlack ttcît tep. Thttsprestige catr St.,Milttet 6-42-1481 t',tlets ctorcttstttctttvchtce.Bas it viîh cenftdene.1 19 VOLRSWA0IIFiicscexcet Lt, Ne. 368614. $3,995. PULL IME gat-denert- t cotiont,rtadio atd gas hcec1 stat'Apt-tt . 1973, geedtoppne- Trte ctsit 878984. 5c424392 1970 FORD CUSTOM 100 1/2 TON PICK-UP tuntts[ortt- c,t-d fCrert. Oak- 196,3 PONTIAL, 6 ct-. v,t 3360V8,tiat t dat, .suspetston, 750116"lt' thccts Juttee-Westvleî,Laiccivet t Pttopvtts cati go,,,l t'tttttg cttdttceo , nttî Cast nttttrs> hrue fo n t antt ett t-bt- ete s, 38.730 mi- 84-8015. _ ___ _ 8c4-4316 I cfid,1 wett, ccat Mest le, sc ,1,torditi..eiL Ntt 64450V. 2 TRULK dt-tevt-; pat-t tvoc h,,vet te 'tv heli,,vd Caltii-etbusadrivter;packct'cpcratec te, 4 Ptm,'9782687. T424317 THREE 1970 FORD CUSTOM 1001/2 TON PICKUPS tatît bc- tatoed at Pet-t Et-vo ittý)V-8 Hc.,ttut, îct't70tstx'ttt6" t Cht-meftotct,',tgt'ace.voretsî LathMu- 1967 8-1EV. hatlttee pckaup, adtedta, hvtîte. Excellcnt contioîtn. sîhtto.n8-. toLd_8789375, ROR tetrgvbos, hc.tv,dts 3 ap,-vie ,249 supe ton vvtetecd Oclttd ft 1970 CORONET 4 DOOR SEDAN 3,avpeti. 8.439 restîc,% te igine, tb 878-2603ai .L',ppct' tbt,,.,,',,t,,' ttt h tcg tittlitntet'tuc Equtpped - MUDIATE ttpcttog tee c-t- 0 7pvo. 8 763 af ce,îtt,,o.tctI38 V8, ttdio, poiet'tstecet-tg, 4 ntice,o.,ltvid tursery, sohuettea- un"irg ,,,tttt..tFutttv ,fevctt cckcd.Lic v tteoe ot.'pt Ne 4341 1u43ttt'tttg, gtsttg qualitficattitns Ne 219. 1>95,t e eett s, 10 The Geet-ge- USED CARS 198JVLN5 ottn ertatd, 72 Mat, St. S, LwoPrtts \lî,,k ttettttpttrdiltttdttntelc.,,ttthtttnotf.l 360c,t'ogttotte.Bx IL 8c424337 CACC A V88 vert,, .tttot tii. pove etcring.ttradi,. alte ehee. 38-PENDABLE pen sice 878-4040 A rvatiloekc- i, N9353e ve ortkttîthttut servision. 5c t OCALING NOW AT St3155Eat't$14.400tintatcac pu, Ou- D1IL 968 BUICK LeSABRE CUSTOM 2 DO ceTP u ea,,,Lttttd aut.tec ENTAL - tttng 1-u-tcchtahc,ttîtettîcltett%%,bite wttttires.Ottiy tceonPt-ct SothtetetttPet- RENTAL 43,7011 til-îc à.INi L97510, St 993 t'olaoe. Bey789, Ct.Wotrth, J SOARIUIS ed SPPL7ccet oos datto Acto Musr,Sev.1, b,,Pc Cetal OntarioOld TvntcPid-21,t, voletoth oA,tc,ce HALoNn..,tctt dlos Asoc. Vaetines Dante e 7 ht, cuN8385 Fctday, Feb 16 8.38 prn. Holy l\T24557-t1 T O Y O T A I t X.3744,c Revnry Hall.,8-mra StGeelph V T W R W 2,NRHO 0 E Mettbeecehtps avetei it t A eelAPEttctlt-cfa fe, Mact-t HY7,NRH0 0 ,- cone.c42-4314 '3'58-erontenatI keght lu -e-c,,h. Ceucttd antd Spt Pceh 8846 2-91 1969 CA dm1 ail chaeoel 8-HF hed ic-. httece and pultatcs, Tou 7-46.2623 ctt c'c,l, t î,I J. M. Dcnyev Hoet & Sehoel ittetaled, $82,50. escltcIo Satuvday 9 amC-v 6 St-Ild , Asso. meetingon et F419 1973 40' ont- utet-ali height inclu- p.vo Snda 1pe. -6 pnt Ciectttpc t t 8 pet. GOeet speaker tefl b6e naI,, ecSanneeîVHP head, cicl tttdaee Rcs Baugivd878-UeOrCne Mot-guct Mot-csen. Cendcc o tetittUs7.4. 3Ou2r-328Co SOWOBLE Patenty Aneeptnouv in Canada. ntle,765. 65 24-89 SSNWOIE Hope everyonctetl carne. 50'Iocceroet-aii height leclo 11 c,424348 ding ait charnoi VHP hend,197AAA34hpsct 1aW ,nvtaiid, $915. 3 ANMALS FO SALE 1972- eA rnct,'38 La Nit Ott IW D Mtoîn District Hospital Au tale, 9.0. 3AItt FRSAE -er.6,39 3077 l reS,232 IE,1 tîtars- annuai meeting e' PvEtra hcads Ilfut-setcnd TV 2 IS ecgcg6 O e 17 3 iMT R a Pe. 14 ciuvyt-eeetMilîvten0,112 Inet tti,-d $2404 tn 59367. 5S42433 & M tict Hospital. Dessert and ol - . ntlld$0.0 7-4782 ,,,nittig,. 3,42-4342 t,)718 p.c TO , SKI Cap-s 88 Man -ee. 630 p.m eteetng 10 foi- FM. slece hcad. Ineieimnd B-ACK Lthtttty ctipd3tion, tIlct 832882Main61St. vo Nt eeelec tcctc4- 2143. i.tu cvtnt e, 8784731. c4-22UHF head. ttstaitcd 3993 3c42-4381 Cittoa preesetsPink Floyd at C ntbttatiton ,utuc hcad. 8-HP PMNSh'htd ao )SVM BILE MapeS l, 1973d, 83pe.Stoitatel ndUHF. it,tattcd $8493 etk.$15 ,, 878-39494 att,,5 CLEARANCE MrhH193 80p.n ii- At.eatc trtot-r. Intled 1p rn 9k424375v et Milton Ttavet Servce, J 41 1 POEE tgotd hetvc.kitîce,, 1973POLARS 2504c.Coltde- Matti. S., Miton, Ont, 878- 14 pueewehte and I grec 878-' vo nstae 2886. b434350 COCOR COMBINATION 3798, 3424343 1 PLA STXd o nsr Bue Teurt teGrand OIe Opcy 40' It-. ,oset-ali hetghl ode- 0h08- BOUS ahle & uhitc r Nashvile,Tenn. Leae Thurs, dtg cminatin ciuchua, l,tt,,t,,,et,2 seat-,s. es- A-pc. 19 tetncns Mon. Apr. 23. 8-HP and UHV and automatiatraitie-d 87-9852. 3c424346' 1973 POtLSOIS Clt SS340 dc 2 ghts' tccoemodationsn Cea- rtort-. nstlid, $205. osrt.c * . miTrnt.$2 e er EIT-EiRYoD5black votttat- to tdSOIc.T ppts. itouattcd. C. Teuvel Seirsscee 14 Mattin St., Repntcv ot ail types. aIe-,de,,rncd. $100 ach 878' Te R crs0 Mlophoe 8 782W6. h444376 25088 ýi47 Milton and Dist-ittfotticoît- RICHARDSON'S PLPPY sait, pue c hed eitia l eaiSotietyteilî hold their e F4- t- Peedieatd Schnauzers, Ed eat-pî9hemeeting in USW., Rado &TV 'Lot Ccecoo et. Reaten- ' E ge Martin St-eetOtest speaere, 201 Main Street Ratav bthe. 8784517. Yc3 6- r oPlarieDeletr JACK RI Burkhe McNel. Stbject, Peun- MLO --19Mngmr ae itn itsg Tttose intetesteel in bus MITO - Sotte vsuc eflp Wented r8MngeeyLnMlo.Ch- trip 10 DRKedtc Cntre, peasc Phone 878-6949 preae S ailing 878-2341,1 8784212 ht-nt mnoev. e4243M , totlChaeninerlasçitipAs. I3se82 ONTARIO ST. S. ERNATIONAL TRAVEL ALL et- t.tvot ît,,,pottatiet, Cqetppcd eeith, EXPERIENCED rOFADY TO CAMFPU95. Key Punch Operator Reqetceal lue lecali ndustry. .DILLAC SEDAN deVILLE P.ecictet aacy cecI etetkisg A - Lt,. Nu. 59024 Appty te. nient GMAC Timo Payment Plan North American Rockweîî of Canada 1* Limiîed ~1NMiltott, Ont. tW tn uu~MO. C. TOPPINO 878-2395 MILTON 878-2355 8c4l CHI HEV. - CONSTRUCTION INýDUSTRY ced gcAtdtcephoe vanet, teescih- star tvteru m transportat- CAN*,I* CHAMPION MILTON 8042 TRUCK DRIVER foszFotrLocal Fat-vol'ivetiet VR@ ITBath hag avd bulk edand lt-toge hevc'ittvand heiidosn. Apitcavt tmust bc ,ntct-ested IARDŽUN inetav ppy O' DS. LTD. TOP NOTCH FEEDS LTD. MI! TON 878 ,lOq Maifat, Ont., 416-854-2242. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.~!. . J t t, " c.. -t g rcm m 7. R lý 21ai 1