Thse Champion, tailtos, Ont., Wed., Feiruary 14, 1973 TISE MtJTr SHOW, a reglor fraiirer ftise Snow Feslival, han kidu al aven town peening tieir poochea fanrltse offir, Two entries ln tise nuning lisa tunday ane Kanen, laitamd Kufisy McLaugllin ailtisein dogs Jurieamd Rex, Wile tise tanis risusis lie dogs, whisici are isntier and sister, thir frieodly fehate Tiger sitsaotdie moufte utoterested inistis happentngiseloan, (Photoisy J. Jeooings) Win snow sculpture .... iCMtlnued frMm Page 1) snoamoie at 233 Rverpiace Cres. Second prize went ta the Tise Bissonnette family, 218 -Chanie Brown in a Car" Etmwood Cresc., for "Tise Castie 'scuue of sisters Gail and Wall," certainly the largest euthy Crat o sculpture entered; Kat aroll Dr of y 364r a Mr. and Mrs. George Baird oant clsMou n d anises fr.ise scîe a faxity, 27 Sydney St., for a "Milt aere judged, but should have won tise oSnnwan"ge onefiofise tise 'JEfor Effort" nr*etan, face Mrraylagemond of noan Thea' motiser Mrs. ,tol Car'oll Gaeb hMs pur n "Therr divotged a ltdtle secret when TheeaWe hiteWho scaîptr117 "Te Champion catted ta tell the girls GetWieWsl"a 1 n they iad non second prize-fise Bvd; Betis Barr, misa desigoed a sosters had done their nculphure est ready to posnce on a mose at on Tiursdlay ist Friday rigit lr home, 256 Hestop RSd.;tise cuedato hroiseiltop. Ter fafier Henry Vandeniseuvel fantily, 369 triai ta fi. it ater tisat evening, Montainview Dr., for a unique withoot succeras, se tise girls were sculpture depichong tise eight op and ot at 8 arn. Saturday main cismoâmen. =epiro l . B p tisetimte tise Martin Si. entres jule iitai lter tisat morning, tAlt1tSsculptures at Mactio St. tise scutpture nos as gond os new scoal aere atm dacsf aî and certaanty deservtng second ai a pre.Tesse'olr prizer.e a ieTenCoctad Tise Poland sisters, Mary'Arme V o e c Camnt, or easd and Bcîdget oI 232 Riverpace heiComtefruea C'eoc. ctained tstisrdnro ftey ser fit. Sculptures tisere trophy im the competition. fiel' and ebwai awnsm tisdreot sde( s acultr, Smp rng trttes, dnoEaurs, Snoopy's Ski' amcn ita pobems-its banise, ;wiales, snonamobites, o su haept faangaI. atituis toitet, lion, hamaner and Att three annning scutptures niaàatlpoe eaeoed tise maSers a iandsome ml dattpoe tcopisy, plus a sitver dollar prize. Tise scutptures aere mode a Tue anards andt he distrib isataeeiend prior ta, the Feis. t-tf 4 pan. Sunday at Mittan fair Snow Festival as advance grounds attise conctusin f tise pohtîcity, but att scutures Fei. t-t8 Sn Festisat1. should he left intact utdl this Runaers-ap aeeend so Festival visitors cmn Situer dottar pr ines for drive aroond town and see tisem. honoraiste menti on scutptures wttt atm hbe distrihoted at tiat line. Ttey'Sl go tot Eathy Btair, Cheryt Eteard, Robert Pîccîni and Derricks Ezeard, aho did a cotored WiII study old schools A speciat comaittee f lise Ha ton County Board of Edocation trustees and senior administration aiS tudy a dozen schoian a tttn Comnty tiat aere hott prior ta t937 in an effort ta see that they measare up ta standards. Four aftie t2 ochoots are n tise aest edocation aes, sin n tise east and tno intihe norlt. RobsertUnitte 'he two schoos in the north are Wear "Mitf" yoor Ctapet St. Pubiti Scisl in admission la many Georgetoann and RobertUtittte of tise events. Scisoot n Actan. T'he comaittee andt report hacis prior lta Sept. 30an order tiat tise ecommendations con he ooplemented tiscoagistise ord's Mn vnsa capital budget and ita;operatang M ilfntini budget for 1973.Ml.far grounds ELECTRICITY CMLT î s Our Business à and for a littie e this week. ts sc traveller on the Donrt el ieu kee h fteclr'cite. of Iust about ani C Hati Oeoleîltconfidence.... AdditonsafQOutiets 0OsMdome LiMts m FEATHERSTONE MTR ELECTRIC 878-6378 409 MAINS Swimming included in Snow Fest Feheuorp issI muually a bisg montu for sanovinhg. But for tusse mIa moutd ratiser taise a dip dmo rmar ahout on a senohoile or taise port in otiser tradiliosat inter sports, Miltons Winter Seoan Festival antfl hase tue From 3 pis. to 4 pan. Saturday and agan frais t pin. to 4 pa. Sesday free pubieshc smnsg aiS ho hetd at Ontario Scisant for tue dont. No admission aiS ho cisarged for santotmers as long as tuey are waering tuetr soanr. Plastic soansien tags serre as admsission toalat events and cost $1 r duits, S0 centa for New school and Iibrary Eupeodîtuces lotattîog $1,126,000 for oea scisootu, ad- ditions and cisoot sites anre appcoced 'lhursday hy tise Haltes i.amty Boa rd of Educatios. Among Iho se praîeli conssdered anre ca n echool f or Nititon ai Mt000 and a lirry resourcr centre for Actas Higis Schoot ai $101,000o lialies icchec ilied Sietboard ruais t tise Hatos Cuanty Bord ot Edscatîan Thsrsday mnd avec- ftowed inta Sie corridors. Over t00 teacisers iad turord ot ta iear tise hourd dîscuss cecommendations on staff reocganatioo. Tise report han 24 recomandationes, most of aniicis aere adopted f rom tise report on priorîtîrs and ropenditures. Atceady the recommaendalions have camnein for ieavy fr froan county teacisers. I adop ted tise report aoutd proide fort More poraprofesolonals -A ste ppisg p n tise hiing of pacaprofessionals (ond there- lace, a decrease n Sietaisber of cegutar trachers. i Tise etosanatise of edeor deportoient iead positions. -Tise piasîng ast of assistant depoaroti ead positions. -A eduction in tise namhor of deportant ieads isy ptacing iraner soder groupiogs of suis- tecte anîSi 'umisello ittrot: communications, sociat and rocîroamentat studîrs, pure and appird sciences and arts. -Renenaiste terran appoint- menta, anîSi a first-year proisot- îasary periad, foc assistant superîntendents, four yerm; consutants, tisre years, vice- prncpats, four years; depart- ment ieadu, tisreu rs. -A minimnum prriod of appaîstanent foc principals hciuc e lcy changc schaule o positions; tour yers tac teranrntacy ucisot and igist yrurs for secondarp asanto. Motivation Truster Bilt Tîmtey said ise feared tise ecommendattons aoutd camse emotinant disruplion usi tise remosat of the poslions an departanent ieado and woutd atua remove moivation for mome staff meanhors. Tiustey said ise aondered if Siece iad ieen ittte resposse ta tise recomanendations froan the teacisers hocane tisey tanok on it aas muofficiat fort. Assistant ta tue directar Emn Lasender ex- plaaned nathiig mss tact untit possed isy the hourd, and ise insisted su secret plan for impte- mentahion esisted. Tise 'ecomanendations aere taisted isptho hourd and itt ise discsssed mare in the weehs andl montiso aiead. Lavender esptaaned that under tue carrent constranta of provincial cedlings, tise host anay ta tnosate sean programu is ta re-attocate resources. Tise ressurces ise mentioned are those of peopte, tîme and mosey. te a speech tant May ta tue Candian Teucisers Federotion, Hattn Education Drectar Jas Singleton said boards woutd have ta fnd aays ta get tue same pragranlfor tesu monep or a tetter progran for the same masey . He spoie of increasing cancers frais parents and Snow Festival Contînord tram Page 1) For the f iraIt tie as actsanatd crufasis own nit behietd at tue Scout Hall is conjunetios aitu tue Feutival. Tue shsoan andlcmos btlsSaturdap mnd Siday after- moons mnd acanrdang ta argon- bzers, a aealtti of talent ituat fîielhan hem uscovcrcd and tue shoan promise to 'te, a anrce addition ta tue Iest.îîues. Pie eating Durig tue atternaon a pie ratir costeat sponsoerd isptue tegios adies, snowmoide races rganîned isy tise Ssoaniirds, a mutt shoansposored isy tue Rfotary Clubs of Milton and conducted isy memiser Gos Goutausisi, mnd a stont shsown iy Masey-Fergusos Red tilgis uit iigiligist tue activily. Milton Optimista aiS sotd paris shaotang costesta to test tise skiS af hocksey estisusiastsanad provide isay rides as aeS. Sturday eveisg memirrs of titlla Police Departisent and Milton Fîre Drpartmest arr rxpocted ta clasna s ommhll gamr ut Miltons Mena. Time of Ihal gume lu 7 p.m. Miltas Chamiser oI Commerce ta sponsoring sanumaing rom- petitians ut Ontario Scisant for tue Oral Satarday and or Sunday ftersoos. If sufficient intereot isn1tshoans lie competition iit te cancelled and iita place ailI ho pubisisnimnng. StMess nafety Smndap ateceaun Saniirdo aiS provide young anoanaoiie estisiasta mitu tue opportmnity ta tahe prt in a rally desigsed to stress safrty bhiind tue niseet. Gag slnd racrs wan i nd up Suoday afterneon. Aards for aS tue varloan cempetîlions il ho preseted at theend of tue Festival. Fond hantua iS ho maosed is Mdlton Lions Clubsamd the pouRh group ut St. Pouls Churcis. St. John Ambulance people aiS ho on isasaltirougisout in cane f a-st aid trestinent is requirrd. Communications aI tise gromda mdl ise mode essier anth the provision of lhe Rtumanas Carovas. George Swnand hiss Supersanent cor aitu taudopoaher ii complemeot tue Ratisaans' Liuynycce cbout the cast'.a educatios in Ontario. Hetd meetings Senior staffers and some trustees hase hors meetang wntis teacisers asd principats lu discs sie reporti drtad and ita impliscations. Hatton Division OSSTF chou-mas Tom Ramautarsingis tatd reporters ater tise meeting Siat ise iad requeuted on urgent meetang anîSi a conmitter of trustees and n tue aissence of senior admîsîstrators ufthtie hourd, ta dicuso lise report. tHr said ise ansted ta mert trustees atone, isecause otheranîse tise teacisers' questionsanoutd lho ansanered isp administration, sut thc rtrcted officiats. Hr sand ise fett il anas ime for tise teacisers and rtrcted peopte ta art tagetiser - Uneasy He saîd teacisers an Sie systean airer meas and he fet taere anas a rat danger of ton morate drcrtapîog tire aisîrcîrd spocîficallp ta tise reductios of heado s ndassistant heuls oenl tecetîittnltiautintih eeat a tlrortiet eadaiuuldisace aio ormore suhîrcts ta taise cure of, ahere thry suai have use. Hse euplauied a persan w anila speciaized inhistrya tave ta hrad adepartioest ofisistary and geogcapisp, eces tisaugis he hadal sprcîatîzed igeagrapisp. Drector J. W. Sigleton anted, "Tise techniques afi implr- mestatias, once a decîsias han beenereacied, mayhe acied and isealve attrition, tîanrd tmplrmestatîos, phauisa out al aay implications, etc. Eacadi utuation shautllie handîrd administratieely as an indîviduai prolemanad tise meas ut aiule- mesttiansuhaulil te adati ta il. Estreme care is esuestiai lest tise gainsu ta homade fur Sir tttlests isp h" change are sut aceehatasced hy tise anutionat disrupton crrated amusg tise taîu. 0Of course, it ehoutl bc mode anoaediately clear a-at nottsg i thts paper enviuage as alteralios or modification ta the basic certification or contracts ut sTeachers crowd board meeting to heur staff re-organization eianntion aI mînc iseada oft achrrs. Tuese are mal ere of deparîments . Onder a povicial refutatios, Councils may review ) quarry applications A.T.' MOORE Municipal cousicîts ailI ise located. INSURANCE gises tue opportomity te revîran Thetetter added that srosg ob CAMPBELLVILLE applications foc tîcenses for jectossraîsrd iy cooniciltotatue eistif pîtu or quarrîrs, prior to isur o lîcesses tt quanrrs antîl 854-2271 thc icesses bicnt lssaedin a iogves due conssdecatios. a Esquesisg Couscît rrcrîvrdî Suis inormation tat aerkin a ltter froan the Deprtant aI Naturat Resoucres, anicis1 indicated comptaînts rrceîsed Iroan a namiser of townsship couscîla ted tothe decîssos. A section of tise îta and Quarries Costrnt Act stases Siat -Na lîcesse shail ble issurd in respect of a pit or quurrp ahere the location las ncontravenlion aI an official plan or hp-an ufthSe municipatity ninisîichil it Philosobits By Edifli 9iarpe Forgîvenrsstehte fragrance thc violet shedsonostise heelthtia cauel . Womrn'u tyles maapchangr, but Sirîr designs ceman tise a .'. .,." 'i'.-M~-----'-t. Chamber ... iilontinued froin Page 1) tami's centeaniat. Poslis map 'ti,'îurcgt-ccd ta pubisssa 'ta t l àlta ir,,t (ll c rcta t,,i , ,îinau chaci itue -hderiiuîioaotdheodus Mc. liaicioted Sic pruteri coulât hc agaad macyniaiser. Tu date 39 memiser s h'cc cnoulec tor tis e cr 1973, A totat oi $1,65bo hue iescattectril A icapuscit budgetl secussidered aith Sict"cruccy aieeting and ,eiiicipatcd rerîipte ot $7,6S0 meccc hos P hat ie eutculated os thceî is frcciving $15in i iacisiî"hips, f1,00 an a gravi rin eiuhctues, $500casin hand ,icî$60) ii9iseclanouin- iiiringetfca-ecietaru mauccer. mintenace an,,d extensioof Chrisatmasc ligiting, tbac epromotionan ad purcai ce a cîititievci I2 asercptacec ae'ccaaca tesajorcexpene" the' «hiiiiii'c 'ciaccdtin cia duici at he ytrc --See yau attise Snaan Festivat tisianehkend? W.J. kOSkI ite Glass Et Aluminum Products wish to announce , they have MGVED TO THEIR NEW LOCATION 324 Steeles Avenue MILTON -878-9452 We're tipping our hat this week to ail the organizers of SMILTON SHOW FESTIVAL FRIDAY-SATURDAY-SUNDAY " TORCHLIGHT PARADE e TREE BURNING " CONCERT a DANCE e STREET PARADE " CRAFTS EXHIBIT e HAVRIDES " SWIMMING e DOG SLED RACES " MUTT SHOW e BROOMBALL " SNOWMOBILE STUNT TEAM " KIDS SNOWMOBILE RALLY e AWARDS PROGRAM SCHEDULE IN THIS ISSUE ITE--ENJOT THE FESTIVAL extra kick in your life test drive a Pinto ;a much for so littie. A stable reliabie highway and big enough for people iy size. See it where you con deal in Co. LTD ST. MILTON M7M-2369 We take theeg off askin. And hpell (l , U É.voue ihking Na 'u ' cc , l"] l dalObelec, abuh lane. thu an ligoe If 11,a' 'eplic11 - N 'the . rhc n u'Il e ai ouplce il,,che-,c c the, -. , a alle ir t t t1 c idt it a lc-1 lt e l.'tt - c i e tttete iictthplct 1-l,,r"t chec.kth, heieon eau, ho'c, But sttt tti m t 'tuant t ,pn h nc, hr , to e r,lu t - l, ,h,,,ittng ..ttt e îîa"ln fteLl%ýhe ch , 1-teh oc teAnh tha l. led'nkt tcdc muhv ucoafr ah mctthten i t* ,ca .the -pat l Il up thtfiito'ittrkiltt'ipi ;tc, hrdoîttt-îîgt 't" h. ed d tet o rosat ith etsai' înietiîg [ ~,CANADIAN IMPERIAL :trieghl.Wcin thaeho , bu-BANK 0F COMMERCE n, !'itW e' o nee, (I l ,oeîo c ota ecaiedmnv 1t'stha si ple But al ofil sn' ccu" a pugge nicel i ome You and the Commerce* ¶Togetler weroe both stnrnger