6 Thi ChampionMilton, Ont., îli ,Fibroorp 14, 1973 Mlton Minor Hockey i g N4 House league happening Bp John MrLeoo PEEWER Bl Goncoowasoîidi asake for the f irs garni of th playoffs on liaturday morniog as hi loitl aIl sin goals bo lead hîs Baley Fuels qnad tu a 6-2 rinesph oir Mto Auo Botdy. Alie Crtscî oas his top set op man as Crisci eaened lorasisto and Mark Chalitor decoone tilpir. Gong Ghiert paird Mltîn AuoM Body in a lostog casse. scortng once and osnînlîng on Wlliams Hachnts tally. Scot Prîne alto earneti an assot on Hrins goal. Donc (Lncl came op wotîla big stck tio earntog te shuoMot as Local 4970 oiolcasbod Mlton Anetto g Serioce 5-. Thei scoeong plays focte wontoro wece: NcltWollaston feoso Jlatn Ktchen, Glenn Sance roo Wayne Bîchol, Tom linlk lenes Riebot and Soance, Steve Cle on a solo effort anti Cle agaînus ibme oti nlhelp rnes Ste Srlith. McCuaag lotocance olk a 2-0 lead oin hete garn iott Pays Elecrc and tleotong onfor a 2- 2 drao oi ilîght opsel Clff iaecioer andtI2lnce Lyons each sî.ed oce andearned an ansstl for ïMcCsaîg olîle Andreso Loleonla earned an assisl on Iy oos cosoler. Robert Mact<tnoooscoetelierst Fayns Elecltc goal oîlt help fromn Vittorio Treolo andi iobky Leday andteottlorionTrenlo seseed on a sols dash for lise lying and oly goal of te final pertnd. Pay Plomkîng opsel thei cogne innotg Mlton Marmne creso 2-0 as Scott Walkîns oas unbeatable in the Plombers net. Jecry Mazorato fn-col tle icol Pay goal on apass feom Geg Vioîao. Tn Bni added île cdliitg macler as i lotoheol off a relay from Geeg Vivtan ohîch nos stacled Ity Markc isI NOVItCE Brtoo Anîerchel andl Jef l.oeobe shoce th Ie spolllghl as lley eanh score ti oce and assitedon lce ohm Domnion Hardware dropped Moohray Fualo 4-1. Brandy Creoson nos te top set up mon 4s heeiarned tIrer assîsta and Mîhe Ecech lelpeti 001 once. Mark Teadl scored île only goal of île foost pertoti as Moolray'n held te lead aller île fîrol peetod. Mile Moodees andl Gaery Copeland eacned assista on the guIl. tome einn Oeil prdd, g ly coach Bock Gervais gant Multin l faon lServicete inconive fi comeoup with a2- ups ictory oir Mlto Uphiitiry. Greg Hones fired lith goals for the siniero and slocid Munrs snit Dune Worth so esrsod tht olotoot. Mike Wilata assînlif on htth of Hantes goal white Joli Crisci lelpod ouie. David Eanaoitaly iaroed te ololoot an Ficimes dripped Litl Poilais 3-i. Kîvin Hadkin opened the ocoring on a paso frite Bl Heipel, Kevin Isnc addtd oe 000a solo dock aid Bil Marc eondili ot te cormng aBter 1 oeeeplîng a pans frote Dane icesoir. Bel hBrothercomutedonom Mn île fîrot perîod and oece anserediM theisecond fram ly flelikalo an the Ionclubsended deadlncled aI 1-1 afler 40 mintis. Cliff Hart gave Bel theieaclp lead midsay thuthe 1MBs penid on a fine solo effort. Wit lut five mitnote rimainMng on te game, Mark LiLiop coulted rnm esnesVivienoand Dernl Ilidgsin foc tht iqsalioer. Daooy linons foc Bieck and Poil Malon loiltehtkali eckplayed excelent gamesin MguIl. Olive eîacns Mrole op a ied game wita a pair of goals, one on a solo dock ai Lions dl doonid St. Clair PaMiotnd WCappr 4-2. Pool Robion scored on an aoacded pnalpy-",, -lempl uidsay lins thet a1 raisetOn pul Lion on the liard fiMt. toton Cin ied the game on a paso froisJîonShields and Robet Nenteil. Toi minutes alec Don Kerr again pul Lins ahead as le convrlid a Rilky Jamnieson pais, then St. (2afr onom again kMitttd tht mail as Mfite CorlilI lired home a Kevin Faorell pus. Steve Keacos tain putLionu akeod M stay an hi compiled a Paul Robion pans uita jul oier a minteiM playpiM theairfot prod. BM umecnd goal came aIt h 7.45 mark of lhe final PLAYOPFS BAT. FER. 17 6.00 - Mosorap os Dominion Hardware, .45 - Pontiaco vs Bel, 7.30i- Mlton faon Srvice os Mlo UphlsMnry, 8.20i - St. Clair os Laons Cl, 9.05 - Pop Plumblng on Milton Marne, 10.40 - McCsaig Moouronce vo Papis Elecrte, 11.25 -Milton Ansoring Servicetos Local 4970 and 1210- Mlton Auto Bdyos Baelle PoîMl. WED. FER. 2f 5.05 - Color Yoar World vo Polie, 5.50 - Bell Brohers ns Beaver Homes, .41 - Partii Real Etale va Hoodo DCiioken ings, 7.30 - Jio sBlilardo s aMltMn Tavel Service, 8.20 - Pigment vs Scolies, 9.10 - Knights vs Hoccos and 9.55 - Supor Sont vs BUIs AutM Body. NOVICE 1. Dotetnton Hardware vo Mosorap FueM lisI 4 out of 7), 2. FMeten vs Poniaco (kest 2 out if 3,3. Milton Uphllterp vo Miltion Laonliir. (etl2 outof 3), 4. taondlbosaSi. CaMr (Mot 2 out ni 3), 5. Beecl Brothers vs Relikals (Most 2 oit 3), i. Winntc of 2 vs Waîner of 4 (Mest 2 outlof 3),7. Winnr of 3vs Wmner of 5 (let2out of 3) and8. Winner if f vs Winneriof 6and Winner of 7 on a ond Rokin sorieo for thi fiMaIs!TIis sersos s-laU li a Ion garni tota goal seies: 1 vo 7; 6 vsl1;O6vsO7;lvso1; 7va6 andf1vs 6. PEEWEE 1. Mlo Marine os Pay Pltimlng Mol 2 nioutnif3), 2. Pop Electrie os MeCuig losarance (Mmlt 2 out if 3), 3. Local 4970 vs Milton Assermng Service (MesI 2 ont ni 3, 4. Balep Fuels vs Milton Aito Body (lest 2 oot if 3), 5. Winnec if 1 s oinner ni 3 (Most 2 ot of 3>, 6. Wonner of 2 vs Wiuner no4 îMesl 2 out ni 3), 7. Winner if 5Sos Winner o6(st 2 otof 3). BANTAM 1. Police vo Couor oar Wrld Mbst 3 ot of 5), 2. Hoodo vs Paton îet2iot of 3), 3. Baver vs Bill Brthers îMst2ot nf 3), 4. Winsoc of 20v0 Winoer if 3 îMest 2 oit ni 3, 5. Winner ni I vs Winnoc ni 4 (Most 2 oBt of 3). MIOGET 1. lirnhteo vo Pgmnt (Mml 2 out if 3), 2. Harris os EoiglM (Msl 2 nil if 3), 3. Bilsvs SBper Save Mbsl 2 ouof3, 4. Jums Bithards os MUltin Travel Sic. (Most 2 oul of13,. Wnernof1 vs Winnerofl3 ulisîl2outlof 3),06. oinsor if 2 vs Wnner f 4 îlst 2 outf 3), 7. Winnt of 5vs Winsinof 6(Mnlt2 oBt ni 3). J. Tonelli tops FIyer scoring Joli Tooelli, a l5-pear-old rulkie sitl the Mlton Cninental flyers Mopped the PIper sturing uita 20 goals andl 25 assists t1km scaso oelît playot in0010> a possible 42 garnis (Vag Anderson, te oly othe play e ta sec action on 41 gaines was lIe top goa lgetter aitî li goals. Hetcl 19 assisto for a total of 42 paits. No one playîd in ail 42 gaines. Theinolloomng i10a lît of team scing statisties. GP G A TiI J. Toutal 41 20 25 45 D Andirson dl1 4 2 9 22 B. Pokamoto 40 224 419 J. Arnold 32 13 20 33 G. OI3hacc 34 15 17 32 R Love 27 12 17 29 C.PFleinog 40 12 15 27 G. Mtls 39 5 21 26 G. Hunt 30 9 10 25 B. 'Presmial 35 10 O 19 G. Walisley 32 O i 16 D. Niclol 32 5 i 13 I. Darîgon 35 4 i 12 H. Mecry O O 2 8 A.VYork .23 2 O i G. Cuses uil 4 3 7 T.Pcondlep 33 I O 7 R.tBridigman 5 4 2 6 R. Murray 3 2 4 6 P. Cliehonacl il O 4 4 M. MeKenzte 24 O .4 4 D. Heipel 4 2 I 3 B. Ruk 2 I I 2 R.Lodîni 5 S I 1 A Fetlzlep 2 I t i TOTALS 1272 8 U 408 GolsAgainsi Gomes Goals Ang. 19-2 3 122 6.20 22 149 g.77 123 S 42 276 t8.57 T Mastoce . Wmataerall K. finnd TOTAL Campbellvîlle womnan injure A Campkellvîlle district womn wansi jiced Min ni ofthe 13 molor vîkricle coiions MiIMon GPP inoesligalted last souk. Mrs. Patricia Smith, 25 nif R. I1 Cauphtllviule soffrd iojuioes in a one-car collision Prtdap on Guelph fane rit titersection ni île Eramosa-Nassagasoîpa T17s-n Ltu. The cor, drinen lp Edmard silIithfteainoe adt dreso, reciivid $1,150 danmage. Police report eîgll pecoons oeit-njured inbsevîn ni île pasl omek'î13 collisionsnd peoperty damage MMOtald $13,680. Severi driners lave Ici simmonoed as a resîi if Ilese accidents. -Use Champion clasoiliedo bo boy, sell, hkMî, runt or announce. Novices hustie way Distribute into QMHA action If tinh a ciese-rim-behimf effort for Miltin Mina. PNoicso M fioallp elmniiofe Strietstoie and sots the riglitl M reprisent tht Tri- Coooly loop în île OMHA play- do wn Gon one gaese, lte localt came hock silI tio conecolint min taktstht oeints. Standiat goaltesdung hy Steve Marsholl and Dos Pichett thcmughist the socles mode if posihle for tht novices fi wisi the finol tino paese hy held treetonile tM toi goals Mneck if tht foott fwo games if thet oine. Tht foorlt gamî oas a cloue ose that sont Streitsnille cSog bt a 1- lead aI tke end if the firol pîcînd. Hacdrock MeCano spackedtdheMMifton teMnwltk o kei n assiolid lyiog goal ta set the temnpo for the refmoatder if tht gamme. Steotl okatiog Stan Fay fogtnfitacliic frustrations and lînaliy cdiched for the go-ahead goal lronesMoCano and Cloor. Powter play P'aymnadeiti 3-lisn a powter playt goal rmaultlog freo ahcee ntay paosig pfay nith Eddie Goitias Mid Barry Reihit oooltiog. Strtetanihe iarrmnttd tht gop with lMustins lo inu ltes eR Mi the gomne hat Gatu ooullillid tht Strietoile goal nthtn hi hroke lotie for a oauinbtht faot minute if play. CoachkMarty Capuoo nid Bt wao the heot temeffort if the pear. Thi clukblil oeOMBA action iM Marck. Jets in playoffs battUe Camp Borden Jîm Sno Jeto topped iarlingtoi Midgotn 5-1 taM souek Mo iacs the igît M met Camp Bordon in thi OMHfA plapof M. lise firsl game if that socles siS Me plaped io Mlion ridop sight at 8:30i and the second game oil M Mn Camp Bordes on thi Sundoy. Jeus plaped heads op hockey M theM Brligtoi game M o in 5-f. fa the 10-nI prod Scot McKentie monvetid a pcelip play lp Kmn Pop nooao muter. Ponter play Earlyin otîe second Piler Ciclisacl scored onansinted, casling i on a ponter plap atfock. Ltir Ricl Brdgman Mrole iMMo2te car, lMok a pun frmm Rbelrtson and turntd it into paptart. Mn the third perrnd Wpomn smored from McKeuzie. A powerc pay goal pot Brligo on tai screslelkiut jut Ilcie minuite iter Moolcap sidtstd the goto aire again os a goal frite Pop and Bridgnsn. Few permits but business picking up Januanp sa a quiet month Mn Mlto comftroclion-i-si, sith $U2tibu iliding porrnidu MMg isedFor perrnifosoîere lisud for the month sith a $M,000 adesinistrain biliding at the Maplekamst Riginaf Ditetion Cintre oiearconting for $3,ii if the $Z2000. LosI souk the $12,00,500 permtwsainied for Mapleharot itegional Detiotion Castre, se a record MtIoalfareody anured for Ftkruarp. new phone directories Newt miiti-colired Bell Canada telbep booko aret tIis week leotg dîlioered bo Milton and area restdents. Tho do-ecloctes, woltc lion pear lealîre o prîlly Bell opraorioitn1costimirs tn , iiohBa cotalo 4,2W iddilieol liotiogo for Milon, Bram pton, Getirgietowni araobicrihi;brs. faitiai delinîrp if thti booko waoi83,24ocoparid ti64,êSU foot ir in the iai erntd ky the kl. Bell Cosada reports tIene a e 7itliphaiti in the Milton freT 4imri pages in this pearo editios. Polosh titrai TotltrdcIon if nt phone booko dfopr th aria litaIs 122,859 copies. Iis slamher allostfor tht establishmeit if oto bosintos and resideotial installations, as well as 1reec onM. oeaM.r on the cove M tseeso ail tîlîphot director ies1in GOtorio and tai's frim Motrial-oind 1er iiehrs olisted. -Miltoai Boy Scooto oct patcipotiog in tht Ooknllle DititCompore otthet Bxth Uini ScoatCamp 0thia nkid. POLLOCK AND CAMPBELL Tolontono HZ021-76BOEUY GALT 625Woof Si..Nooth MWe'iERVE i4 Yi LÎISI Chritie' Butermae Stle O3Kndt-Coconat, chocolato. oatnoa-Rhg. Oic Phg Sor. SLIOEO WITE DAVID BISCUITS 4 k- 9 CHOiteCae BREAD 28ozin Reg.BOo 29' U E 240oz Liai Ri.t040 YS mRati.20 OL 4 aoes 990e ALPHAGTTI 5Tn 90 Roi. 6ke450 otagtatti t oi. Jas Rgo3c l eneooo-2 pin Aooo.tod Clots Reg. 2.43c Aion'o Pore Sootoiod o. Unmwetoood ASSORTEB FACIAL .. gg ORANGE .Z.oini c JANS 4Jr990 TUSSUE 5~' JUICE R.Q. 39 Allns Pet Psicd Pg f5'OhsnN non e .9 Brano Plain -Roi 33C 14 OZ.Tii GRANGE PgoiCaoFNSahii qt SPAGHETTII CRYSTALS 610 COFFE SAUCE 4-,-.,99o Ayilosit t oz. Tin Roi t-33 Jargons Bath Silo Lotion Mitd threo Star-Bluoor Whito Reg. 1.1 Tint o Vegetabo I4AND Br 9 0 POWDERED LAUNOBY 5ih.Foin Bag SGUP 8-lnso9905GW il199 DETERGENT 150 Ptish GradiA Ftre rs nFrotit Liai 0. PIMERIB .0 L..CHUCK CNICENS 41.RGASTS $ 0LSTEAKS 9? Chiokon Wings 41LI PGRK SHOULDER ROASI 69L. ,af~gf~,~ Irsh Laanýtp FrettLiar' Miain tRZ PCX"www0 PORK PORK Far-n Hoio-24Ooo-BioOin9 APPEAUEE RIBS 59?. HGCKS 45?c.L Hthtiir Brad-Rego 79c t4 oz. 0kg. Canada Ponyt5lh.pote ba" Caoada Fanon LargeoRBd BOSTON BLUEFISI MACINTOS DELICIOUS 5M 9 IN lATTER 590 APPLES 45 APPLESNPo 59 GREEN 2hb.Poin BaN Florida tidjison -ver o S-JiySoo-ao i GIANT moXEs Reg.730c phg. iko dt , fr FphN.1UAJlySetLres VEGETABLES 55c Grapefruit'1"79* Pineapplo 390l Aninia-Bios59onoo.phg. rs uiySeiFrhNo.h1 U.S.A.PKGS FRENCH TOAST 37o Tangorinos 39e, SPINACH £/4 IFres ho. tU S.A .Fr oh No. i on. W hite No. cana" ta0 lb. bo CAIBAGE _9?B .Mushrooms 490 PGTATGES 790 No i UALoge enNo. t USA-Cotto PRg. I REl No. t USA OUCUMnBERS 220RADISHES 2 ftg AD E TIE PE ILS NE F T106PM ATUP AY FP SE V F4 Ik 1BIW U NTTF ALO S Y RI AT I il -5 au MILTON UPHOLSTERING 751 Steeles Ave. Milton 878-9094 1 1 1