One Ioss ln 10 games Mustangs dlinch pennant in East Halton hockey Ioop Bp Stevn i lla nent an as deleat akQallts The Milton Mustangs son the roafalgar 6-5, Hon. 13. On Nov. 22 East Hulas Caunt' iockepy it' ied Dabvitte-Tralalgar. TIse legetteMonday bydîe g net nineli it' delsated Perdue Perdue and moamg lto iraI20adBaeoc -.Te ea plce Tey Oece awarded tOieabains nuis eklayaIt ohîic Eni.t. Haltan League trspby, nmauttd ini laas fint and onlp emblemalie aIfliants lbst place ta. finish le abs league durleg tbs On Jan. O8Ot' ied Wite Oaks relalan animnn 3-3 and as Wednesday af aat ~ietsustangs haeenjoyed a insb Ot' yotntolaBlabsîsci 4-1 nsry gssd eaion of bocket'. The n e aet' s e ated Woute regisered ssnsn wln,awo tien, Ouishu-2. tdlollaanl iadt and one os. Ok .. efloigMna le starting Oe nas oses Oisy delsated Oneral Watts, le csnnns l oas coacs trd Oie gasasorig gaies aI Oe cbsssang dibetan qi ecaunsseasan, 11-2. Aler a tre nisel "tOsns dia sowed up for tOiae Blabescb 3-3 lTen tiam erespret' equat in Madt gie Tte calibre." o Oiyte nent an la saithOe teagus ids' by roncleg Perdus Telesiestated the easnnff 1. - rigba lana Han. f8sben Oisy In top Il deleated Onerat Wle 9-3. Thiea JonVstpe and SIeesMeCans ended the reglar easasn iOite ,iscsrng lina. Coacia . Lesnard, Carlinbeanumnmnting anniahesesason aaid, nie bons a "gssd strang club" w in ers wbs are "gaatg ta gsall Oie w inn rs wy".Ther is"lot oftsam adies aI Mlon Curling Club spira," las added. a menph...iei ena.4n iah iohtî WADE BEKAR POPS lins pick poil Perdoe scredin i a igh chool hockey gume Mondut' gnaite Dve Neal while Brune Haiford rien le betonen Mfilsi aid Perdue. Ise final score regan hsufootng. Thila oas tse nixtitgoal w05 6-1. (Phoo by S. Diln) CARL BABitER daiscen put te net after Wade itekar ncoren the opetnmg goal if Moidayn s igi scshool hockey garine. Tise Milon Mutangs won tise gaies 6- agant Perdus aid fioisheal on tin etise East Haltonnleagus wilhii liin o. (Photoiy S. Diltut Bowling I WEaNEnnuY.nITERS CLadae' it ingile, Otiada 'inatIl 26ia ditis' Sidhtraipte, ttlsîd. Crdteli7tus aises aonduingaleseG1-ce Little A4, verine .a u La 29 1Stt0. DUK I Osîte Ltle 5t9. - 7 for in 2ai, ,tei i .' s 0 i fo n ai lan ai fou 2itîsîne3a0tonrau9, 99 IG T FOR ON YT Make a Move!! aîtclecaý. (,rmtior arn th e Key tn YTîto New Cîîrnîîîoay MRS. BEy. GIBSON 878-3447 Bowling Lalies badi inleYiai.aaiae HiTesNie ai. e hstiple, LiivoeTaaie tiSta38. r Lithin,,d 1 ton as,Linra Htas 05 Loiss' aisi 1 ans Ainî 2ai. Lidait fitoh manii- e, ..-ind isnin.1 Lila Ho dge 592, Na.,y aokgine, in.oh ohinîsa , .nM ay atforcia Stuc a 1-i tandta, sairJîseai 11 Lna s adis sleno tsaSICird e 8, enss i tsngeDkCan27 Oteitgnontils în tssJohan,295i iMate S nnai29, os ana f 27 alase o ndtinasî.ihkCn 742, a las neassiwonti0fryt8- li ts 2 n f ann63. tants op e isckor60anal tastu. naîtt asI.aanainaie& a triple i on ai7. annilaai eam Stanandi iua The Chanmpion, Milton, Ont., Wed. Febrnurp 14, 1973 5 Bantams beaten in final series wis ovoer Milon Major Banamis recnntly to niminate Milton fron- the secsnd rosnd of 0OUMHAplat'-i nI Is. Rad (ooding scored the sut' gaal frsm Steve Hannon and t Penny Capuonth e irsrt gaine! and Mtonta led Sreetwilite at ite1 end otsecoend period. Streets-i villte augut fIne scoring fine iaanawered goals inite thind. Goodlngsored tires galsin i thse second gaies and asssted an another. Dsug Strath sored Oie nllier goal. Stene Hannon lied two assistswit sigles la Dane Turner and Tsdd Crradetti, Streetanitte prsned las muccl las Ohe Legian club and salit go on la battis agaînst ths Camp fiorden Club and the tarais salit continue in Tri-Coant' acion. CLiII!hanger A goant by Gssdig sith ans seond la inthe gaies gave Mltna 5-4 win vrParisin the sem-isaIs nf ahs Ilderton Honlane Taurnamnsa. Dans Turnrsred tbrsngoaln and assisteal as abs aiber obils Ginog and Crradelli scsrsd thse saies. Hannon Md Gssdîng eaebbhad twoassiFtanwilatPerry ( , 1 . 1 t4 i n I, 1 44"u cli olh rooorid ot lie sccceaaa an thcauspisnshipsp r agonisaBoy fltdgss, Miltas ast t- 5 th iabolsagaiesttalipis series. osading sesd lwîcen n the irssagaieswitesCrradetti sesrnd a sangle and assista nent ta Hanons(2), Capuis and Dase Tanner and Gasdîng scred in tbs second garas ssilb assist going toHannonnd les Bennin. Boy Hîdges wna by 5-2 and 4-3 scores. Endors. pion Esquesang lownihpo officiai Plansitbailsamendment asking te Department of Monicipal Afairs La deleie certain prapertans frot a luiti designatnd ,Onoîng the pi operiiesth10, council nniqosnd be deled i tond in the Speyside area on onuichCornsoiidat.ed Sand and Gaei pan tnr stabiisita qarri'n The affiiai plan s stil liing stadied ai Quenno Park. Counsil rentlit' earnnd tai a furte delat' oi ena or loren iessin1 proenSSing ai abs plan is anavoidaitie, aiiiioogh the 1000- stops îotsag blan as nnidy tan isai draft preparation, Lowviile Team Ski-Doos win points Sock and secondai S tck ai Usbirdgs Osat nresas rer sponsorcd ilto ain Mrinea"nod .Sparts. D)an Arbie. o Polarias driver wai so doasg aieliliaiut icos o itcad gosbnidocaing hic ticci race, Oibeca s ite i oaoilleCluIb iring ast prises homei in le cniepetitisn fInnte EMBGD)~o i arbonbeli Trspbp.i Aai Plalemyn rik ut Nrma Kitcbsi, Jean Salen and fila Morley' wna s tropby and Ot'E wereatheligbtws-gamsnileoeru. Hazel Prtrns rnb of Jot'ce n D Haslet, Jane Hugbes, Kat' Mallt- U L snand Helen Anderson nas f car-up iin t categsct'. Ongame wleeer Thean an game wiioner aniard went laPhd Marenk b it a L.ala Hsoln EeCrt'srmansn inb nI YOUR Florence Mahan, Jemsie Aider- UIIEIMR EEN snior playdsssî an Damie ian. m 30. <~CENTRE Pee W ees Mk orpann air are crushed ) e Complete Kitchen Cabinets DROP IN We'il ian giad tlasasist poa n U Pl anning pour do-il paursell U Mf projecl orne necas arrange lu carry ouf the project for pou. 70, Main St. E., Milton 878-2351t MloPe OnsOpimisîs oese i.usbsd 8-t Sondat' afiernonsitt a paniertut bard-skaling urboglaon club. The Ophmnlat bntd this on las ainut Oie irssa inl ufthOe game bol it son aIl Buringlon rsie aat pont an. Norm lsmlegaoi relnnned tu Oe lins-up aller a tsngtt' layaIt dus t a aines ljuet'. He made is pessice Ist by scsrleg Min'n lies goal. Ian Waless aid Duasse Sarb pinbsd up Oie J . R. Curri EOPTOMETRISI 13URLINGTON MALL TELEPIIOPE 832-7788 A eBathroons Boutique eFloor Covering Centre fI *Panelling Shop Open Madain eda no P.m )n Moneday Io Fr ida .. SUZUKIMOILE THE DEPENDABLE ONE -.. .-..-.. .-..-.. .-.. . . . . . . .- -*-S . -' -' - 'Te Bis-DOs drivers bud a good wesniend an tabsasnirnabits racing carenit as e Wasdsr and las GrantloaIthab Luiutîs Hoing Teani picbsd up mrs pointsaia race t llbridgs. Winer tank second prias initbs open race and lîrst ni abs C Stock clas t Unbradgs Sandat' on bs aSi-DO. Anaîber Ob-DOsadrives. Grant nian third n the apen,- lrstinasE bri c E N r 1