Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Feb 1973, p. 22

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810 Thse Champion, Miltsa, Ost., Wed., Pebruey 14, 1973 KiIbride Cubs, Scouts see game af Maple Leaf Gardens 1t5 Mes. P.t- Di.3. cons A vreyaavîsesalal evenng of Progresaive eut-ht-eas hetd as Feb. f lnaKKlhide Pubihe Seoont, sisit-ies mon hy Ue foitoing playars, Ms. H. Beatty, Ms. E. Mlisses. aid Mes. J. Pottar. OUset- winars sera C. Beatty, W. Ford aid Mes. J, WeaUeralt. The Sanior Citîsens Cuh mnutd mairaute naemembres, and aiyaie itarastadini joinisg rai gt intoudi alUs Mes. Muisnmhn moutd lta pleased ta gît-e furthet- informtation. Spnsortrip Tise Cuis and Stouts gt-anp c 5ulttehv,-s enputing in.a lot of ast-k dat-mg the putt 12 manUss, and an Sunday Feh O4 twn hus tnads nofthildreesand parens spest a mandat-fut af- terostsis TorntotoMapte Leai Gardanssmataldusg tise Kitchener- Rangers play Tnt-osto Marîtarni. file ntrame mas 9-S fat- Toronto. Tbis roupniaises Usit- money hy helpmng t Use Stesut Show t Miltas an Lahor Day aid hy selhong Christutas t-ms, uothUis os uthy tl onnyt-st 75 rensapet- persan fat- transportation and aduission ta Use gaute. Baise sale Thle Kdhbrîde Uited Chut-th Omagh Sewing tips given at meeting Siîdiîs Ssooî hall s'asverry attise last Saturday mitis membres of Usa Girl Gaide traip seUliig Usait- boutamade baisa gnidg. Wiat a safloat if tsrsad out ta ta. No sauner as Use footd pot ons thestallu Uai il as nild. Ahout $W0 mas madeoan tUesalmi. Rerratian A tet-ratios coutttta meeting asbatd Fais. t andat- Use armasship ai thiat president Paul Dabue. PreparaStion ae-a maS ader mey may lot- the crt-apatty utMat-t-. There are to te anay pt-lues and a sandwichtait-seon s in asepat as hy the ladies utsnittae. Hornby Cubs embark on a hike 8y Mrs. Jb ieisslltaan TheaNrtUsTraalgar Eut-bt- Clabhetld Ueir emeeily eut-bt- Party an Suitday nigt, Fah. l, t Usa Norths Trafalgar Rarreatian Cetre. ibera mae aise tablai f ut rbris play mlUs lise jeluan goisg to Uthiiloig ladies; Dorotby Featiserstos, Myrtîr Cninghgmsan id Martba Eulis h etsaprizss mre mos by Wlmar Masos, Jisii Cuaninlgamt aid Jisu Hamilton. The ut-iy dtaws seate misa by RtsSouath and Har-vey Duns. Bîetisday greetisgs are astended ta Me. and Me. Les Rtledge ai Ue iUs Lise, Hrby, miso milI elebrate Usit- 2h assivet-uaty Fab. 1t. Best uhsgo lu Les aid Shirliey. Brthday greetisgs at-e extanded ta Knt Haiilton miso mita lrate ta tasasbirUsday, ai Fais. S. M. and Ms. Careine Pearot-isat-e ejoying a maaiss ne-acutionWinnipeg. Reseadelig Tihe Eden Unted Chut-t- Wnsas met authUe boute ut Mes. Jobs Hamiton on Monday esasing, Fai. 5, iUsset-as maembars pt-aient. Planismae made ta paint Ue aiisofnithe ilumimiairu. A dsc-ussion as bld to decide osutatoriat fone drapas. Pas foluta preuentation mre disarsed for a meintar ni tise alrds. lise Wrid Day ut. PIayermwili baisld annitrs 2, ait Eden. A sprisg tait-basa as dlsused aid a date iii hae disuemd latar. Lunch mas sert-ad aid a sot-l thour asjuyed. Tisa Janioar4-H ClG as eaued Fais. . ibe meeting mas opased iltisah 4-H Pledga. ibe naine ferlise tluis ill taetallai, Nifty Itittrs". Knitaaaeiltabla for ainsnt aisy type ni gat-int for aiy time outheUseuasn. Lait-b ai sert-ad aid the set meeting iii tbrIed on Mmnday, Fab. 12. Friasdgs willha ptaasad taisent- lisat Mes. Pt-ank. Peauratis l usprvg t-tyday authUe Soot ae A oiptal. Me. and Mes. Jiut Pant ai Ue Ebenezer U.CaW. meeting ait Bezek centre By Ms. Rau MeLeai EtaeteUCW. hetd Ueie Fai. meeting ai hennis Centra. Rat-taI Baiseil aid Falim Quay, froutGhana eet-e Uespeaksers. The mait-t-np in Ghana t nnocsa, also cassava, plantains and yaffis. Saideyuspeaert Me. lai Shaptor, a ministerei trainig flute aUC. minit-y, mai tespeaker an Sunday. Ha spolisean tUs e trt-tamSs ai od. Eîghlb Lîne, Haroisy, are spandîng Ibrîr hnidays is Flatida. Iba Honny Cotsanad Usie leaders John Saundees and Davdd ates ettinyrd a tise t-arasUy. Lator Uey ment ta Geoffreay Dra-Brooks boutemisera Usey mentinta tthes and esjnyed bot meinrs mhit-h mre t-utied nvrrUse bosire. Later Usay ment ta, Use home ni Mes. lt-ena Saundees tehere lhey anjoyed bot nisannla. Brtbduy greatingu at-e etesded ta Jac r eas. mo, islii retabrate ls bieUday an Feh. il aid ta Bl Bradley, miso iii ratebrato lus bieIsday os Fais. S0 &M1kBItuiday Reatad hieUsday gtetisgs ta Vît- MnCahmis misu raiebrated is fOUsh irUsday, on Fais. 2. A sorpirse party mes baid os Sunday, Fais. 4, mith cose ta 200 attonding. Friande aid nalajibars traellad tram far. A delosu disnet- mas eijuyad ai large luthday taise maudetoraed iUs 8f candies. The Junior Fat-mars Choie mili sing ons Saday moraing, at Eden Uited Chuirni iUs Mes. George NemeSuat Usahe gan. ,f7RREADERS WRITE:J jContînued tromn Page BI childre ha ving to walk os the roads goingta tshoot is dangrrous enough, but dut-mg aninter mon ths thesc roads are very seldout sanded or salted wbictt increates the danger.Whes tI refer ta aar chitdren, i mean therA ERS.QOttario Si., one ofthtie busirst sireets outuide of MuanSt. tanks SIDEWAt.Itam sure Use Senior Citinens atong withsottsrrresidents of tlutarea wud appt-et-tata a stdewalh ta enabte them ta katbsaety imIatoma or te the pta. Prom otter atialas tIbhWm read linlthe oape-, t wauld appear tse elutve mentioned pepe outd preter ta upend the lAXPAYERS' money abtaiig entimnatea tor sideutatlm. stsetving Use idea and Uses 3-4 years tate- repeat thse saute ttslng uver ont-e mare, spendig mare af Use TAXPAVER maney.Thflotfaplanning saut mUt ust Use TâPAYwFR more tas dattat-s as Use prit-e o aItlut and materiats have riseri sharply. t utuld alS5o appear Usat Mayor Sest and Caoned membrs arr sot cant-et-ord niUs Use saaltyal ithe ahitdreo or citizns of Miltan, buttonly wUshUsemaast-r onJot-iDoesit noi a ppt-ar utrasigoea rth and et-et-y TAXPAYER haut ur etet-ted oattit-ls alutays manage ta tînd funds for aie canditionng ne salut-ylot-trasas, but sot fat- impor-tant items sut-h as StDEWLAKS. A. R. Ketty, 11f Batdwins Court, Mdltan, Ontario CAR WASH Whens tou fl S 2gallons oraver or take advas age of su REDUCED PRICESI 8-12 gallon aii pt-ar ash 50 cens 4-8gallontfillap, ar asht$.0OUTh 25cetns Eatra Priday, Saiurday 83li týdl and Sanday 5 Bell Bros. Ltd. 409.M.r.i......Milton,-O-t A FOSSILIZED TO<YIH ofu nuown origin mus unaxpectadly founil lasI meis hy Lino Rigo ons the parking lot t tise Nor'th Amat-irun Rorismells plant tare in Milton. Me. Rigo, o sarttrity gurd, said ha bad found otisar stosses mith fossis is Ueut but seeauny miii unything iSe titis. Tise taetb, about an incrh long, loobs lide thesa e ateotit nf perbupu a large doglike animai l it-broamea titis ut-eu tituuands ni years ugn. Tisa place ni rnck bud originalaty cme frout ose nitise qurnaes os tiseett-arpuett-t (Photo by J. Jesutngs) Scout-Guide pcirpde soon Tha anaal thart-h parada for Marr-ay mi racndunt tta 2 pi. biltnu U-oting aisd Guiding servira,ý and arcnd 200 ara grnsps, leaders and parans iluespetted ta attend. uscedaiad to ta isaid Sonday, ___ Fais. SU at Kisox Praubytat-tua t-brt-h. -Use Champion niassifiade to Knisx iinistar Rat-. Jobs boy, sli, hirer -at or anisounra Bp Man. cef aail eeso Siameea uyspeuiy lu eâtended ta Me. and Mes. Terry Ford af Lndos, Ontario an lise sielden itselng of Ueir aily nlilM, ifai Jasan ileOoFrd, hlie boeisy mai arendean ai Me. aid Mrs. Jerk Ford ot Edimonton, Aberte aid grand naptae ut Mee. Edlish Joyce Mrs Ada McaiMn Me andid bri. MredFard amâ Me: aid Mes. Relpis Fard of Omagis aesa. AU etbindad tise fanerai servireaietl»nona, an lieedey lise faar gtaidparensuoai lie baby, lisun itla Dat-id Fard aid Usa imrnedlaeareatives flae froni Edmoton aise bis ait Mes. Vie gnlaeBeatiililer ai ShtttotvllaQuetar muis lu suttisaiLabrador ettaisded. Me. aid Mes. David Fard eand Usairt- Io cblidran tetarned t-arantty ta Edmonton frais a t-eas ya eslgumenin luhanea, Ai-iamier a Dvidma eutployad by IBM. Warid fredae Crportiona. David lu tise ses ai Me. esd Mes. Jerk Ford, Rd- mnotanddtandisis famdly mli sbat-tiy ta mavlng ta taise sp rasideisea lu Tronto. Ge seaU wsheintaGerdon Tlarnarci SfreetavlibWho ba lu patient lu Misalsesige ispitai fR oigpn lus lusse, Te ise rtd meeting ut Hornby South 4-H Club mais baid lu Osnagh t-kh artbll ai Salut-day Fais 1. tU.se 17 mamberu aid Smo t-hutons attasdisg. Nasag Lauranc retsdad. T fu rU meet ing mOitaon Fais.24 et t p 1t discussian leli by Usa tedru mas iseid os ttsg sprt gamt-saaid tipe ongtsg raady ta sam bail mallEiý. Datonstralonse mere givas ai pressing. Girls mre rautianed ta aise e damp prass otaI, b taites iros ni aI tisa prapar sent and if possiblaprass on Usahet-aie aide ai gaerment. Tai bat anifro a a t-anise Usa fabi-lttapanser or devetop a stilue. Net-iiiss aid fadagu mre dîsrusued end Mns.Kiet-ses demisstt-atod Use t-lledthlm auge, iadluibUsuluainattra- tive and aiyaptld methisu for fiinising ait-islia aetm tales. Adievemen as for lis projat t luAprU 28i lu on W.A. Meetig Tise February meeting ai G0ngis W.A. asd W.M.S. meu hld lunst-bohrt-b bell an Thuruday Feis t. Mru. R. Brosaat-ldgeaiden asanaitisa t-bair for U e W.A. buiosis. Satiptore t-aadlssg and irayer utera git-en by Mes. H. Peararis. A ltter ofI Ibasa ais raed tram Miss Breisda Vit-ai for a glt seat utta shebasuffre-da bibas tatle. t ma decideduldinteBouton W.A. 1 oa tint meeting lu Jane et iiTmâ retat arlgtnated ebaut t 127 and buabeau enjayed by usa ladis fo thepeut46 a la mere ada e tis e bezarer isl lu sciedulad fer SatardayNoir. Si luta bauhd et Bayne rentra. liansemqrueuaissa Mes. H. Rutherford her sobatearig toi look aef e is noney affaira et lise organiainfer 1973. Mma. C. Patiersan preeldant dhirad lise W.M.S. meetng oçenngmiseeaaripoeas. Tie MmrfarKd. lserit 11 basdenmiibaiseld a Bô a Ghilet Gementa et Miltai milii ta lise guset speaker aid milishkase lides aid iss ieensmerj questions ais firee ufely. lisera miii alie ta iky drama as tisa leagreut. 7l aidean luaaà yeasry avent. Ladias andi gantlemesn are lnlled taiaed. Ti i li ta bdaid tBayne ( Centre. Mru. R. Marsealli tprlad an lise W.MS. meetIng et Geargetaown as Feb 7. Faiiamlug tise besadicîlan e detiaWlunc ainadat-upoaitee met-e eerved by Ma.Frai Amine. A saiaillitser mwa ssjoyed. lisera mare 10imarniusi ettendlng aidea Sala mai iseld. Greatissga Blrtkdey greetlaga go ta Grdas Robison, Mes. Wilgton Wlson, Robert Braserde, Mra. OGrait Devin, Patriia rlF, Miliam Haea, Mrles Jet-t-l, Julie Stovar, DoagasWilsan, Ceroai erb Richard Raid end Rasadee Id. Congratuatios taMe. aud Mes. Rabat-t W. Fard misa mlii ralaebi tetbair Stis eddlug aniversary Feis 14. aid ta Me. --See youai ethUe Ssam Festival this meeisasd. Salvation Armyl PICK-UP TRUCKI la IonîLa &Area EVERY TUESDAYI aid Mes. Sain Raid ons sir 1thU w adnieraryFe 20. Tise Hetton hlawmasaa aitln batd a sarresaid euechreaietByise Centra on Wtesdey eanlng Feis. 7, selti 24;als l a ttal uni-amre eat-a rdad lu Hetas bila, Me. R. Wituu, Mark Serd tJak Taloir. Laaisy dras tolo th taesment ta Dorotby Leagbaad, Lillas Reaeaad, Lloyd Picer~ting and fhe'ab Peaaerk. Tisanthtly maating ofthUs Ontario Staam and Astiqua Association mas hatd at Boysse Cntre isarsdayt-Feb. 8suuths102 Rase Caldaer af Pt-antan and sacrrary Steaet Catbnun, Mississaag ausdactad tbe besinenis s rgt-am nlrded a filmiofuthUsa tternatlmsei aid Waeid Plics Matab batd et Ceiodain 1s ,aise Usa Halbis flin. lTa By' aid UsaMai. Lun es a ueved and aasoidai ime enjoyad. Yo aasaleyîaurînyuar bat-k ut financal a iaards. Insar- ast- an t-e ain d heimaaa. lOlsaharI-listira, automobile, parsanal laislity, hat-glery yna gael ahe ighlpolion righi h r . C E E T Are there gups in your hgatir.g? Drafts? CoId spots? Fîi thom mîth electrît- heat, You can add electric heatîng sithout ooortanîng your prenant heatîng system -or vour budget. milton hydro your flvrcQ 258 Main St. E.878-2345 The Minimum Wage go0esup agan. One of the bultet- thîngs utbout wot-kîng in Ontrio ii the protection you gel under the Employment Standards Act. Nom we ve raised the Minimum Wage ar in. As of February 1, 1973 the Minimum Wage Bs going up: General Industry -$1 .80/hout- Constt-uction Industry - $2.O5lhour Students under 18 years o age - $1 .45/hour If your wage depends on the edtabl ished Minimum get the whole sfoty on the new Minimum Wages and hosa the Acf prolecîs you, by wtiting or phoning. Emrploymnent Standards Branch Onatrio Ministry af Labour 400 Universifp Avenue Toranfo, Ontario M7A MV 965-5251 Employment Standards Branch O Ministry of Labour 1-1s.F.isGGardas, Ontario Mnisiern ...........

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