Kerr speaks at UBCF annual Parkway beit conce.rns N. E Norths Eurlingtos resideetu eithSe Forums annuel and ie dent eppoar tto e valy con-did't ruas lto 007 objections oeed about leaingte mui-sifrm lise 71 peopleinatlee clpabity o uErbugtoan edjoegasdence. More cessere cas enle Mitn le a sec Cadraiepresed oveeiuocation oflte iteton terougis et regionnl pruposed parkcay boilt c ii goersmeset-if comenteaiethSe stpposadiy marks te bondary annuel meeting ut Uper âne tate esabbised ieteen te Bsibgton Citizens Forum ed» presont Brbengtnandamitle ec sesday are eny citeros. Central Haltan enit. Provinsciel Justice Secretary Buffd ferfuture George Kerr, te MPP for Karr tld teaudience te ibdtan West, cps guest speakser pariscey el tlocation ciliite REGIONAL GOVERNMENT cas te mata tapie of disnssion Wediesdey cites George Kerr, provincial justice secrtsry anadMaltas West MsPP cas guest speakuer t tise aeueil annoosoeti sous and itale"a bey elessent"lente Tornt-Cesbred Region concept adoptad le 171. Tise pariscey ciii bo a multi- servie corridor foroslng a "de- maration lie' betcees camn- mesties, providing a pince for suris services as freeeays, regional transit, power lins and sceatfopen land ciii bried pipelines. 'Il rovideo an opportuity to buiinea land ce. serve forcftutre ume, ut 1873 -il- meeting of Upper MorbugtoneCitoens Forum tKerr is pitured cbatting wltCaude Tctss andi Mes. Erie Godgmon ailer tise meeting. Abot 7.5 attendel <(Photo by R.Doctis) OUR EADES WRITE: WH I8NEW SCIOOL was taid tbt conatruction ut e NOT UNDER CONItRUCIION se, scho isuel egibogle unon as NOW tiere are 500 studeta reedy tu DearSirocvupy a 00w scboul. If this is Mieto iS oin!Is itisre, the enroment t WlI. Divis Mille lu roelg! mt itPublic Scisul wesseli ta urer condertut. Ai, this la progres. S5W studenta and J. M. Denyeu Frst cesse the large ledustries, Public Scisool to usver 70 tey jos.ithefcarnten n ,slded stadenta. W. 1. Dicis Public Seboot nateswt moe jobs.,te cmetie m ier lea secy suali scisoo, bult lu lactrie ciis orejob, ~ acconmodate 260 stadentsaiu alung came ose ec subdivision siaximums capocty. Il tas seven aod nue ttere are tiree more etearonssu, ose bledergertan,a subdivisions under devetoPment. amani offile, a liisay, tis New stores, an A & W and otier ofice ciicis ciii oly iandle une sec developirenta are falilog le sici chisld ad two portable hune, inta ose ibig master pansof ctassorms. Tis scisool le bodly rupid devetopment.' Nee jobs, sitaated isy a creeis and on f lood ee omes, conmuters frum tise plileland. Hoeest ucis a scboot city, tie itti ue s uSofiton L bondie, over Sf8 studenta? 'bile I tmuly grocleg oP and fs'ly woutd sey la verrocdisg, smntly too. epryornt Once our nee familes are boere eprr ret and setted ino t ieir ioms lise Accordog ta the Halos Reglue chldren must tart taoishool. Conservation Autiority su Sctaut? Wlere le lie scisul? builidings are prmtted wittan 8 Have yoo seen tbo scisul? 'Tie ls fonthie cronis on flood plale Hlton Couty Board of lnd, yet tbo portables ut W. Eductios tlla ns tist a pblie Dicis are 66 fot froon tise creei. scisuol cdll open os t974. Ties Hue ins tiis prmitted? Wiat tiey tel s ee mut bave 90 per rigit dos tie Scisool ord bove cet ufthtie studeota living le tise ta pace structares n flood plais nee subdivision tefore tboy wclalnd wee privte itiens onider bilding a sec orbool. cennot? Tise aton Counly Tie pblic sciool to te bult for Bord of Educutioo bs S53 tie ee subdiviions le ta ac- portables ccocding to Mr. consmodte 800 stodents. laedley. Are tbey uSt os ftood 'fTecefore, 72t nec studonta ciiila tnd? bore ta bo divided teteeee tise' Wiy sot put tise portables on tco eistiog scisol. Hocever, I tise sec scisol sita, ronsd hue siding . . . for thse KA SE carefree beauty of if. Enhanres aoohoe, old or eer f starrcou d traeeor belote 0 Never needs painting 0 2 Otneur 55Crantee f 1W FACTORY PRICES ON t I OTHER ALMINUM PRODUCTS 0 Alumnum Doors e[Cm:na]onWindows e Aluminum Awnings FEDERAL INDUSTRIES OFCCPiADA f FoteS Forstho lt., Obilie t 845-0318 IOUT.OF.TOWN CUSTOMERS PHONE COLLECT' prmeset cusisoos faeehities deis ould te leeorportad lto lee new c neool weait inaiuit. Tiis coulil prevent tise ovenisrdeg ut sebool fueities and elimisuling tise eost ut bonsleg cebodren fronstleo sec hometo tbe tio existing seboole. Oc chy not bouas progressive as you lelis you are, Hates Coonty Board ut Eduration! More elle lee tisses and build te arbool along citis te subdivision. Thon wten alte subdivisions are rosopleird andl ovruplei tise sehool cîli te Iere are reudy foc actios. Wby is tis svhool nou onder construction soc? Snverely, (Mrs Margo Kent Milon Ont. location 3,u i ngton prives,' boe toid tise crocd. Oaly sasse ofthtie lands citit the poeisey lieit wcli eed ta te in publie owersispKerr sald. Tteresseieder r-gyjff ubjeet ta cnstrainta ta proteet tise ucoral pubilic interont.' Kerr suggeuted tl conid te seliersexuy nor le. expansive ta mate lise beit e reebity. Tisere are beued ta tie mome ledividuel proporty oceers ebo ciii tie alfeced isy tiese piano and ciso may sot onstisnticaliy ondorse lises,' le vestared. "'The governmesi la deeply conciou fthtie cigisuou lie individuel le tisese mottars and bossno desire ta tresepie aey- ose.", Tise periscay boIt and tise pre. servation of tbo Niagara Escarp- mmln are lied le togetiser, Kerr said. Tise escarpeet pre. servetion as force wcli lotanie reportiog sous andlise boped ail residensaof Earbongton could stady bots tise pariscey and tise escecpmest propuesasciosely. Waata feedbmeb As for tbo Jan. 23 ennouece. ment ut e regional goverment pruposal maletaintag Heitan os a unit, Kerr pointad ast tise pru- posa are sti only proposea. "Weeostta tear ynuc opdelass," boe streueed, addieg lbe cnuld celvome letters froinis censtituents. "tisece are name peopole ciso stll question tise need foc regional goveroment et ail. ¶'iey asis eby tic goveinent juot conet leeve ttem aione in tiseir cessfortuile little bailiici. Tisey boar rsmocs 0of subotantbdl tas taises lne as isere regioisel gorernenent bus been introduced," tbo MPP ueid. Eut thse municipal framnecors mtablised by tise Baldidet inl 1840 le not strong enougis nor flexible esoagl ta cepoelle htise presures ut arbeeloation and otiter crîival factars le lata 200h century Ontario, ieseuggested. "Local governeet et present 'n bampereil and frustreted le renslegita tati eapecity b3 linited tinanciel resoorees est as obsolete operatine frueeori," lbe ueid. M8aay advantages Varions studien egree os le' seed for larger units o goverrment. "Strong, brondiy bosed local governasents boy masy adoantugen orer ou present systens." County sebool boards cere sucees, tie noted. And tac tbos ciso coald ding ta lee preses style ut goverumnent, releier lhe tare possible tan bires, b ssggrstod -Ballon ciiiget it sisre" ut provincial grains t telp iltiscrougistle tramsitioni poiod. 1 thaisk Halton County lu reavied lee stage in ita develol ment cisere ce nmust ail cor mare vlosely togeleer, ta ensut leat ail avens sisare te besef i Îo KINGHAM HILL ESTATES only 25 minutes to Toronto CMHC MORTGAGES trom 712 percent CARRYING C HARGES troso $144.00O per month including taxes aind maintenanoce ELECTRIC HEAT LOW DOWN PAYMENT STORMS & 5CR EENS-Fully Decorated i . I 7 of or grocle," Kerr corisded. "We are on tlee rge ut seoleer gaeetstepforcerdcisicis cli reep osseense tenefita for ome ditittoon and grendelidres." Ased by an camas le lee audence cisy tce.ller govers- mt ces propoeed wese e shools boards gel by on ose tir, lee MPP itPtheld lee eciiors ta Halton opted for e teo-level guverumnent. A scisool board going reie le sent os bg osd tiamatir" asmeleg a counci a regional eoncore, te suggeted. Caerete, aatdalt Htarold Mlddblbroosbcbaged "Iyou're getting too soucis eoncreta and aspisalt on lele lad" and wondred cisat cli hap by anc ffl sav wit ta] exl evi lh nx ÜK wu ný an tb SY, 7 ru tal ck I c he eh r e te vianged. Tise peuple ut Buribgtoe voted besvily ta, stey wllebtalo and "I cent Ey iltee face ufthlet," EBurogtan sloldd stay le Halton,bheueid, as leere le "e certain esprit de morps,a crtai. pride". Hasmilton is a great city elle e grout future and clii bisely g ru ta lhe e ot andsosule-cent, Err stigestad. 'fhe proposed reglonai government for Hamilton, e centrovecsbdl isoue rigt stuc, "cill te acceptable le time." be tit. 'iiomebudy ouogit ta gel leat brouofCapp' (Hamiltan Mayor Vie Coppol ueddie leen," carnee avulve froos lee audience. The Champion, Milton, Ont, Wed, Februery 14, t973 Bq Four new directors loin Citizens Forum Four nec dirctors cere nnaloetot join the esevulive ut tise Upper Oarlington Cillamos Forum, ai lte groupos 141h annual 0meeting Wednvsdhiy Formel in 1950, the Foron s 1o ne oftieoldestrosteut'o vatapayer orgonisations lenttis orna. Kart Kostar, OIn Campbsell, javis Ryen and Giord tayer cere numed ta tise eetive tisis peur. Returnisig memisers Irons last year's esecutive are G. Bradford Clemeots, Mes. Lais Morris, Mes. Vera Parent, Mes. Anse Rudge, Mes. toiel Porteis and Tam Fostar. Clements cas president le 1972. Tise direvtors cdll metont uo naine tiseir presîdent, vive-presi- dent, sevretary and treasarer and mup out a program ut meetings for tise vosuso pear. Easy ymcr President Clementa. ceslecing 1972, notod several meetings cere beld citsBlSCanada spoisesmen vosvereleg nsprovrdl service in the sorts part ut ssittad a brief on tise proposedl nwofficial lund ose plon toc tise nortit sud ooducteil o mail Sm 01110 tu t out ohat type' of sriethevresidvotso-aotliThe mail proisten s 10 ieg edin ubrysoce rigtt eue, ontil il is determîned wciat vchaoges regional govecnmest bregs, lise said. Tise Fortum also iseld tcî ineet- thse-candidates meetings, une prior tate Octaber tederul eleetion and une tetoce tise Deenster innmvipal election. Ths peur tise Forum is dentns 07 on invitationtaci dns tEast Fluintarougis Tocnshiip ta loin tise Forum. East Flainiocougis may jin liarbog- ton in a reglonsi goversnent. '-Te Massey-Ferguson lRed Nitas snoociobie team cdl te poctor su letise fie grouods thts eeend, s part ot tise ieue Festival testivities. ppen ta tise taxons t be frozn .........::.d9.O.:5OXOI . . tb nepent preservatlono ....................... . . id parisay bit Kerr ...... .........'*"" ...... igltd nyne treed0 TWEN*TYSIVINTH IN A SERIES ain ilarn ted cill be bappy itb te episeemi e wonif ilo dtise reors e 50015b A MartofP grs inM l n ventives ie asenoinent and naton, be romsd otiiers i the audience %pressed concern over the cetuat location of tise priscay. bey said it would bot deveioP-.... est nortb a tie corridor and ie MPP agreed service UneeÉOI woild nt go acroso it frumen lise Tise MPP qot begged daen on )ne point durssg tise question and sucer priod--asised ta explain . he municipal capital levy ytsadbosit iu justlfted in a orl oesa sci s osnortis Brllig- ton, Kerr admittad be dido t now bow tu answer ths question. is insElle (Wa id Tiree asuncilor EUe Foota) eos breSelsAe samjrpoetudwyaseth emi."e dont bnooeiow ttey jsstdfy it, fRecostruction onStteAv.womorpjetudryusetererît'te e sald, assod laugiter and *.sodemo utf tise coud betceen Ontario St. and Marinl St. is port of Hîgbwoy 25. Major choas from tbo audience. changesuand installation ot truttir signais will taise place t tise Martle-Steetes and Ontario- Stay Ilu ailln !j . jSteetesiuttarsection.ise project uodertaises tytieaosl opetotcisie As for lbeilg Borbongtae eittisDepartment otitghways is o turtiser marisof progressu Hamiltan, Kerr ald tisere la 'vrliltle chance" atbosglthtie ora pogressive A eternal boundartes of isotis saase oriess tortiegton and Hasmittanmy yet t cmpetitîce rate, iontc. -Kelso was a taisy spt ntise Sre itn8829 weeeiend tbnbs o ttietrsbll208 OMain tetE îtn882 otsnowand acoupe ofcool but .................................. sonny deys. a Ifio e nas S I.penion lan t using the ~~Govrmn' ruestosaeai 55l o ici -ax You likisly isoo o 9 ot'ti puy iucarne las on the dollars Ihat ose pul ia 9000 f0 gop pensio pla. l-ot-di yassed ueo- ruies thot cri help ycu sae anextra ibodie of maicyon Oasoraiiy. yo're 0000 alo-cil lu put an aildiol omoost ira reire- ment plan wtîtîus'. We togister iwt tise Oos'rouetoand y900ntcrinil as auctîter las deduclîo. ,as longc as ihc toali edorlîce >ou claim for isoih plans dressi 00crd$200c Of yourcearncd inooi. Forrsoiouplc. if ycu'ro payirg $200 rt yoîirprescritiplnas 90 0011 a b ahle 10 put ar extrao $1,000 ltîto or plan. The hotngves 00ou iridea ltot much aodtiocial oneoy yoItilIs.10r Tiitp i al oftf.irs cxlla eîîtccy yoo sasecaitmoke ore uoory.Es- senoilb hecrrfitilrwtsocn, this. Yucriavehorus ifvlOsil0in stockis. Viiicarith avecsos tci tlfor i guarooiocîl taltoe ofiteirsi. Yo ai haoeis icesiiiin incoor oluiiii ionds aîîd etoriaros. Or )iiicari bisioocfitheseiiircc alterntivs. The taauiy of ili s: Yîo aiacially control the coiîoatioofas yoor ecds chounge 00cr te cars. Foriesitance, yoi oood irsestini sockss for seoraI ycars. for long-ternu growth. And lhee ao yo gel closer lu meûrement, 9y o mitlraet 10 ith Io a garaiittidîii.'rosirate. And lyo as gtiyouooooîî(lut ositot pyiyolaooný,ilt>. Wltoît >oevenioOIiî ihioose ýiti draw t o u hav re toi atoaxe100s oit i tatitt, ofcosose. Outiiso, latis Youpaytaxo00yîor otoîveywohriî9oo deoide tc pay i. This enlar.M n 51000v liisly iii a loto-rttas hi aihot. Titis has led soute to alI tiis plan o laxshsitrc. Ove felloto oe isoro-poaus lu puy ini oir scieraI 0\cars, catit row ilicciî,otaisei ýl o eplace n'oîrmal iiconc ohile ho ares ieMajorti. BUi lei.. fac il, the oct! heoeiti conesfrotmlo.inii *il otirei. Moreoser. oa diot hooo a loti cf ouesei i ialkico ral'. teefr yodort'i Imtoa> aes orociffis- ii sisotsIiecc.htîî toca[ i. Doi't!pult tril y ,or1972 itcorîr iteriThuoîsîlît. M.iooh Wi, 1973. if yoîî'ri,'shirti ofa,, tilt toi îs aoloîi.î lo- cos oa IiitThe lîtîcîls dedctîllfro ore r 0toibl ir o Matei lic truls oiottilot i ot lititt S 7,500 s 115 SSi,12t 921)2 10.00M 51)( 1500 401 20,000 101111 5(X)0 151 trI000 1.50() il.000l 4901 otîl ho-1 bc oi,iihl tutti Thiai ho-ri,tiiiiohelceOstoraîîuhi]ob h tppI o -Pin .t il ioîîto'ii a groiîiPlaton tir.Oitrort iii.ii.îg .iiitrihotic-rvil o yclool O titi tit Ptiiii 2,500 o rlitoitla .,h i'.o Canada Trust E Main at Charles --78-2834 ------------------------ -------------------------------------