84 Th. Champion, lion, Ont. Wed, Fearuary 14, 1973 KING 0F THE SLOPES, Mark Koebler of Mark mas one of hundretis who hati fun durusg Burl/ngton demoustiates thse use of is t/now Bur/usgton's Winter Gamdes ait Losey/le Park Bob. Tise machines are sew ta thon area but Sunday. apparently are useti extensive/y us Europe. NOT T/JO ENTHUSED about tise goingo-on, one-year-old. Jobostsoi Lake of Burlington bas a suioz whtte bis parents Mr. anti Mrs. Brian Lake beati for tise skating aires. Tisey were aong tse fotk jo/u/ng ta tie foui at Burlingtan Wlinter Ganses at Lowviile Park t/unday. First Queen's Plate winner born on Halton County farm Norths America's o/dent horst race, "Tht Quten's Plate", mas lt/st tan on Jane 27, 1860. Tht winnter mas a tay thotougbbred calt, tara anti t/ed an a Ha/tan Coanty lotus ohere, in /973, tarsies are st//t ta/ng httd. That t/tnt menner man "Dan Juan", anti a tanthiome lrophp is ta ta p ennti n bus hanor a/ a Waad- tat ai/es reteption anti dance ut tht Bronta Legoan Hall on ioîiday, Feb. /6. Eacb ytar, "Tht Don Juan fraphy" io ta tae amardeti ta four tarsemn woan ania/ are siabîtti aI tht former home ai that very t/tnt champion. Cooppted bere Tlhtosat tht paut year. tht/ year's minners anti tht/t tarses have rampettil ut cEnghub and Western style Horse Showsin Burlingtan, Qabvi/le, Brampton, Mil/t/e, Carlin/e and Maunt Hope, anti tht traphy m/Ile aomn by tht tarnemen wo have hraugbt the most honar ta tht/t stable. Tht stables st//t rasi tht mame "Wmanut", mb/ch man adoptat in -a /86/ y tht originaI amner , James Wh/ite. Faut generatoons lot/r. tht lats is nm in the hantis of George S. Att/ns wose fassi/y acqa/teti it mare than ha/i o century aoa from a son-/n-taw oi the originat Tht /onpressive new "Don Joan Trophy' /s presentei by r. Att/ns, a ne/t hnnmn CBC ta- tio ,TV consmentatnr, tai en- courage gaut boraeusanabip aonong yang et generatlons ai Canati/ans. The stables, nom on tht farisi [rom mbicb tht itiostrios "Don Juan" cause, are be/nf uperuteti by Kather/ne anti Wayne Viscent. Thtr formser t/ a tarsewman ta ber on r/gbt, mbose grantitather mus a member ni Quten V/c- tartans Housthatti Cavalry. Site pointa m/th pr/de ta thase glamarous yeasnu tht lia0is otan "The Quens Pt/te" mas ton st i s h y harnen iroin ttsales mhlcb ahe nom aperates andishe lookn lormard tar hiethor sucrasses /n couspet/ion m/th ather st/bits throagbaut tht country. -Partc/pute /n tht Snnm Festival this meekesti. -"Everytiag hou/it/day" anti that day mil/ble Saturday ohen M//tan Rtary Club sponnors a "malt shnw" at tht fir groundsu as part ai the Snow Festival. TUE RACE It/ON snd it' "sugar colited' lu Iowvile Park Suuday. Titis aunouncer added thse tend. Oh, hure cornes "dreaiun ohippeti to tefusolt a glowlug commrntaiy on eacit along tise rail. ise donut eating contest wai a race. popua event at Burlington Wluter Gaines in A FULLLOADnd lista some.A magon hay at Burtinglon Wustar anus t/uny in r/de sens a poputur attraction for youngsbern tooville. (Phsotos isy B. Burtt) MiltonSchoo of Divn m ÊERlNSRCTO AT RESOABE O A SMALL FIRE was a warmn wetcome tai Lowville Park Sunday. Snowmobslmng, skating many who visiteti lurhingcon winter gomes ait and o/ber wmnter gamnes hig~lgted thse fun. TUESDAY SPECIAL Kt.4uFk # fed Cck qenn DINNER FOR ONE 0Qar Regulor 3 Piece Dinner TUESDAY ONLY M M M ~ T0 SNOW FESTIVAL PARADE un M R M [] Sot. Morn. il :00 arn Four Hundred (400> 2 for 1 Paper Plane Coupons will be released during the Snow Festival Parade Comp limnents of the Colonel, cotoneltSondra anti h/a boys msoat "figert lchin'good" HOURS: chicen U,,i-fzL MON. THURS. 1t.303.m. -Sp.. FRI. SAT. 11.30 ar.- mttight Once a aininl1972- for the fth tme sioe 1967- Datsun was awarded the coveted Canadian National Raly Championship! i wF4&f <andl e $26150 yS~ win big!) Datsuo has [won moro raiip champiovsltîps that anp othet car ini Canada. Agaivot tht best cotopotitots. Uodvt the [sorst conditions. So what? Mapto ail yo really ceed is acar that behats seosilp and ecocomicalp in taflic or ont the /tttsoay So this: tht things that have ho/poU us win rallies are standard oquipmoct u the Datsuns ooII lind in oaodtaler's sIowoom "tont dsc taos, oehad ca powae, ioepedota sspesion and toogh unit body cotstruction add ap te a car that aoîll survive ashertoot poli drivo AndU bocaus thooto ail pools ai no etra [ast. thoy also addt ap to a lot watt car lor yoat dollar, Roadtitst Canada's ally chamcp alaVoutLatsc Uealet'scaow You cantl lse ail you edrnw-* DATSUN -Champ/on clasilets inmIl maile your phone ring. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS MEETS EVERy TO ES DAYSp .m. Graca Atqlicat HAOING A PRORLEM? oROP IN When we win, you win.