Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Feb 1973, p. 13

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ûampion Ed ' <J',Au The division of responsibilities betwJeen ltse area couni and the regional couni, as proposed recently by the province, deserves more attention than it bas received tsius far from local municipal councillors. Boundaries have caught mos of thee tek thus f ar and yet the long-range implications, and thse biggest change sstich local ratepayers will sec, is ini tise change of responsibilities from local te regional. In is outline Arthur Meen described regional fonctions as lncluding "brnad planning strategy for tise region, as reflected in an official plan"' as a basic guide. In addition thee regional jurindiction would encompass certain kinds of roada and traffBc cotrol, Public transit, water and seseer services, garbage dispoqaI, police, emergency meassirers, some licensisg, bealtis and welfare, coanty forests and capital borrowing. Under tise ares counicil resaibilities, the province set ot developing and administering official plans, handling subdivision agreementa, and setiling questions of zoning-all, of course, compatible wite lthe officiaI plan of tee total region. In addition some questiomnsi parking ssoudd be more readily settleli by thee local level of counicil, plus drainage and local roads. Parka and recreation are also seen as a local respomsibility. Thse collection of gorbage and the continuation of hydre service would remain local as would fire protection, some licensing, and possibty tax collection. So wht ali we cali tee new municipal borossghs proposed for thee central and norteers portions ofthee HaIson regional government? Thse unit tentatively ralled "Central llaltos" inthte goverments presen- tation wil likely end op being calied Milton, because the borvugh is centred on Milton alteough it includes thee seole tosen plus portions of Burlington, Oak- ville, Esquesing sud Nsssagaweya. But Milton Coonilior Jim Kerr bas an ides for s new name, in case teose in tee ostlying areas onnt their municipal Mames recognized inte e ew horongh. He teinks "Bomen" would ha filting, as it combines tee frst letier of each manicipality's name - liaclinglon, Oakville, Milton, Esquesing and Nasssgaweys. Next te Milton, tets the e st osme we'ce heard yel. It would certainly ha unwieldy if we combined tee firss phrase of each municipal name into ose. You'd end up wite Mames like Miloakburlesquenass or Miltesnasoakburl or something equally ridicalous. Slow about "Centre City" to indicato Can anyone teliaus wlere Walter H. Lindsay once had a store in Milton, bandling groceries and dress gonds? The Champion bas an old lime drawing of tee store but cant match it up wite any of tee present buildings te tee dowonn core. Organizers have gone to a lot of mrk preparing for tein weekend's tird annual Snon Festival winter carnival. Its set up so test most of ltse events sili continue, smos or no n os, butof course it su hab perfect if Ileres a gond layer ofisnow on tee ground. Thse progrsm is aIl arranged, nos all tets needed is public participation. Your snowman tag is your admission so ha sure your whole family is seoring s snosman shen you haad for thee osoekensi evento 51 theefair grounds. Speaking about thse Niagara Escarpment at s meeting in Norts Burlingten one nighl last week, Haton West MPP George Kerr teld why tise province had te take over tee job of preserving thse 465-mile long escarpmnent. "Thse escarpment cota terougls many jurisdictions, includlng cime counties, eight conservation auteorities, 31 planning boards and 63 local municipalities. Because of tein jurisdictional jungle, it became apparent test an overali provincial plan souid ha required," he sald. We guesa so-ts bard onongb te get a couple of municipalities te agree on For simplicitys sake, liken thee propoaed regional government tethee Present county goveroment. Removed fromntee concerna ni tee local municipality souid bhattee atersorks and sewer sytem, approval of sub- divisions, garbage disposaI, police and capital brrowing. It hecomes evident tbat much ofthee decision-maling 500bu trsusferred te a senior level of government. Miltons affected neighbors bave been suggesting test given ares coundil Statua, tee town sili «become a developers' poradise". Ibis pinpoints theer shalios thinking. Milton could't aPprove s plan of subdivision if it santed te witeout regional coancil approval. It could't expand ito sesage treatment facilities, develop s nes sater source or brrow tee required funds without regional council aPProval. And on test 23-member regional coundil, Milton will have s proposed thee voices. It seema fessible test under regional goveroment local ratepoyers will flnd o great tramsfer of respomsihiity bais tokes place and ares councils, like todsy's local municipslity, may ha dealing primarily in fixing a few sli-eets, collecting the garbage, ptting out fires, planning parks and rocreation programs and collecting thee taxes. Al tee buundsry debates in thee world sont prepare residents for thee major changes in tee handling of services that are planned under rogional goveroment. tee nes brongh's key location in tee centre tf the hurgeoning Halton region? Or we couid off theebat te ilingualism and maintalo su historie Esquesing name by calllng il Quatre Bras which translates into "four arma" sud certainly fitas large town rvaching oui in four directions in rural lands. Up in tee norteero Haiten burough, sot many names have been suggested. Acten Mayor Les Duby teinks North Halton soute hcas suitable home for the brough encompsssing Acton, George- town, Esquesing and Nssagsseya. If tets sot poplar ha suggests ML. Egan. The Mt. stands for Moont in recognition of tee fact the ares silI ha several hundred feet abuve tee level of the southers municipalities, and teanks te tee presence of tee Niagara Escarpment which is commonly calleti "tee moustais". Egan, of course, compounds tee first leter of tee four muncipalities. Some wag suggested Escarpmento would ha nice. Whs's your suggestion? suyteing, let alone test many separate entities! Halton MlP Terry OConnor must ha os tee horos tof s dilemna teese days, ocer the capital punishment eontroversy. O'Connor, an admitteli *ablitionist, represento a riding ha caims te lsrgely te favor ni retaining tee deate penalty. In a speech in thee House of Commons Jas. 31 he urged s flve-yesr extension of theehan on thee deate penalty. It raises tee question, should an HP voice is oma persal nlews in tee Homse, or teose of is coastituenta? The traditional first sod sas tucned Friday for the provinces nes $13500,000 Maplehursi Correctional Centre in tIhe norte end of Hilton. The facility provides new minimum security facilities for inmates presentiy in tee Mimico training centre sud Guelphi reformatery, but il should ha rememhared it silI NOT replace thee outdsted county jail in Hilton. Thats plhsse twon nitee plans, and nos slateli fer construction at tee Maplehurst site ontil 1975. While se are plessed thee province la adding noteer large institution Iere, we are diaappointed tee Priority int bas not shema replacement cf theeHilton jail la as necessary as it appears. MODERN CLIFF DWELLERS include teose vite homes almost as good an from tee top of the hrow of the evcarpmnesî nestleif haneath the hrow of tee Rattiesnake Point Park peak above thecot-on a clear day pou con sec hait way acrons Lake on tee Niagara Escarposent, a couple of mles west ni Milton. Otaons. (Photo by t. Jcnnisgs) The view fron tise front windows of sonne of thase homes is VOL, 113 - No. 42 MILTON, ONTARIO, WLDIiiESDAY, FEIOUAOY 14, 1973 Second Section Su by bill smsleyJ Au monp o sage tes remorisei, mun is o crios a nmal. He lu thse snlp species teot will LU steers of lass ons type in iteer ht se csld bmod. Asd te is tie snly suintai, mnclug tee much-malbgned issg, tet wil etoonytlùng ond drink pacico5y antting. Carnivoees eSt meot. Heebtvsres eoi hecto A leonspecies uke ta nacy tie diet vils some stce, ripe eoeisn. But mssnsil eot onylsisg tet geors, soins, sims ors fiss, including tizeseif, if tes bsngry enosgt. Iu s e hteeaoprstiferatiin of sucs delseocies os seat nlippers,cosd's longue, eoused snobe. Iriesi gesutoppers, tesgs' legs, tees and onts n ciocstate. What ter species csstd stomachbieds' net sssp se year-std eggs? Not to mention teggis. Pince Plomînt said: -"Sttaopiece of oseis lumon! tow nfilte te tacstties! in toro, nmd moint isos expressud od- mniesiel in action tom ise su sugel, in appeeens ior wlie o god!t the asty ni aie wosed! tise pecogon of onimsas!" Wht aopieceeofsrsindeed! MasnsOl eat ssyaiing rsm gts ta nota. Foc ony, teeres noting tastier tean lied lbvee, bte istulld eli tc, tidsey pie sud - ainost untelievable- tripe, test exotie disis mode Iroon the linisg of o coons stoonact. Its sot hoed la figure ot onere tee expression "Tiais a lot of tripe" came feom G;UARANTEES ON Dese Me. Editta. t havne lusl read siai seet's "Campion", ypua nes egionot gonernsent pi tW oi nscerned at ths lions ai Oea otunieîpslîtp hasen aie most significant aspecto efer 10 aie massive coscen Oite cegionsi lenel. lmptementatlos 5oflise presnolform swoutd see theu of ail ntal municipal oct% exception of garisage ci together osai esmptete regi in aie fields ut planning aos aie teste ineli of tee ares r vible unit in lin local gone Whst se e ull0psee ine lu in fotsa device tb secore1 certain, transter of peser f oires monicipalities t a slf mnicipal goerninent. St over ares municipalSty teu N TER PUT ALL RECREATION FACILITIES UNDER ONE BOARD Djicr Ediloc: 1 sec byypou last issue thtonce again àottecesti n tails aise 15local iboords, Poriss'teceeotioanmd Ledîttetol on tise U'eenaBoord secti lto e suies opaci. proposas. Saeelp Farst tiseps'e hcn'îîthe popec sewtai aie location tocîlsîses toca octaot morcro ndctes is to mia pogam-e.g .soSndeqoote sceeessg tor the t1 aite ses pion. I1 ioards and igtîgin Milton Acno. Sut i steotion of power Aclon lsep hae aoisîtng leogue altliaght liey isoce no grecning avecte *proposalinilis flime ligso. tut side scceentng. At OahniSle *cegion in restrol Aesa, stece ttep plap juniore ocrasse, ttey wvces vitI tise haveoimost idenltcaleconditionsas se isove colecton. Ibis, hece n Miton, sîtis o minimum nf ionol dononsuce potteins, ifinance, smmd Regordîne tee lime nelees for msnicipatity asua cecreestonal pueposes. misy stsuld one versonet s stem. gesup shaw a revenu e and aothee an aie sew proposai espessdîttre? Stp sissuld ao lttpsuifer ty ' the gradual itlpopieg tferliese iigis aeeno ceatîlos-lt froon ose present saunds lite empo'e-building ta me. fture single ier lSurety Mlon Coorccîl con breeak up hsm tty thse ocers deodiocis ty putsng it town-oonsed sendarieut facîtities under nne loard, prefershlp parte sud receation. This moud put an end tei Youausincerelp, stel ueems tole o amultipticity of adsisti- H. H. Cripp, stration. R.R. 1, Hilton. Then every peesen sud enerp organized 'tiome aretut t es ctegoiesim thse goto deportosent At tise otisee end otite scle mrongthe nats, areesschlsingns hickorey, tezet, cheut, sot, peo sud ss'eettreods. No ol-espectotg goal sostd eSt sud drink smmc if tise thiogs thc "parogon if anmtols" sun in tonsqiaeig, eeuctanl stomaet. Diii picils, kisppeeed iseeetng, colditongue, hotcsury Nevec imnd aie jonce nf ferotenîed geapes, ond cheese ceostog sols otoggots. No sondee se soneil pecutiar to oaims . Ener noticedisss dogs and ca nndlusand watisosays'itisodîsguste lotis" Mss' covolier etp seaet tisose long- snifeeîng stoaciss, of sisicis se are ssued ony one ftesdsation. Breeaistst. Sisal o say tb sitaro aday' A glaof I tepocange toice. foSlosed isy scaldotg coftee. Then sonne ceceot, tise eogise aie tlter. Then a lews stees sffio pîg's hum, ccootpooted ty o couple of hiems' idrcrn. T ass is o cosple ot vitani pulis, ails deac'only-knoss wotlpoisons s' aies, sud sere reedp 10 face tise sortd. No 'onaec tise sorti locha peetty geim Wen 1wssin pison camsp.seres'ere cois aoot. Tise Gecotonis epi qsste o tes cotsaoond to contenlthtie et populotion. One doaite campcomn'o der, shotodoa sense ottmor, posted o notice in eoeis tar- rccha "Aoptody caugist eotîng tong-tailed rabisi ute seceeely punised." Yep. Tise tops Oece eototg aie ca. The French have torsemeot haleter stops tomne Asons comîider tsees nottesg seeter thon boled, taised se trîed dsg. tomne Arabian trîtes cooh o stole siseep, and te mont suculen part ofthlie meatlu scog out thseeyes. AEastern versso o oysters on aie hall.shett, (Xtcouse 'onadtans wstd never touctt such tinsog. Se confine osrselet la ne trats anstepterds' pie. cossistosg oi gcoood-op, used up stepterds, Ise noailsud all. At teant ttey seem hke toc oais orsn pou cesseto doson on ose, This may oit veerniroreievant to te gree tsses of te iyan odil is. Sut i's o lot deeper ttaoitvseenos ttîrst glance, 1 tegon tutkint f aimn a on w sometody told me o ctap tedt opent 32 dapu oe sometsng in a cabin Sp nott and fted scvioedtbyeatingnosce It a nos ins'iga- ing tosgt. Cool pyou sec tsm sitting tee, drootisot, os te turned a 0055e on o spit? Con pou usderslond hsn deciding 10 have o cstd lunhtofthaunctatfmosse, wnth asalad of pote needies and cedae tudn. served on Cayos seetsnm mnctsngoamouse dcomsttct torac oed-ticesnacis' Oc waccysng, lite any pccplened tomse- sate, ahoot ihetter to hoveco rsap roast of nasse, oroastanding rbestor h e oit liced nasse longuse'. And decoting ttchetelails hil,lte s'as gsisg ta oplurge tontghttand tovefitlet of niasse If hoggles tte tond, gcoop, bttInwaind in vttc tsture, coatd tendfit troo o oel deo'elopcd, tcong. aS.- eocompasg ycit lo vat ecreolsonot prageoin. tls gel goîng, Mlton. t1s'osld lte nterestcd in reashng the area oaod's 'onaoents oinTe Champion. ttttEttAtK NEEtSED MORE TSIAN AhIR 'ONDITIONINc. t 'lt, failîo ng aagcapt OOs putlîoted on lthcsSs'yh 7ssuesonsethe headtsg of Milton Couni'il Irîcta. -Ageed dl cnsider istavllationof air conitstonign ttecs.nlî.hambecsand tte 'ormnssllccs'aam ticlac te snmmec Maors B. Betisugg,.vted il vs essential ifsOotsner meetings osec to continsu'e1to efftective. SsIithde tous e se pensi tece, il in mandatory* , tepsty tieeeMes.M. Pownys t wostd îssî lîhe to point ot thelacî, thai tieeisoa longe nuotter ai suc TAXPAYERS nisose ploce af busines n not oi' conditttned. and Iheir mach in ut os et- fective. tfilt oece nol eftective, ttey wssld tetteredtcomtecî ob. e simple, isn't il? l sa oTAXI',xt"tt1t Iet thece aSec nore impoctant items on ttc agendo Ltlus u st deot wite ose of these imnoocisi items for on, SIDEWAI.K CONSTIIUCTION. The roates Ocr childeen toise 10 scismi in mont cases, lacis lîDEWAtIXS.The tact of oc (Contisaclions Pate 510> Pages of theaskI 20 years ago Takes troon the issaeof Tise Cindiss Uthampion, Fit. 1l, 1953. Meshets ai threc sholing clubs tctd teee isoinl compelîlion ofthtise vsasnsi Miton Acena tiss eek. lSkaiers leas ttc Grainstc. Osisolo ond Hamiîlton vholsng clubs cootpeted fto tap i:nte inlerccia comrpelstisos.tise inal one oni inece ait ttc Hamooiton clut asu osts. Rl . Ltavslon olctontohcben naniod chiacoan ofthelise queing sctolale boerdiiss (ar. vu cceeding Hectorc heu Meotes ofthe board ore Mr. liedtoton Bingtom, R. J. Cmrssngtocn and Wiia ElmieS Polar Kîngv deligisled aopataisan tome rcod tout Feiday nigt thuno-t Win oveMilotatisi onsolisdoleg aicie tad on fisviplace i tl iseS esen Blt Matin, tise i0 minute maor etise Kingu isas thsegent Who d! ' the damageand co p toue goals, The entireeNorth A'mc' ...,iunento'sli be tocneainis one grealsephstne ev'tonge on competon o acimmnse project winich is noa sndecs'oy. Haeey Smite. Bel lelepisneepeveniolive tld lise Milton bisgh ticismi pupis amd aie nemhes attise Milon lRotSayclub thisv Oeis 50 years ago Tatien troo the issue orrbe ('soadisn Champion, Fet. 15.19m3. Ahoot 6 asot Monda0 o doablietcki dweclisng on Milt St.ns'ned hy JohneHantcc Loteaccd asgsltcd 'Thecoriginothe [ce iv ustnosn. hfiegan in th isetcieusaf anc ai tise tenants, E. Durno stose soay s lsat e as s'okenedtayceiensvîhs to lîttlu' clldeen. There s'as no lime 10 dreev tan dbc caccsed thtcmoutin tier nigt clauses. Oit accourt of tise fu epideotic aie cote on lis" hydeo eectrsc ty-law ut Caotphclsille oas carsed 38-3 and The Champion is inloconed tere 'souttet iave teen anotr s'ate agaînvî il iÉi 1 bieen o luit vile. Yesterday Ontarootd -tise sorstblizezard and 0000' lochade5 of recenl acars.tisece was a nmIe S minute gale, lise aic wsv uls a' vow andmals dandailwas vere bloctvi hy drifs. No trains got tteosgh on tise Haoniton'Alandale division ai tise ilTi uis ltle itisumoensng. A CPS les-sn toc ilolersci socuctaIMottaI and tiacised tlie finn.'l'temeccuy deoppdto aboutlercolant t-lton Camservaliccu met on Milton Salsedao. A convention is pîmnnesi tor te 'tsof March to selectacanidaite for the legislatuce.lohnInrtving of Mlton,.Goarge filtmer o as siaho 1W. S. 54Macden af 'ti'atalgac. .1 A. iltougti ofai Georgeton ,otsl M C Sthîtsoft tisglon are amrong ttose pers ns heing consideelfte post. 100 years ago) Taken traintheisvsestîbr touadisu ('tampiion, Fot. 13.,1873 At ameeting ofNasvaga'eya Couiil the Ioclasetrotlsviens aavtutele vsitvs ttc seecl hIses of paeties upplîing fat licecs aandi ta ntîts te pplicanln la lss Pecpas'dathtesehondvmen, t cc.iv. a cetiticale for licence aitthe cotaimeeting iof couricil on Msndav A prosmenade soc,ial asiltbcgiaco iii the t'inIis'c'.ofithe 1.01, No165astteioange Hl,l.oantî on Scdncsdal.i.eh 15(lMuis' 11,11tbc pcssîdelisv n efficie'ntstringbad A 'ssiplimcontacý 'upperrvas gi'n tsi' t. Ms'ivguild, Ei"sq., lalc larsico bihi. caiAcîlnai Ottc lie.John Brl tresidan(] the 0akvai0,55 Asllîeiinttc Pu'Ys'ton has stsclincsj lii.cttas asvsessofltheTownsuhipand it will s"c'".a 1 t itc a ippoînloient, Ici m0e sggcui Thos. Hume. He is a logicuil 1 oic fcrtejb sloi I e oss cscclttn the tositp fcous one ndta I tise rae 1iot ote clstoc .Joephl Ilsis iicspls(ea't ilMi, tIilliam Moi i tais lao 1, Cion *I 'Est Hrna St Icýlîsî at,,ti,k whîiolt f'ding atle an s, s, i ',,c,,.,n TH.,os ,O,,,c E n,,s - AADA .cc5v,'s,5C HA',MPION5, suO rc.,,, rse , os m,, - 5,cC',Ou.0,0.orS 'n, I OUR READERS WRITE: _!POWER FOR REGION

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