Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Feb 1973, p. 11

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17 REAL ESTATE O 9 CROSS SREAL ESTATE INSURANCE LTD S PIL, This honme is loctnd on alarget longeIantiiy sizen idîcien,t disposai, Ioniiy nom 281 For sommner ojoymcnt nh ming pool sith cemont d thn leatoros Iis borne ha $41,900. TWO - FOUR Wc hano clients looing Ion Ioni romnte4iher nons or olden yo avanc Iis type nI bon coltor office odoy. NOBLE T On and inso bedroont apantnnents totbflinon. Clt today t. INSUR We carry a complte linerof in FOR PROMPT and CC Cail 87ý PRIVATE SALE Oldor brick dupiex, centrait Milton, fltilot h6 n 132, tans taxes. Con 'bold firot morogago. Possession April. Phono 878-9504 ,7c42 WINTER HOME BUYER BONUS Eanty endors get BIG disc- onts on nonsBooor bornes. Saceoontorcîae, ioteoosnaand initial insttnt. Cbnose front any oftheo50nots 197Saser modols. Lotonner con snart nitbas littîn as 0200. deo.. and yon con bhoin yur nons bonennVIis Sping. Ot obo lacis nons. Photto FRANK PINFOLO noi f ecota-8002616025 <ofroc 1973 bornescatalogue. 17c48 e TELLA RtRTON ReaI En aIe Bruiter 398 BollSt.,Milaon Loly 3 - bedt-tonn sido - split, cns bkitchon, 4-pc. bath, omt-a nanbnoont, oantibat Old Eng- liob styolo rcromnthifto ploce, largo patio dont-s te walouot, sening ront & go- mes ont, double car attacb- cd garage, sitoatod on 10 tredoacrejust mnteîs front 401. A boy ai $59900. STELLA FARTON 878-6705 17c41 CHRISTIE & WOODS' REAL ESTATE LIMITRD 2 BROKER 189 baba Stoeti McILTON Town INCOME PROPERTY Fciiy nnntcd huilding, tmaba lone, conmecial, pIns 4 apr Teots. Asing $79000. $39,00 ful price, nidon boton, cnntrally ocateti, ontoining 2 2-tndreom aponîtents and i baebelenoporîtoent. Floonishcng enterprise for ont- ilions porsen. dontem o c- ateon. Asing $8.380. i budin0 lot io bswn, set-iceti.« Aeing $12.000. Country Fart, 88 acres on mtaio ih- nsay, brick bouso, bora, 65 anc- mnscorkbie, stream &di ht. Cou Mynte etncCleOan 878- 5190 or 87-095. WANTED Hontes for cuets oittn cacel- lent cas oqity, nebo prafer an ostoblitiheti bome. OIL 878-2095 If Busy 878I-6057 t7c42 17 REAL EST=TE 1 117 REAL ESTrATrE ' 68 MAIN ST. MILTON "Broker" A\SH teect totn ont, tane hedroms, but-m disbnsasbon anti garboge s wIh mibbar, fig, bhmadinont. heesa 34 t.ingmond ssint- loch, gos fireti barbecoe. Witn a o oeffet-. the pice is ngitl ni BEDROOM ir bedomomoes nitb dining r type bomes in gond repair. If ne anti ync are planning to eloi 'OWERS G. Alec Johnson ýs vaiabe fom th fithto he LTD.REALTOR corsev onoilalo froc- Ie ioSb ie 2 Mill St. E. Aclon. a reome oon poreont. (519) 853-2086 A~NCE Mosiber 't Ocioilie Real luac nciadieg 'LIFE, Etate Bard 172 )1JRTEOUS SERVICE 18 TENDERS 8-2888 1c2 TENDERS THE HALTON COUNTY BOARD 0F EDUCATION r s.j l ngo ;J W01recoino tendons for tise 14L .EA - R sain 't o parcel o'tlanti oscri- beti a-. ponttof Lot 23, Coces.m sien 350S. in teTbonof'tOak- WE TY HADER sille, cnnsuning 't appronintat- Farm cily f at-t-s more on Ios. (7 Mut fro Town Pl t pIon ana tende odcetcn- (7 Mies fom To n) n'omy he dtainccd at th 100 acres idi frentageon c Io fcllonsing location: moatin, largo bat-n. ami ta - romhomo. dinidoti focrt-sm Administmation Office, fontilion. Clt Ross Cscett 2050 Guelpis Lino, 87-wl1-t on 878-2735. Sotlingon, ont. Tendcnn miii close aI 4.00 p.nt.. Duplex Mat-M e,4.,1973, anti mst ho ad- This bricbkbeone han 2 2-ed- dressoti to: ronapanîtoents mith 5OpOO M. .T.Lid, nt nracs i Iatoticdate MrB.T iney t erYcnyiog ami excetlent Sapenietcodenn t ftBsiness finamcing aI 7V4%. Cadl Rosa & Finace & Treasuene, Cosoon 871-9511 or 88-75. 200 GuelphbLne, PF..Lesx500 Besi Boy in Town r Betlisobon, Ont. 4 nctreonts, cenotinatton living Sealedte nndernstsc o ion- andtcining romntybodînom- Iv toretas to contents. Ntot mil -o"siz kich,a.2hbath- est or oc-y tendornot nocessar- mooms, finleed recroation l cetd 84 mont anti mooy otras. Coul Joobie Beton $78-9i51t. LEGAL NOTICES Dua Inonîeno HALTON CENTENNIAL Acton Homes Sîtnatcd tn a It dans coscdont- al actadose t rtt.to Éis l.,îrca yitîok toce is atrac- cccbosýcon nad choroctcn. Fcatscncs icclodo a nons ntd- cm bkitobon nstb inotîo, sep arate tiiig mont, living mot ils ftnoilnce. lanily ..en,4bodtnomnt, nns 4-nC. batbhnsitb naniny1 2-pc. mats- rontnocnmnin omit Ineaiont anti lireptace, ga- me onami attastned gar- age. Nons ait this con Se ynncns fon nn-lyS15,488. This t yoon nid 3-moont brick bngalons mioh attaclteti gar- ae ss otnatrd os an attract- sve iandsapod lot. close to the toms centre. Footores in- chcdc an estra longe, broMtt Incaot ivtiing noont sitb fions place, nopanote diniag ment, ,modern bitobon nwtb stnne & esbaast fan, 3-pc. bathrmoso, rnsgbod-in nsoshront & lt hosomool Fnricotito soit aIt rio. UOle L-scorey brick 5 - bcd- MANUI< A cepy 't th propoem By- romhomo, sitoatot insligbt loto nay 'hoinspenteti turing 't- inctostriatl area, gisos yon ta- TENDERS fice bom saItbe office 't Wil- ny oppertcniîies. Cali Jacil liant R. SintsCieofh efohoCe Breton bo discoos yoar plan For the Construction of a pnmton o'fthoe Towe 't But-- Ioday. 878-9511. BnsadGzb o linglan, 426 Brant St., Bntiing- Junt North of Acton Haufon Conoonria! con, Ont rin tnti t If, acres rreti, ntliag lanti Asb- M4-ETED nof I Bonlingen t1i73. c uag S20_50. Fer banher dtails Mno, dyeFomay173 cail Bnrt Le Roy '87-9511 or Milton, Ontario Sl. R. ints, AMt.T. 85-2059. 17c40 iis munt hbcstomittotios a Towen Cet - ---cepy nI the Tendon Pnopesoî 426 Brant St., Pot-m occnccpanyisg aho speci- Benîcoigton, Ont. 19C44 icatien addmnsed toi : ___________ Cecmitten 't bManagemnent, 20) AUCTION SALES -HalioCentenneu't bannn, - - Attention: M. S. A. Allen ANIU 185 Otonio St. SotATIU 'Mtsn, Ont. AUCTION SALE by 4:00 p-m. ES.T., Wcdnosday. Teada vEn"'- Feis y2t March14, 973.At 6.30 pnt. R EALTOR ions mayhocaobtaineodfront: abl tms2501cdc'tcnt ur- LIMITED Stanley A. Atm. taure in theougiagbnd rfiiin- Adminstraor.cd; brans; Camninol glons; Lcm- Hailon entenia Manr, ages; Nippon; prossoti glass. Pig Farm 'býillon, Oct. betîs, aid sionsers; Dopressuen 23 acres locoîti secth of Mil- L9T 2Mn4 glass; Grtan ami' Basanasn to mihscsholbus at tbhe 18h>33 china; Coatuos cap, 1902, dnor.oexcollenthrin A.-i1 George V; lot of old postrot-ts condition, 2 coag anti etc secaM sbnp pins 2 - tOt-O pan 19 LE LFatieIcESOMto tally reoelleomne. Son --AItOnheFace Gronds, siboh il tndhy tnd toobo on offert 1Aricltnnal Hall. MaktGre .G. R. INDUSTRIES ofPsae.î mt4eooh i R M ankld -ofGrdyion LIMITED Sliog hy ntoben. Rotodolii 2 stenyiosmo1TERMS ARE CASH. home an oser 30 acres, gren- Notic s horoby gise 4-at Lunch asailobln. beuse, hon boose toi drive T. G. R. INDUSTRIES LIMIT- sedipins irrigation pond c>E- 0. sel mabti appîseatin o t CHRIS 00HOUTEN, c-pleIn tthe pintone. Seqeires the Moîscen ni Consunter anti Auctioncer, $20.000 cash te enly i mot-'Commercial Rilattens fonncase 230h42 878-2576 Milton. gage. tusant-ondot- ils cbarter-. HE PI bTD tis 9hday'ofFdb- FI1N D H E L P o1cMay, 1973. 00E URGENTLY REGUIRE The nsoy toexetra cashb iy 3 - edrom unglow un-' CORDON MOUNTIWIRD, scllcng itetot os longer in on $30,000 1 Sceay M ed - 2 - btomom ane abot $23000 18 TENDERS 18 TENDERS --'bdrom ht,s"tof' AS-one anti 4 gond sizenhon- galonws ons oma-il acroage o, TENDER FOR MAIL CONTRACT tho 130,008 te 3.0 range 'Te Canada Posa Ofice i s ncicuog tendons ban the cons Tbc nyns ae naics. secyacce of Hon bajnscy's bail oser Hom-by Rocal Route Ne. .LET'S DtSCI.SO THE POSSiI oean 2 (tomb.). Tis set-nucewil oporoto benday te Saturdoy BILITIES' inclesiso. Tendcrs ceilI ho acceptoifrmt any pennon, 21 yoors oef age or oldor, on front busintss firts, rescding or operating PLEASE cihin a reasonable distance ef t 'hoorna cocoredhy ibis mail '015E ANNETTE A OSLL' sce. MILTON 8782001 Coing dote ban nenoipî nI tenders in Toontîonertida TORONTO 742-3038 sorsice is Oodnstsday,2ln Fobruary. 1973 at 3.00no. F.11 Pilpaticolars as 10 tbe details 't tronc-I. tender forts o mybestntoin>d frnn thenPostntsrs at Hornby, Gor- SOLVE yoor eip antedtocen bilOnakDbille, Ontario, or front the Dicectot-, Cenm probot, tn catin 188-23, DistritOtacin Pestai Region, RIont 430, 21 Fracs St. W., iChompion Classifleda, Toontnottario MSJ lAS - Teepbone 416-369-3173. 18c431 The Champion, Million, Ont., Wed., Pebroanit 14, 1973 Capital budget cuit Want N. OakviIIe in MiltonI-zrt 19 LESAL Notice to Creditors AND> OTflER lne is ati.ortJOSEPUHEM- - RY WELLINGTON WIN- CR0 VE. AIL persons honing dairm againot Ibo Estate nIJoseph 1 Honry Wobbsctnn Wingrone, tto ef tbo Village 't Canopbel- ininteCnosty 't Haiton, Rtiroti Farter, vctno dieti on oc about the 27tb day 't Oct- dbor, 1972, ont boretny notified t e ntd particotoon 'of aaneto the undccngneti, on or befone Ibe 28ti day 't Fdtmoary, t-19]. aller sebiol date tbe elate wilI ho disiriboteti, ninbreaot-inly te tbe clainen nfns'ticb tbe on- tiorsigood qnbn8 thon 'base not- ce, and tbe ondoosignot ilmu net he lhable 10 any porson of wshoseo dit ho sait ont tbon bancnotice. IDATED ni Dabsillo, Ibis 24h day (if Iantcaoy, 1973. Escale nf Jnoph Henry Wellington Wingroso, bhis Enocetor, Robent George Ls, byt ROBERT G. LUJ0tl Banistor etc., 288 Labkeebore Rd. E., Ookeifle, Ont., bis soliciton beeob. 19c42 Tht Corporation of tho TOWN 0F BURLINOTON 1N HE Tit ATrER O F Section 443 of ThetMicidpal Act, R. 8.0. 197, Chaittor 284t AN» INt THE MATERR 0F cda- sbtg aand tcpping op p.fl 't lthe Applcby LUnea nnpned road siloaasso. sts feoS Narntier 4 Sideottat. TAKE NOTICE thont the Coton- cil et the Corporation 'fthtie Townn 'tDBnlington proposes o pans a By-lans stopping tai pont nI Apptehy Ltne uoepenod road ltonsanco Incatoti botnsooo Concssions 5oad 6in thenons srsy and contunoncing at a point aboutt 3010 foot seatb 't Ntac-sho 4 Sidonoat and oston- ding sottnenty 4,767 foot to tise lot Une betnseen Lots i and 2 in Cocesins 5and 6incthe non susrnoy, andti aonieiogthe sale 'tf tbe said toand to thse ab- attiag tenser n onons. ANDO FURTIPER TARE NOT- ICE tihat thoeFPablic Serricns Centnitteo nili ai ils nteeting to ho hoeld on Tocnttoy, hlsrc itb, 1973. ai 4:30 p.mntte Cnc-ncitiee Roont, Ctsic Ainin- strotion Buiding, 426 Brant St.. Bnniingtn, Ontario, heor in pennon, or by is slicitor, cou- nsel oragentany persen wbo claints 4-at is tond tait] tt pojodicilly afoctod by ttcefly- Ions andti oeapplios tu ho beard. A docincon by Gabsite $118,000 ton morb in North Oak- ni Concinsbudiget commnllee le vidle The roeencltcc ronncdenod e tiasttrally rteu t itl oba slnîkîng cl $100,000 out ai the projoots Lns Neort soll's Wrd bodgtiglbol laîn consyromsot, a Oneeiosildilnychance ni 0ak- and lofti120,000 ins. go% sie minint 4-oh igbi id bancoa According id mord Coanicllors la ibroo haroogh NatIon te a Day and Don Gordon, cmnncilisi rogianai gaortmntolsolap, reloclool lto e d any mancy ila accnrding la mord one coomcitior North Oak .idehocoono iles a iiick Day. proponoti by thc procince Ibatlib Oiginaty tce $4,000,000 capital Ual landtilmiii on lho part nIof mono budget incintictiabonut 1Milton or Central itallon. c-r Oppose loan)tasenaogis do Oaknllc bas opponedth ie idotb n 20 AUCTION SALES horoogb cenîroti anoont Milton sh 4-ai mold abtnnb a largo cbonb cm ni nortGabeitto and lboy hanc ForCo plte argoodlbcey banete ighl id plan ch For ompete he estni ofNorth obete. si Auclion Servico Day clints Ibal hocamo nIfte fb Chris A. Schouten belg ginen bylcwn cndlOak- fa eille ion adoolledti Usy donIt AUCTIONEER intnond id pnoncde ionrte mord. 1 Salon ciltyp~s. tedsusin hyhlleg dN Salon cnodcned onyweee. nino recortacid o eoneidored d by tce pronincial cabinet. "Any ' Toi. 878-2576 cabinet monlen mbo monta ido w R. 3, -iubon, Ont. scuppert a fonr horoogb Halon lsei8 20tns nontplotliy jonlitced in dieg no." oi - Day points ot lion Une 120,000$U Ward Brownridge Gro t h LiccscdAsKtitlîeoen r w t i Farot -Lis,-sec Furtinme4ies concerns Phono 878-6730 Mclton'n grostit beod a po Appraoils - « 0Types npdlceo 8,0 tiidpniici 2004 popuaotctnlfitm l cutci l et Cneeb. Concerneabolutcefutre at PUBLI AUC ION useni l Htion FollioDDmn mas PUBLC A CTIO vocedTocsdoy ai tceliaion t-No e Rscnso Regnon ConsersatinAtoln , malco adnnsony hoard. s MILTON LIJIhBER YARD HECA osanagor Muray 159 Mil St., MinIso. Step hon repeotd4otheMninloyth Ai Buildings al Ft l lss idrcqoesied the Atotin l desingale te osentf iltlon Fatlsi SATIIRDAY, MARCH 355 Dont. Acconding 10 tbe s Ill ont. obarp. omana fofrs ceport the crnent F 59e base bren nontnissod tm0c tcrco n't etnofficel bo te sei l tpuatbc aoctien tise fl- carry oflueontl ront Millono sali- th 'losîs holditgs t itlysema geplant ton a popula-et lmin buldins hon enceeding 18,000. Al builtbngs no n s ho noat IHlon Falls esenvormos lai b promises ionrnsenieg ilami - tidmoieltanîeaniy tcoam fliow crii scooistt90't: celaid nomrmer monilo Ihore s e 1 ttfnatncstonagc shedsnm on'lbeoenoagbmwatidnn te - cgiag in site ami tetalling 0000rnteernocr tb sopport lisins qr 30,000 sq. fni'tci igbt & hoany niber reccotion oses. Tbe bottber e aise Taylor <non sale mnager nocd tloI eens i thc * mny locînicot fintunos O a In mo re oboilont i moldelt esitontfans e gos boatons e afet dnbs and sate o4-ermwiit cîstoimos duoo e pidntbing is- tome lion are nom inte anea. tonos e pro -fnb garage (mod- Reereadaon cr0) osi' n 2' isisiset coonlter Memhorn agreoni 4-at Kehso k * nsoenon hoiing e gond nsed oid cotliho osed id mainaitae v ceali ponoelling * plate oioss 0Oflom bocause nI 4-e recrealioaia and onten cisltanonos nmater- naturof nIthe ilaneaSipbmnotd aI o aise 4 Stuhilchie satas, ony change ce Ucrocrooiomai rngiag ce sice e assoternct 't use ofRoe moolti rove cotiy coter TVs. ion 4-e Aoihorcly. Te Autoily Innpection: Fiday, Mambh 2, mo sesnreeneefont ein lao i - 5 pesn. sopport oter recrealionai arean TERhlS: Caoh nitb 50%1depo- on4-e matershoti. sut day 't sale. The bey lacions 4-at i rni h Fer ionISer informatien corinact coneedre acthe content of the cffinent fron th4e piant andtih4e PEL-ItALTON AIJCTION LT!>-omom i o ater lion con bo 11050COacbnon Rod North oniddon t id h e Uccnmk. Micissangn Oncr e ocurnel$1,250,000 8228961 expanson is compleed, tbe noti 2S44 iory selc-aelnItocllsunpport a AUCTION SALE MASSET 3W SP. COMBINE, 3 TRACTORS, PAR I MPLEIS- ENTS, RAY AN!> 5TRAW, SERD GRAIN, FRED GRAIN, 36 CHAMPION BULE COOLER, OTHER MILKING EQUîPMENT, MI8C, RTC. At theo larto, locatod on Toctocino Rd., Ne. 6270, Lot 7, onse mtile snobit Dcrry Rd anti fico miles strnigbt nerth I of Hy. 5, appren tbnon miles soctbhnsrst of Milton. for CLARENCE HARNDEN and WM. WHYTE SATURDAY, FEBRUARY l7ih ail1 p.m. Masscy No. 300 Il' S.P. ceint-- MILINO SOUIPMENT - bine nith picb'np; Fatnoall M Champion 2,880 lies (36 caosl tracter, ongine cotnplctoly ce- holh coolon; 2 stainlss steel boilI nccly, oitisfront ed pils; 3 staînlres teelt sîmin- toadon, largo steel ditnbct ors: double staînlcss steel sic-k; anti chies, Mosscy Ne. 44 Otcan Gentm toitcool Ilcnr A-t condition; Interna- tieol H tracter; 2 235-hon. FRED - Appt-es 1,500 balen groin gasity boes Ele nons; etcheieTnfoil boy (ton min): Intcrnational Ne. 120 monore opycos 1,500 botes 't mixait1 sprcatier on t-cbot-; Intornat- bas; OOntitT 't ears siroa; onal 4-bar sido raobeca il. approo. 12 ton 'tltooti hat-iey; bon; Mosscy 12' bytiroslit itirumoncf Urea cens fend (aI- donible disc ai droches; bossoy sosî id-ti), qeantity 't Hotta diouble action. bnony tioty byti- botloy aotd Stormounton ats, otlic cyltntioc; 1lntcncational sod grain,alicicancianditrma- pull - type diohble disc, 10; lot- ted; t ton e) secti honiny, aiso ct-national Ne. 45 bha ie cloaseti gond coditton; Alicti b - sent- IMISC. 250 gai. fucl tank ions son 'tl hanronos; dousble nitb pemp; 200 gal fuel tois; rien celtipocbcn, boscoy 2-mun 30 gai. bot ns aton tankb; 40 gaI. grain andifcotifnr tdrill anti pessretakb,140cattynsatcr grass section; Intcrnational 17-tami, Janssnay ronti pig îooetb ceitîator on nniet. iccdct-, 18" bat-e fan; qoastity ,Bae sockr; aiefolforet niib tans, Jach-AiI fart -Hao seocnSol tnS nnjack;, 125 gaI. steel nsanor lrontrend loasier;Interntational t ugh; cotatssteel and stoel ae- bottons, 3,tuoa pion on enîtric fcocc ponts; qoactîty mibeo n; ermational traiterofn etricc foerre ire; quneity pion on steel; New e a 8' pucll aI inselators, 3 hottcny operat- tye boy c-ocon 2 5-ton Mac- edtcnccr 1 t cectric frnccn; tin toart wagons wnsîtb6 -18'aecicncaic; qat flot boy racks; 20' ondorcani--0b'tngod mhboca inct; quant- agc one ebihon. escelont fer qety 't" Pc plasrtics pipe5" fend rack; wceat spraycn on qanity fii/ c pctc ic i/,pan traiter, con aIse o c sion3 ,ticnltcsadtlcnco p.h. nitb21' boomrs; Poyapecb lot-s; tecinc ains; -forbs; sac- banmoer mil and 40'3 eclcss cdu;: 2 taot taps; oct-ny pie- boIt; Uico 4' - 10' frais angno andtiohe, mis; qeniîy 'toc cinh mott- 32 hale elenaton, dan rois. Mhain type mîti ballf bp. mal îo; Jamoaay steel fomicant; Asehy private soin, iiot t!ii ontart-ton hocbot ine can-.; prnvcosly soiti, 11.113 lbs. 't large niihbcntitred 'toeelioo- hutter lot iesîncal quota anti rowam i -aî l cr tireti oreni- 45,300 tas. tarbet ihontng qoe- bal nsSeat Se=msnstat. Seceonrs dof'sale. clipper, noe; Alioti h'groin Doit-y bcndceas enit pisaîoiy anger. PTO nitb oodecmat-iagc jont prier te sale dole. Oscsom on tubbt,ieouion:libe cnsw. giving op footing. TERMO ARE CASH. > Luncb asailabie. Sniiing hy nonthon, ll Ownrs or aoctionert-not nspoosibto fnn accidents day ni cale. Ï20h42 Aocnimecer: CHRIS A. SCHO5JTEN 878-2576. f bte $4,000,00 bhdt pncscnto.5 per tcnt thc total. Thisc i tnil i, cal pocyccd otit .ooept the nosiiecsibililyofa îoooonng a longe mntocipaily," f chorgoti.1 Ask agaisi c North Gabniiie coinosmiii sai oece again 4-aI monoelottie b t no th budotget Ion Nortb Oaknilo nthne capitllbuddgeti cnmes bacb id mcii. "Ilftcy1 oi' me miii looInn for telasteni eay bo gel mord one in Milton bort- non peaple cm ho ltaken carc nI," toy smit. bait Eene Tnt-ny ManneS ohlfngeti Doy't lisb saying yoa con prosc mnylhing by fgares. Ho cliseth 4e peopleof Nort Dabstite hbatihon Iroole cciy.1 Renne Alce bMason noggenied ne onno cooidprobabiy go oith Mion antiifilîbal s tce case, mby Tsno jobs ns nont OabniSo 4-hai cane leli in 4-o budt laren the cigh4- Lino mnd te Fnonb lace iersencin ai Otnagb, cnciing 15,00f mnd $1.000neopecinoy. n town board polaion nf 18,000. Il is anSi- cipaltd by the Iown 4-aI a fumue exanon mocti sopport a pepol- cîcon nI 28,000. 0.W.R.C. lests Olficcaiof nI etanco War leseot-ces Cottisinarc schoctiedti idtake lestsataithe meeh cnaefocfonrt teeine thesveragetfowt. Board ntcmber Ray Cnippo bhocldtgel Iho tino, Ibal Hilion Falls mon cg sel aîcdo Ion Mton aont. Omers atloloeg tho slreom mdi honclil front a menstanitfoto. Tenaer mainnlructed tb d and onom frcipoints 4-cl seeti ounrerlain. The nom- nclloo mon id me o int. Laie n mode op. non ni great sacrifices on dolcen, buol itice tbcnga in mbccb stiies anc kcodoossos ginen babiuooiy arc ebol ton anti prosenne tbe bean and secono nomfort. Down with rates! Colt anti nsoîco a000eClectolot Impala et othon fine car Gas inciuded wlth rentai. Tildon honna ontastajorcoedtca ls. JACK RICHARDSON CHEV OLDS LTD. 878-2393 HIGHWAY 25 S. MILTON an 8783812. GALLINCE > You'llfly in style in one of ou, X great bu ysl 1972 MUSTANG 2 doar hardtap, V8, 1972 CAPRI, V6, auiomatis, dooble aciamatic, Lic. Na. pawor and radia. Lic. N10352 Na. CCW3088 1978 ACADIAN, 4 lIdITHUNDERBIRD, daar with aciamatis 2 doar hardlap, 8one and radia. Lic. Na. sarcfli wner tramn 640871. 00w. Lic. Na. 815299. As Is-Na Cerfificale 1969 VW. Lic. Na. 274737 Octy $687. -ALIE - - -- - - - -. t BÏEFS i -Glanc Guelph Rnoay Club permcssons Insel iicketsone a dram. -Letamed 4tohe tarco Jockey Club bon nollîceti Miltoe OFF ni 4-e oncin sonecernoabout Mobac-k Racomoy Inallin throagh thecvnuage ni ComjhoS- nilte. AS complainta 't bc toorandticthe -cOFF. BRecetian applicatcnioncra taü liceonce front Gaboile Taxi Ce. -Tabieti a qoaory licence reqooni Innm Mbloue Qanios mnid 4-e mcni bas tintle ient 4-e sie -RneemnemhorsipLn 4-o AssocationifMonucipolilces ni Octante ai $45. -Agreet tont tenthors et conoci iialltendi blondI Commcsscon beancngsone tbe hydron nec, eihre in Gegeiown Fnb. 21ion in Waidrdownl Feb. 22. -Rececned a reqooni Inn a grant froce the Halion Frtn anti Rural Homnolti an pnnncmnte Cenmtclîccandti lne thîe reqocot onc te buodget conmtclec. Horace Bit epiainoni tbe cempelilion tb -Approneti nomligtge lonlonen ion theitmwnbhip building mnd decdcd t lookio 4-e ota nI atding a idomaib fron the- nom id Iefront cf te bsuiding$. -Loanned, 4-e tow-nsbip bon twonmorneabondonoti centeie to moctaineseoe omoas LApp's Cemcidny, md oee o bon as Hopins Centery. Tho staff mas onkedti idsearcb 60e Silos ami report id counci. -Renci a report Inont It buidceg inspocler Tcrny ne Galantore sooing two i residontiai antionec garage le iudiipet-mita meeoitoneti in -t Jaeny, Ion a total naluc of $60,000.- 1 0 s e y y 7s ig ýil is

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