Jrs. miss playoffs for the first time For the firt toue sioce Mitonis irst sponurerd a Junior hockey 1 leaoorne yu-ri ogo, the tlanno reproestotivon wo't bo in plsyoff conteation. Mlton Cninenstal Ftyrs, wbo lottwIo eeokoad encoostera 10 troofonile Dockloa oantlrldoy nid GakvltlaBlodea on Bnidoy, bavae0099 boas euitladfrons asy chrica of ganlag o plsyof f Ftyoro fait boblad Elcoolavllta 2-t la Oie firt prlod, 7-5 t Oe eal f Oie secondanid lisat 9 in10 lin final aoolyols. Thea gain was a brd bttlsg contet tint un 87 mnutes in = tenctlld, 50itheU incalu. Ouy figisi Gary Hntand Tom Si tubo part la Oie oly saraBle 0f Oie conelst. Hast 100k f Ivnausstes foc Btig anid "th toiok o double mlsor for croie cbacklsg anidholdng. Enecutiva mombor Bob Bartt was calito la bp theapesroteie penalty box sebea it oppaared tempera nero bot. SomaflactdutouOilut trouible tba keout la Oie sds dlectty bblaid tUn Mito playera' bonds. It apperod tintspaco guoador Trry Ofastino bnd fond id beit engoged in heated dialogue witb specetators. Mark MeKeozic joed Mastine and fiste began to fly. Wten thse players returned to the bauds faoa cotlooed la push and have ona another. It apjsoared for a nisie tint a fU oraefracao coutd brook ou bot lampera lavetied off aod artion roauosed wnltiout ooy fotiier ditorbancea. Joln Arnold opeaed ties coclag ior Milt n wtiilie oaIlirai period goal. Jobn Toneit, Tons Feodtey, Joha Rusk ond Bob Fukonsoto ail acorad aecond parlod goals wbite Toetit scored is aeco 1oaof tbe gansead th ny = goal of the tbild period. Tooel, Ray Love, Tom Feooitey and George MOilleatt aoisted twice wbie Jolie Arnold, Gary Huntad Das Nirbola pcbed up one aast eacb. Tbregoals Aidas Fltlay lad Streeteetita shootera wuthtistree goala wbie Bran asDwea fred o pairanid aùiglsawet to John Sands, Revn Grooaasao, Dave Wattoanid Jobs Campbell. Ftyora oavr cecovred f rom Gebviltesea arly tead Sonday. Beiao Bemnett opeoed the scorsog just one minute acd 35 seconds aite tcrhe opcoîog fore off. He ncoredbhis secood goalttoter os Oie se period wie Mark Coiidy and RaydslabholmO dded sogles. Bemnett nsoaded out is bat trk l inte second poriod ondea goal by Tomn Gibbon put Oie Bldas alsad of Milton by a &-3 morginaiathe no f Oie aecoad. Ghis teenf somred Dakvieas onti Ier goalof the gine. roig FteMing, Doug Andersn, Bob Fokomoso ad Boy Lova ait slogted for Ftyoms wbie Oie torals gol assisafrom John Arnod, Gary Hut, John Toaeiiand Ivans Durigos. Ptyers bust Pretn Fridy in the luthome g of athe ieaso and fionis Oi esoiooff la Burtington uoday. NUIRAI 1001 DRIVE-IN staaiaaAva. West of Hiseon 25 Open 7 Dayn a Week ChiciseasSnack 85C Chickoa ia a Box $1.35 Ecanamy Pak 9 Plecan hilcke $2.50 Fornily Pak 16 c. Chicisan 84.35 Party Pais 21 Ps Ceahitobe $5.50 From tlhe Grill Hambargs, Ceeelsirgs FronsDeiciouFres Grond Butf Raolair nuSazr 121 Hot DogS Dep Fried Srip, Piza Fisb and Chips AIuo Avitobte Add ta Yaar *Dianers Or Pok Specials Fomiy Bon of FrenchbFrisu $1.25 Six Rolls 30e Siogle Order FrechbFrius 30e Six Parksofffoney 30e Phono 878-6028 and we'itbhave yoor ordor ruady Sarday igbt Oie Dufforlna Misor Midgets travatted 10 itraetsviite wbre Oiey wera trouced 6-1. Thue gaine nas a penalty riddted affafr wIitIfi18 miaulasinl penalties bondnd out.ç Thue Ina marksiooo for Miton r non Paul Blavar woithOe sast golag la Bruca itsos. Soaday aftrano ainMlon Oie Misor Mldgets evanied up Oheie sorieso llithoa2-1 score. The gainei in Milton wau cary excitng wIit 10oi ltaonsu bolnav eas Orougb- out tno periodo of play. In Oie Ohint penioti, Milton0 ored Ino goals., PUB goaBie WiOi o mnutela nid o baif etBla the Oird period Breetavilte peited their golite nid sored witis20 secoodu remnnlg ainte goine. flic Miner Midgts bld os 10 Oer tend dspîla Oia barrage of Streetsile sbot. flhe scicolg for Mitons was bondtod by Foui Stover and Kevla Watsn.flhe assistaswnt la Rois Tilss,Brent Murroy, Dosg Tinaupeon nd Tise decLag = n thOi OMBA quarter w bo plsyed la Streetsvtite Tiiarsdoy niglot aI 7 p.ns. -Tbe grouodbog didalt sea lau stodow on Fridoy, Feb. 2 sOitat mfeos wnolar aneorty ovor. A..MOORE INSURANCEI CAMPBELLVILLEI TUfE ACTION WAS HOT and fierce aE Fiiday's Junior B ganse as fleicIllton Coatneitala met tUn SIreetsville Derbys. The final icore f tUn ganse was 9" for Derbys. Top tefL: Sprawllng Derby gualie glances lna ktishe purs in just mnssed. Top nigt. Drby poale Joe Tonsso la it antd tats 10 cuilapse as is beaitsnste keepa bock Mit1n'i fonwand. Top middtle left Sreetsville gpale lies on lise ire wlile teaconabas, traîner, andi inesmas try to blp. Top nidde ighsL John Arnotd sweeps pust a Streetsville ptoyer befone slsootisg sE the neL. Bottons middte teft: Ttefight tbeglnsand5theUnplay ib called. Bottons umidle igt: Lisesen wrestle tryluso to separt Gary Hnt snd Tons Smith. Bottons left: Ansd tisey continue tnylng to nulidisetUn flghtern. Bottons iglit: This Milton ptayer stopped Une aboi but on ljured on theplay. Sockets tie Georgetown Thea P.L.R. BSorbala', Mlobaso effort siOi tno ulautes to go la onry la Oe Tr-Couty Mite Oe gosse. Derrick Neeands lagas plsyod 10oa 2-2 tic wtOiplsye oue of is bust gosses of Gorgotonson Wecbuuday idgbttheOie cosula Oe nats for Oe inMOl=. Sockes. flue Sckets wnatobond 14 onCoads R ois basaoo inlad a goaln by DiuBIdlsg wiPal Boagome nos a eai beaasseffort Boton aaolting. GorgeownasniUn tesItiss Ue oatwo clus boght riglt barkanid aeorod tno met, Georgeoawn akated off wi 0" to 10tain a tNo geai lendad o4-lib. The Soks mea action w iy bld util lte ite onflsorsday nigt ut 7 pan. J0co.Dean Swonce gaînst Cbîngsacosay at " tyJLsei - ni o sols Ernaciffe Aras. Jnuary -le y"§ MAN s s"0O. 222 Mainist. CNTNE 878-3302 TOP OOEN RDY&FI j' L OCE IRC FO D OIE FULL RACK EDJCr>UP MEN'S SUITS ______ Plains, noat checks, stripes, doubla isc... Szes38 44, also Talîs. NO REFUNDS OR EXCHANGES Rg. $ 950 NW ONE P1101 $110.00 OLY $125000 $i10.00 $5999 SLIGHT CHARGE FOR ALTERATIONS COATS 1 O Corduroy - Ski Jackets- 250/o Btue Danins TO Suede - Hock Suede - 500/o Hip Bomnner Jackets Gond Assorm tofaSize tss Lat OFF DRESS SLACKS GOne groop of Slacks, oool and double knît .. Sizes 30 to 40 Gel ona pair for $(9 Gel threa pair for $3000 Alfrations Extra OVER COATS English ail woGI top coats Zip in linicg raincoats - Ail sizes 38to 44 NOW 1/3 TO 50%/ OFF S WEATERS HATS V-Necks - Turtie Necks - Crew Necks Feit Hats- Cloth Hats Cardigans - Sweaters- Size S.M.L.XL. Rg. Price Reg. $15.00 la $45.00 $8.95 t 00 NOW i1/2 OFF NOW 1/20OFF __ _ _ _ _ _ _ SIE OUI $1.99 MASAIN TABLE Boys soch as- Ski Pants- Toqoes Cordoroy Pastis- Shirts . 199 ONE LOW PRICEI Each TUES O.i.s Pull Rack of the latest Patterns and Stripas Rag. Proie $4.00.- Si.se FOR $5001 LHîA' SO AN ,RE .01 ?t.. - j Minor midgets fie OMHA series Milton Parks & Recreation Department ANNOUNCES SWIMMING LESSONS Locaios OS.D.Pool Dole t(a) Tuesday eveclng 7p.m. to 8p ns To Slart Pcb. 211h tb) Satrday mornsg 9 a.m.tfoi1250mon. To Start Mardi Ird Lssons to be fferod: -Pris Oginner -Begînner -Junior -lntarmedloaeOSenior -Mono & Toddlrs -Adls Cost: $10.00 for 12 lassons f Pre-regsîration necessaryt Osisteai Town Hall laodaytoFrlday l...ol2noomor 9mail eglstrsll oombelowoo thefolowig adres:Milton Parks & RecreationiDept. P.0. Bote 3, Milton, Ont. Enclose chqusor muaey order payable to Mltlîon Recretse Commsslon NAAE ............ *****>'- ADORESSI......... . PHONE ........AGE ....TYPE OF LESSON. . FEE ENCLOSED S ...... ed Noe: Amlolnmeofl iSraqolrOdfOr aclan l $4 eld Fer futher infacietlacnacta R. Smaa, BlI-Oli. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - L--- - - - - - Il la 5