Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Feb 1973, p. 21

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Buksji.,LL.ed Upper Canada Rifle~ bring frontier to NassagaweyaI The Chamspioe, Miltce, Ont., Wedfi Februsry 7 1973 MIl Bp Hl. Cales The Sog andi rai uf a rcrnt tatocday pcotably conluresi up vioions, but nsotoriste; along 25 idecoai mnust bave really bail a biern n6en tbey passosi Ose bomco of Mn. andi Mms. Egh MacMillan, joci eaot cf thc Guelph Lise. Etchesi againt the ococi noce là figures cla in ho sankskiss andi toios long rafles sebieb expbisics in gians polis cf sonsoke andi sent ronsd msoce bails ai tan-gela set up agoinst the bill. On the hillIs sooinit stands the pan-tially constroces log bosc ocf the MaeMillans, en-ented ho a style wbirb the North West Comnpany mnade popsin hotradiing pnsta acrossoCanada inthe ds of the far basic. Nean-by, a 26 focs long freigbt confié gran sopporsesi on woinlen bornes. fI nos ahnont lûte stepping hoto anotbor ronbiry wbon Iodions sbff5csi olocg forest paths ansi Ibis infant coorntrv nos peoplosi ooly by for traiders ands a few itincraol explorons. The Nascagasepa buab alternately appearig ansi disappcarng frocs siew as the fog liftesi andl sieseendesi, providesi just the right toocb cf aotbentic asnsosphere. ' I rcality, the inosie-Libe incisf fas provisiesi byo a eain from the Upper Canasia Rifles. Eacb mma Mas made ics oses costumne, depicthof hon Caocsiioc wensis- son dresosd a cesbsey ansi a balS agor. Ilberifles Sboy firesi, sosne cf thein boinensade, are repro- don-lions cf guns traders osesi ho the onocy asssospbere cf tbose oarly laps. On5 titis pantin-star Sabinilay, despute the rasn ansi fog, the squasi was sieoonstrating a reproduction cf the Non-lb West rasic gos, a rifle wbicb playesi the inore inportoct, bot Ios spoclaculur raIe ho the bisbiry 01 North PAnorica. ft folloed thc traders ta Athabasca ansi the Pacific, ansi accinparried thc Incbant;in forays against both the British ansi Asooricoco. History records i nan a conspanian louish scansain mns of the 1si0Os appeariof in tipper Canasia (Onlitario) in 1780. Fansîllar weapsa 'ie gos wsea a fainiliar wnapon along the Prend, the Ottawea Mattawo ansi Fraser Rivers, set hîghcays for pionoors, sebi requiresi finearnis lo soot gari an antI an provîdsng prosectinr agaînsl expassionins Unileî StaSes intecesta ansi nan-audinl lusilans. Mensbors cf the lipper Canada Rifles, a inixesi Mg of lasepers terbnicians, batik inanager saleusen, policemn, dessins oetenîsac an, nsechasics uni cilera Irons, the enscçons o Toronto, fonsilesi the gos alcrir octh Iboîr oses originals ans reproductions of tan gons sel won a cOocnry. Wbdle a CBI consona crese scooes thc sby fo a breab in the seeather se coulsi allons tibent ta files, th cllcin blaoed away as taignb it sbi boita seere toaaase lang bnîves ansi dangling powe bornn. leads seane t6re con-neresi bats, Scoltinb gIns gorrîns, lurs ansi a collection i bssasi brisoiesi stetsens coniso ansong the early settIers Feathers duit coold double a BOB WAMT wears bcskin, typical of inemerns cf the UCR. Members hunS for donc. ta provide inaboriat. quai li ens, spn-ooted aS jaanty angles. Con-n cob pipes pcolruiled frons nsoutbsý The Uppec Canada Rifles 99-c lornedsi athn mosult of an antique f00 deninnstration aI Focs York in Toronto in 1960. nie group oS inen ashesi t0 stage the shose soif- sequensly nos asi otaer places Msut n asns oclîl 1066 taey fonnsed a clob ansi callnsi il tan Upper Canada Rifles. There are 2i eers. nsost of trient, seita an hoterens an tae bobiory of tan countr-y. PresîdenS sa Jobs Itarnen front Etobicebe, sehîle the sertan-y ais Fn-ederick F. Frousi, a dentîsl. flsey bave inade Sfulms îith tan Canadian Bnoadcastic Corp- oration, tan National Filin Bord ansi segmnts for tac Brtciish llroasicassing Corporation. Thc>, iners nvecy second mnsh ai t6e 4106 Eighlassiers lialSis Toronto ansi ocuaîly stage a shoot. Only inaicle louîlîng rifles ace allonesi Sta anusl occoino Soc tan sMn-pnbooters 50 astaîs a perfect score frons 25s t yards off She bond ansi bonch cest, asnd an fac oseauy as 100 yards os a rest, so use Sboin- panlance. The Upper Casadia Rilles do ot char-ge for appearances but appreciate beisg parsi espesses Ion- peon, per-cussion caps ansi tbstas cequiresi 50 Sire tbeic losg g6005 Ilesîgrons The hoine groundis of Eugli MacMillan provisies for their inoravers cen-e fil tey esoltesi. as thoy naisesi t6e ctubns gl etrona cren Ilogb MacMillan is a sein cesiet of Nassagaweya withan appreciatios of carly Canadian hiutory ansi t6e Norlth West Company in partîcular. e ansi flsofansily moved tuothe Nasuaga- wcya peoperty sn August frons Toronto ohecn 6e holsis doses the position oS liaisos officen oS tue Ointacio Arcchives, a satuan-a job frsoineose oîta bis bosSt. Twenty-livn Sîderoasi trenss arunsi bis bill, a Sens yards east il the Gtuelph lino, sehece ho is building his honse. e Sonagei Sfor Mos in cousins as far crait ho Ovtario as Gleogacry sebere Scots settîrd in dense bush ansi boctdlIog barss ansi cabns whîch stIll otasd lusi Broasi ai- ae osesi 1 Scies the logn clown to thc pcoper dimnsions beoce tbcy once Sitses inlto sealîs. Cosneaei hlien the logs as welas coenc stuffing aie strips of insoulation oluch fiee asisins pcotection tront iscleinent wea56cr. The oicthodi Hugli MacMillan is usng 50 bais bis bouse is callesi pest ansi fîll. chece a inontîce joins a post aS the corser. aislike the siovetail joints oses in mst loghbuildings inOntario. Ensare mocticei ansi the esnds os tan logs ciii tous to lit in t6e esortice. Stlosies pets are anesi 50 tir tl tîvethern Thbis intoîbocf boilding origisated in Brîttany, France, andowas intrîolucerd sn Neo Fraceii by settices c oin thal proionce. 57he French snfluence Ln tan fur traite spceasi tan inethosi still Sun-then- 10 the uiliink of Son- trading pesta. fi sa stîlI pcpular in Queber but outoide oS the ronstructed Fort Williamn Eugh MacMillan figun-es il is ose of the ssly buildingo sn Ontario bil is duat style. The MarMîllans are son living in a bouse Scailer whitle tanin log honse is heîg constructed. loseshill front the min hMn anoîbor log structure is boîng ecectesi tu neseeshle an eurly North WOesS Compansy leasing pest, ohere Hugli h0pes tu base a collection oS narly Canadian ausociatesi uitb the Sur traite. SotIs' rocIl rail Il is Il Hugli MarMillan's interest on the North Wesnt Conspany cas hissiles bp bis Scottisb ancestey. nie csnspasy, Casasias Sîrsi joint stock conspany of Englîsh orîgin, blenesis Srots, French and Acoocican trasions in a venture that contrednsost ofthein activity itan Noctbnnsi, tan regios peoducîng the rîcbnst ansi bonI Sors. The roll raIl ufth5e conspany, souniesi labo a Ocottiuh manrioc, stodes here ansi thene nith Fccsnch naines- fhii part in developîng Canada ansi the ricaLry cita the EHudson Bay HOSI' HUGH MacMSLLAN rght talk nith cosy eonfses of tas future boome on 25 nîmbors et tac lipper Cnada Rils i n the Scasi 'tassagaoreyo township. - "D0-IT-YOUSL[CARPET Finest of Quality ARMSTRONGS ...Rubber backed Shag, SALE Sq. yd. 9 fascinati ng colors -Reg. $7.95 sq. yd. 6 5 CHECKMATE ...Rubber backed -ideal bedroom carpet SALE English evian moiti bleosis O colours $495 Accommodating 12 fi. widiths. Reg. $6.95 sq. yd. JULIETTE SL ...Rubber backed -Blended tweed nylon SL One af the best for any room je the home$4 7 Six beaolifol colors -12 ft. widtts. Reg. $5 95 solqd 1 GET THOSE ROOM SIZES NOWI Wehave ai the mouldings -tapes or adhesives tor yoo to do a professional job yaorselt. Everything je stock for immediate delivery. Me wilI also instll i resonblerates. BUw Nw wSAE-REmDLIE Conpany are ail part andi parceI 91 rich Canadian lostory choh bears retelliot olthout the (lnji[--tsisal.c99991ated .[th fis coostry's 995-y. le 182ltheltwo opposiogfiris joined fores, ending a tamultuoos chopner oS Canadian lustory.1 ta 1967 descen9dants of the original partners ini the company inannesi replicas of the original lai traite canons ansi ceteacesi a section oS the Sur trade route Iroin, Grand Portage, Minnesota, to Montreal. Ainong tbone in Oie craît was Hughi MacMillas, chose uncestor James Mac- Min sas a parner in the original coinpanry e decidesi at thai turne 50 regîster the olsi nainle andi seal so 6e rouSsi deai i trade goudal andi services frominosM early days andi heîp fiance the North West inuseain i« nastenn Ontario. Hugli MacMillan han the happy laculty oS benog able te combione tics Ontario Archives job with his hobby, leciucing on the toc traite routiniCanada.H Erecesîly ran hie eleciesi office in Nassagae5a township, j051 t0 malle sure ihece wan an electionfordepiity reeve. Nassagawnya serins lu have a penchant Ion collecsing uni que places ansi buildisgs. The MMllan hoine assi trading postis aoher Coffe house closed four days Facnd with a large hnating bll andi growiog nmaisnnance cssu, the enecotive oS Milton Youth Caurncl hon decidesl o clone the Quonnits Eott coflec bouse os Nipinsing Rd. toc fsur days this iseb. Itlas clonesi Monday Fnb. 5 ho Tburnsicy, Fnb. O but re-opens Friday. Fusil caisng oveols schedulod lbis ontb incluse a fiee hour conert 67 Esisard Bouc plus Pslecal os Oalurday, Fnb. 10 ^jtactig ai 7 p.in., ansi the sons 1111-SE FMI) MEMBERS OF TH-E Upper arîansi the trading post steve rhe guns are Canaidariflers cîoîld br coureur der bois orith relicas oit rfles oscd in tce for trade. chat ha liant look ansi long rifles. hudsiling -Photos 65 H. Colis Festival Dance Seaturing Breathlnso on Frisiay, Fnb. tOat9 pin. MYC cîUl gîve anyone altcniog t6e Fnb. 16 dance a 25 cool discount if taey arrive ceuang a snosecan tag-tae synshol of the festival. Movie nlgbl A pespesesi Smoe dance siatesi for Fnb. 10 bas bon postpenesi to a lter dole, 56e esecutive reporto. A rouvre nîght is also being plansesi for a Suture date. To plan msore actîvitîns for girls, the esecutîvc cilS bolsi an open nseng on Tunsday, Fnb. 13 ai 7.30 p.s. AIl girls intecestei shoulsi attend tois meneting. 11ils a pleasume with these Moffat helpers N iwimmUmFRT 30" ELECTRIC RANGES- s Ssoir P905 Surface eleewSS and2re l le ts Pls avdal in Av210,99I Save this week on these appliances at W==~ United Co-oeratives of Ontario t R EFRIGE FREE 13 C.f.Frst CONVERTIBLE th teprlreyu- - e 9 cul5 eg s e DISHWASHER Ad u,.t helfc, *Easy front leain ae.c CopnsBOC TOP a9 *MeOec9,c dosca 605 USoSSovio corisOll speno caSh-eS Smz oc,ght suý -'Wd eUaC e t e Svdi e d a d rin9seo Deluse Visccunl 145 egres.Ensressat. snitry leaingWASNER $ Price fromDeluse Viscoon o nsale090 in 0590099 enOCOvsOO ORER Là~~ Iu 1ront. St., Milton 878-2391 "~DS N ING OPTICIANS *Osuisi Presiptions FiIed SContiact L.Osco HOURS- HOUIRS- Mon F,, 9 ..59 5 30 P-~ Tuesday, Wednesday Ohors 9 a- m P" m.S Thursday. Clnseil Saturday 9.30 arn. to 5.30 p.rn. 175 Labeshore Rd. E. 70 MAIN ST. E. 845-3621 878-5151 OAKVILLE MILION RATOR ~ZER Free ceens butter -1, 149,98 178.27 190.55,

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