Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Feb 1973, p. 17

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Chiristian waesen front live ut Milttens churcisem are losy pr'eparlng Use services titr Use "Werd Dayot raetu o ed bisyr ubie PetcraYZ t fgh woy Guiai Church uoppouleOs Cenlenviai Munor) ou Ontario Si. S. risildensa Sevice ai 4.30 pa ."The Warld Dmp ut Praysr la a faesly affair. Don't forget mnen , we enpert su sec yos Usera. We ladies du NOT hi,,t' a monopoiy ou prayei. This duy ut prayer is1 oi jui for the ladieu," orguniuers report. - Thasa services usiit 1w helit on Tlie servira of wurslp seaut Friday Marck 2 aI 2.30 pes. ami develoem by a group of Nous 7.30 pes., usilk u upeciat Zeataud usuen. Il heingu M Hum or is invaluable B. Sec IN CHEMISTRY IÀA Ç Mca. Louise Greenseoud, fsrnserty Louise Pichet, daugloter of lir. andi Mrs. W. H. Pichet ot Droinqiin, graduiated frite MeMaster tJ9lversity la Noveesher eillo a B.Sc. la Chinislry, and is suss usurkissg for Uniroyal Researcho Lalooruturies ut Gutelph. Sierra Club Goualsaond peagrain ufthUe Sierra Clsh were !explained Thsrsy lu the University W.men' Club, meeting uithUe home ut Mes. Marjurle Powsys. Ousit speaker was Phyl Lied, Toranto, ut the Ontario hranch ut Use Sierra Club. 'the group was orgunied lu Use Unulit States lu 1002 hy earty cuniservationista. Amns are ta preeserve, explorew and enjoy forst, wars, ilîdlte and uslderness. Opacifie caues Ho reterred ta the disastrous affects ut the propesedl bydro prujeet os James Ray. tteterrnf ta Use high tension lina ta hoe budlt betwe . anticoke and Pickering, hoe explained the Si erra Cltub isnoet againut to'ogreui but woudd utiempi lu prugress wibi Use bonit possible datrimns toi uiciety and suture. He deplored Use use ufthOruw uway houles, peinting out Usal a groat dm1l ut power lu reqsired in the mablug ut glai. He shwed publications ufthOe group wbichbhas meetings, conter onces and outingu in Ontario. Co.urdlnale prugruse President June Andrewis prouided. Margaret Huluer and Cuesilla Laking ailt make plans fer Usa Spring Musicale May 13. JrgyMr.sof the Addiction uldalion bad spoken ta Use club ut Useir lasi eeting on Use nead for coordination ut rugramns for the prisoners ut Milles juil. Au a resait Usreo esembersofu the clsb witi endeavor lu arrange speakers ilo goutao juil ahout twicea niunbi, ta speait un Use iaw, usefare, jutai, etc. Plan hikes here soon Bruce Trail Club mesuhors are planning hikes in Usis arou eucb weekesd forbihe reat ut Fabrsary. Thsis Saurdiy, Fetu. 10 Usey Sn circuler hite lu Use Cltssake Point ares west ut Moltn and on Sonduy, Feb. il Usy areatnn up a Irak aloug Use Limehpuse lu Spepside section ut Use Irait.- A tiemile hike froin, Use SinUs taie ut Nassuguweyu ta Speyside vii h held Saturday, Feb. 17. Final lukre for Feoury lauone Feb. 24 slurting out front KleW Conservation Ares. Cross-cooniry ski buttu are aiseo .onu Oste Bruce Trait Cluh's hIkngprouramt. Ose ski hike witi Muert frua lIaltan Coolnty Ion lu Nuuiugawaya on Fab. 25 and aouhor on March if. A ski biko Im Limehouso ta Actan lu siuied for Murch 4, VIl, L/o tIUI llbJ)uI PTeher Nassaeaweya Z r ra LaisAid and WQMui held thoir montldy meeting ut tisa humne ut Mes. D. Malien os Thuruday, Falo, i. flheLadies' Aldprealdent, Mes. D. Handarsan, apanad the meeting wiUs a poein "flua Master's Powear", fulousai hy Usa reaingut uais 6 an payer. Couidele lima usIas tuen up lu matdng plana for UeMy ucheas, A quit top, din i loy Mes W. Aderson of Gnep tusast staisn and plane tue lis qsitn ware msade. flua W.M.S. seriptura raadlng wss Use Iloird udapler ut Et- clesastes, and usas remit ly Meis, Camupbell. ThseW.M.S. prasidmut, Mes, W.=Kened, hoait sorma emueki frma rticle ontild Use Grace ot Humer, os Ibis chapter. Laugluter la oe ofthUe hout Usingu (lad has gio sand a semae of humaor :luiuable. flua ctosnlug qotain saima i I up uscaty - "God gave os huro ta keepsfrom goingnsaul and the eduses oftdeapair otan uhrlnk away lu the inug ofu a brave Thse Werld Day ut Prayor usill heohoarvadl enMarc 7 at Use clourck ut uslirh lima the Ehanaier United Church wii juin inUshe program. An invitation usas entended tai Use W.M.S. minug lu Brampton on Fab. 7. =ate ai h ofu comspassins- aI uc in s uer 160 cauntrias that rirele the glohe. AUlpartlrlpate In Milton, tha Anglican, Presbylerian, Unitedl, Roman Calholîc and Pruiecostl churcbeu are ait lakieg a partin thse services. Folks front situer churches eiay aisu jolu lu the fTh ene this year lu 'IAlertin ou tine", flue speaker for Use aftoon service wlt he Mrs. Serina Ruttan, and shte usd1 aiio ha speaking ta Use chldren ut the attersoun children's service. Speaker for Ose evenlug wiit he Mrs. Rush Ans Crawford. SoUs Usese ladies are trrues Use Pente- costal Asseeskty. A joint choir usd ho singing lu Ose services. MISS HOPE, 19073 Missu Jitlln Heuver, a second yeur student ut, Credit Valley Ochool ut Nursing in MisaUioga, seus recently chinen "Mss Hope ut Ontario 1973". The Miss Hope contest iu sponoed oy tIse Catoadian Cancer Suciety and uite lu Ose synibol uf loupe for Ose cancer patient. Lillian Mathies heads St. George's Church women flue Evening ACW of St. meeting Margaret Harris, Mes. Gieorge's Anglican Cburcb, Peurco, Mue Dennus and Joye t.owviiie met ai Use homeof Elva Curteel. Middiebronk for Oseir Jonuary Plan tuneheon meeting. fihis us Use onnosi fihe Friesdskip Lonchon is meeting and the eleclion ressllad plaoned tue Fab. 28 witb Low- os tubaiws: villo.Zininarian Uited ladies Preuident Libian Mabiies, vira' an guesta. prasident Catby Powell, On Tuesday, Jon. 30 a ouchro Ireasurer Sbaron Howrard, wss hold ai St. Geourge's ball serretary Durothy Powsell, serre' sPemeroed hy tbe Atternses ACW. e ducutionul sorretury Jane Surne Coulsun, Ve Beckait, assistant Mes. V. Osicese Coulus, o Abou Rh O f ichardso, delegates toannual Coing.Redsdan wît DloenMeonon Auxiliary needs PhoaOO-330volunfeer helpers Me. and Mes. J. Ferrier ami Watsen, 96 Court St. usho suIt taoiy teoin Bronkviite are saus relebrate tbeir wedding rinidenta ut 341 Ringuloigu Crt., annivarsury of Friday, Feb. O. Me. ond Mes. Rau Wright have muvad lu 203 Et Primo Noe resudenla on Joyce Stvd. upurtaseata front Woudstark, undt ara Me. and Mes. H. Dirkart unit Me. ami Mes. R. Roherts ami tuinily frein Weston ond Me. ami tamiiy feues Scarburough ara Mes. M. Geoves ami f aeily feues residing ut 208 Muptair Apta. We Cooksville. We weirume thoin lu usairome Osumt la Milton. Milton. H4appy birthday usnes go 10 Happy birtkday ta Lisu Sbaila Surit, 203 River plare Gervais, 300 Ringuleigh Cet. aibo Crese. usho calebealod bier birlu- celatraies hier siollo birthday day yonteday (Tsasday) Foh. 6. iuduy, jWadnosday) Feb. 7. A hearty "Walrume ta Miltun" Or. ond Mes. Ron MarRay ut goes oui lu the nous residans un Charlas St. raosmtiy raterneit Itriteosu Crt. flsey ara : Me. feues a hliday lu Flueidu. ond Mes. M. Roshurba ami tamity feues Winnipg Me. ami Happy hirbiday geetiogs go to Mes. A. Glalilam tiy feues David Eneale, 395 Maplausuod Toronto, Me. and Mes. J. Cese. usho celebeate itts hirth- Hargeaves ami faesily feues day on Saturday. Ajax, ond Me. ami Mes. F. Pisant and sun feues Dowussviaw. Me. und Mes. L. Young umi taunily froin Bulton have esnvit Mony happy returnu ufthUe day lu ut 532 Naison Crt. ami Me. unit are wisbad tue Saro Rneaia, 395 Mes. D. Chinsery ond daugbtae Muplewood Crase. wbo usili feues Toronto hava esovai ta 567 celebrale baer birbiduy us Woodward Si. We useicome those Suinday, Fob. Il. tininies to uarlwu. Happy birthday lu Mary Paul and Sandy MaUsies and Suckley, 399 Maplawod Creac tmily Ifurunariy ut Milton) now aiho usd1 celebrato bier hirlhitay ut Naples, Flueida plan lu visit on Moday Ftu. 1. Usir feiets and relatives in on MndayFeb.12. Milos and area Uhs nummor. Reid Frank, 141 Lydin Ave, ami Phdtlip Seusb, 130 Lydia Ave., are Nous famsilias on Applawaid presenity ouujuyhsg a change of Crear. areathe W. Hanulllonstfroes usoather in the sumiy South. Weston, the Sesitha feues Oshbawa, ami Usa F. Hughes feues Congratulations and hast Maliton. Wa useirome Usees b wishos go lu Tues and Helen Milton. In un efftu lu stiesulate iloreal ami kouit eeshlp, Milton District Huspitai Aaniiiaey wiit sponsor a dessert lunrh and cottee party ut Use honpitat nexl Wednosduy, Fait. 14 ut 6.30 pes. lu conjonction adOs Use onnuat eeting. The cottea puriy, uîlI ho tulousei by unnuai reporta ami uther items on the ugenda. Memeshrs hope people isiarauted lu teaening more about Useir service lu the coeseumlty suit take advuniuge ut the oppuetumty and attend' Mes. Anne Ptaiaesy nuiad UsaI il tsek tour volunteara aloselu uperale the gif t sbup. Sy prnviding this uervi'ce the aunitiary raison esoney and investi; UsaI musey inlu the nwresuary extrait uround the luispital. Volutears "Ai useS an the gift shop we need monteers lu tend ta the ituwees, tuke t1w lihoaey cari Happy bîrlbduy lu Scott Barnes, 5530 Applehy Lune usnn seill colebrute bis birUsduy on Saiurduy, Feb. 10. Mony happy relurus ufthOs day are wished fue Riccy iterufini, 211 Elmswood Crenc. usho will celeteute his hirthday un Friduy, Fah. 9. Peuple usisbing to report naws ut a social nature can da se by culling Dolures Melansun ai f78- 3138. ded Mes. 'Ca Ring, 'ris Houd, IFlorence arouid, du seesie sewing, type urbedules, makre derorationu ami Iruy tannes for special days, vili patientsaund beip thees weitu Ose bandwurk Ibat passen idie bours se nicaiy. Soe people beli usibi bairdressing us waîl," uhe noted. Mes. Ptoiemy said the seoru ut Ose auniiury lu broad and ierludes esauy duties nul cuverod bora. Site desrribed the work osa voluneer as bath rewurding and satîsfying. -Cbampion classitîeds w suit luit about onythlug. R -varyone waarlug a snose- msan tag binse dupu is prumetint tsa tags us a novai admission tichat lu Osa Snow Festival Fah. 16-18t. "World Day of Prayert' service here on March 2 TWENTY SIXTH IN A SURIES A Mark of Progress in Milton Milton Day Care Centre iutaking shapeat thecorner ofCommecrcial and Helop ear theJ ::$:M. Denyes Public Scbsei. Wban il is completed it oi mari se important n:cd inth comunity. iThe Cnreashoan n anunber oflocations in the ow and area ad t establisbmniînuacentrullocation will muke imoreprmave't. ThecCerer ia frer miark of prograso in Milton. 4ar aproressiue A Insuranca Proameaum au competitive ratas nietaut /1< aa INSURCE 208 Maiv Street E, Milovi 878-2894 ILO I"iTEIN 751 StoeAe iloI7899 The Chamvpion, M ilon, Ot. Wed. Febroary 7 1973 1 Don Jackson is headliner Donald Jackson of Dundas, a '* 'i Àlri professional skater who wson the ' world skating litie for Canada ut 'h*'is *j'. Prague in 1962, usd1 headtlne .Q- Georgetown Figure Skating VA? ~ 1, E NT '1 N F Club's annual Carsival on Ice utai4 Georgetown Arena Feh . 10 aintd O Withi a Smart11 ' N Ouest artints are brother and Nw Hairstyle;0 sisier John and Dehbie Dowding A. At L ' ut OakVille, 1072 Ontario senior A.. compatiturs in the Canadian '& Salon G (1 1 i clsamiioships in Vancouver and $ Moncton. '1 33 Main Street The show includro 285 P5.e o yu mnbers ufthIle GeorgetowinPue oy club. Jesus Christ Superstar and appontvr Alice lu Wonderiand are tse oa thesues for the show. 17-1I --Snuunmobilers were unhappy ai the lark ut onow un the weend. ----------------------------------- ...................... ................... .................. ............. . .. .... ................... ........................ ...... ....... I.....,...... ..... «... : ..., ..., ": : .............................................................. ... . . ..... .............. ................................. .......... ...... .. ............................................ ....................................... . ...............................

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