&4 The Champion, Milton, Ont., Wcil., Fcbruary 7, 1973 Knox Rabbie Burns NIGHT fentivities at pail bornage ha tihe bard cf Scottanil anil 'tocas a grand nigist foc ail mitli a tours cf Scottanin as ieir backigroundl. Abuse, mimte of the men attending the supper andl entertainiment mure thse kilt cf ilseir clan. Frons left are Harvey Hrutih, Gordon fimbers, Met Phelpo, George Lee, monter of ceremonies Coi. Jerk Anderson, Fred Biuners, Mac Etiiot, Jins Meilpaili, Dose McNeii andl Kart Reicbert. At riglit, tihe minister of Enox Churcb Rev. John Murray lorlped Mrs. B. ]Lamsoplay a copte of iluels at tbe piano. A supper featuring lise haggis precedeil a musical progrn anil film of Scotlanil. SINGING SCOTTISH SONGS ores part of thse entertairoment at Use Knox Churcis Scottiash night celebratioiî tant meek. The Lockie family bail four of the entertainers-brotiero Bcent, Wayn and Ronmue Lockie sang a couple of vocal trios wbile their cousin Bcenila Lockie ilida cecitatios, "The Bsgpipe Mas." At right, Bob monis' ilaugister mode a shy face sehen Use photographer tied ta take a picture of ber singmng in te audience. iTE BROADSWORIJS DANCE mas one of Hiclietto and Karen Riclietta at Knox Scottiss Oiree numbers performeil by Scottisis ilsceci night. Piper Harvey Bcusis provideil tise Susan Mactis, Marilyn Martin, Sazamor music. - -(Photos hy-R. Domno> Peter Marks Un favor fourth Halton borough Actcxi Oeputy Reeve Peter Mwrli lbu gente on record as nlg lu ta i f avor of a fur bor ugh Haltes cegion weth Mile formise ihe coco of c cerad ibeir brief and li ileafi soth considerably more tuas ih countyns sobmssion. They ileal with planning, engineering, nerviriof andl community orientation and oie Oece factors ta prove tlieir point. Ot malies more sonne tien tie monty brief. "The coanty argaed three bocooglia are lutter becoose Oie Nctcossacil'nview Marks itmisel Ilat wan lis view, est Oliat of the norili or that of Acton's. He in tlu tinst coosty coontior to favor for tie foortli bnrougb. tiurlington Depoty Heeve Dave Cnons noted, in a foocili borougli. County cousicil esilorseil tiree bocoogh plan witi Qalivite n ig h t ad eorlington fnrming oec ecd tliird borougli. Hnmever the province concorreil with a -Enter Thue Champion's maxw diooenting view freen Milton tliat icoiptocing conteot tio weekend. soggesied that toms fornt the Entcy fons are publtiiein hie bonis of the foarth central Haltes ail in todapis paper. regies. Thse fourth horougi woold see Manor's dinner, gifts critlclzed by Manneli flic npportunity ta serve the matter. None of Monneli' people soli lie enough fnr suggestions met muSh the elected people, Oalivifle Depot aPProval of coesty cnesicii. Herse Terry Mannell totd Hiton Couniy Cooncti Wednenday. Manneli hýad criticined the H N O E D potiY 0f givisg retiring Manor PRO EC IO Bioard of Management csmmiàttee eeirs a ne 0f cuft Messeti ais crilicizeil co il foc holding an amnta dinner ait lise manoir and the policy of prn iding honpitotity oites at conventions. tome sapport He reccivel soute support from, Georgeton Heeve Ric Morrnm on Oie questin Il bonpltoity- saites andl gift. Mornm muggentod, homever, tint Oie dinner mosnsot a lavini aHfair bot 1H NK mas nimitar Mo Oiat Oie reint et andlnervei te ibaoement nf RO N BL thel9tanor by theManor saff. I a cide ron mh toe eero tf nee a c n ause yon 90 nise ynxr home OMao."atdinsersied by plun you binvess plus your Oie coesty mere iield in the saute hank assouni, tee nabo masser me'd have no probtees." liaibiôly novoanse tii h xmk2:ý Wiiile he never specified, Morro' comment mas Ob- vonusiy ilirectei ai Oie 1972 LE Warden'i dinser mhicb costin & O L A second reoolniion moveil by NUAC Reeve Morrox liter in the meet ing oaggeoieil conty moncilorirereive o raine in 1 atnI h .11 1973. No raise biail luensuggeotcil bti Morrnm eSpiamnei lie manted it male clear o ralies iull ha fortlicnming Oi year. Tise matier mes ileferreil estil Oie adiSintration coesmittee hail chance to iliocoos the POLLOCK n v CAMPBELL Msmmal E gmîcgq "OPENING' SPECIALS 1 CONTINUED ALL RECORDS $99.l 62 MILTMIS UEWE8T REORD CENTRE 138 MAIN ST. Upstairs in Crent Hardware land froon Naasagawe Esqocaing, Oakytie 'Ylà Oicgoný Jauiwlth Miltosn t entnndisg aroc Oie Icdi cfy Oie eonty. Oakmtil cosait hi reotiasynlw flgt thie eoalîms fa fourOi bnroogh. DRUGS oi JESUS WHUCH HAS THE FUTURE? BRETHREN 0FMESA Box 132, ACTON, ONTARIO BUR Another Ford '73 Better Idea FORD TORINO Then solid mtd-size car. Smooth, Strong, ond Quiet Thse 1973 Torna combines big.car teatures with smaller car size and handllng. It is smooth.rlding, strong and quiet--because it's a Ford. You can drive it wit h confidence ...iln comfort. The design accommodastes six. It manoeuvres easllylin traffic and whes you park. Wlth ail that it offers. Torna lsa lot of car fora price. See ail the better ideas from FORD for '73 this week af the friendly dealer MOTOS 1l'U H L 1 CO. LTD. 409 MAIN Si'. MILTON 878-2369 r ewI NEWOI Now Milton Community Credif Union con make your money grow on a daily basis! r"eVs! Vour spocial deposit con er inlterest from then day of deposit until the day of wvithdrowoal and by compoundcing the interoat you're olso, earning interest on then interest. Get then full focta at your Milton Community Credif Union. Don't let money idl for short or long ferma. Let it eorn interest. Minimum deposit $2000 10 days. leterest rate il per cent JOIN THE COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION TODAY! 44 Main St. E., Milton Tolophono 878-4168 Office Meurs ailli 9.15 - 4.45, Thursday & Friday Till 7.45 , audy9a u1pn