12tis ChantFlan, Milon, Ont.. Wed., Feblaray 7, 1973 Soggy groundhog sees spring soon Ite g o b e an early Srlsg ta Milt an ad district, if tise Imngsst1ctsa Mhie lawlY graasdisag are anY indication. The groaadhag, wiich usuaaly emerges front a, Mater-long hibernation ta tus larron on Feb. 2, would dellnitely have lad lv predio t îlot wtnter was ending and sprtng oas close at hana tf li or she ventured ou nt th ie doit, net antd looding condtions that aboonded int ose on Friday. flselegesd says if thegroundisog aeeshbissadowa le retires loi leep fac a furIser sx eeksanad Spriag woa't conte til thten. Hf te sent no sitadose. he remalas aisove terra-llrma, ronfident Ilat Sprtog is etlehere or nana terome. Md,rais, fagaovercas There were't any groaadhog sttadoses Friday. A mild spell, roupled it rat, tog aad overras skies, made sure te groanttiog predirted an early Sprtag. Rral areaa ta aorth Halone eperienred slippery roadsanad tise try conditions, combined with te tg, forced trimaI bus operators la torego tieir rounds forthe day. Scisanla remalned open lotthie studeat populations were qite 10w an oly Ilose witht letr osen transportation made il te classes. Int ose, te creeta ran rampant an rata and meltiag snw comlsaed lao sei tise saterways. Fortosately a latoattise saow ted dtappeared a week ealer and tise fliaadlg was sot reporled as sertoas, altisaagh creekasere dangeroasy tigi. By Ray Dons Here are sse more sertions ronthtie Higisway fraltic Art lorc yoar gineral inormation. Miltas Police tlepartsset's saletY officer,1 Const. Ena Oswald, aays thana are naineofIthie treqaenttiy vilated partesni lise At: Tise driver or aperatar ai a nitar veiicle saS nt flow antHier vehicle mare closely tisas ta reasnasle and prudent, isavissg due regard for tise speed oI sscts veiicie and tise isaHic an andthe cosdttOs aiHie ogisay.-e. l105(l) H.T.A. Answers to lastsweeels Law andtise Snow Veiiessiiz: ti(c), 2(a) 3(c), 4a), 5(c). Hwmany did YOU score correctly? Satety Corner received thie fnnMaig nte front a reader: "I lent very ssrangiy aboutthie saletp oar aged Manar rinidentaseteo are ainnd to alMi along thie east ide aof(Ontario St. wten coning utlwn, raHier than cross avec ta trustofIthie Manar ltote sideseaHi. We sisotdd cosider ptttag a sidewalis tram the a Mnaran te astI ide, csssssg as least op tathie Plana intoance. Ose lelaw an crulcis and wesHi aMy one lmg sas comng at phie sideofIthie road ansd eleMns tas cratris lit a stane. Predicts busy.... (Ctlssed frein Page 1) $5this year, traiter plaIte are sp have ieen issy, lut ilSU get ta $5 and intarized soas velacle tester nas," le sid Tuntday. Plates sswthie iiggntt increase- FuS year laucis licesce plaItesrin $2 pr year tesa crrent $10 olso wntt an sale Feis. t- per ynsr. qtarterly trucis plates dont te Plate hayers ta Milton Mil an sale sstdl Marris . receive plates siHi a Hre-letier Prcnseeretarcreased Hiis year preis lollowed ly tiscee and Clement fgred that thesuintera. The local series slarted arcrease sas holdingpeolestHithie letters DSH and teck. Plates for a faroudr proceedss Hroagis DSJ, K, L, M vehicle wentup $3 to$23; for asix N, , P andER. cyhander ap 4.10 ta $22; tac an Tisa ears plaItes Mil te eigit cytender ap $5 ta $40. arossd for a seiile-lise are Motrcyrie plates alsa rase $5 la insti-pear plat at ilcoaldtst Ottawa Report by Terry O'Connor - Haltan MP Otoaaana Qanter. nosEnglisiss pecsatled, aatisssg la writtea dopa, and tHere are nsoisooks and no isamework. A tilde pre- sentetionaaccnanaied is nand lrack relates enery day site- aions. We eleat tIen, at Hidm ast and nccasinnallp trp ta sapravise. Onse cansmaidraten in Frencis or nt at al. lie aHier day ate learend tew ta take a sisway ride ail arond Parta. Now if t could just get an a cammittee atudying Casadas relationashp Is France .... A confrontation metted ta ssed wisereisp the stadent taunader sirata andisafarced taunaderstand and replp. Errars in pro- sanctatian or sentence content lrtag a sharp reteke train le Professeur' sssaily a wiacklng of a isacisiard rsderonsthie taisle i frontalf the nîlender. And mat ite Pavlovsdoge a gond effort ta FNACIWYA Daring a regalar meeting Mtmday, Fuis. à mendieraNaaaeaTwad aseio: -AslviedtenaJensen te wMU have te appeai tise tawnsilp's refusaI te pay a $950 sheep claint anthie township contanuesla deny rewacded with a saie and a palanay laiity. onHi the ck. As a siatter af tact il nasnds lilte iigis sciseal, dnesna t l -tecesved analiser coaintt -aetleastthie way o sean wtsen I frmm CanaclarCal Mclntyce on attended a few years aga. te con5dition oM 25 Sldernad, Sine mensbers, treeted leishicis fltas Caasty rnada celetritins elsewisere, gpet departinent maistaîna. dclk tadlgisat and quit ater a fes Ear Cudde was askedt aek the Mansn. But ifonaestickssitaut caunty ta do sasse mare wrk as and 1 have sfer, tise methid thie raad, especiaily ta thie first apparently warks. raiscetalon. pe t gaanenFrscstna -Heard enompdainte frons a fietiy itgtab t anw adneigisisr about lre g=ajo f Htissh tFricsfatr people witis ld fats nned tesoeEgh i snte ~mankets and gunas isa cMn ta Ottawea. Naw Bais, hase cegregate an weekntds t a 25 abotaatotal tammersian cmarsn ta o hme pano have a prnilemt, idea, -Agrend la ment Mi tGerge- c0fmen, citcis orif ou taown, Actes and Esqaeetag continent, cticgetn rIl yoe Councils ta dipruasreglasal ni ln etp3is or ail5'a joitt isiel an matters ofimutuel ridE agoffie a- 354M.tster acern Caunacil alan arranged ta ttaa E.Oakvtie- t4s-t22. attend a jotat meeting of sarIs itttn mahiLcipalitteo wi Usehe aistary "Masdfite i flea, AtbrMem,uwlatattosarloaieta cout idan entra $40 per tresaw Jolnieltie, as les,13 ta--Mi. TL'ewbaerewold lie 8 --Agreed tw entend tthe battre rday. 1 So you tank Frvnch ia htgis scisoni. Il sisoultiat te ton dit- liraIt la pick it ap naw-witHa litte practice. Oea seha' Memisers of Partiament wisn Mis te teke il are givin tisree hases a week of Canversatin F'rencis courses, taterspersed everp couple af manis Mtis a "ttal imersion" wenk at Ht. Jean, Qaeisec. As 1 mentined dartag te elertin campaiga, I teel we sisnuld ail make an effort ta mate iitgsalsi work. Wisat tettar way inodo lis tHan te leara Frencis? Msy group tacladintHiren oHier memiser-stadents, tisis bietg aisout tise average namiser assigned la naci tstractar. At lisese sessions isotis in Committe. wiII study housing A seven memiser comuitte seas estaislisised isy Milton Canrdlat prepare a saismissin ta the Advtaary TaskFarce se Hassing Paticp. Tisetask fnrce itatoexaintei carrent isassing situation in Ontarto and recoismnd anthe rate ofthe Onstario gaveramnent nd oHier gaverninenla, hasinss nd cîlszens ta meeting issssing seeda. ise sask torve las invited sais- missions and Councillor Art Melansan spake tatfavor of Milton mintg ite vieses kaown. He recossted çwoislemin aestaish- ig losemental hisassand HOME pragrama winMiltas. Coancillor Melasson a named la iseadthe coinmittee and Cosscdlar Juin Kerr alsa agrend ta serve. In addition citinens seio meinters tisangit would te taterested were alan snggested; Tom Bradley,Rev. Rod Lewis, Mca. V. Russell, D. H. Lambtert and Planning Board secretary Ross Pearen. Deadlitafrachie solaninsian ta Fel. 28. ap te fine peara. Future reneseala wil tbe a sticiser altacised tathie loseer rgtgis.ind corner Mf hie plate. Mn penpln are papint an mxtra $25 and writiaginethe Ttanspnrt Departinent te gel special lelters os tiseir 1973 plates. A slngan "Ontario-Kenp il enautiful" s on thie plates tHua year as a contiasisg reinder aI theseed for puis co-aperatin as controiltag titier and pro- tectiagthe invirooment. t il, Ion ~±a s. -----~ là ------------ Woffl f-OR VOLKSWAGEN COME TU Baz Motors Ltd, ýour authorized Volkýwagen dealer 199 Guelph St. Georgetown 877 5286 F Toronto 457 6446 r~New 73 VAWs *001 ' 2198 1600 CC. ONLI '25,00 DOWN 2 Z0 Engine litfpo qsaîtyl t24,00w-l Free Pik-up and warratY Deivery in Town Fret Caartesp Car by Appoinsament SERVICE D EPT. OFýEN TtIURO. TO 9 IIIGHEST TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE Why do our usod cars have te ho botter'? Wo guorontee them