Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 31 Jan 1973, p. 2

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2 TiseChampion, Milton, Ont. Wed. Jonaary 31 1973 Calis for changes in fair' "to meet modern times Thsc foemat of Milton Fau Fair wili bave 10 change o lamee Oie modern tanes, president Jins Mcetay laId doecior', uithOe unnal meeting of Hatton Agricaltaral Society Salarday. Tise eoanly is cisungmng rapidly duarto urson sps'l and "ce are gamng 1 burve la cisunge our lair la rope cils aIl tis", ho warned. Gate receipto cere osty ap $33 attise 1972 1cir over Oie 197t fuse, laitOie conts are always geocing. tise preuident pointer! tut. "We isuvoto dram mare peple ino tise gr'ounds-'vwe noed somotising more oeîtmng 10 bieng outl Oie arisas people," tise presidenl said. Tise laie board slarlod 1972 mith aisanisbalance olf $f4sbut ended 172 vils a $1,727 overdeuft, Oie fianciaI repoet shows. Part of Use oveedruft rus bse ateiisated 10 capital ots. Tise association borrowed 05,000 leom lise batis and spent 03,316 onua nec poaltsy bars, 13,457 on împos'vemesls ta tise grounds, ami eepaîd $1,500 af Oie btink ban su lise delîrît is ot eealiy thatusrîoos Seaul profil 'lie books sisoced an operatico peofit of $993 on tise 1972 fair. At prescrit tise faie hourd bas f IfOvo cn ausels. Gute rereipts totalîrd 04,089 mnd Us, lais' board recriord $9,970 igrailsanud donations. Tisere 1ee 25 paid admoissions on Oie Frîday aigisl of lise laie, doms annst 100 ieom tise ps'evious year. Majioe eosense cao aie Return Jim fuir board ion MeKay vas retoi'ned au preuident of Hulasn Agriraltoral Society-sponors of Milton Fall Fais' aI tise groupos annual meetmng Salueday ulteeson. Ges'ald Carton cas s'etarned as vîce-peesideoî. iSecond vire- president Jack MePail resigned as usceepeesîdeol and Lloyd Stokeu vus sume ilis place Mes. G. E. Readisead continues au secretary-ts'eauises' Darmng tbvie aooual'larnelmfn lise dîreetors eleclod Allar Parsons as a arc dîreetos' loi Naisagaveya. He is tise oniy oea ireetor, altisoag several n00 assoclate dîreclars vere nuîoed Naine direriors Dîreetoes for Qaisoille a Floner Douglas. Rober Marshsall. Ross L.awrene, J C Mueshsall and T. Bousfield Fsýqumsing Jun McKuy. Gerois Carton and Jîm MePhial Nausaga.ceya. iim MePhait Lloyd Stokes and Allan Parmos Rarlinglon. A. MeKînnon. A. C HdOiield. George Reudisead un, monro lotallîng $12,584. About 30 duorlaors atlendmi Oie amnual meetimg, la reviow Oie 1972 laie and lay plans for Oie 1973 edîlion susI Septemner. Reports sisoced tisere more 198 entrios in iorses, 319 rotle, 55 sisoep, 466 poaltry. 15 grain, 70 goats, 91 oegotaislea, il fruit, 103 Iovess 195 food, 240OeloUsing, 263 arts aid cruits, 125 chlidren's, 49 junior esisibits and 13 Womea' s Institutes, for a grand total of 2,301 entrîrs. To coavention Memses agrood to sponor u t- H quoon aid prinresos coninal agamn tis yeae aod la mmnd Oie 1972 queon Joye Wilson ta Oie anoual Agrîcultural Sorielies convention in Toronto an Feiseaey. Delegates la lise cenionl cil ie ps'esidot Jim McKay. oîce-president Gonad Carton, seceetary Mes. G. E. Readisoad. junior rep Jin lasicis, and ladies' delegalan Mes. Lloyd Stokes and Mrs. Fred tison. Il vas decided to againsponsor field crop contests cn harley und cors. A committre osas lat be oamed 10 derîde on u reripient foe Ibis year's ugeicatturul service dîplomua A repart cas gîcen on the Distriet 5 Societios' annual meeting ai Woodissidge cn Os'- labos', vison 20 eepreoentod Oie Mdlton groap. Mes. Alfred Ford of Milto wus oumed presideol of ther District 5 ladies' section and Ms. Cameros Marshatt of Milton uas choses socs'etas'y McKay as 3resident t-ced ison; Miltan, Roy M. Cureo,. E. Beovnridge an Al Ford. Associatr direclors for 1973 are Jacks ElliotI, Alf Wuldie. E. MeArtisur, Hovard Armstroag, C. May, Frais Cissiola Jefli Nurse. Oobs Merey, W. MrDaell Ed t3uvenport, Joe Willmatt, R. A. Beomarîdgr, William Rayner. Art Wilson, Bill Smnclair, E. McGihhbon, R. Ford. Relord Gardisoase, Gon Wîlms., J. E Ellenlon, Gordon Beigden, H Fattroo L. W. Coalo, H Rielbol. Gerge Smain, RataSl I.acson. Maurice Boaty, Aliseri HunIer. Cruîg Reid, Johr Wîllmott, Gordon Tisompoon e Robsert Harrem, Gordon Ruynee t fLloyd Chissoisa, Clarence For, Jr.. Murray Harris, ici L.iocki Claude Inglîs and Russel d Hureen. Junior disc.tos are 1,aurit Maxwell, Bill Jackon, Mari Anderson, George Hendesmn OShela Foster and David Reid. 'lhe groop voted la donale f100 la tise Halton Farmstead Improvemont Compelilion, iseing held cn conjonction dUsh Oie 1974 Isnenational Ptummg Match la Halton. feprere geotado Alf Ford reparled extensive unpeovemen le tahOe graans darmng Use psi year. Nom mires aid pales mere inalallied ai Oie iront ai tise fair grounds, Oiene pauttryidm a finishid mae mpped into Oie rentre rmng aid Oie slioep aid isog pena more removed. Reparla of goad cnepetillis cane gisen isy varinan direclors-- Etoner Douglas on hsalls, RuOi Fard on amusements, in Bromnridge an concessions, Lloyd Stokes on isoavy bare, llOY Cmr Nurse i Carton Readsea goals. G and irei Dixoni Douglas Armsîr larmer Readise 'I rie on lgist isorses, 'elI in dmury caIl, Olerald on licol cattie, Mes. G. E. id -_i sisoep, Alf Ford an corgn Readisead an groin toand vegetaliles, Ides. F. on ladies' maris, rimoer ion spocial eventn, Mac îng an 4-H and junior mark, and George ad an field craps. FtVE YOUNG DANCERS were amoeg tise thse Mollie McGregor Scinol, performeil esiertainers Sotarday mien Milton Sacrer dursag tise dance. Pipers froan tise Lamne Scots clois stugeil o Roblile Bures Nigisf dance ut Rond alan ontertomned aid Albert Penrose the Legion Hall. Duncers Curolyn Watt, gave tise address to Oie haggis wlacli mus tise Heather ComptaIt, Kirk Brusis, Noreen featured delicocy ut a lafe-evening baffet. MacLoren and Letty McNel ail stodeala of (Photo hy R. Dowos) HRCA delays approval northern storm sewer Proposais isy Mlon Coaniti ta boaud a large storan semer bo drain oser 400 acresaof laid la Oie sorts area ut Milton more ps'eseoted 10 Halton Region Cas- servation Aalborîly aI lise HRCA's amnta meeting, iseld flîarsday ailomnoon cn Milton. HRCA approsodi phase one of lise plan, cici vould drain rai- off atrs alosg Steeles Ave. plus 43 cres of land orth ai UsaI rond Ln Use vicinity af lise mai17y boilding and alt of tise coaity building; bat delayed tiseir also bieg drained cesîcard ta Use W. D. heanciso athUe Sixe Mile Crmek. GotoOsille? The Authorily conderoil if Use 390-acre paril mouid nul ta drainel msot-meslerly along Oie Tird Lme mn ta Gakissllo aid wîthheld ils derision unlil HRCA's caser controt advsmry board cas incestigato Ibis altern- A burIser 1,100 acre porcel corUs of Use mai17y bilding la Milton and in tise matis end of - riio on mhe secona phase ai Esqaesîng Tocwn Use proposai wlacis moula sS 398 entually be dramn A pp ove 197 bu get acres uroand tise Tisird Lino Otario S. creois, an aot Grace annuail meet Enezern ouho Hgw 0 A ps'oposmi budget of $32,658 prosentod bis lîlUs unnual report E e e e mas approvoil Sanday evening on lao vans and tisanisedil a Angin C arcisisetds o l e porîshioners for Useir assistance F arew e ll I a rty Angica Chr shhel 'ti 1 durîng Use past year. Tise collage bodget cas 831,183 aid ospenses vi tise year came la $28,907. USatvstîcs show lisero are 30 familles andl 40 indîcoduals for a toal vi 1,360 pecple attaced 10 Use cisureis. Dariof lise year 25 more isaptîzed. 30 wr conirmed 2 Oece isurîed and 20 soovs'e;gev re-ere perf.emed. Average Sanda y service uttondaice is 223. Norman Fearce cas nmmi redtor s cirer, loba Morgue peapte's cardon andl Wiltiam Thompson deputy poople's cardes. Mes. Pal Watlers 's treasarer aid Miss Margaret Manteil envelope scceetary.' Audîlors are Mrs. Dianne Barrow aid Wîleed Elsley. Pariss rcolcO Lay delegates are Mms. Janette Ledmitis. Henry Stanley and Gharles W. Clarkse, miUs Hagis Ooaty and W. Etsley a-s alter- nates. Tise parisis coanicit osesoiers are Mes. E. Cooper, D. Godfs'ey and G. Mofiat. Reclor Use Rev. R. W. Foster day retreat in Navomtar more amvong Use year's iigtigs. Ho said Use cisarcs tiisrary cantinues la ise ml csed. During 1972 lin building and properly corrmitta cosipleled tise parcisase of an addiioa 46 let of land at tise nortis endl of Use Study services 0ev. Fostor recomanmended a "tasis force" ta set up 10 investîgato tise possiiiity af baving ose service la replace Use 9.30usnd 11 a.m. aanday services. 'llfeel womnstltke a gond isard tanisai ibis idea, and tises allom an open vote," ho saîd. Theocisurcis asant reparted 125 esroltmdi n ta classes. Fut out lise ssrlcome mal for yoar Heart Slcday volooteer. Premature heurt attaclis iît 13,000 Canadiansu mies' f5, rocs ye Or. Oy Mes. Ron MeLeai A large gatheriof of friendn gaUsered aI Use rsarcis for a luremel porty foe Vi andl Murray Haymard, misa are moving la Grongevitte lin end of iaiuary. Mrs. Olytis aid Mes. Word jaresentoil Mes. Hayward mils a lUte meminersip in île U.C.W. Mr. Diamond pro coupte miOi a gai nmney. lTe wioner more Mr. aid Mes. aid Mes. K. Anderu Commai Communion mae Sunday. d some day eentod lise blot fulIl of n aI gamon Weideman. onuesilo * v il ' M0. 11 may ta diverind la Oie W.D. brnocis, Miltos Mayor Brion Oeil andl tise lown' 5 consalling mngmmer Kmn Hyde tvld HRCA. ise second phase mUt 001t starl dt 1974 or 1975 hat Use tomn s rcsiucstiog an anscer rigist acuy, s0 tise slorm semer casi ise boilt large enougis dariog tise carrent reconstruc'lion peagram or Steelcu Aoc. Mayas' Orsi ilîcaird tise lvms semis lb, aisces' cîUsîn 30 duys aid HRCA chairman Bsarry Hampiseys pro misedl ie coald gel il. Aclon Y's Menus Snowoohîe Races and Cross Country hut heeo posfpooed froc Feh. 3 and 41h due lv 1he ]ao. tha Poli. 24 & 25. Reg. 6.29 Sale $3.49 Reg. f.29 Sale $ 3.4 MILTON'S NEWEST RECORD CENTRE 136 MAIN ST. Upsfairs in Crest Hardware Esquoslng Council prepares to flght four unit Halton h 1mwai tld isy oor meinler nt tomcme dome le Tornto mli any pre-cneived ideai Oiat Ohia thing mili le changed," Depay reece Len Cane bold Enqoeoleg (ouricît Monduy night in luercet the proinciut goverrnenct's proposat of a lour lerugs Haltn reevn. Cane reparled Iteeve Tom Hill fions oggeslel couer la infrt mntirely oct an a regionol gavere. ment cammiltee for lise townsip. Daring tle meeting couricl learord UsaI Georgetown coanicl hans appoinled a fine mon regional govermenent cmmailteo, Legion notes An important ganeral metg is plained Feis. t2 ut 8 p.m. aid Oie Ladies ' Aaniliary i planning adance Fnb. 24 ut Oie L.etian Hall. Tise Legion esecutive urges memisers ta cisecks their basemenîs aid attirs and lare in goods lisey leel cil ise ni ose 10 Oie Ontario School for Oie Deaf visa are planning a resmage sale Feis. 10 att1 p.m. Phoune Oie schoml ut 078-2851 and Usey'il ise isappy la pick gmods ap. Toaroaneats A cris taurnamnent Mardis 17 is heing planed along asi a dort lournument Fen. 24 and a suailehoard laurnumnent Mardis tOu i e Legion. Tisanis 10 Ed Blair Oie dort standings are availaiste and are as lollomo: Dominion 75; Teulfalgue Motors f0; Kranlu Fuels 54 and Cet Hardware 5,4. ibis Note; Change of day CHESS CLUJB Fer ail unes Meef Every Monday Nighf 6.ý45 p.m. tli 9 pan. Ecoryone Welca e STORYTIME Every Tuesday, 10:30 a.m. For Children 3-4 Yea rs of Age PUBLIC LIBRIARY iseoded by Coonellor Barry Cole eapreooed lthe isopa Aco renrl ood nain a Jiia oeilte and select tfr members carefntty. Read prs 1 sec by thse press one msemiser inActon is otready concerned aisout how Oie arisan ornas are going la carry Oie towshiipa in Oie North Balton lernogi," ho rennarked. Cooncillor Dicis linitt eoedered if further meellg mli Qneen'o Pars officiais elt le iseld. ',We oeema la gel nar pont arroos leller seien mere deatleg ali Ilein fore la face Oian misen mere seding lsein liriefo thrao8 i the osail,' le &Md. Cane ha te nir arleon of tie p=ee eobiloaeof lise Central Haltoe iseroogs. 101 Qoeen's Park il irying ta educe tise number o municipal governinents il bau lv deal miss, if's tosing tise impact isy creating tour brnugis inlead of lleee, le oaid. "M een ests pp l e ine Central Holtao brougi leorepresentatveO ln lise moximumn nionisr il sold get., Coujonlor George Malthy feît coueseil lid le cene op eti mometiigmre thon repre- oeotalloe a ss o enet for ammonilion le fighliog tise* Central Balln orougis proposai.. DANCE ~ Saturday, .F.bruary Wr 8 pin. tol 1 ar. ATTHE ROMA SOCIAL CLUB3 Stee les Ave. MUSIC BY THE 007 GROUP Mombors $3 Couple Everyone Buffeheî Noe.Mernbe S4 Couple Welcome Avaîlable Fo ickets L Cail 878-2621 or 878-2460 or 878-62 ...0 PROCLAMATION ~? MC~0 Month WHEREAS the et fects of heart dîsease are responsible for widespread suffering and croate serjous economic hardship in aur community; AND WHEREAS the Ontario Hearf Foundaf ion is taking positive action ta reduce heart casualties lhrough a planned, prlority research program; AND WHEREAS the Canadian Hearf Fund Campaige to support lieart research is being conducted tram February i through February 28; 1, THEREFORE, proclaim that the monfh of February be observed as Heart Monfh in Milton. 1 f urther urge ail citizens fa cooperate In thse Heart Fond drive, and ail clvic. social and trafernai organizations and business establish- ments f0 give this campaign the greatest possible support. Briao Besf MAayor Annual Meeting of The Canadian Red Cross Society E Milton Bronch fo be hefd at The Conadian Legion Hall, Milton Thursday, February 8th This is a public meeting Ail Welcome ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP IN THE MILTON DISTRICT HOSPITAL CORPORATION Must Be ObfalIned On or Bef ore MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1973 In Order to be Eligible fo Vote at tfhe Annual Meeting of the Corporation ON WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14, 1973 Memberships may be purchased at the Business Office of the Hospital Monday through Friday, 8:30 ar.- 5:00 p.m. ---I

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