Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 31 Jan 1973, p. 11

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17 REAL ESTATE 17 REAL ESTATE 17 REAL ESTATE TA NHOMPSGN FiII. ESTATE ew 17 REAL ESTATE 117 REAL ESTATE - Driver CHRISTIE & WOODS n th r RIAL RATT LIMIEuDo h r - R 4BAVMR 189Mai Steet MILONAie Qakuile ale car rceiued 89 ainSus MLfft4 WINTER $1,600 damnage Satarday wee il HOME BU VER mient off Deccy Rd.* and stutnet a Town BONUS untuoet Miltoo Police investi- itiieui: IRi'ocptOi ol isi d thitlecr idtc Fuiiy iciuSiidcl min ci iio l,.,,,in Soihýn- Moodayoiitecuoo cars dtceo IN IL O Nintms, eccuticu location. inifotial icuLten. Chooucufrcat Milton andStcpben Jones of6475 G ET THE RIGHT PRIE cenralyncay Wted oii witha lttdJat$0.Xan . BellStu. Damagetatoflled $600 List VVith Me For traaiu .pceet m il uie FIiuRANK PINFOLD eai etor acetin luhe Ftooeutiig eutcpci pool meeb, il damioge taillert THREE GOOD REASONS stou. Aesan,oe eý -17 ue cataogue $7u 00c 1 . Faut Peruonalized Service. Country I Near Campbellville 19 LEGAL -Miltio tireigbteco baveu't 2. Six Yearo of Succesuful Reel Estete Partit meocalte t1 I -ctomey & iead Ily tee colle lu the peuta oemnt'umetiingccmnsep- maile Work in Milton. arote uitueroutm, 3hed Il the aviner et the 1965 BLUE -____________ Momes, bath, contry ltt As- METEORO CONVERTILE rasc 3. Bliveina onenraio o HardOW og2 0Cl] Myrtle MtO- nu pilk op cor hy Joury 19 LEGAL 3.. Beiev in Cocenratin o Had Cella 87-510 or8 .78-M. 3siit il cutod toc cepairu Work . .. end Uoually Get Resuits.1 building lotir iebout Tcy au and ' tocute cool., l Notice to Creditors fer. BONIN'S ESSO 50 acres ucor 401. Subie0g 01,750 5Miteeti uilaeuieetlc uaet For Peroonal and Confidentiel Assistance with Your RuaI Estete pu oce19c40 ROBERTHENRV ERVIN Ruquirementu cai STAN THOMPSON - 878-2455 tc Pi.icecie ouodhildiot lu tbe Ctaeuiy of Hailen, Rail tut, alo Compbetsttt Notice ;o CreditorS 1ced Laour. Cati Myrnie McGteitau ;86-StO1 442 Woodward Ave. MILTON, ONTARIO Phone 878-2455 or 878-2095. Axe OTHEES ALL percsats boriug euy i7o40 cloires ogatuSI the Eciote ut flbe WANTED En lahle Eoiaie ef JOSEPHI HEN-. abe - uomed doceacet, oho Homeu fer clienic wich oucot- IRY WELLINGTON 00114 diod ou oraout itho 26ib day WATEt FRTEOEIG Fleut cashi oqoîty. teo prece -RVE of uNuember, 1972, ocecreqoiced an~~~~ ~ ~ ~ coulhe oe.t ed notice ofteecumeetuthe WATC FO TH OPEING0F . .auetobcoicd hme. ALL pecsans tcasiug laim. îiocircitoed soulicitor, ou or ho- agaieci thc Esdote ut Joph ture tbe 2tcd dos ci Febani, *.Pfdlm~U CAUL Hoey Wellingtoo Wîogose 1973, oiîe cehicb dote tbe dis- (couofth ic of Capcell miou mce od the et mc oub UNE R 878-2095 vloet lite Vioteuntmyte tnot iouton utt cih eai.- c!tt bu N. FOBEET REAL ESTATE LTD. if Buoy 878-6057 iiid Focmec, Who died on 22 OateaS il.tAra rtaP.a7c40 ti ahbut thc 27th doe ut Oct- _DATED ot Miltcon ibis t2th 22OtroS.SMlo ArisfotPa) D. GODDARD ubui. 1972, oc bocehy- otti 1 d.iyui[Jcuacy 1973. tu soud porcuoacc ut came lu IN THE MEANTIME - R EA L TOR tho ouried o ce h1973o HTHISON & For information on Iiuted properie an LIMITED ri .,o g a. , wJticda tefi Fee,73 wi TH9OMaiOnS,, frestimete of velue, pleaeu contact one of 1 1 o ho dccliresd of vtch ther ut-u Slticilr or tlo cuo our locel repu., Mr. KEN MARSHALL eit 1 On Morsgege Oniy dciTR ciced chý1 oichubîcoiSO ne~~ ~~ ecec oc c, ci tbeunodocciuoc coilli 878-6228. Excelleut 2 -ctumey hicthoeeMnhyPyo ou.i hc ]fahle 10 al percan of miib fim clou bitchue, beau- Motl amns$126 uiîccc ctoim bu choit ot thue2 AUCTION SALES N MILTON - ltimdcbabibso- PI.T. bAE aimto Oohcîte, bhic 24îb Wbee clou conun0e geetaoomectaly aoned pcopocty (66O îlO 150 fu fece Wirb ju& $200- duic chi ou ea IcaiJuucc17 For Complete ce tbe boaci ut tomu and ctli bacc ou fieome? Wotm iaytectarjoip- ueocnc heeuuiuem- t ed etocu youeciecc. cerneut oui hume cucth lacge hcîche E F ote utf Juceph Henry Auction Service houe it Thisoaiderc2stocoybhomeoin-theobeace oftomu patio,.cuoatod ou quiet cou' oodlinîgracmne Tu icecucoti Wutuliuo u gooe bhhîc couid bite8 coul ut $250 mari and tho poteuliat lu idential siceet, ouiy 2 bloocks Rus, itClu 8it8-9511 os7- FoCoccicce, Rohbcct Geocge Chris A. Schouten cs oeiitcd. Cati Ken, bell tlt yoa mue....... $39.540. truie chicuit A bacgaiu at 2753. Loch, by: COUTRYSPLNDO -S27,900., Easy lerras. AUCTIONEER Tbis boedcome bcg 2400 sq. ta. muti-louel home lu pecteoeiy sia- Dule - Soccîcie etci brc hotee ut ot tp sied oe acfsiltadoapoe acreosite.iusiunoctbof Country 28 LakuchalliRd.cEubumlesocooo Lchc Acoe. Ih bac ail the spaoe tho obole tamiiy cuod douice. i35 acme pacc i oeh greenoioel u 2t 2edcuume eiutcics I lthiuOX Rd, hErc , Solos 8ud78a -76 cuefml oute, mille stee ttmepiaoe and patio doues Odrive shed ood be bouse, 1ct ueoîtucao.c ut tcculîu ceto e.8827 Huurogo aire lsy oe-i ai eid h w a baucecont, tact 3 billot 19e42 . 3MimO. E tuoepolar pu eeei elebbidto10 aiPLUS 2 - utocey modeied shopping acea. V.T.B. niR ,MiloOt gaae. Top qoaflity broodicm in teb dioaiug muai and' Efartm bouse coieb gieead cîoeoiceCaiucCe2-t living roui, bail aed fible bedroomu. A tounle bod- tre PoeiyO4roi uet9t uc87-75 AK OTC routeoenouo owerieiplsaediretie tat bastE mainc flur apacomoont suileTK N TC but- ocabinets and tho muse ieodern tacilites. Balleh spacieuc modecn hit-heu plus E Minutes from 401 Thot Oc o guccut mucetinugtW r Bonig on-suite plus wo ie batbcooies. Mkanpoite 4mromr nome opocouui entt hc lomucucc Ouhue Occuei ta ec it aoay. lecsa smartleey al -....... $14.900., hocly conereduoat.-ted.il hopit 3 -beou bickebr fficBre re i oum tomly home. Must be buogaluou, citutedoo ppros Emytucoc cul ( creii Liuessed Auectooer t HOME and OFFICE - ceet! LisicO s6t,000. îmatoty hait ou ocre ci co Union Lîmîtit, dols colici fui Focie- Liveoc Speoitioatic desiged pcotessioeat cotte et ottioos ou Che oaib-ie oabtou livinogcuum ondîbhecuiteuce acd butd uu dieeichao lev'el icludinga separae entrace and wshrcornfacidîiig coco 22* c i2. tmmed 23ed dii uf icuccoos. 1973, o l1 Fmtr ae lieu. ic' o prostige tour bedrouet home Chai hoastu aý Don Weit cale poccecsicon. Tcy aeulîucr soutcion uac y.. d auchucîoîuo Phn 87-63 ut $26000 %tuAi Jaubie Roui- chu outcy dissoltiuon uf the hne8 -63 19' c 23coumbleaioliing coeie - diuiug muetn and opee List you -hume tudayti 54e un 8 _951f. aid iiditio uc s oail.îu peou AS Tyeu buacib cloue îmeploce. Fobuooocy iaeduoapod side bOtl' bouc manyc oalitig bauyecs i .cy 23id, 1973, cod-c iu pro- 2Mai lt bat itou maus maoture shado ircs and tiag teoo poi. mitb exoolleut cash fur bhl- Haste It Both Wayo ' icunoSctiO-con 5h ufl THE Top pach dictict locotion. Mahe ou oppuie u eo tom aund cunetry pmopoioc. Scîuaîed ue goud cîeed lut occbh (REDIT UNIONS ACT, R.S.O. A CINSL $1.......... S9.900.1-A C I N S L iuetiaîicul iulitl 17e40 60 YEARS' CONTINUQUS SERVICE Mer of the Toroneo, Ooteoiite and Brcamtoo Reat Esiote RBoarde OLDER BRICK HOME end INCOME PROPERTY Cbarmiug aidererc holebme lu MOiton baving a tomfly coom vilt oveiy icteptaco. largo moedecn teitlce. 4 pil. both, den ceporate diuiug nomrri largo liig roulm. Lacets oIâ uticeto secound flur, 4 hodrouetu, 3 po. bothb n cecanducihee. This housu reots ou a large luit i /t aec Meti hohîud the huse c a 4 pieu. ait ceuted. Spaoî ou ltoio a tarabue 14 uneit building, malelue Chie peopeet a uery goud invecstiretC. Colt for dotaiîed ietocmtion 46 ACRES Ceiiy moillua tacet lied lu Nuertl BrnuaCu beaaeitot bumi site. coiCohie toc hobby taie. Lisled aC $1.200. pur acre 25 ACRES Wesîto rmpton. Mdeantlaa rtcî ee lovmenre Auk aug $31,508. Three Quartiecoocre lo nywt e hueo orcoc Cati tue trih o r tieonlu and pelees. URGENTLY WANTED The trend hou Camod tb country and smal o livinlg with mou, ait4 more peopleomautieg taumoce truie bunoie and hucHe ut the olty. 00e hoavo immediotu ueed ufts aCc al aomiages aud rsale hcmes lu Milton and caccouodioî orail If yu huve eooh a propuclu yu olubh Co cei Pleoce cati. Ail catis miii bu tcoaied coOideuCiaIiy. FOR PRIENDLV INPORMOATION4 AND REAL ESTATE SERVICE Cali DENZIL LAWRENCE 878-954C OAKVILLE - 845-4267 174 t10omag ic ouuu mainostreet, ec-o Foer pcompt, costfideetiot cervice thîc 5-bedrouuî 2-ctucey brick 1 AN FURIHRTK O-1O .ýMdFuntrApi Please ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 16 le oefnsislfI hai on and iter Jaooan anoes, Gisus and Chia Mise-, Olcve Aenette A Colt" yooc coay of liing, aooedt-i '23,d 1973, ou tchur cvilee eco. ltigb cduciccil) the poccch- coatc' ur pavimeuc on chacoc or __ MILTON 878-2051 huý(esare multiple. Cati Jout- epodupul mac teeeîde hy aoc Rmodtcohchml TORONTO 742-3038 teSeoo 878-9511. acele and non ouaos 0111h ld on Milice, oithSe 17c40 I7udO S'e mo de. Pruui ofl ooy ctaire FAIR GROUNDS .îaîoucs rice c.cd Ci-dot Uoion teli ho titod ocith tho Treac In ale Agralueal Hall CAMPBELLVILLE NORTH or ithio chictu dayc ufth ib fotec huse HoedsmeoocotbareuonI0 acc-cpauc hcuadtcumud liing'tl dauiticunotce Lftewich Mc. & Mra.Ieleeneuau coom mute largo ticeptaco that ais csuol an attraciveu cime th' acccuthu -tid Cee-SAUDYERAR r tamil rcum oetb stcdiug dourc cu gardero 3 bodeoumu 'lit Unoc cii h c iiribioiSTUDS ERUE a 3Sboths,O9uracinesoo.alminimumconpyaientouvih aO the filcucu tled AIP.Il gelodeorec. Achiogt$43,900 CollGsOoulocce8t4191. ihecelua, hauteg regard c the ic adccihhce 'f im cf i.h iho cueiti Uo- ci soîif,; 7-pc. chromeo kiîc BURLINGTON NORTH i0 thonu., na.ticc. Iui,; aic cate e cl c2îd Elîuyprcogcinîte couttoto iutbccchacmcogth docubick g4 IMcc) iucoiocv haieo ilcicc rontoccso tod atuminumhicetallccsetone'iacteo(ifoettocwoddeiO4 Ilciliy choc coc toahle; utl laed. Largetliciegccccmcvihfulltcieotioing aeeacu- uicou tablc;clove-.so;eclac- tom teien and atiacbcd dubleca r gacago. Ths luoc.k o cc hi o buitd-cc omo home ocichlottu i utrca, thermocpaucc NoiebCrdtr onhcc ciccuan. chair; i drivstamileccommcih ruggodhbrickhtirytacoadconu AN iaodR !-cdih.roouie d 2chou nhgîe i plteoy ectocod ratio. Achiog price $51,900. hic appoint- ADOIES 3y u îcc ut;2coi men ccoccîci-a hodu oulh huait uat1 Elioahoth Situe. 87804191. Roc 894 2541. lu the Rulale ot MAREL tALO- hur , hcuî of deouces: too STON HOSE RICEt 890014 tlaeo et baiamyp acd chot l.cuyc; 9cx12 of HaiulenMaleot, eaeceaalpÉico ccgrs pcocho andogorl cac CAMPBELLVILLE AREA e lleRdudcaed uc.yccco c cmu 31130 OSrcibat viin o orproa yocccccio planstcmou lucoal tocircLin l cu7ccu romuandouoobced sioc cactagebhoucelc îv itA i lcicociccococcccodFcau ach v haucu feacirh ci original cuuhn ctiecluctt rontcfmcoid in 0 is lOt c aMhiAeiiiodMýtte,Ëh Ii.h acc sof uuiggcoci adbuiuutus5mbucu.tei401to te , ccci abuco il ho uc APPLIdNCSFarcdStthCý moun wo hau cc comimuteo Aubieg $894500. Pur apycielý ccl Joo,?.cocqco u1'Iollc ocqc î ment col Elczabh Ncul 878-4191. Rocý 854-2541. tule filu thocoui h thoe unieoclcieg choul, 2 -ci colo rg- .l,ccgr,.dc-iocir ci-ccIl,,Ad- -Liar 30" Woccighccc, c- SA NORTHERN RETREAT cuccicîcaîccon or ci oui cîco chu iri sve t -adioo îco clan Liku a rivcuof te uiirh u'cecdc chic 26 acres, in Nauuagavveva 12[h of teSt uacc. 1973, altcor hîccîce Odceoco 23" TV: hatfat aucilencireuc. cotdrul treairim.crocuad achlh date clhu ti ocuoo c oral ccahtuad fc.odrot TV, hbi orgeden larcd. Abhidocuu uit tefom 41.t diucri[itccc, hacgiregardc oo elinge.cco;Rchaco nocaSi Actelog ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l $2toiJu aco 749 eh, oniu fi choiled hogîcouc" (table mouto i c Askig $2,000 Cal Jua Harourt878-191. Daîod ai Tu...ot., Duc. fin tc- O gao, mouscal coovl hox: 'aIb dac ofi Jonuacy 1973. uet hici aed polec,; 3 pairl HALTON REAL ESTATE LTD. Administratix, gil' lighuroeo kaes ain id oh c/ TIGLE.cNioecuc cîggaco Ltigh; uui ut ROKER COHEN, tISORF & tut so frit 0ulaie och e 181 Main St., Second Floor elOL.o giauc aed china; poil and Suite 91h6 .îcoeoi fouisd; and cihor 1878-4 19 1 120tdoicduSi.W., hocoholitemu. 917u4i Tarant- t, Oui. 19h32 i TERNIS ARE CASH. CANADIAN ~ Si cE IL o rues. Diee teauiug Place cuNoemussageTJR.aI25 u co Placeil y eSg ih Triplc Ruth Tccoe lai. ecoS Pc ýiew train Il outlocb day' nuit~ ~ ~ ~~~u ueRt w 1. o ale. Luncohaaolable Otcer GcioduTiples ath osi Ocoouc boit dirctors oe aoc- EVERY WEEK IN 1ci703,eeasal69,jeanCoauho, cuocer oui respouileor ueol 64 andSdeinere36 mifm ~ n ilent Oamts e Net RIS SCNOOThN, The Canadiain Champion 751 11, lc 13, Rute eo ouaea îet lwno M ObO 878-2576, Milteu.i o lie e The Champiou, Milton, Oui. Wcd. Jaooaoy 31, 1973 Il Speyside residents wiII fight quarry i Ratepoyecu ce thc Opeyocde og'lai cd Si) Sigli ac a g ccp ici mreceot Uosuoied Sand aund .tcavlotopecatetg aqary onhia pcopociy, Ai Sbeideu, cpoteeeiae foc the ecoot uaid douday eîgbt. Couoolîdaled bau so tacr becu îuuceoeulin îeooeueing coutil il uhooid deulguole Uic land as extcactive ledoulciai le tho otfeeciai plan. Homoer, couneodhau agceed ta ieoîieith cumpauycrepceueutoîiooo and ffcitials ai Qooouu Pact gel o cebug oe wbuiber oc uot the qoacryoshooid bu aiiomed te ipocat Coanocil bau Iahee tbe lndustry.. oa,ii4i 000ar toie of blocks a day. Rlt Bcothers 1.10. har bre amocded theecooIcacitot buoltbe Panrs Schneider and Romn and foac riend came lu Milton on Wodmccio> lu mmi uc09h Mtayor Occoo BeuI and cete Jace SlGct.ibe and copacuei ibee plaeu. Wbcte bece they otemed tuuvilanodbheard aneoine ou Mldion's cc-mec aod mater sevcs tourei the cemoge treatmenciplantoandttaadrive tbeuugb the countrye sucouedioti Shiton. Great Values Below 1971 PINTO 3 door run about. Lic. No. L84510 1969 ECONOLINE VAN, Oriueo les thact 35,000 miles, oue owuer. Lic. No. B6164 1969 MONTEGO Cobra:Jet, 2 door hardtop wcth a recoeditioued motour Lic, No. N6091 1968 METEOR LeMoyue, 2 door hardtop, Top of the oie Meteor witb twin comfort loooge seais. Lic. No. N5747. AS IS NO CERTIFICATE 1966 JE EP "Wagoueer a whee driue, Lic. No. 6565aX. ACTON D %kINGHAMHMILLt $1 7,700 onlp 25 minutes le Taronte CMHC MORTOAGES from 72 perceut CARRVING CHARGES trom S144.00 per mou h îucludîug taoes and mainteoance ELECTRIC HEAT LOW OOWN PAYMENT STORMO & SCREENS-Pully Decorated FURNISNEI MODELS NOVE OPEN HWY. 7 m M HWY 401 l on i leS*fAtno oMHv - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - pocitiuon the compaoy bas uui ctica. aWIiuaibldcin iciu hy the 1962 tuwnship cucci. Coaucior Dice Humi bld tho Spepuede dopuaioe hat mndcc pcoootecoocmuianeothe oely may Couuolidoled cae hegie upecategmwtbooIcoouodul buomicdgo moidd be toc the preutnce tb boctlach and decioco the compaoy hou ooaihbd au extrctivce use ut Coueet pcomeoed Mc. Sbeidoo bu mdli bu ietocmcd ut sel meettngs, heoreugs or torUiec clecelopmots i tehie case, Accuecayouc eom 000 lic iiichacd icoooîei aoofthe port ciiy ut Wilhlhavcbcen, Wresl (humal oenu, c o pet .ooot tccind of Shneider. Aicu travellinguîitbîhem mccc tcîeudc hn usiness acquaintances touectitor Wilfcid Otto ut Gissenr, West ttccmoo5, Dr. Hecea itecocu and Oc. Irviong Luutcuhcrgec ofhmtaclaud. Mayor Occt sautdhbcheider- Kao tute ai terst coteoded tb locale ibece tîrsi plant or Musiugacouthumoodî iton hi Se clouer lu the aggcegole pcodcîoucc-dcd toc the bloces.

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