'r- Cansalidated pif prablem ta meotngwith Ontario Mondapongt. He saiothe be del thaprosdqlmabuhlinu govenmenlnofficaln and repre- compan as $00 '0f0nveste dn amendet lu th fiiipan se ppicaios"o sonnativos ni Connahdaled Sand lthe prsperlp andi iad hupeif s oncenti apoedt Howt oms e wodri wen and Gravef te 10 t delermine tegas uperaîinn as early as a continud fYur plcn edu wt ggo u SLIDING ON ICE ns fun andi asiole pfaynng area at lise il's a noon-itour, iteforo- tour of lise scisool in a shoot off scisoof, aflor-scsoof und ico titese iuys and the ecens limne recreation ut staients are lahing ad- Holy Ronary Scitool. Tise cantageo0f the slippery surface. 0f courne sliding He is a fmil asio camnol gel isn't mach fun if you dont f ail asgry; btut ite in a mine man whio duon once in a wite . . . mll non slay asgry. (Photos hy R. Downs) Jîas TrIer trlls about lthe fsotball aîdoas asio says iter husiturd inouldolt louve the TV setltoiloastler unil nitogol a mugitgnwn made otof Astrolurf. ashettier nr sot te company han estahtinhed an entractive îmtastrsat1 une sf thitor land near Speyside. The 1962 editton sf townnhip ounicit autnnrmsen issae nf a building permît an the site lai lte csmpany. Subneqnenly, sm mnateriat mais estracei from te land, bat lter the ptt wnn imperamre. Thin osas lthe cane sohen the tommsipns agricufînrat hlditong bp-tan wan pasned as Wtoen townnhip planning board Itegan msrssng on lte official plan, tl denignated thte land extraactîvo asdaslrta, btconnictt later prnpneed an amendasent asing that lthe designation ha deteted. Tite cnmpanp prnceeîled o file an nobtection agaonst te official plan, wichit s titt asdergonngnscrutnp an Queen's Park. Requestn meeting Doug Jenmüngs, solicitor for te company reqes.ed a meting aalh government officiais, miten pear afn. Jenaings mamntainet lthe use oi ltse lad for snan d gravot pucpnnen was cteartp estahhsited mn tite earty 60's. Tite ladn have itvr een anod for aspting else, so ltere itas iteen no dis- cntinuation of nse, ho ctatmed. He nuggestod it msntd hoe ad- vantagos to att parties ts hase theo trderaI Qary Act. 'Mte inlnrestn of the muntcspalnty would ho asotl protectet, ie said. Councîllor Dinh Hoonitt suggonted lthat if lthe company flt ntey btail eslahltshed a use, they sitoutd apply 10 lte Doparîment of Min es and Nortitecn Affaa'n for an operallng liense. "Theo province asill issue licenses t nmpquarry operang willooslconsultng us. Your quarre is witlitheprovince not aus, ithe chargoot. Emharransment -We hase sImod up an puie meetnmgs andnsaid wdeigaed land accoring 10 exisltng uses cososît and planning btoard in as omharrassîng position." Howill alto puinled sut lte presenî rcl is non hasnd hy a 196t2 csuncil resolulion, wicit ontp aalthorteed isnue of a building permit tit was nover used. Inthe 0slw of Depulp-reeve L.en Cane the lime il has taiten ns process the official plan ts lthe big proitlem. pa soineof said. tI t gnfto lose some reatty desirei assomsment. The depuly-reeve indicatei his asllingness 10 ment wtt anyone ttecessary tospeed up approvat of the officiai plan. Steeve Tom Hill nasd te toagit tte annser ta the Consotidatei problem hmnged on h5m mach matectal wan taiten ont of lthe prsperty 10 entablîsit an extractive indostrtat use. No help for Joe Esqocsîog Council rclsd ,At a Novemher meeting, ctort- Joseph omnino ,Lo 7Con treasurer Dlimar Frena-itad- bi tel.ear doscnagarage onitis ooÜtted tiercbildbeen an errorîin property. when lie appered lthe townnship offices in issue of teloro council lassseet. tie btuilding permit andt Reese Salualed onlp lise tees from the Tom Hill cralîcîned building townsip roani, lthe garage imspector Tom Mcleas for sol loci.Î.in contravenionof lthe iispOcliOO thc site. towsip btuilding ity-lau. Ileese Tom Hill dîd nugfent Me. Cosncil ordeced Mr. Bonnanol o onnano migit watt antil eicor doon unît relocale lthe isasmer urather arrivso, heinre btuildling last moalh. followîng lthe couicîl order. ME'S'wsy <COATS 'J I MES SWEATERS MEN' SPORT SHIRTS IEOE DRESS PANTS A LM E N 'S S U ITS FRO M 1/ 1/2 OF Boys' WINTER COATS By'SHIRTS , N DT SHIRTS 1! L:s; SWVEATERS LDE DRESSES AN LONG GOWVNS LADECAS ARGAIN TABLE IN CI-fILDREN S WEAR ceIDEMITTIS - HAIS - SCARVEIS1/ PRE 8f7Mi8-Nfg9261 COATS SHIRTS GLMES Open Thursday GL VE ani Friday p/ 0 fa 9 P.aM/OF 20% oFF2,F Open Daslp 00% F fa 6 p.as IITO ~~çTMENTSOE W ,di The Charnpo.n MilIon, On,, Wed. nuary 24, 1973 3 Ask meeting ta iron out