B12 Tise Champion, Milton, Ont. Wed.,Joeoory 24, 1973 Urges farmers tell government anfs how they want land use plannedObiur Il armil is gumng io continue L in Ue Ceral Oniario aea. larcors ave goleg ix have io lbandE tegeiloor and tel Ue provincial1 gxvvvcmoni loua Aoy 1001 abut lnd use pannng. 'fiai xsenmng was xudod 1 Wdnsday ly Peter lranehlor- ordinalor of Ue regionai deselxp- men lraxclofoltUe Mmnisry Ofl Teasuvy. Economîr and Inter-1 Gvevcmeciisi Alars alon ho spobie iuabou 75 Haton arcors at the annuai mcetng ol Halaon Svixi and Crop lmprovemeti Asociation. hacxoows d operaes a lxvii i Exquoixg Tovnship cxci o Hvvsly and isiamdliar wilo the probiculs lacîn Halton armrs Ot Aliceo Sanmertield onsJan. 17, tvh allox 4-H 1 uilovp Clubo lold thivr lrsi miv'xng n theAgicltura ofice n billion.Ilre irst year memlecvo'ccv peeox amoxg1 the vexcy goud uvoui andonecof theleladrs. rv Huxer. M. Armstrong iroduved - H tuothecmemhosxandilooo iidfortoloies ilamembers ovlovxl tu sece icnryoatod ix thlionoilly mcvtixgs. Popular toixx wore discases xvormc. vtaluxo deliniecciio ilosory ol 'xlocp tweecdsvandfedixg soow and marketlalmloc and the licvcxlog lloch The proecci il lvovrapped up in eptemloer wiilo quix ngloiamd alchiemoci ntday and i ixally axacds iglol i Oc- tober. lollouxcg erolmeni. eletiox ut ottixcrs vas lold The ccclix ore: pevodoni Sioplox Sianley, iice-presideci Dvd Stanley, Obituary George1 Gecorge lHarold M'clie.' lus- baud o Margavet McMllas of RR.i1.Sclomloog. Tecumseh ioxnsi, did oiJa. 1 173 a Yorko Counly MemovîialHospiial xi Nevmavbo. Soc of the lxiv Harold Caion Mînloxe and Margacol Anne Mihie (nov aileyî and bhum xx AvelScoch lock15 R.R. 5, Miltesni Marclo 20, l925, ho hegan lis educatixouaiS.S. No. 5 Waterloo P'ublic Svlool and aiioxded Boston Proslyerians Clorclo bIluscealy yeavsloe xxsxactive in the prolecis o Waerloo lonloos, Clurclo Sxday Schuxi. Young Pelo's club,. and hcame xiccmly xprecîativv ol Ue lse-hou fellostep of the Scotich Bloc, a blessmlc ws to enjoy Avrougloui losIie. Ho cotiînued lis studios xi ,Milo Hîglo cloooo hro hoe begas tu devlop a been appecixtilvv oi orid gcogrxphy. mnd the pari mn should ho payîgxcnliscomunionxaxA lus aual evirsvment. Ourxsg the xxv yeavs lho coxaged the ixmly ixece and tno kcvrspondence courses i radisocd elecîrococs Howaxoans ccîloxsxxvîxv memxxlof ithe iHdIvv Malv Cloixr and enjoyed sicgxvg ic ovxyoyfvOthe srrondingx<oucnhs. Ht -ccoptexi postons iront 19465houoglo 1950 as a pulicx aihlii arber ai Missacabie, Wisx R itver ad Cacpblsillo. dxa'xvg ubxxxb luneho omleied liglo sclovoi by crvespvndenccv Hreîeerd Uciversiy vf Trontovia 190 t elogîn it c-eras a gogaplorr xnd iv 1954 reeivdlos achlol fArts dgee in Gegrxyby. urxxg Ahis prvod lor coxpleied tîvo louc.mxxslb yccxvds mt Fccxxsr Icox Mies ltd. ano Are Ungavxa Cryoratixvn as fiex gclogsi and laler n 1955 Acvsugb 150 as graduaie assisun and watr iorobserver voUs hh MnGll bob Archxc Research iabratovvîai Knvb Lake t Scheffervile), Queboc. Ho rceived ts Masier of Ats degree in Geogrxpby ai McGiii OUiersity' ahoro ho coniaxod as assisant pvvessor ixcthb Draromeci vi Gergrxpvs, abhere howans a memhr of he Uxmnitive o Hîglor L.arnmng, ansd iA ddtîocal lbtrima shedules ain he lastiluie of lducahvc. McDnald Collete xxtiii194. Ho ereived an xpponmetasvn researcodirector and seroix tuteAvSpinta Commission il h Onario Dpartmon it Umiversty Alairs. te siudy thl deveicymeni xl graduaie rxgramv n Otaric Uiversities. On compietoun o ha cmmision lau years lxixr hoe tavelled tix Edinhurgh Uiversity for dctoral studios i the fsied ut geegrapby and rompleted ibose waubin til lllevaingto yens. lIn 96ble ccepted a poiii Lnithe feld xf laxd use pannieg. Ho said Uai abere agriculture exixox un Halo, il s -reasonably poperoos- bu the tarm rgansiatiins bove te loi Qovons Park hnxscshatey wan for Ue future, botore il ix tex lto. Auius o liste Tiho speaher sad Usre box tees a lair amxxvi ol input or lvvdhach rxm Hlten os Ue conceps espressvd in the Trni-Cenired Region Design for Dovlxpmvni, buit armers ouIlhave ix mahe rosixeni ropresvniatiins ix Ue govers- mentifxl iloy xxxi larmixe rreserved. lhe govoosmonis axios and illing tu lsien ix tho, le sieessed. secetery Vaierie lCiglo, andd seas reorer Alre ummer- fîied. M. Amsrocg tmb up Ue lopin ofi Whati s a Feed", exyaiingirsiibhaa fedration is dfixd s whais rd ina 24- lova iociodivoaniaimoal. IOua easily xxdeslvvd camier, loy xsxuxsd the lomecis otfred, vamely pctox, fibre, ai.r cavlbohdraics, ado and voler. lise ixlk vas avribabîlo and r informaive. lîrrsxdevi Sooploox Savley1 adivrced the meeing, The cet1 meingail lîbely ho Fel. 14.E 'lioris suifl vxm 1inbe clubo for apoimalely ice more members. Il yvu vvuid lîbe iv soic iis club, are beixec Avh ages of010-21, pîase dv50 oîre1 Pcb. 1. Fvvrturiloce xnfomaion,. ccoacltheragrccltural officerinc H. Michie vîll o vrb Unversity as Asoiate rutessor, etrirg i iAionvo Cllog. Ho supporiod ls studios viUs exensielfieldrips- in 199 ho irvvoied Oc Pnand and Lapixnd for comparîson studoos iilo setiemeci practîce ic lb, Ontaiu.Quebec niay bot, acd out t enmav ansd Oveden fr lsnduse siadies. rom 1957 Ahrouglo1966 loorveiei hrougb Western Europe on land use studios. cletiîng lrsi lacd ioxcing maierîia. Oc the eariy 16's hews engagd inland use sudies ic Southo Cetra Ontrio ansd laer ia AveSudhuvy-Sauii Sie. Maie areas. Hic xne more otable publcations begixmung a 195 bave appeaccO on reporte lrvm the McGll Solo Arctîn L.xoatories andd the Quehor tiepavimeci f Mines. The Canadiac Gevgapber, the procedicgs oxltAv Canadîan Associaionof Gegraphersand ivo eccycloprdixo. te bs persexa i lie ho vas a > sixunclo supporteror flthe Prsbyerîn churcb and feqfuentiy acied as lay mxxfster ibe difereci comensities ho îvad hmselfxnvhere aregular aixcsior xxx 000 avalahle, draval upoc a backgroxind of lore abex al KoxsColiege =di the..Pnvxlylccrians sllge *duricg 1956-57-58.)i Hoxxs ans eider invtAv Paser Presbyierans ilourclo ai Tovolohaco Ho ccergeiîclly pursued Ue iacoly gecrology ofltAv Mchie , ansd Bxley faslies ansd prxduced s serai sels o abos cnteînmng Us te famly rv ansd prrtinent s bsivry glacvd flyse Ith 9 rchivev oi Sctandansd Ireland e ndîintervesvîUh hsAosvivinl o georatîo.Ho vas beganniueg ix d cohlec data oo the Catio d convneciviLote fxmiiv. i5 Ho iuiid hs lve vf the land Ot by buyig DloscPlceo(a arma it ,e R..i1 chombergi ahoeehi Il devied mxny buses restrit Oe and remsdellîng Ue bouse, and ts prvducvng many cd palsllegt ýl dpiciagsceces of hîs tripe and Is Ipressiocs. ve Ho iv survcved ly his vifs y, Mrgaret, lus daughiers Ans anc le Aicun, los bloUers Kecoth and ý, Johonsd step-sier Dansno, as tg munenîeces and neploevs. Wh me ow gol Wh Ott pe( ME 1 USE TOI hi! de] m an int riÉ Or DE "ii ( n go di, di de so A d' -We are living xiUs boends winch are hlamed on Use gxvern- meni. bai Usey are olieet Oar vow design" because the govoroment laits io iegislatv 'bai Use people ani. ho said. Oten the roasonis duit Use pepie dAd nexitliitUe govors- m001 ior vîshes. flranco revieved a receni land se planning coxuerence held le Toroto, and highbighis ofl aa hs minisiry reporied 0e delegaies. Thore are presently il ecosomir regos ix Use province cnd Usese are boeg re-arranged six lice arvas, he said. Haltes is igot in Use '-voire of thr Central Ontario Region. Design lor Devvvipmeni vas part of Use xacistry's proposai for Use region xxit te oi cconlssvd sexUsregional govvrnmenil and Usîs report divided the Toronto area leto distinctinxnes, somo ahoro levelopseen i xiii hoaiixod, and somv where i viiilho lorloiddon. A large portîxn xl Haiixn ix Usv Zone Oxe ar00 vhere leveixpmesi is encoragod, wlie port is Zone Tax ahere ex levelopsent ilie ho ndxned. A parbaay corridor Usrxxgh soeus talion and a loydrx transmission xxe llough North Halon vil also allect Use fxtureofxl arosing Ln Ave couniy, ho predicied. As questions Slovxld deveixpenx i lited, ond il su. dos iAis affect Use relail value oxltAv land xv Use fînancial base of the muniripaliies, ho ashed. Sbould Avero ho compensation flrvtAv ioss xl taxes? Are wvo antact pveporod te pay Use vosis 0 economîr elliciexcy? Whai shouli hUe rxte of agriexlture in devvloping vegixnai plnning prîvate use. ibis siatemoint as chaileuged loy Use second speaker efthUe day, Gselph ore cash crop taniser Peter Hansan. -1 dDni sleh Ue guvorument cnens lg le Usai bînd of legisiatien anid net onesider adequate compensatin tee," lh o ld Use audience. Zonîng loren tends tor deveiopment is "irrversible," ho moted. 'Once yeu caver Usai lsnd viA concrele, you cani lturn 10 loacb ala agriculiure. 00e boxe la laboe a serions look ut proservax Atis land." UOuelof"carridor"? Hnsnnmars04 UsaI îles aven of Ontario is pari et Use "Grand Tvruxh Corridor,' an ensi-avut xoridor acres srosir ai and casten Cansada vbich conlales 6M per cent of the country's population, ne per cent et ila mndnstvy, and supplies 40 per vont of Canada's agrivuituvai production mxx. Vol the land le xxly xxv pr ceoul l(nsada's lsnd mass. "Ail armmng coald ho pushod out of Usai corridor," ho aarned. Hansnn agveed local input le goveromoni planning la xxcossavy. *"Wv bave tla organise ousees, fladtoui waolking oe polîcies a vand tltQuven's Parb"'ho said. "Thbe y Uing is larvors gcttisg involved." Craîg Reid xl Milton tld Use meetimgIAcre is pivniy ut money on the provincial collers te compensate larmoya for lsnd xxxvd iodoveoxpennt aroas. Ho cited a conservatixn auUsority rcevniiy payîxg 82,000 an acre for a100-acre parcel Usai is maildy sxxsp and stene, as an example. -Fond is xxv main cnceco le Use seul 20 yoars" lhociaisned, '1OM FOSTER 0F BURLINGTON von Usegold soteh donated ly UCO ix the Hllon SolOand Crep Asseciaton's 1972 legh yieid cors compotitixu. Hoarey Nurse bad Use top yeld ai 024 busheis per acre, flllued ly Fred Nurse aI 123, but bolS are preelous inuers. Fsters crn yield, liird ai 014 bubel, caruvd tee the vaiclo. UCO filedmnaif Graboam MeGuire, riglol, presens te Ueatelo. (Phtby R. Dowss Sili and crop Tom Foster wins Thexe are sote o Ue questiuns f5cm ' He addod food cansutliho Ue placcers ai Que's Parko nsportid as rleapiy as tl cx hoe gold w atch aw ard vvuId lbe te baive amvwered ly pouv ca lval input, fracclo sad. Ho nooid the Mnisiry out 1 dm0 tgîxe a dams bhoy yxu M Sone 5memhecs vi the Halaon IBl. ulivbglox ITom Fus Agriculure bas saitd Uere is noi plan foiscil yuu dsn't ave Soxi and Cop imprsvemeni CampbllîxillO 3 and Rief, etovuglomoxey in Ue publie ocentivox for tarmers. UeyU SxxAsscaion met vc Wedcesdxy. xluveegc. Miltes 2. rvasury te purchase lands ahielo ciar out" addvd Harold Midde- an. Il xi the Maxier Feeds 7lssagxvvvx direetorsi ae cccv v orestrcled oui t f rook of Mlos.lResearch Facix . RR. 2,. iOaxsIIHoccos. Complelivitl Georgeown.i lade Icîlis. Cxucpheiiviii - her mvcniog prograns and Johnx Kchîng. Moftai. * atared a discusxioc of the ,hnlvn dironter s Bob Kerr iýL 's Claude teglis ut Camplli u w ITo I p oxnxeaiionpre folecis v 5 SoltCouncdBb Mrr f r 7 4 -n tc Fuxi Harvey Nurse. 1240uhl; itn fo r 1 9 4 a t h Seconcd Fred Nurse. 123 bsheis; Provincrial Ovigate Ls Geo 'i'r om Fosir. 114 ushls; i.ardbosv oiMono Roxd. Posui-th lie Bob Merry acd Soif and Crups Spevix y George Swans charge f Miuo Senior Ciness' Limnsuono Hall Facais. 104 eproeclnatuvo is Paul Fi rbe Hlioc Plovixens Band -The Haltes Sudbxxers" bushelx; SxsA ie Caode InsbaOMA.. Nvscsarkvi. Asoiaonvcheid thivr asnuai ale vil hoeheiping preseci Use asd G.ordon Hrres. 10:3 busheis; meetinig acd eloctiox ut oticers delogatoon ut Hallan '74 Matclo u Eîgbib. have Laucos. 102 Land use planning fur 1931on SLucday, Jac. 20, ai Ave conventioxn aleng viAh Cosnty buheIs. Nînih Jin Reid, 95 Follvxung lunch, servd by .Si. Stephvc s AgicncChrnb Wrdec Mrs. MacArthur, G. busheis, ienv Lo luusi lace. 9255 llîresi U.C.W.. a disca; tolovîcg a Aner aired lytAv Kerr MPP. Jis Snsw MPP, hut bsbels; axnd Eievvcih vos Colin vas hld on land use pins; woomoc othie churclo armer Mi. and Mrs. Craîg Reid, Mrshaiiollo h uxheix sondor tAv harmamshîp ol The resuits vero as loliovo. allon urua Queoc Miss Goid vaiva Pvsicr. Spakers vorei pxxi presudoci Franlo Pexnxnb. Heailor Hyti, and ther gueste. The gxld oxinlo presocivd ly lranclo Co-ordinter. Reg pccxxdono Williaxm Raynovc. irsiT isebcpulisniy xmuiiee. G teAv Ci, lhaten Brnh. vas llcnclvpmvxi. eparimer vin-prvidvci Spencvr Wison, as asd R. Deons xiliiniw on hy 'tom l'osier as thl oup Ivo Tccax.ury and Eeoio seconddvire presudeni Lloyd charge f arrangemens Is ey mombers bax prcs'uoxly von s xdxxxcoxxsg land use piasxin Sixxcs.acdsencisr-trasoor Ill prosîde a coriesy romnai avard.A rxaoilvls Jack Tayloc.tAv Kig Edvard Hoi lfor tAr Inte A he cId syefs Hcvm .2 O Hvvracy drecîors are Sas cnvereîneo0of ail Haiioc competiolxthOe ounner was Bill dihsnxg land use piannbn Ma9, CF. Pchel. Ross supporers. Sprnb woîh a yield of 27 lushois tAv local lovl. Iltvas agrre Agsvortb. loyd May, Govrge pet acre ouibe cumer-up Boh lacc ucpe munitloeomo Rvauibvxd. J.C. Cunninglam, . Mery. ioxosc us lsnd use pianin Roy Curvue. J.C. Marsai Enr Xpeci Oluers andxlDireters chosec agriulure s tu veneixen Sthaley, acd Mrs. Anneo or iSla rc pasi 'presidenl. Colln tetioun Lc the land use pan MacArthour, WardvnofotBalors Mrshall, Mlon O. Presodoni. poccos. <oniy.about 225 ari Wilsxxn, Norvai i. vire- Tloe Hatec bitail I)uecors rvai Esquosing are fîresidvxo. Harold Sîggxr, Oak- bapcxvcmeni Associatiinn FrdNurse. Brt Rorson. -Hvile1; and secnrtry irasurer, wr ihte alnFdr W. E Wlkinson, and C. o rS Hnry Sanlcy,.OM A F. ichvAUeHtnPde H. 4-Hciom elcoeOxbîoie A griculure in ogn lîugglc. J M ronbmakve.H. usiro Arl osh . vile nsxihov mretingI fur larm pi ByMrsiJ.MarherrL nnlda rnldsser 153 on Lsnd use panning le Pxcberixg. K. Mercy. trom HursbamihxxrycsterRd Oabsivi. Fvrac IBurluogtonJ. Becclon. S. Hume. 4-H Hxmemaluog Club Leaders iuyd Pxbcrucg., 273 rury 1) lei«oxod, fI Warxxugto. ounHatoc Cosols mvitfoc ivo urnbamlloocpc RlA, Qabslie i ___1___ cxdlfxomnNaxxxgîuxo'yoH el'iio. dys lasvebiouprepave ftha nsd iebWilkxcson, Mites . 5laude Ixglis, Wlson Snydvr iaànd xonclub xii. *Sporismear irvai Exquvsovg dreelves arce0Bob G.. Svaxx Kts . Thiy-imo leaders Mrry, Milonx5,, Harvey Nurse, -Accident Preventiun 0C Ansocixie Dretrs are John atievdcd the sossoons9aiLigsy G.eorgetowc 2 and Jeil Nurse. tonss. Jas, RedpaUs of 1i HonORuOon.ta'y Hll.ubîis erecnun e oervtio2OPpbenyrsli Kichnghicg to ary Homo, Encomue, r s. ndutdcr eo Brlgeton2xP pk nhdosft 1oclet. Soxo Marshall, Rbert Home ,co Arentors arv Fred nshbvs iWaerdxan lanti e uiuedgeofBalon Ove W Buliikîmvnctrs rA rs Pacsns, Aody Sba, Lylo Stokes, Baery Mabon, Murray trebon. and bu d ClosoIm. Ttc <Ixecor to iloe Ontario Plovoxcos Asociaionos Jacko aylor Piocunus Cnvetien fic n auai nonvention of Ue iOtariox Plovixosus Association mi lxx helA ai Ave King Edward HocI oc lucoday. Polo. 2. A bas oxîll lxv lavung Milton Pair Grxonds ai 9 a.m.. Tuesdsy. Polo 20, o abo a dvivgxtiuuc lomn Hall.. tu hs convention. uxitac Hvry Sanley ai Ave tintavî Mumüsry ut Agriculture andl Food, 11 Main S., Milten 1 eoeor on rday, Pol. 16 i you 1 mi t0 use Obs mode o transporation. Aody Frnk, Bands Chairmau ofi the Local nonucittee, vili ho le VGLKSWAGEN GWNERS Repairs are stili avaiable in Milton by Iactury lrainéd mechanics at MILTON CHRYSLER BOISE Furmerly Plaza Mtors 138 Otaneo St. Milton BS78-2962 PaticiaoxReid viftiallerin. Ms. Oxcoser ae med onv ccv club ta the gruup. The leadcrs aclînupalo a toal ecimnohovfo225 i he il clbs. Membrs arc rvqurvdtOu mabo one or mure piones o'ne- xrdnatung sporismoertrom a kniiivd luhine. Aoy giof club ago 12-26< ycars woa ichys la foin sbouid conact ber loai clubo leaders xxv Peuriher inormation may loy oloisued by exiing the Onario Muuuxry o Agrcuture and FPod cn Mltn. liter, 1ard Ile 2 vilvo. .y oi eorge siisi 'iyb nning, Tom ueter gonsi mt i ig at Peter îg ai ng il anning Crop uoiing inlaie OHiver ut ivo Lweh. j Specale Now 2 5%oFF SLISGAR TWIN SEASONS 826-3609 Wjnston Churchill Bled. oS.f 401-5eIIes S.ofNorval SPECIAL OFFER TO HORSEMEN 10%."F ON ALL HORSE EQUIPMENT 28 BronIe St. - Milton 878-2391 Untd C-praices of Otariu rruî. ivA.vv. .oTupies Proesesr M. W. Stapins, inter- Hoe au loren superletendeet naiieally heeme os a liveutock fr the College for abouti15 yearo, judge, diod recentty. Ho relired au vell as having charge oftIhe in tee65t tex lu frm outulde Gueph borne production program. atter 37 pers on the lacutty of Protesoor Staptes weo active ie OtarieAgricutturai Cottege, seaey extension activitiex with ahere ho vas texan te îwo hveed associations and 4-H generationu ot studensuaneaagroope. Ho van tbe autbor nf coach and ustructor le judgissg maey pamphlets and bultiln on aed for ble kees o siedge oet bvetock associations. leeed bltory. Borsai Grise, le Durhams Counly, be gredoeted from, OAC as 1924, and joleed the extension siaft et tse Ontario Departmenet -Milton OPP ievestigated elen et Agriculture. le 1928 lie'joleed cotlisions in the North Hallen Use taculty et the Animal &0r ea t week. cee peopte anre Hoshundry Deparleseni et OAC, leîured and property damage tx followleg ble graduation wlUsane 15 vebîcies toiatted $,70. Nlne MUSA frone lewa Stale Coltege. charges vere laid. Elect Stanley brothers f0 head up sheep club th/eH)m. the see eotrta ae o Adymuring We also do wheel balancing, tune-ups, grease and cil changes. Dont delay, drop n this week tor protessional service at SCOBIES TIRE SERVICE 55 Steeles Ave. Milton -FARM FERTILIZER- Master Feeds, Georgetown are dealers for CIL. Farm Fertilizers Earie delivery disconts are sf111l neffert. We yvoud approciate servlog you aith vour equir0enents. Caliiu today. -DAIRY FARMERS- Mast s 16 per cent Ou y produer ration croscbs or pellets 5 tons or more delivered bulk only $89 per ton Bookings are mv avoulable - aoc ehoue yors today' - 1BIRD FEED SPECIAL Master Wild Bird Soed Reg. Price Special Price 25 lbs. $2.99 '2.49 50 lbs. $5.5t $4.95 Sunflow.r Soeds 5t Ibs. Reg. $795 Special '7.49 WhoI. Peanuts .25c lb. regular. Special 19e lb. Above polcos areoI le ccS ntil Feriory 3, only. Ira. .Mo m m m AA %AI e n dE wl dE pý alýn ai ýE ti rr tt Ic Ple, si if 0 9 0 n d it e 9 d ýs d e d d e