Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Jan 1973, p. 23

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Heirlooms from bygone days dis picyed cf Schilling home fly Bb Burt Meny ut thneantiques le the borme emitp by elrlene and The home ut Robert end met outh8ea haee ltrigelez JoAnne Scilling on Cedr striex belsled er. Spogs Rd. ia Koîhido cas Os Amon e110antoqveeitemso re oý tlsc,ctho as a tnos-a foc secr ai garmrexîs and qelts antique bollo and local wch ar eclo be donalod tu Halon hstorians. oenly Museume and Brant THtIS RIFLE bas e On5Onr35 dating bock 108thewaur ef 1812 and Oe Patlo f Soney Creek. Tise goas henge ebove thse fireplece in OsebnehetfRex Schilling on Cedr Sprngs Rd. Tise guil one et many antiqees he and 111 aile buseventhse bouse. (Phot byPB.Perle) - l TH1S CHEST 0F drocers bus beex bunded dean Ireel genereloons efthlie Beker femly. Il cas beugh isocti preceen frose Oe sale ef JoAones grendfthers siling sbap (Photby . ParIt THE WAY WOMEN used te look. JoeAux Scballig codels igbî geax, epro, bedoir cap and mfîs frose lie eerly iSOls. Tie grli eleng aitb other somples o et ehreer have beex on ber famly foreti lcasb jfour(oenierations'nec. (edtlohy B. Perle h No mater oa ard a bIjlou tries, hoieent berrn peur hrac- ter--oidy yoe rex deoseht. The reeme sme pepe are lenely chex Oey re urcexetul i OaItOnhy sacrifice tOo maxy ef Oeir freds o e ser cepep. Mseum ine Purltegten. A drieteeousg geete wblcb dates back Ouobout 188 oed bos euM hended dean generelion hp geerollen is et prticlar ffernOy oterest oio xnes side of oh e tomily '1The gown)amne trom iceiend via a sadmig ossel and bas siece beex exed by et, leot. three gexerotionefth01e farilY. Depet ra In addition tOn the gewne re bcd cltbeo and evenbog wer f rn the teesofethte century, axd curneno bleck lewery 11e0o01100 right pt enale n ed et alady derleg therre g '20s. Pa, gewsaned met to oU hetp deplt ex ere gene foreser. Appreetlp J'Axxexs encesors operted ae bellil Beersille, ner Wterdcx. Thoe cermnreity ces nrned alter bar exeesters. 0the Bokere. ¶The nme oeth01e helel cas The Rising Sun. tteseesgefrer Oe hot e r eomeng thse etques Je'Acoe bas le er cellection. An etd beck irenst50eove tence stood in Ose prorerfethOe helel ex cel as e hege pot thet wes umed ter renderleg pork and a oeesege stuter hetp depicl 0the tels efthOe trede es tbey were le Obaur deps. Corxplesters, cheese cutters and elber intrumeents depit abat nw weld 1e cnsidered e Pri- eise er. ¶The cheese ctel i cerne freen Prdys Gexeret Store le CempOnivle chen il cleted jest sese yers age. Fine geserotiens tIre PBaers hase ee le Cenade tor tose geereheose xec aetd first caen e scoentry cith theUnited Empire LAyalits end leeght creas tend. Th1e buildixg 1the Pekeex d preled ex e botel stilI stands. e lOne oethOe otrgelegseores bac S o nde ath smme ceaies nec used as furitere hp 1the Shlligs. As Oe sory gees Jo- Aoaesgral graedft8er sold his eelleg cesel end retieed frorn Oe Greet Lehes bet Oe beye odt caee p witb outiciexl; fends. Inx atdal thel cas colleeOd aseneoegh bu he fulraleure. Il bes soce eex c- lmoeshed and servex Osc tamly cel esex teosîhs day. Interestlng dspîay Gens, waethee, ceas clippinge, sasily hegs, phoos et axceelors cearixe 0the grb oth01e dey and oOer ld itemts mebe fr an iteretleg display.' For 11e peso 50 yers Oe tamdly bas enjeyed Christmas doeertogeher. As hstess Oix chestmau. JoAnxe eccepted 4geescin en od gewneend boedoir cp. A dsply as et elp for Oe interest of er geete. Itwas a lotfeun,"he seys. -Inneyer riende to Miltonc * fr 11e third exceal aixter flcracel, "Sasa Festisel '73 * Fe. 1, 17 and 18. I tis dc 31t Paper drive is thriving The meelhl'y paper drive opereled y Milton Bey Sceula in Miltonxcontieees le grec ee- crdixg 10 leeder Jins Strele. Sraoc tet tht Februryes porbup oneFeb. 17 relIt prosîde ensugh pppr tonfol e 0 foot traiter Ihepse Oen Ieedrng. Tbt mUl emeenlton abaul2M ons. The leader cute On s sOlO Imokmg fr e geud market fr the pper 10 o esld end odicted 8ere cas eill e xeed fr more preut soluteore on Oe mexlhly moruîeg drives. Esquoslng won't plow Ian.woys Esqueeoog Couxcl heu decided mot oltfer t la escowr teOs etreeres tonlneways of snior colzenseOis inter. Ineed ceuerl hecasererted roade eperocexdet C. E. Peud Sco ore n lestigaent11e feasohdlity et oxtllicg -gales" ex tonship score ploco. Geles' could present ceea freen pohxu ep bs front et drosecepe. If bed been suggesled i Deembr OaI ceenil rexider the servoce tOs enior citizees. MARIO'S PIZZERIA ERIA 15ý mill.street Toke Out Delivery 878-3202-Y TIHE HOME 0F 5Mr. and Mas. toe Scbcllxg set Cedar Sprixgs Rd. is a mecce for antiqee levers. JeAexe is sisosc here valOI ex eld sbave and pot ence exed in a belel ber greet graedfodoer and lteo er grexdfetiser opereled near Walerdeax at Beluer's Helcaw. Paker's Hellea is named after ber fanly eernr. The Helel ces calted Ose Rising Suaxd il sOiH staedt oday. (Pheooby B. ParttI Halton Mutual Aid names '73 officers Cloîl Losely. e Prlonglox fre- lghter cas oamed chermas of Haltox Mateel Ad Frefightleg Service t 1the groop s nasl meetng, hld an Milton Tuesdey esccng of laslcoeeh. Vce-charmax s Howard Haszecl o Actex ire Depart- mentI. A secrtary-treasuere s to ho appootedlalec hy 11e chaoemae. Haltox Muteel Addos a self heIp orgaoizteaoo chich incledes mernhors of 11e ice lre depart- moentc Oste coaslp. Al icc brigades are eqeopped and lraoeed o asssl each oOer an cases o maior fret axd mesehers mccl los times e ear 10 dscess mateel prehlcrns. Moleal Aod ix 1the parent orge oceloox of 1the Hallax Fiee PccvcntioBueau. he Puresu s coccerxod cth lire presoxtior chile Oe Melsel Aids mao oocr s lire lghlng. Meny tf the couOys loehghers arc senooters oh bolh orgenizaiofs. MILTON PLANNING BOARD PUBLIC NOTICE The publlic s hereby netit ed the pe icy ot the Milton Planning Bard wilie e t ear these persens or deptatiens whe wish te, appear betore the Board, on the First list) Wednesday ot the Month at 7.30 p.m. Such persens er depotatiens are te ntity thse Secretary et their intentienat 251 Main Street East, Millen, Telephole 878-41,1 y 12 neen on thse Menday prier te the meeting in rder that they shail be heard. N. S. Pearce, Chairmetl E. R. Pearen, Secretary- Treaserer Down with rates! Oeil and reserve e nec Cheorolet Impala or 011r fine car Gao Included with rentai. Tilden henears most maorC editcards. ICDEJ JACK RICHARDSON CHEV-OLDS LTD. 878-2393 HIleHWAY 25 S. MILTON er 878-3812. Tise Chamepion, Milton, Ont. Wed., Jaeeety 24, 1973 61 County seeks best met hod of getting reba tes on tax Hllen Ce Co en'l A- erîcsat 25 per ceet bet the hase 2the expert coenon ed fied enutete e nrnttewit bdo-1rk'b.d h een advîsed the irst chat McQueeex mîssed. cotenc toc Iltendes among tas lotc had csccsperiec cntht ftercoestderabte discussion if speiolosts d inviteshacoo to btu vitW 10 gannhg a robale on -oggctdei hbboO tont a-t onl'h<tut y expec5ts t prosincial and IoderaI1 sales Icatraco e mMoQuetslookb 500 havethle wocoîdoncein Apei.The A nember of12e-ms are nec in 1the boosInles oce henteand tudy toit 1go hack o 19151 the busiess and eceerdieg te 50ve hm tecen per cent as a pressecialty and cover tco hearo clerh Garfield Pron, subtantial lanes toc chat 1e lound. Iben ederally. rehtes haeeheex ealized a ________in_________________ clber couneetes. Appecently w IsNtnTe p s eperts breegbl ix ce a God w lsNtI Te p s cmmeissionx asie madepossiobe c , rebates of $2elwotfr erant Made Wo ith HandUa Coeexy and $46,000 fer Weeîcoctb In the OIC Testament timeo, ocdee the law of Moses, County. wcshssp cas lcerei the tabenacle Hece cth plesose, Oebclle Reece Allan Masson abiars, incere, sacrifices, ritoal, gold, lecels, aod the msst aedwylbhe ceenty staff aas'l soly place. The tecple bhtolt ho Slocee sinJeusalem cas able ifindcayelaosave .tis sostly, beauliflIandtelahortes esexey,cwitbeelbhaonglto hcîeg in Out choc Christ ame' To tlîite lawc ho cas the end outsides tedote bh. otîhooldordeInstaIknq tothececmasoftSataia about the DIefleult rellng popet place o o aship, Jess satot, Nethot cn this Admsrater Gerfeled BPwneosex an or is Jccsalec 551hay o shisth1e Fathot. xoled eehxngs ex lax mellerset u aI lot u)e wcshippes shatl cocshic the Father inspiriet anC Queee's Park.and Ottaca cece Ceturies tter, cosgotded csshtcles bcr550 S 50 andonsoelotltydoepxdsc.o ecohass tothecplaceso tingtt Yeescwrie spot in ae xce ay yo ecoeo orsateq thecwalsoftchoech boildins s stmetassedcith abeet tee settersex chat celoeg cosinuhd 5051005 of Chést's teachings, ce 5ethc e.soit you'Iltge.' Proses cosplaned today io thoeo 450,001nations cîth 100,0 cash cathoCtals thatl togostatooxcocecîxe andt dire cooetoy, qoldoslsaints and agd humais, tuIai S exemsptioexscas coseplicaled axd and0 oeses tlth,,tccotality. ignoranc esd sucerstition aeshoece. Ass ec and ossooe spiesos coe eo coal skes, cao Osot h aHo poixled oet an obvoss help us Io aodthocatettatctistaltes ofthe past Ma ar i xeeoonssecy n the relinge, ather ecchaste hoesseneoft Chrstianityi ovi soGd. xt otoxg hal sgx possacre Irvtng oos ehtc ecad ostshippng insprt aned trttt sth ost pl axbomsle.I e Coisdnoh cthltte Poiett ee x on seor tlbiO Ose seexoci- Fee-MaiI TODAY []PCrtianse Pcemole intioa paliîy prosves thal lhoy clt hoe Corcb of oCost pamphlet uscd. 'hose are 11e tracy lhings 211 Kng, Co.rt E ,1 acsodscCss ce rcas x,-lie ho 101 1he tMiltox. Ont. E il orsodneCus co005055t1. Ph. 202-6001 Q Persnai l Ohe tod, Thse crohbad recoxsosscded the counly bre a 11cm Ihal coeld CAME do the cork and labo 30 per cext ADOR ESS PHONE tf chat lhey saced 1the eosety.> A ci.r, cROV secoxd irse olîered their ____________________________ SERVE II SAV1 iNS" TEA BAS 45ci or On R 8s99c Reetbl OterToc0620 pl 55 CI F0cecetors Cb1PARCHMENT Bae B oO AJAX CLEANSER 2Fer45c1 MARGARINE bPol tc5 Case and Snorbe Ayee ChoeeCeaoooSyle Arowanodard BREA tl COFFEE CORK PEACHESI 3 8c 79c 5-tn1 3 Ayee Cbeie 142e o eoz.ecrfPrypak and egulr-o z. 2pkg. Ae's-5 perpalo eeo99 GREEN 5 Fr $1POTAT O 45e ORANGE 7e BEANS CHIPS CRYSTALS M N MO E Asseeeed Clrs 2 per pal, Primeo or cialb $1 7 1l STORE SPECIALSIVIVA TOWELS 51P? MACARONI 4,p119 Wi it -NY RED OR OSUItBRAN» MEATS oe FRONTS ~<tBOLOGNA 1STE WlMG BEEF 615W B____the_ ____ ___ ____ ____ ____ 491 BEEF SLICED SIDE BACON 850 RÏADE "'A"' TURKEYS 49,c, Fesb 2ea ITALIAN SAUSAGES SOCb FreI, ROU DE L ROUNO 20 69c $475 $19 CHICKEN CHICKEN r5 LEGS 57,ab.BREASIS CHICKEN CH ICKEN 3 WINGS 371cb.I BLETS %99C STEAKS 'l IPURE LARD 5 8 99c PRIME RIB ROAST Il1m0.0 Ios $*C>oUCuAND VIORIM*US Sonkîst 163', Cncda Ne 1t' 's' 1Canad N.1Apples O5 8 O RANGES d.~ MAC APPLES 450 I DELICIOUS 490 I ADVERTISED SPECIAt SIN EFFECT TO 6 P.AA SATU RDAY WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES ALFONSOIS 11111 MARKET 174 MILL ST. FREE DELIVERY 878-2460 L

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