Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Jan 1973, p. 1

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VOL. 113-No. 39 alOOTRO ENSA.JNAY2d 93Taet ; ae îesCc Provincoi plan <uts Halton *on four areas HALTON REGION proponeit by tise Ontario governinent would caver most of the prenent Comnty af Haîbon. Il wou.ld hsave four orea municipalifies: Burtington (lamer left woult conist of mont of lise present Town of Burlington, Easot Flamborougs unit Walusc dao. Oulceille lomer rigist) sonulit induite ail bol a nortsern unit euslurn nectar tif thse Treasurer explains refor present Outeitie, Central Hualton would lu ceotreit on the coomonity of Mltan. North Ifultan moult lie mute Up of Actan, George- town unithlie nortisern lwa tisiris of Nassa- guoeyu unit Esquesing townsips. Numes uset for tise area mumecipatities are temporary. Better planning, fair taxes Municipal cefacai is tise only alternative ta destractive co- potinion toc iniutuliial and coi- naiccial1 taxes Treasucer John Whule sai i Hauitan 1%esday. He told a puislic meeting largely allteite isy municipal councîlluo andt officiaIs f rom Peel, Isallon, Hlamilton and Wenloct tisaI cumpolilion lus led tu oldeopreait misose ut rinoucces and ucisan opruol. Tise mînioler sait tise goveen- inos proposais foc ce- ocganîalon ut munîcîpalilies weml of melcapolilan Toronto miti led ta iseller plamiing and a taic sisace of tise total tan dotiar. l)etails ofthlie proposai oece given isy Arthuar K. Meen, MPP for Yodk East unit pacliaesentacy assistant la Mc. White. Mr. Meen oi meel municipal t ep- cesenlalîves in tise ares in cossing oeeiss und lalec uttend puie meetings lu diicuus lise proposais. Mr. Witie said lise guvernmeol supports lise pricîples iseiinit lise proposaIs bsut lie said lie is odlling lu maise chsanges in lise delails ailece tisey aiîl ionpeove lte cescgamialîon. The mînîster cecalled ltai sevecal stadies love iseon made ut local governint reforin thlie New school op gestions conlained in a addition of two portables on the tu Miltas Cooeil tisai thni' suite iraseit tIse capacity of lie intention of lte Board tu, sehool by 70 pupil places. a permaunent ochool to Eorolsoent in tise school lias e lthe tocrense in poptdation aceased liy 44 stadenta sisce development has causeit" September and a similar refuted at Courl Monday. increaseisaespected tu the eodof 'rTe W. D. Ralepayecs' Asociation complaioed tise W. I. Dictcsool iuaitaly omnrcroaded and Ibot il is nt a tempocany situation. "I don't litis the ratepayers are amane Ilure ta a ocisonl site ta thse Dorset Parktdevelnpmest andt tisaI il isas isees pciased by tise Cony Board of Edncatimn. A ocisonl oa plassed fer opontag ta Sepiembor 1974", Mayor Ortan I$esl poinled ont. Belaa eapaefty Bruce Làndley, soportatendent of lise ftnance aits tise Board blid Caunicti W. 1. Dics icisonl bil a capacily of 285 stadentsaund in September 210Ooere mnratied 'ise Dorset Park June. Tise Ratapayers' Asciation regostareit comptainta about lise portabltes poitltg 00t lisey mece located, as in lise oclionl, intahie flood plain ami it mus neceanary tan sladens ta go out of the portaisle ta lise mata acluol ta use luliel faciilies. Mc. Lindley explaine thlie Board isas 53 portabsles in the systeco, aIl luing occapied isy children i similar situations. Hie noled lise Departmenl ut Education ta very strict abut prnilting construction of nem einmenlary ocboota and mrrmtiy ceqaices tha1 misen a n ocluol opons it musI oporata at 90 per carrier service starts Monday Mlilton Pont Office plans 10 populaled areas ot lte suis- ilcodoce lelier carrler deluvery division mdl lu osedc untuafly, service tau, tfisI 100 isomes in and lie route mîi grom as more Dorset Part suisdivision nent homes are occupied. "Saime of Monday, Jan. 20. lie people living liece on't lu geîbong delusecy rigisi amay as Poolmuolen Walter Bell said lhiu ares is 100 spacsely Ose of lie monatier letter carrier popalaled," tie said. Tisose routes ta Miltas mdll lu estended cesudenotil coniaue picitg ap ta, mver lie DormIt Pacrk aron. liein mail aI lie pool office Eetually lise sem sbdivisiion buidinag on Mata SI. aI the nocliseunt carner of Miton The posmusten noled cesidenta miti nemi a letter carrier malt of mustimg matl service munI have is 0051. teir isouse nambereit, and must Sparne areas have a madlbon, mal io o ooler Hall said mnly the mont densely acceptait rereptacle foc lie matil. area bsut oece cejectad lucause of local todîfference or opposition. "No matlec isua good a proposai Iotas on papr il munIt oci wiiiiout lise supporl t liste peuple Oiso must lise mith il unit aite il orci," ie sid, adding, I 1ihave nevee feit oplimisiic about lise stailîîy of a sisolgun mai riage. 'flie proposai iv lise second mne presenird sy lise guvecomenl 1 tise past couple ut monliss. lIesidenîs and municipal leaders icommunilies most ut Toronto are cevîeig proposai s pro- sialed aI a meeting in Oshsawa us Dieceiler 18i. cent capacily. Hie nuggeoted ontil lia projectait Seplecolur 1974 dote, pupils would hsave ta lu tandled at W. 1. Dicis scisanl orea gruup tramferced ta lie J. M. lsenyes scluol. Wanid havetranuble "Uuless lie influx of nludenta momes tastar Ibon il tas, me miti love trouble gettbog a sem ocluol approveit', Mr. Lindley ohs- sersed. Tscnmng lu lise complainl about lie portables luing iocated on lie flood plain, Mr. Liley poiteit out lie flor level mus about equal 10 tat of the ocluol. He estirnated tas elesain oaa Imo tu Iisree feel aisove lie ruait elesatios aI tise Woodoard St. brnidge. Tie lOatapayers' Association aused council, ta ifs letten, to "place a mocatacioco on lie tanlier developouenl oftlia acea (DIorset Paris) until me isave isad an opporlanily tu clacîfy lie question of 1009 ocluol faciilien and ulso lie proitlem ut groand drainage". Dynamit e Mayor Besl bisk exception 1u lie Ralepayeco' letar dicecleiltu lie Bound uf Edacalion, mili a mopy ta couicil, riealing mili ice- lweaitg action aI Woodwardt . bridge' luns. Rassell pointait ouI lie ice isreaking tan iseen dune in the posl "isy eilluc the une of a rentait ice-isrmtmng machone or Igi lie use ut dynamita, or isy 1009". Tise lelier pointait out Iluy ould nol permit lie une of dynamute on lhia pcopertims mtauci clade lie creet litd) 10 lie future. "Ise citeclud lis dynamite ceterence andt il mon nei n mne occasion, by an expeet, mare $3 million more grants in proposai Tuucling on lise finaocial aspecta of tise proposed regioml goveraimenîs for Peel, Haltos llamillon-Westoorlis, Arthsur Me en revîewed provincial granta. flegional musicipalilies m roceuve an anaal por capita grant in lieu of lthe prest usconditional grant. Tise formola ratio for a bsasic $8 per capita plus $3.25 per capila ujiece a regisoal Police force is estallised. A furliier amount i isased on=ptli sparsenems. In 1972 lieucniional granta ta lise lisree areas amoonted ta aliout $7,000t,000t. Under lise proposed reotrsclaring regional municipal grans mould total about $10,ti00,0Ot, Mur. Meen poinled oat. Tise province may alan mate discrelionary paymeots 10 regional and area municipalilies oliere lise impact of chsanges in local tas structane is severe. Oliier diuccelionacy paymmnta may lie made ta iselp develop regional services". Tise province mdli also pay lise cliairman's salary for lis licol teriof office, tise vont of tise fist eleclions and assistance toward mianagement and alier strdtes. "W. promise to listen", "lWe ma51 yoar romnas andt crilielsm, and me promise ta, liolea ta tem carefully", Arthur Mees, Parllaentary Asistant ta Use Treanarer of Ontario dec lared Tnenday nighf ai Mohawks College mises ie ontllsed municipal refarmi fer Peel, Haln and Hamltlon- Wenfmnrts areas. "Beflinnaf in the ient coaple of weeks and bel are tise end of Maecis me isope ta heur fro aht municipal leaders wils commenta asd suggestions", Me. Meen declareit. He sngfested suaisslans sisanld b0 dlrecfed ta Use Hou. John Wite Trearer, Qneen'o Pars, Toronto. than 10 yeacn ago isecause equipment mault nul lu ut- tainet", lie Mayor neplinit. He suggeoted tise repealet cefecences isy lie Association modie il sounit lise il mas an unounlevent. A 75 acre plan of developmenî Os the anuli Milton bounitarymwas accepleit iy Milton Cooncil Monday aubjec la the concur- rence ut Milton Planning oard. Valînyviese Garitenn, iseing developeit iy Ricesiserg Developmeota UI. la locateit aI the sarIs ment cerner of Ontario St. and Derry Rd.ittmedflatly, souli of MiltonsDitrit Higs Scisaal. Milton In Central Halton unit Regionajgovçrnmen proposuis celeaset lasI iglit ut Mohawmk College curant Hulton into four ares mooncipaoîxes ant estulihie tise coosiy us u Imo lier regiooul govero- nient, Tise province ucceptet bilton arguments for u four lucougi region und proposet (lue tamis as tise focal point ina ti92 square mile muuicipulity wi u projertet popoulutios of 14,500i tise omulleut oif tise four, "We ugree tisai, tem is o separute, identifiable communily 0f isIerest ceonte upon Milton undt stretcinag ucrons lie middtle of Hultan Counîy, " A. K. Meen, partia meoîury assistant toi theTreasurer sait in tetuilinglthe propoisais. Tise cegional municipaitty 0f Halton mill doser virtu-aily all of Hullon pIus Wuterdomn ont Eust Flumborougs Townnsisip. A ornaIt part 0f Oauisille on tise eusîern isountury mill lu tronsferret tai Peel. "Baliser tison folloing tie boundary suggesled isy Milton, me mould cater ses a boundary loc furIser sout so as ta ioclude lihe groolis centres of Norts Oas- ville and Northi Ouclisgton, isoli of oisics are parI of lise develop- nient plans foc lise Toronto Cenlced Region," Mr. Meen declared. 'Witi lise sent few mosliso, thsegoeernmenl of Ontario selt lue anoouncmng the roates of lise porisoay corridocs intended lu sepacate lisose groolis centres 1rm lhisea annliern cooner- part." Wisen tisI annoancement oa mode lise final location of tise soulthern undary of Central flallon cao ise adjosled 10 coiscide mils tise parisoay corridor," Mr. Meen aanoonced. Mr. Mees empliasîaed lise province îslesded 1u confine major antan groolis in lise future 10 aine ose of lise Toronto Ceslced flegion aluish covers mldy lise sauliseen section and parI t liste central acea. "Thse cmlt of the central ares aod aIl of lise melisers area are aune 2." A regional mcnii of 23 is propooed foc Hallon. Central HaIton woold hiave lisree, Norths Ilalton foar, fiaisille six, and isarisiglon aine repeeseotatives. 'lie chiarmas, a full lime position, mîi lu appoioted isy lise province for lise lient terni and paid isy lise province. Suis- feqocnlly lise chitarman wilI lu cliosen isy lise Regisial Council. Representatves on lise Itagional Couneil ouIl alan serve on lise area mouncîl. "Admitledly, lise people inio serve un isoli mouncîls isave a heavy oriload..biut isereeiino lutter oay ut acisievisg lise cu-opecalson and tise unîly of purpose you need lutwees lise 100 levels ut mouncils," Mr. Meen suggested. No specîfîc recummendaiovo oece advanced tur lise composition of lise area csuncils. 'lhe province lefI ta lise ora, lise quesi,n of isua ig lise council shoald lie and miselier memlucs sisoold lu elecled aI large or isy inards. Responsiitililies ufthlie cegional manrcil oîll isclude develupino sf lise officiai plan, approval of subdiv'ssions, land seporalîos inaler, seoec, public transit, reionit icounlyl couds, taic cosîrol, airîface, police, mounty Strike in Toron to slows M ilton mail Tise postal workers' sInise aI "mos t oour inocisa mail Torosto slowed domo local mail comes via Toronito aod lthe tast mees. Eiglil letter carriers, airpori" and bols tliose terminais mne tall lime dient, a nigisi dlent have iseeo piclieted liy striising aod one port lime dent aitithe union moriser. Only four small Miltan Post Office mere told nul magsof mail arîved Friday, lie ta report for mort Friday, said. Ootgoîog Milton madl mas lucause tiiere mas vecy tittle mot limg accepled on Toronts mail iseiug ceceivet. Tise Pool eitiser. Office dido't opon Stialrday. Service oas isacs lu ormal Poolmaster Walter Bieti said Monday. loreuls, garisage disposal, indasîcial developinent, emrergency measures and captal borrowîng. Tise Acea munîcîpalîlies aisuld lu respuostisle for subsdivision agreemens, zonmg, adjunimens liscougs lise mommittee ut ad- lunîmeol, land drainage, local sti'eets, local parising, tire, polis and cecceolion and garisage collection. licensing oîll lie a ccoponsîilîly sisoced sy lise 100 'lie collection of taxes is suggested us an are a cespossiisilily bsut Mr. Meen nlcd a lecisancai report frsin Halos indicaled titis could lie dose aI lise cegional level. 'lie assignins of titis responîisiilty 000 if open toc iscussion. The province, on addition lu poyig lise salaries and espesses ufthlie cisairman during lise tirst lernm ail pay the cost ut tise fa-si elecîtuns, salaries of regiosal .taff [rom lise date ut appoint- aient mliil tise totiooîsg Junuary i, and mase contributions looacd silier initial espenses iu lise cegios. MILTON MAYOR Bnian tient unit Coicillor At Melumson were hiappy aller leurning Miltan moult form tise coce 0fa fourts lorougs in regionul goversnmenl in Haillon. (PhsotoisyR. flowns) Mayor $5,000; councillors $2,004 Thseplan prvudesfor 102 single tamily lois, a sumbor of liem bocderung lthe ealley of lise ixteen Mite Creet. A toal of 21 acres of sîreain valley us tu lu unteacluit, Storesaparimenta Tiseplan almo procodes for coin- mercial developinento aI lie Onstario-Derry cmer on a Byve acre paccel andt apa rîments lucceases in tise isusorartumo puîd lu memisern ut Milton C2uoscil mere approvet Monday sy Couneil. Tise action came aller mommillee sludy ut isonocociums paîd lu olisen municipal officiais in lise counly and mas approved Monduy isy ail membons. Uustec the neo ocliedule lise mayor ouii ise paid $5,000I, a $500 increase oser lasi year's $4,500. Council salaries wilI mose lu $2,000 'ompoced oitlst yu eucos average ut $1,400 toc lise average of 70 meetings sciseduled. Tis yeae's scisedule pormita memtecss abssences fruai smetings daing tise year. Ais- sences iscyssi ltai milI reduce lise soncariuan. Ollur teci paid sn Hallon situa Aclons cayoe ceceicing $3,000 and couniclloco $20 a meeting; Georgeton pays lis mayor $40500 andt couoicillocs $2,500. In fiakislle lise mayor ceceives $9,000, lise ceeve $4,500, the depaly ceese $4,250 aid thec adjuumang il tu lie soclis. A msedium densiy paccel ut nearls rune acces sa tu lu locaiet on tincry Road us tise meol sude of the vatiey. Council approvei the provision of a 2.5 are scisml site us lis developinent wlic wilI adîoun a furliser 2.5 acces un lise developinent jusi oesl ut Vatieyvino. Commercial SI. wili exteisi May implemnent reglon in '74 There oas ano iodication mn tise isIgional Government proposaIs pceseoled lo coune ilIors and municipal officiai Tuesday Ibat îndîculed ailen regtonal gocesmeolia lîisely ta lie usplemented in alton. lThe province isas, itowever, set Maccith 31 as tise deadline for receivaig comments and isniefs on lthe pcoposalis. In a speech in Oatvîllc eaciec tise Hon. James tnisndicated lcgîslatîon migitt bis ubitted 10 lte L-egiolalure itelore tise 100e coceos, aic aiould allow foc nweleclisos latu it eld in Oc- toser lu elect lise t cil couoicil. issplementatisn oult tises lie possibile os Jaouary 1, 1971. REACTION Milton is happy -Tise people of ilon sissuld ise eyihappy toisbc etaing their idenlîty as a lower level muoicipalily," Mayor arias Best concladel ai 1he end of Tuesday's proposa presenlaion. *Titis is goig lu ise lise 101 10cm ut govermuent ta serve tise people ot Hallon."- tiest saîd anmte of lise reciom- miendaium un regionalization tisaI wunI ta lise province troin municipullltips -wece diven "onishoul rationalialiu or logic' but Millon's feequenl itrief s wece oeIl lisougisl oui and mdil documenled. -Il am glad lise pro- vincial government liai sat down and ralîonalned lte obole lising." lie said, and ended op miih foan borougs unilu in Hallon. Tisree lisingo in lte province's peopovals deligsled tse mnayor - licol, liaI Haluon cemains as a amit; secondly, ltai Ounlingion siyb in tise csunty; and lisirdly, lthaI Milton and succunding lands il cemai as a unit of Milton and Acion councillors planning isuards und staff isad <tcntiu,,lsonPage 12) coucillors $4,000. meetings is iseld. Esquesing pays Lu lise townsips iaisagaoeya lus reeve $2,200 and counicîllo pays ita reece $1,500 undl depuly $1,500 le- movee evemng meetings. ree$1,250 aith esuocillors Adititnal lees are poîd toc day e eicaig $,000.A averageof35 meetings. Second time Four horns stolen from H.S. music roomn Forse esecosd tuneiamonth ai $100were missing. lietîs hsace iscoien ils lise Smash isod muste couan ai Milton District Enicy uas gainediss smasting lioi Scisml and stulen a numbec a sisyligsl aiadoo in use manie ýfmusical instrumnts, canin Scisuol ollîcials saîd lisere 'lie second btreaks-in oas o-as $0v damage lu lise w-sdoo. ceporled Tsusday morning, aid hoppeved somne lime boloeen 10 bn mîd-Decembec lisieces p.m. Wedoesday and 8.20 aoc. truite in cia lise same coule and 'lsarsîlav Milton Police saîd a matde off ails $2,500 aiocli ut clacisci. sasopsoe Inumpot ami musical istruments. Tisree coretelvluedual $1,009 plus an soung men oece cisîge it li ulcr pcray 'painting ltai iseft asdthlie instruments essîpressor, isoand gun valued isereerecoeeed. diceclly souli posl lise igs Seboul lu unlensecî oui liercy tluad. Outlining tise plan lu Milton Gouncul, engineec W. L. McCoc- calsto pountad ouI tlu enclosure of lise maler course liaI mili mmre from tIse Chiate Deselopinenl on Econta SI. tus lues approvei isy lie Conervation Asliorly uni utl ouel led ta lie Sixteen. Councul also approseit as agceemnesl ouis Rucenisecg ltaselopments Lt. under otîcs lie developr agrenu lu prepay capital loI levues 10coe engineer ing etipenses i desiging a $200,000 pumiang station ami force main ta detiver semage lu lie treaienl plant. The station ls ta lu denigned tu1 secve lie full anuli seigtitooi over ta lie Tisirit Une. Ratepayer criticism refuted isdW itaidls liaIt ening in 1974 Raise council salaries 102 homes, apariments, stores, parks, school Approve south subdivision -i Týenty-Six Pages-Fifteen Cects, MiLTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 24 1973

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