'lie Champion, Milton, Ont., Wed., January 17, f973 89 KiIbride Local guides to hold thinking day Hornby 4-H spring project is sewing with knits By Mrs. AImHamilto The Jonsory meeting of lise Northt Trafalgar Community Club mas held uit lise home of Mordu Miller cits Mary Watson selNg theu ro-hontoss tramn Britih Columbia. Ste la a membr cf lise club. 'liero cee 20 memiturs poesent and une nisitor. Doreon Ball rend lise oinuren in lise absence uf ltoe senrelacy. 'lisnh pas nords cure rend teon Dora MeCurran, Loto Hughes and Nancy Tocsud. Wuoaremccliy te ber that Otttlu Doclltsg hod Omagh lte misloctune laofait and brook ber elboc. A gift hasbeonoset Inr lisrinte Isospitol. Bout wialtua aru sent te Art Plant clo uderceol on oporatico for hoeSr ourgory and bas onw returned home, Mes. Mordu Miller and Mes. Vecua Neor convooud o ecnre porly. Frison cee won by Icone MeCracites, Audrey Ross, fberome Bocostaplo and May Sarmonit. A dulicioss lunch cao servud by lise itonteso asoluted by Carol Watson ond Marda Miller. Steam association reviews busy year By Mes. Ccnilraloersuo the Josuaey eetling af lise Otai Antique and Steam Preserners Association cas ituld ut Bayse Centre as Tbocnday esesong Jan. 11lcits88 memrbers altendmng lram muny areun of thte pronince. President Ross Catder, Prestos, mas in thte chair. Sitewart Calitaun ai Brampton la lte occretary. Treasocer Gordon Rayser gave lise fonarsal reprl s tite mach ai lte graup. lise nbomed tit 1972 bad bers mat sueresafut in atil respects. la Decemiter Allast Be rs of Grilia, William Waton aIKilitride and Sitercacd Hume ai Milton itd a trip ity aie ta Esgtasd la siem astique maclanery dispiays. Me. Hume dccwed films and gave commenta os lte maay places cf itbrest titey sisited la t.udo, and fils an nteam onginen owned roatpy and som trmonerseos cee sitocs by Me. Bynra. Titis pragram cas esjayed ity aIl. Attiteclone calle andtlunchbmere sersnd during a social balf boar. Fareell Party A preseotatias and fareceti paety mas iteld Friday evesngfl Jas. 12 toi lionne Mc. and Mes. Frankt Eckhart mnd lamly cites lise unesediate neigburn and triendo cere entertained ut lise busse ai Mn. mnd Mes. C. Peaconit, Fut Une. Thte Eckhiart lamdly base resided an lise F1129 Une and Derey Rd. tarin for lte pant sevn years, and itad lieus fineneigbrs. 'liey cli bu mucit missed. Maspal nelertis n lte electrie argon by' Larry Harris and lte itosteso sure uotoyed. llpeaiig as britlf og lie gattering lise itont C. Posentk exresed regret ltaI lte cibrt tumily cas leasing lte esmmonity and esteoded bent mites 10toi tee foc gaed itestit and pronpecîty o lhie sec faces ut bibi. 2 St. Puts cicis la lte Stratford area. A gîif al an electrîc applîcusce cas preoented ity Marton Vonder Boom. Mc. and Mes. Eckhiart nsesaut appeeriatn toc lise gdtand pleaumnt evesîsg and mnvîbrd ailto v sait tem. A buffet lundi and social time broogit a pleasant eaesing ta a close. Gorge Iilman tel t Tuesday Jan. i6firain Torontc Iternational Ai p art for Memphis, Tesessue, Rock Ilnd and Louisille, Kentucky. He itl bu lte goesl of lte Interntional Harvester Company and mdll visit thitor plants ta observe lte mablag of boy balurs, bradges and the faces macinery. Mn. Hitimon cilla omaay for aout a meki. Grertingu Bîclliday greetongs to Mss. Norma Lepa, Enla Snac, Miss Esa Crcaîer, Misa Isaitel S10011, William Denlîs, Patricia Patterson, Ann Jean Hadfîeld, Martin Vandevalit, Valarie tGrera, Karen Marsitall, Elesn Marsitall, Nancy Sues, Beenda Vîsian and Paol Stover. Snow Birds make plans for Snow Festival '73 Miltont So Birda ssnaitoile Festival esenta Frit. 16-18. lthe club sac Ica films as club ciii arrange the terebligit snammoiiig aI tba'r Jasuary paradeaof snowooiiles aI the taie meeting, iteld Wedsesday aI the groundspFriday, eveniag, lai muit Lugion Hall. John Rusetl of tii asy onomooile driver in Miltes bloc iougtt te itos and tes;son or sscocliy as ivîted. John Jr., auner of Miltes Marine Tliey ciii also itandie 29e drag asd Sparts, danaled a races mici t arI aI the laie swccioiie suit and a ssfely flag grdo race leanit aI i pi. for a dram for members. atad'ay, und the claIdren's Membrs plusned a citdron's obstacle course Smnduy aI i p.m. day aI Everlos for Sunday, Jas. 14 and a tendl ride aI Carlisle os Feit. 1li. Anolter Irail ride cntl b plauined later. Nec club centa bave teen acdered foe memiters. . e Pocude, races Mmlt oI tite business paction of the meeting cms devoted ta Spocia 1s maiig plans tue club % Avaifable Nom participation an lte Bnom I Gelcolicishsae extended la tes, Lilion Howdeo, clto la o olint itnlino Milles District ipital. Hec many frends cish or a spuedy reovory. Birtbday greetngu are extendod 10 Dcnsy Brook wbc ell celubrute bis ithday o Mosday, Jan. 22. GetsWeil winbes ue extended to Mes, Earl MeMilian, whc la o patient in Milton District Hospital. Her masy friands club her a spoedy reeonury. Thie North Trafalgar Essebre lub beld lteir cooitly oebro purty Jan. 13 aI tbe Norlt Trafalgar Recroation Centre ciit eigbt tables cf uucbru in play. The ladies penus cocu cao by Edilt Marobonont, t)orotby Featborson and Eilen Jachon. Tise gents' peines cee con by Harold Sonollie, Ralpb Feotherson and Jin ý«amiton. 'lie luehy drums cée con by Muetho Richardsons six Frankt Poaconit, Annîversory greetingo are exlesded le Me. and Mes, Alias Gises cita dll celobeutu their os'edding ansivecsaey Jus. 25. Bprlug pcoiecs Loal leaders alteoded lte 4-H traising sboni on Januuey 9 and 10, ai lise Ligny Hall. Tito spcing project so secong dIt bris. Anyitody dito lu intecested contact Mes, Maeg fadler and Mes. Maegery Ccrdingley. Tbey cdli 10 startisu as Jas. 22 ut 7 Me, and Mes, Roy Break cf Derry Rond have toit for Naples, Florida fonca holiday in the suuny ceutiter. The Eden United Citarcit Womes cee wcomed la lte bosse cf Mca. Mucgory Cordcngley an Mosday eneeng Jas. 8. The meeting cms apen it lte IIC.W. Ode fotiaced lsy lte apeoing pruyer. Mes, Bill Hill pcesided lac lise oneeting. the msinutes cee rond and adopted. 'lTe members discssedl nec drapesîcorlise itasemunt Windows asd paint purcbased lac lte colis. Theo secretury and Iceasorers repart cas rend. ttse Wocld Day cf Prayer ditle iteld on Mareit 2 ut Eden United Chorcit Tito Sunition asd Glaces enmmittee discusued ituvinu a nîgll cul t i Murcit. The PI'eniytery cîi muet Jan. 29. Anuaol meeting Te anna meeting ai lise Eden nangeegatn mitl li ield ic conjonction citt lte citurcit service an Sunday, Jas, 21. A ligit lunchi mdl low te service. ~Comittees and arganiains cli repart lollacing otit business and reparla. Birtitday greetistis ara estenîded ta Daclece Wood. Boitent Wallace and Putes li-iseliler cha mitl nuleheate titeis ithdays as Jan, 18i, and tu Kevir lasitcba mitl releiteute hit ielth day Jas. 21. Mes. Carol Sceezie, sac livini aI Narval cas $ti000 as CHUta radia titis meuh. Mes. Scerule la à formner Horsby girl. THE BOARD 0F DIRECTORS af the Norths Mitchell, puot president Wililm Treoity, pre- Haltes Assaciaion far th5e Mentally Rolardusi sident Rosa Hast, firol vice- President Joye for 1973 cure etected Masiday evenisg ut ltuein Barton, caerespanding secretary Dorthy affluai meeting at te ARC Worbubap bu Hegarty, and recarduig secretary Joan Hunt. Harnny. Froos leftIn1 riglot are second vice- (Phto by J. Jenningol president Jane tieeuey, treasarer Ruth Drumquin Group serves community weII for 26 years now By Mrs.Cecil Pattersou lThe Janoary meeting ai Druasquin Wamen's Instîtate cas bld ut thte home oi Mes. Ralpit Feattecsone, Mrs. Nellis, Mes. George Henderson and Mes. Norma Alesander district of- lîcecsofa the Halton W..wr guestof aiste goup. An iateresliag arclde ceitten cites lte Draneqou Wl . ceteitrated lU's Itt aaccvecsany la 1962, cas eead. Onganized 26i years aga, lte local groap lias uccamplioited ond gises mach ta lte bocai cammunity. lisey erected aod buse itept in godr repaie 1fer maay pears lte Ica lange signo ta onlorsa Iraselînea tal ltey are pasîng titroagli Cramqoin vdiage os Trafalgar Rd. tanated abtout nîglil miles sortit cf dacslomn Gakitslle la lthe pant >,earîthegroupihave purctaoed a large bl Iroon a local rural scitoci ooc nlosed, and htave enected a caies ta enclose il, aIso lidi a large Slag pale and Glag planted aearity. Titese ocemorials are in the iromqmin Punit and sitaidd br a laoting tnibole tu lthe socaîl bond ai worliero cita endeavored te malin lois rural nommocity a liappier place la lise. Gel ceil i sites ta Mes. Clarence Fard Sr. cita o a ptient cn Milton Hopital. li'ltday greetcngs go ta titane velebrating special days and ic'lude: Pebrr Tnionliler, Jahn Saundiens Damlne Wood, Citantes Onaceca aad Robrt Wallace. te Home and Scitol Association ciii liald lte Jocoary maeeting aI Percy Mrrry Scitool osln Jus. Ja . .At 8p.m.a flin eslîlled "Ciiemoano lollac me", usIl lie preseoted. Cildeen's learning patterns and lthe Press for four day school week Hulasn Counly teacitero cîli presa for a lou' day ceen Hatan licioolo cilli tle tfit day biteîg ased for prolessianal decelopoarnt and allier non- ciaosrocmndolies of lthe teaclier. 'Ceacitero aI lthe OSSTF rnsalutions mceeting bles cccl socd il cauldot redore the mark 1usd lar teacteno or nenessanily cedoce the aumbr og itouis Ion intruction, tut coold sqoeeze temn ino Iront daysa The nsoOltioO ciii itr preseniesi ta lte provincial branct ai lte Federalios for endorscuis lThe Federatcîs pasoed 1l nesocluon for the provincial lady, ose ot duit asîs ion a staiemeol cîlli reference la lte leaciten-popil ratio itased as lte ciausroram leacher alose and esclading pnincipals, vtce prinripals and guidance teaclrrs along cIth oIter scliusl personnel. Help Windsor 'te meeting decîded la oend 3005 ta teaciters is Windor cita hav sn csgned altec a cantract disputc cîIt lte board tcee 'lte roecotive oI lte Haltes OIS'CF wiii bu asled ty lte Federalian 10 rail lot catunlary donaions ai $50 [ain Halton bracbers la support Ilis Windor roonterparta. perceptions of 29e canld are aI the bearl of titis film. tIrs. Cliaciaine blelangen, primary cosultant ciii inleodoce and gise commenta. Ail panents une invibrd, refresbmenls and social 'ilf iotu la loc If epytig in au hause in' noecteli Ser o o fast se e e ^e litole h CLEMENTS & NOBLE INSURANCE 0h 16 Martin SI.Ph. 878 9523 By MeprsDJ Snioones (4m. Isi thpe illi ot hot siaga ccabsag saultesico Killinide Public Scitasi, and lise very lioy matera er pr'nparcg lac lthe onsiauglit oi veny liangry children. Mns. Ci. Colsan lagelthen wit Mrs. T. Germua, Mes. R. Panent, Mrs B. Nicitolson and Mro. D. Wataon onraed 339 itot dogo. A soncene sale ai ltanls ta titese ladieoscita looktnot taoo1 loch aller lthe htot dog day. Varîous classes base bren ltacig adoantage ai lte ice sbaling lacdlîtes in front ai lte Kilitide Scitool anddleacliers and cliildnen ulule itave bren takîng titein tain ecloymio lte ice tit Bîll Murray and Cionald Caulsan hiace bren gnaamning. Golden Thefinst session ofthe Guides' scusan begus isiit lte girls planning a italie sale thito aie itetd aI lte Kîlbrîde Unitesd Citorcit Scitocl cocon an Feli. 3. A sitalsat party ns bieg plunned and a ocinbong day an Lady Bladen-Powell cita fon aven li0 years ban canlied onceasîagty an britali oi corld guiding Te foost lady f Gudes resîdes in a Gptîts, tiis ua,udor awti 1942 by Kt%~ George VI lalloccng lthe deatt oi lier basbaod aod since tisat taon îtt'heen hier htome base. ' Te Kilbede gnoop ciii ertaaty have quite a bit of uttereatcng niaierial for titeir tthiaig day. Gond Neigbbor Club it cas a srry disappaintatg tanut for fins Senior Citizns Club, a lb only lo tables playog. te insulta cere, K. biallard itigi. Mes. Janet Ford second and Mca. Eien Attisait tow. 'is men*s reslts cern Darwain Penn igi, Cliii Freta second, itasil Pattee toc. Mes, Eiteen Attisas woutd welcome ttyecoqines abut lthe club. aad ara membrs aaold bte - tait plansa ta attend lte tiaaiaFestival events.Fnit. til18 -Mary fronm Miltan atteaded the Carlisil Snaitdnifters'annual nnwobl acns ut Canlisle tiaaday. EVERYTHINO HERE QWLLNo longer ee Il? IN THE -TO WANT ADS Want A ds 878-2341 25% OFF - -Boy a snoncoan lag; and support Milton's thied snni Snoc Festival minIer carnival -Feit. 16-li. LISGAR TWIN SEASONS j ~ 232609 Winsfon Churcill Blvd, CANADA FARM & INDUSTRUAL SHOW Coliseum Complex, eExhibition Park, Toronto, Ontarioe JANUARY 31 - FEBRUARY 3 Sponsored by 0.R. F. E.D.A. For Registration Cards - see your nearest doalor. For furtiter information write to CANADA FARM & INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT SHOW, 481 UNIVERSITY AVE, TORONTO, ONTARIO. Strlctly for the. blrds. CO-OP WILD BIRD FEED ott ouice yrwn SOLS 585D SLS84 MILTON 878-2391 -M. .GLMET - ---------- k î ý