2 Tise Cisampon, Mtaon, Ont. Wed. Janac 17, 1973 See 1I w rr~ n , ctnrt- ý ýZ î Gordon Thompson namned rv t -' ervmng south community r~ ~ ____ ___ vanrsl for a start on Could prepay iKoTary excriurigtt siuueni Goedon Tisomopsoco a 16-year- ",( gradle Il studenl 'o Milton Ilistrict l-igh School bas bren ciose ololke parI in0te Rotary s. tersatuonal stadeol excisonge psrasne. He s lise lirai frorn Bis e h cisases for lise rocisange. At Ibis tause Gardon mol' certain wicis country lie seitI be going ta, botl be bas tamn ac- cepted and wei go ta eilber Belgsoco, Ausîraboa or Gerrny. if lie gyms lu eîiser Belgiain ai 3cnîeiJl.nlaia h"I ev nIl('ýyý1tcrash coiurse on the laiguage aand eqiuip isseif wilb esougis Frenchs and Flensis ta, gel by as, at leasl. Belil live i Bhe isst couotry for a yeor and Bme relars borne. Exclled Nalora0ly mnoogi Gordon la eocitad about Bhe prospecta of 0)01 year. Ho bas travelled lbraugh Queiser and tise Munriiînes but hassiever vvniuedon trips vrseas. To ta efgîf le stadeota bave ta have parental consent and ta in lis opper durdi of Bhec cilaso at scisosl. C.ordon was islerviewedl isy lise Mslttan Rotory Club and atanded a second antarviewo in itchenser aI lise district levei. He us lis son of Mr. and Mrs. Davsd Tisompoon of 312 Maple- wood Creoc., Miltos. Strong leadership needed to tackle parking problem Strongileadership isneededain tacblisg lise parking probier n dasenlosn Milton, Eosrersao McCeeady tald Miltan Cisastar ai Commerce aI these enecalîve mereting Toesday. McCready sait be fr11 lise Man S.is a gadoniebut nat atil siufîicieni afl-streel parkig ipranîded. He nated 1000 cauncîl bad rejecîed lise basinessmen s loe0 for ongle uere provided. Parkingaon Mary and Miii SIS. oece enamplen of wbatl be sOeanl by alernatives. Must use il Strang leadership wouId be needed tai ca-ordinale Bhe sort and long teros piano. "Il is 001 1001 a osatar of parkig taiog Bhere. but yaa bave ta gel people la use il»- McCready said. anlicaling Ibal Bhe conditian ai Mary St. andBte stares bacbrng an ta, il wouldnIt encourage people. He said lise lacis of Mai SI. parking woaldnIt bOl dasentasen bai coutl keep il iruai cnoying Bhe tanefils il osigisl. Other business deal ih at te Cisamber enecalîne meeting Eni Jan. 19h1 j FILM SHO "Tme Tis se Muskevvo s j * las Fairks Strtn av vg 30 pm. an Otis T3OME CTommences Coco mences30.m For Cidren 3-d Years of Age aicladed Bhe ansaunicernent of o reltif coarse sterlig Jan. 24 aI Martin SI. Srfool. Norne"c'iles" Bais McCuag, Roy Noble and Biaise Cisarîlon were appoinled as a nosoinalif coosmilise ta tig in0a siate of rieur officrrs far tise 1973 eserulîve. Tise coosmitter was fivn Bhe ad- dilionai responsiisilily of cisoosng Bhe citiven of lise yosr. Tise Cabara is rgoniviof Be event and plan 10 ose coupons un Bhe paper for eslry fonts. Tis anoual rneeting oas resciseduled for Marcis 21 becauve of conflictrng events in Febroary. Oppose hiring architect for administration office lo meohernaof Itaitan Beeion Caoervation Aolbacîly trsed. aisacceosialt.. l al lise birisg ai an arebutacl ta prepare pions far a newit $150,000 affice baildn aI Keisa Conoervatian Area. darmng a meetig of lise AaBhorily Wedoesday. Kelly Nea ai GabsîlUe, isba ahiecîn la lise site cisasen alap a bill aI Keise. oaggesled lise AutBorily -con find a brOauva laI heller site" and ueged lise Aalbarily ta hald aner ils baring anil Bhe oeol meeting. Franks Rogers, aorlîngsan. aisjecled an lise grounds Bhe AaBaorîly soadi vaîl for Bhe Jan. 23 onnaonce- ment ai regianai governmmlt, tai are il mabes piano foar a ors aficie and administration centre. Waflllg lise lixea abieclars lried la fireorol an ameodmeol ta a matian wbîcb isad already bren appraved, and cisairman Barry isumphreys raied Bhe amesd- ment oat oi arder. Il appreciale yaar ls dîcis stand far sorneting yo dm1' taleve in,> ta oaud, bal be risarged Bhe lo merniers overe laist "wafog araond Bhe decîsion ta bud on affice .91 Keise badl ieen mode an St I./1 b ers naled Bhe arcisitacl isaul receive aboatl f1,00 as bis fre for bis oaris New abjected Caif, Iamb are victims CHESS CLUB A caioand aiambtaing Irons- For vii vlles parledl lat markset wsB 3f aBher taref Every taad af lîrestars were iled Taesday Nigist Satarday evenif ovien Bhe trucks fdSpm ~ i t wphiobcb tay were travellng 6.4 p.M. iIl p- - ralied over on Higbwayl401near Harnby. M ~ Mlo ILIO ca aei d the oliser 30 UBLC IBRRYToconta ois a drivero-f tise lis te Teafalgar Rd. &C~inersection. Damage to te rck wseslîmalmd aI 13,00). RING() Sacr.d Heurt Hall G3EORG3ETOWN i Evory Tuesday - 8 p.m. FErre transportation tram Campiseflif le and f 1 Milton startinq Toesday, Javvary 23, 1973. f BUS LEAVING: Campbellilei 6a4iro. Milton Heigis 6:t0p.o I MîlluvL, Oeil & Maîvin SI7pom Bel&obesrt, aell&ILHnsiap, Heslop & Thomas 7;0 .nsp f lommrci 1 GL ak 7 12 po. Ontvrio & lie Citiavos, f Waodward & Martin 7 1 p. literies ai 00eny 2 ao ITALIAN CANADIAN CLUB Milton District SUPMER DANCE Sole disis-Spagisetti veris meal halls Kentucky frsesi cicien. Saturday, January 27th Orchestra - lino Salvador Dancing 8.30 p.m. - i ar. Sapper serveti ait 7:30 P.M. MemberS-$4.00 00. Non Memisers $5.00 ea. Door Prizes ALL WELCOME Bhal visîtaro wauid bave la waBk up aner 100 olepo la reacs Bhe 'ni AaBoriy bil tamn oBered a beadquarlers i Bhe aid Bruce SI. scbaai wbîcis bas bren purcisased by Bhe ton of Miltan. A YOUJNG BUFFALO bail fran tise Haltan Region Camser- vation Aalisorily tard aI Ratlrnake Point Parks bassiseen sald tai tise cily of Saut Ste. Morne, la repince an avsimal whiicis was sisal aI Christmas lime. ECA tas a surplus of baffolo rigisl os-fisere are presenlly 21 animais. (PhotoisyiJ. Jenobogo) Silver Creek area gets $5.5, 125 grant Th5e Han. Lco Bernier, Misisr ai Nalarai Besoorces. and Bhe Hon. James W. Ssaw, M.P.P. for Haitan East and Mînîntar ai fioneroment Services, ononce Bheapprovalaf a pravincial gravI af $55,125. ta Bhe Credil Volley Canservation AaBaorily for Bhe Siivrr Creris Canservatian area on lise Niagara cocarprnn. 'is arra camrse soulte 224 acres of land loadsiBhis Bhe Niagara escarpm enl and lying ta Bhe Silver Crees Gorge, in tBe tawnshsip af Eoqaesing. Tise aataorsy us mis praponlng tai acqaîre a furBher 40 acre parcel ai land adjacmnt tai Bhe present conservation sea for Bhe purpose ai eotaslsising a large muli-parpose coservatiovmt6i MILT THE SNOWMAN All member maoscipalities wfll Tlhis jolly felin%, is tise symbol oif Snow Festival '73, Miutons third affluaI winter THE CANADIAN carnival lt ie staged bore CHAMPION Feb. 16, 17, and 18. Milt cornes AaîIsn,;.id as Secnd in tise form of a snowman tag Ciaso Mail wbîcheveryone must boy and P.st.1 RegstraI,ov usovar fa, be admitteti ta Snow Ncomber 0913 Festival events. o3fseai S treeAi 1 ILN OTIOTCU of iltno Sun. 21 Mon. 22 Tues. 23 Wed. 24 n25 fti26 a.,27 c»gh h h d, ta tise autBarily's sisare af Bhe cool. Forester quits HRCA Maso Marîlala, forestry Sist ovilhis lota Regson orvalios Aolborily, iv resigosof tas post a lis e eod of Feisruary ta go ino issness os tals oo'v. Aalisorsly mensiers learsed of fil rosignalion Wednevday aIl hiemr =aar meeting. "Be tas ise mdv led very valuaisle ta lis Aotisorsly, said cistaieat Barry arnpisreys as lits rosigonlion seas accepled, wils regret. Tise Aalisorsly memisers argaed over weeler o replacement sisould ta osgagrd, or if a consultant sbould ta relaioed . Tise cisairmas soggesled lise general manager ssosi revie bt i suggesions and corne bock ails a report. Mass mernisrfavored hirisg a replacemsent. 'Il's a fultl lime lois ta iseep tise varioas prograsos os lise go, general manager Mora . phos said. Chasrmn Horpir votad sisal andor Marîtala's directios tasI yosr, lise Aatisorily plant ed IfflIl tres ostas oses properly and sîmîlar ournier os oliser propecîles. In aiser biaisens, lise Autisarsly: --Grdeeed flI rernoved froos o crecis ravane neor Mapte Grove Sýena in Oabsille. Some of lise land is oed isy lise ton and a parking lot 5505 plarned. Some of lei laod us privalely oword, and was filledaet lise oseser's reqamlt. -Endorsed a waler control advisory board recommeodatian relectiof perssion for AId Car Wasis 10 locale on Commercial SI. as Milton, asîthe propry s i lise flood plain. MILTON MINOR SOCLER ASSOCIATION A CE RABBIE BURNS DANCE a E a MI"RA Saturday, January 27th, 1973 I'T 8 P.M. - 1 A.M. iNr B p ou ML ýLU S uffet pi B Hi Il D rs T ONMUSIC BY "THE BRANDED MEN"1973 T 1 C Ts a 3.9835 CANADIAN LEGION HALL - MILTON ryOI'LR j$ý.09PE COUPLE DOO & POT p Iz S 0 INrLUDES: Buffet, Pipe Band, Highland ]Dance' R & SPOT PRIZES DOOR E TIC 7SâK ETS 878-9835 osgosorlvg of -zeroscos la serve lise soulis coesrnvay of Milton, wsasugist froos Milton Cooncl Monday. Eogiooers represen ling the Riceotarg area aI tfr coroer of iOtario St. and Derry Rd., tald Coascil engineering oosa sevaf e pusopive staion and force osais seould isave ta, isegis mow for avy developoseol ta tais place os lise lvoperly lis year. Rioesiserg isoldings vIsclude 75 acros yod provide for 102 single fassily revideollal avita vous a isurliser 12 acres for msediums TIbeyernpisasiaed toiCounll lise puimpise station was reqslred ta serve lise fuail 500 acre soalls covsvsaity stretciig froos Bsoole 0f. 10 Tisozpsos Bd. Il woold take flirve rnlis for design and vis monlls for cos- strucion, ise predlctad. Reviewing lise probest Mayor B. Bostsuggevlvsl liere wece lwo ovays tise pumapiof station could ta fioaoced. Thse ton coid debenore lthe eslaotatedl $200.00) cool bol il woald taise aotil May tu obtaio tise secessary opprovols. Ao alternative pas f or the developer ta prepay fils capital feules wisich would provide lihe isonds for lise work. He solvd tise devcioper fila agreed ta Idits Thie eogiover assseed coultcil lise developer was prepored 50 fond tse enginevering work o lise design could iseglo. To fasilarlze sew memisers of the developrnest cssnrillee, ail asaterial os lise sleveloprn, iocluidiog lise reqaired capital oors v ta ise asvemisledi for slady. Tise developoseol cornossîle agreed lv meet Weslnesday oish lise esgineer. MILTON LIONS CLUB BING.o Evsry Thursday EE ai Milton District High School Williamns Avenue, Milton JACKPO)T $650. 56 NUMBERS Early Bird lames ut 1:30 p.,. legular Sames et 8«0 p.m. SDANCE ~Ott~~Saturday, >January 20h 8 prn to 1 ar. ATTH E ROMA SOCIAL CLUB Steeles Ave. MUSIC BY THE 007 GROUP Members $3 Coupe Everyone %bit Non-Mesoiers $4 Couple Welcome Refresborents A SALE fS A SALE BUT OUR PRICE THAW MEANS RED HOT BUYS THROUGHOUT- SHOPPUERS WORWD HIGHW515 10 AND STEI LES AVtNUE Open Fcee & easy pariv, 10a.m. fl tOp. daîly for~~la 4.000 lacs '~ ~1 PHICES MEIT JANm 18 19 20 q 7