M2 The Champion ton, Ont Wed. January 17, 1973 OUR RIADIRS WRITE .otcrs in he Doret Part iaootaavIt' Aocution asleng ior a Comutt Hall icr rck, ndor somoonole pool and playong fields, etc. More enontial ta 0e tome muea otension o postal servco, an improved staom aimer systeo, an expasian ofthOe lblrary ami aving an otablised bl-time ire dpartonont froon the volaiteor steo. Wbe0epapalatlon utMiton roachotho pootosomon.trt ai expansionut ceratona cl rdes, eon It shuld ho decided by the Miton Cuaid as ta misro aid cisen it cl be icted. Yorstruiy, C. H. Nosis, 124 iBadwin Court, Milton, Ontario. MUST WORKTOGETHER FOR G000 0F WIIOLE 1TOWN Dor Sr: tt ws cîdo onsci ombarcassonont dot I rond 0e lettr ta 0e ditr cncrcamg tho lais o recreational aclites le 0e Drst Parb Coommty iJai. lo. I could ideed ho advantagofotdis commuity ta have a cummolty cntre dorch ould serve tise choIe o Milton> My conceca 10 cith the cap the demande coco pesented, mOot hoeprieciplo. 10le imporutivo tmt if co mis 10 bavesucb iucdsits e o mris togedor citb the et ni Mlotn to approacis the apppitapplb the legslatre to vdo graito toc dis purposo.1lam afraiddohatmay pople wcmi hv iooo tn cMlonucb langer Oan ce, are pse by the cay 0e lettr cas pesentod. Havnmg spoben 10 a nimber o poplo ta the u tmait seems to mo dat mo mis ta caris tthr cis00he peuple otOMilton wouhbve mude u blsou celome on u eir Sinerey, Petr H. Stuempol, 13 MacDonald Creer., Milton, Ont. LIMIT FOREO1 TO PEDESTRIAM Getiolemen, i reud cîth itereo t i ondtheRoertson Tract otht Forest. Normlly 1tom agai ja'tociple dot the eit li nature the bettr. Tie irea loided lunlie Roertaon1 conssiso bottonmtait mue or beat. Floodiog the croate ai ecellent habita Nanagaceya Townsh oppoemng huntmng icthe re an etormous muelicoori mereli' ebseeving ami wüddhte i s ntrai hab leature couud attriot noi partcipation from midesa There os a dreat t, the Cuuty Foeot Tracte chue doue Othpreseetedb fraternity. I10 o the un mechanical veclon dono Today the seoconobile cr n the Hlton County Tomorroc it oay c et doeoauUtrram velicle. number o deer traclo Foret Tracte n indcative berdo whch c aim the Tr Recenti>, chule calinge pool the Britton Tract, the iocb eoanated ram th solutely deutenlng. thesig iocis unnouoced "No Mo wsosbed, and tis etn( gule wus ltteurd un wer iucb dretened to bar dose rapuclose veicles mucri oneudodeerand doecrea. Surelyilaiyot qulity 10 to be epectnd Gouooy Forc t Tracts, e booited 10o on-ootorizedi A pet owl you say? WiII :lden, Stooles Ave. haon .u n ti R5 O oi COne fao cocog aouih s »hàh Steelea Avenue should b h ehoedtoni ob wldoaod tfcrtise fait idis et theise ued diinte1731esdrnsitea for ceunty Adneniiratioo Building, raid mors. TRAIU. By Buis Bactt NS ONLY Heate Smihibiot crazy or n oeed o pycleuiric treutont ,bo ppsod dam and no-oneo buoreally soggosted it th Htan Coaity - ha0 l, nt directly aiymiy. aimet daim on the But retond eyehcome aid teng atectormece wit pases attr siseepiiet ht a mtahcb old ho tGreat Homed Oct chose ber iTract, bowever, cledoslitas aptacetaiput inlis t, efltbRe ume ta daye loftOHeahr alOis doit n ares ndgt wmoU aicamioctaiie fooing dthase t toc matortoml. caly as't eing tison ;hip leightin le Ev en close riends and ona. Today thoce le relatives otteced ai "Oh yea" or li ttor n a "sure, sire." chou abe exptaieed piotogcapbing sic cos leedlag ai ul iron her bilsO, aid suris a hamd, ion-violent bumai Te notldO i dlcovery ut theowam acoaid. aisaombat rigteig aid ,hobautltst Mlotai caiond Ms, Snîdo ta onder i bis mucb icoatar prbeps it10 mo m e oue have hy the isatIet her eyes cbeched. Thte ol had intabited use ot the tooilys pop ciutched talils ougbout the ares. rat fot the frettOme Heidor veaiss destruction sc 0. Fonrmng tdoith0e trd îForest Tracts. etlghtohamsthdodoor hec yoang c0te trail tise aid eon, hoe houed il oay, thisihig ý.Theiselredible dat sie iad seon the lut ut il. s thougicu e Oi le bird tind but c-appeared ve of the sebe of the later ai the iitrisen cindom aid carcts as homo. aid peeced ioa 300 hat tees g thde SixtbI.ie goied on. e enoclc.oble nose Adptedunot th Tract cao a. Abter theebird badl in eo igo uith0e entraica aires toc a meuh tl rceived ils otacîoed Vehîcles boirt dnner. Tbat cai aroaid nre adjacent ta the Te theo inuit toes r the ntraice o ns.tino rai only oe asoult outheson nd ohr cldise ot 'ti onvoneontai d froc the Hoton vitrarc st ontraire saih Yours vey truiy, W DBrome, Mossaugu tint.- conted. Ca't explain Il Cul o OuOubvîlie Romane Society aid Dr. Feci, on Oubvilte cr0 aid an audority on irde hon tadned ta off r ai explaitien ta the trde beiavior. "O've hord ot cram, spar- cam, aid evon taritge belng lame and acreptieg feod ro people, iut owta, nover, Hume Socety officiellaMn McNabb conaened. McNabh offernd n oxplueition fr -*bat ho teroned "a cool rrity" but eaggeted the tard mot biaesoon onneon'e pt ietore it ituatod iselt at the Kiliride homne on Twma Rd. A nimber oftcmite t a vrIous animal agrnciee p"nnlded ieformationa or a nom home fr the bird, bt tise Soitise appirently aremdhaig taibave the cide oyed creatare stay-ro- vidieg he odeon't baron aiydomng. To data aohiog bas harmod hies aid ho homnseme ani tetot baron aiytblng or aiyhody ese. He di evr, robse the ire et a olitar mison ho owlped hie cap aid mode of' dametise lino cith il liere releasing the cap. At hos pifai Switch to 24-hour clock Il your noure auth0e hospili c ouyo «il's 2230 bous and tino Ou . taise your sleeping pli," dont get uarmed.i Mlton Dstrict Hospitalis N gog ta dopitishe 24-baur cioch ytem net Monduy, Ja. 2 t c precîseiy 12.02 a..i(0091 hors. The 4bose dlont systemo elimnntes 0e aie o .m. and c.desîooutîono toc tome.' imes revîooily etpcooued asi .m. iii ho tho e tts rn0001 s ta 200 (i2 tnuoni. Times i p'eviooaiy kcoco us pos. limes Smon ta oinagt)inc the 24-busc dcs ksystoo ciii hbekoume s 120110 2000 bours. Sone examples Esumpie: 1.m. bhomes 010, 6 a.os beomes 000, 11.42 uns. becomos 1145,.1i pon. o 1300 3p..ois 100, and 1.45 pm. 10 235. Evetully, auU mesuremeot inCanadacîillbe converted tathe oetrîr 0>01000 and hcause o0100et puchroular neud oc procision in cuing for ptoents, lîspilss shoîoid ho among the tirot to ensder cmiogmg, adeoloistrator Roaud Waids eoplaiend. Thbe local opîls osnt yet iR. Curne 0D OPTOMETRIST BURLIPIGTON MALL à TELEPI40E i632-788 Recipe for Welcome! Aoend .. harigot medy 10 chanise 00eta tho uetric syntoon. as sonne bospibale aedocng, but ollîciais 100 t l it i be fa'ly easy to sctch te e24- ur cdocis. iDummy edors tare cili ho piuced oo ail boopitl docks ut chaigeuver hone. l 1lp the staff 10 tise oec ternologyl. Advuntugesofutthe motIne sys1cm are, 0 huos airoudy beon aoptad by the chemîcai aid sciontîlîrc orid, ils use o internutionul, il osuhieo much omuler ualto lbe oeasi td.oc greter ccuracy, it muimizes tise dnger ot ercors, il0 b con sstoot cîtb ail countroos asico i, adidnctee future upplcationseouth0e computer cli rquro use oflthe metrlr syshoon. Hsptal otcahtae001 doi uppocntonent loesiletheeont- patient aeas surh au Xray, iubocuîucy aid pbysiotheapyi uil cnue to ta h reduled uccocdi o th0e 2hoar durs sytcm. Obituary Henry W. Stroud Henry Wiiîam Stroud, u resîdeot of Milton foe tise pait28 ycars, dîed un Jan. 4, 1973 in Miton 0in s920h >000. A rctoied section toremao on the raîlcuy, boe cas gceatly devoted ta ruîtroudieg and O hie iaoniy. Ho ca orire c1879 ai Oriîu u nd lîved a utRks FoUls aid Tr7ool Creois betore nomiegto Milton 28 yours ugo. Ho iived ut dohe corner ut Mary amiditronte St. fis ile Ruth Eva Seter predcceased tao, as did a son Abert of Mlton. Srviving ureo tbee sons Harod ut urisu Falls, Jobn ut Ooolîn nd Konneedoot Tdldon Lab. Faierul service cas heid Jan. t aido Rev. R. W. Foster o Grace Alilcan Churcis nttsciating. Ittrmcnl cas in Eveegroon Cemoetery. "ITS AIL GONE Hote," Heatisen SithOJof Twisl Rd. toUs theo umi150 hus udnptod bon aid ber tailiy. ise nmi occepts food trom Houdoons miînd snd bus o passion fer oxpeosive matus. (Photo by B. Burtt) Frco are getting rîdîculoas," ays Froddio Roman. "t cent 10 u $t0a-pite dnner lasIngiso aid 10 cas aI my mimse." -RobsSylvester, New Yrk Nce Evcry oai has a secret cîsh: To ot-sosurt racebnrses, cumen aid tîob. -CburlieWadscucth, Orlando Sontinel RIGHT ON NEW ECONOMY CAR ..Ate RIGHT NOW ~EI a87-2355 ((I~I4~f ~ 7JIIj~ Streetsville Lice PONTIAC'S 388 mass St. , MILTONu Enjoy the living warmh of electric heating. EleCtric hetîng doeo more Ibmn keep you worm - il mîkeu life pleasant in loto of other seapu. Vouil iind an elecîically heatad homo bas more usefol spore, i0 quiet and restful, and is ousie 10kaop cloun. Rring the living aiarmth tii lectric heaaing 10 voue home. your hydo O 50aaMaie5si Q milton hydro ýPhotte i78-235 4 R. j not a Iikely story WHAT IS YOUR LIFE? Inometing the probleons o file, the Ci tstian ralizes lhat t if ot inmatat waolketh to direct vs tepo" I Jereovait 10.231. He theretore aoails himse If of t he rich cesourcen of Gnd's ord to guide is steps. He isn ot unduip concereod cith matorial values ince ho hon iarnod of the truo riches ha1 are trnal (ittho 6:19, 20). He. s nef prominnd treeom from ilinons or tragodp hut ho don haoe the promise th01 -&Il things ork togther toir gond te thoon th01 love God, te them mwho are caiied ccoerdlng te is prpono" (Romans 8: 2). Regardions et mhat may hîppon or chen. ho n prepared. is cool In sale ln Ggd's keopin ad 00000f ho harmed hp accidents, Ilinons, o o 10mb isasto. Troip, ho han "the. oece.oft md chich passons ait ioder. standing" (Philippians 47). Are yoo a Critian? Jemos said, "Como 0010 me, ail Vo th01 laor and are heaop iodes, and 1 ciii gioo peu rot". (ltt,1i28). Indeed, Chrstianity ottors tho soutions to ait the prohlioufllie. Wn'tyoutasO note ot Tour lits? Como and worshlpmith us as mie trive ot practice irst cmntury Chrlstianity ln the tcmntioth centory.----------- -------- Free-MaiI TODAY Pleaso ,Proidol udmmntin 0"Chri5tiattity I neoiainl Osrai of Christ pamphlet 241 ings Court B ible Correspondaonce Course Milton. Oet. Ph. 878-6050 Persnoc Bihle Studi' NAME_________-_______ _ AODRESS PHONE CTY PRO.______ 1 - mmmumumni as Cloristonas and isce 000entbrd lius mure or cous been adopled un aiaooly pet, uoooul unsdth olglit ouuod. For 00e lacis ni a ietternamo the Sm1000 rai the oc HMotie. Whde the hird eventualty amade fieade citis oncisoftheo timity, il etili ebles amay froon visltoreiad toolona Met. Sonido la there, utrangers iront oatitled toany msore thie a gliepseofeth0e id the bird. Judgtong troon 00e dietth0e bird le on, it s bOole monder il bot 000o aauloue ta net ep camp le nom iseidquartere. "Ho lises eupnmice oseat beot aid rejecla bread" Heatiser exptaieed, otiag doit mastofut blefoad crne ru tale urrape. Hoatie leaveonhe favorite porcs cn a nonrby tre e sn hmile callod and ionually momniegs wW ilid hlm eittieg on tise iitchea cledoc, caitieg for tas adopted taonly ta soir. tleadoer's isaad BReia tound the oct un oboervait sout aie nsarniog cisea ho min Inveet- ogating the soerce oetcrrtrouble. Braiiad lontd the hbod nifto car and mas bon y lnveetigatiig misen tise bird taeded on the raed bond aid peared dame at io. "10 can asif h 0e bird mat utiering ado ce, Brian i