17 REAL ESTATE 17 REAL ESTATE 17 REAL ESTATE 17 REAL ESTATE 17 REAL ESTATE 119 LEGAL [eCantn îin n. e. aue 7 93i CHRISTIE & WOODS Notice to Creditors NÇSGAWEY7 n.. l n oMOFFAT VILLAGE BROKER ln the Estate nf WILLIAM B RlI ç1. $390 189 Main Sret MILTON GEORGE MORTO, te n' $34900the Tama or Miltn, lu lthe During tbem inaugural meeting compianung that the OFF whirh Deirable nconer property. Country ni Haltn. on Monday, membern of Nanna- patrol tir township nannot ~8--0' REATOR Large manonry building conist. Town guonju Township <ouil Ottlownhshi ing of panious 7-.i o îupat- i aiicam WE TRY HARDER mnto tapotuit. Muain fion. id- l\LOMt PROPERTY ainstih t' tateof WILLIAM -Stwtteibn Iransîoolunln a utîl 1)[iuocd tit ý,li lo q cal fnn body nhop,ý gonogs- or Fitlin moreted builditng, main GEORGE MORTON. 'lin o nic noatlsupisao [rom lunl yer and anntocai opening for the 'new largo soorkshoo. 1 romt nord for cnnfectionry store. iommetorcial, pluas 4 p- TonuO tof Mtlton. ibth Counly se thedue datesat Feb. 28and townshp garage tbis priig. Innladnd. 2 gan puntps and 1,000 liait. tanks in ground. uninoonis, excellent daman- of Hulion. relirnni. usilio dism on Aprdl 10. Gond feotns. Willie Essery (416) 854-9963 or Ulnited Trust town locatin. Toi-ts. or about the lO8tit day ai Aug- -Nuineni Deputy Renne im (519) 824-5054. WoiriblMddmomsh 1972, ar hnreby nnqturad -Agreed to drail a resoluition Watson la sit on Nassagameya ,71c 1 [saul partirours af sorh to the Tank Force on Poliînug, innmig Bourd in plane of te NASSAGAWEYA - MOHAWK AREA - $87,000 1iri, in . [uni nnaîg nm ciaims thei undersngnnd nn or ___________ rnbnautomtaiynex Rabighomo, 100 acres, harn, scemic pond, nesird amnoog mver- prfmoE fod etbn2 ieuyafnbae teAE greehng . 1et odbnos. n 1975,alrsiihdi h 20 ACINSLS oit rbr ges deuigentleman farm boasts hugeivning room& ltdo egdoio 3be Selenrd ConSto a [imýplra, 50! pariy rom %viril slane limepluor und barbe.1 Country Fstute usuels wiii ho disistoo riniye 10 bSe e d nibeo Coadl sur.nrpante diningronmdendoube grage. Excellent esnein fieam iiuce.Wiiiie Euuery (5191 824-5054 or (416) 854-9963. REDUCRO ctuinon e.bic hune than bren AUCTION SALE peooiadoteamn $26.900 fliI prton, 3 - bednom nenetord. M1 isirios conitte, ith Drput>' VILAGE 0F ROCKWOOD - $25,500 bnick home on balf acre lio IATED ut Miln Ibis 5oh day Atev hoAJstn t ut îîi lo uim Waison ulsoa EuiCnduof' ooe rgeuniyeouregoet om mit diotog Iorna, nI Junuary, 1973. SATURDAY, JANUARY 27 committre membr and HOM H0 WEEK lag, 1000y living rom, diolag room, 3 bedroomn utra ni uertmt o anc- RUBY ASTELLA MIORTON, t120p Cuoeirtioording breomet HOME OFa ac et border af oeeens. Ex uti 150 tntitqne items pIu on se b r poethadidnipet to toi. nr meit patto donrn. 00111 finrna9184 eenu îtolrt stw bu p n ce oand planningiromttien be4bedroom plt,çiuaebaok uplit.ce ad los cn omwusale esrdy(5on92- CliYvnniChisiefomaiot: undelecs lonouloalatet bath scools. Han ut ban erduord. su try youc cffe 504o 416) 854-9963 moen-logo ponnmrnî 878-20959 FUNK & FLANNAGAN ment. tc uan ntîl arcs-pt u i- wit Counotior Ruossell îoduy mth Juokie Horion 878-9511. NSSAGAWEYA 4th LINE BUILDING LOTS . 207 Mtor St. iton n mount u on oni MucAcîhun ass ug mebre nnoe COMMUTER SPECIAL $31,900, brick ratur bungalow, ionoly 100' x 250' lot, lurge bIng20ManS.MitOtmeMcAhu saebrofoh Stx miles framt 401 tit 3 beroom brick bungalnm lu situtd on rom mith brick iteoptace, diaing nourri e.iîb sîiding doors Oui àf Townbesattoseri lod bItînigttrk. aOOtiS corner bull acre lu the country. Tep yoar offr of 10doech astoc hwndtrnomre mibbte nsite W 0.1,0ARD oROWNRIOGE. O-djourord t0 mert agato on $26.000. For fucîber informatiola cal] Juokie Horton dobrgnu mr rafrr.Wiiie Esseny (519)15 l'x 200, $9,008. -Notice f0Cedtr 20,38 Anotînor. ian. id. 878-9511. 824-5054 or l4tit 854-9965. 17c38 19 acres, $12,900. No capital t.roîor cotntributon rcqoîrrd on ibis- HAVE IT BOTH WAYS -lot. Cuit1 Myrtîr McCtettau ln tke malter nf the Rutair noAf r Situaind on gond sized lot miib 100 fi. feonauuoon main sureau 878-5190 or8782M. ROBERT HENRY ERVIN, A J U s. C T 10 N S LE ibis 5bedeom 2 stoy brick oldehm fends itselffio WATDin the Cnny af Halîne, Reti- For JACK KELLY your muy of liing. Zonrd MI (iigbt induutriatt [he nous-E IbnsWeAirTEasDtu 7tLhor Athtn..n2.'ttt Eramoti5 Twp, onEriEamo- ibitties ana multiplo. Culi Jacke Beton to hune a lont fDFCESSsaTwLie(oii Rcd2,3unsIl f24Hgay îudup. 878-9511. collent cash rtity, maiting A. n rmLn Cniî soi21 o ns I2 -ihop EB 68 MAIN ST. fton homes in Milton & sue- AL persoos bavin0 any e.ioun% bet\%tcon Guelpb uni lun, 1n COUNTRY LIVING ON A BUDGET nssoondiag orea If yma are claims ugainsi the Essuie ai ite Thre beroon bickteriret hmelare ktchn ad lvibi hinig ai nellino, please lahoso -oamed decrosrd, mho SATURDAY, JANUARY 27 ai 12 Noon Ibrr birnse cic snamot ama lais [siohn ui bngMILTON contact Mynsto MoCtollan 878- clied on or about the 201h dus ro untaes onin $96.00. Piodinuseil ut $13,900. Cuti REAL ESTATE 5190 or 878-29aI Noveouber, 1972, une reqoirei CATTLE b 010E.F con-n. 1' ,ot , whir,> '4" 42', 1110' RossCeson 78-511or 88-255.& 1tofseni nolise oithrsnmeîoibn Heronrdn oats, 2 Shoniboon itîto boit, Rou eson87-51 n 88-75.& uuBrokeru CAtI, ondrigned solicitors on or [se- cons, 2 Hotlstein co, ubo'e TRIUCK t-n r1ý3,,,t tilftn COMFORTABLE STOREY and ONE-HALF VINSURANCELD 878209 th l3ddyfFb our boio ind nie sFlving frni bd uponitk,,t Compssd of 3 beroms, noporuir iing rosm, bnssadioom ia LT 87-05 1973. ulsen wbicb d&to th, dis.,n otuiuc uon ot.- liinegmnmundbhall, 4 pu bathbn ullbasmeent. Come If Busy 878-6057 toibotin of the esiate fillie. MnoS t on, exat bnodtng dut smo it toduy ssitb Sons coscon 878-9511 on 878-2755 17c38 ma50e.demitbegarditorliuien tu îcOnliî0W'sonnsale da, 4 i.,iiiniiii rItit wih 138ntc.900 lb, BHWItiltn,,îlniîiiiiîiicand to,I îhi FOR EDOO S ATPD ai Millon ibhis 120h Ilin 3 9W F li6l.i,00 Iho. cl di, pi 5oi di ut; 2 grain ~-~-u-~~u->rff FOUR BDROOMSday of Jauorp 1973. 6ttitu luond-tt, ni, 1,1 '00 Inl' andt) ilhti-iii Thi ubielodr bridk o is o ibane onb af 41,ce parcelo it 19s' L lb uncîuciîc,i -îîs.sgod Wîndnii iiitlon t tnpý el- *uO B E R T Tbis e latd, m on boc bcomolswa loruie o 401 orm e vilafgel 1 EGAL HUi'CHiNSON & coniionn. tii .ltiiîiîi p itit-tin. H.FOD REA tsAT TDf Abeoet about a 15 minoîn drive tram Milton. - THOA8PSON, UYb 3îhnos.nc , N,20 ain -,; xlen H. Ot Rt., Milt TE LTDoafrmP NOTICE 2Minntui. HOG - 3is York -, bruoitat îi,,inb piiolîni 36 1-1c 22Olat S, Mlnt atni rtt îmiOFFICE , W. M. Seuger Security Solicitors fon tbe Enroulons wîtb 12 pi gos aisiu 7 weeks -, oNr t. o i anit basket,; ei - botu~Smli mole fleur office, tulofd on Mua St., broudioom, prsoute Co1laî iie 9c40 titi, Yorknhbig, gond nrecirof uiligb bun ikting, c4- IN THE MEANTIME - olîanco parking, etc. cosutat ilste c'ti', i-i0 .tti NOTICE is horeby gioenntbat fibome b 16BLE TRAI TORb an IMPLEI ]en, tee!i g..i 01 iiii For information on Iisted properties and! NOL ESW M. SEAGER5ECURITYI fteonrO h % BLU o i toc, t% mlIýiib frestimate ofvle laecontac onuL Tb.mi00uuîcîbTiideginour omttinu CONSULTANTS Li'MITP.O in METEOR CONVERTIBLE bao Mae teg Illno rtooltir poititlt .,t' i iboti for ofe valu TIeis of e prmn uidn snwnarcmIý n tonds tu disolven by ttling Art-.nos picked op car ho Janounp ,Looit No.C 70 o non,; 1 il i 2tîso 2" ooî tir,' oui local reps., Mr, KEN MARSHALL ut tomu aîto urmnc 0 hn edpl toa oo iOsouinnltst it ih od Inn-an Csunno Fnssitit u t.OKiti rd11 ril ti, il2to andt24 liit 878-6228. foe irluils. Mnistryof ConsumeruandComn- uni ý suoag 5nco,1nt. i; i ~~~menotul Relatins, punsunt 3-.ro wm trol. nloun nid, MH blD 7tttnutlont FO RMTA 'ortt--erThe Husiness Corporations Acl. BONIN'S ESSO I- oîn ct-i plw a.I F0 11 su Ion itr;15 a-o hi FO RMTADCUTutOiUS.i. SERVICE nî1'Io iî.Dsî Onnis 41800 hais olîtsi nbiti SHAP ATED at Milton Ontario, 5 Maisn Siront c-ur. soi, 3ii pâ-i b; t g i,îc SHAR, harnai plîîs of pbe r 197 Miblton, Ont ' tiiiroc Ibo s the ool-y mon ta doscribe ibis immaculala home. You C A L L 19b4 'ati dya nme.172 MiaOt. sitîtntivéi ..nbbot. 19 tîîîîîb. a ilii haawulh ont [rom patio doors lau. edor u.n 8AR G.9oACK Cansedobleciîno MUH Ictiiîîl gcî oi dock unto a ane loI. This 3-beroüm sude-uptit mitb 87 8 -288 Sertr EAEr Oie UARtand toin ut ll u.5 - eîttito FUl. UR andPOFu ANTIOL a oat n suiterad lag anl' ar hoe. Sentaw Tmfrf5 173 but3 nîsso,, nsc teelci Neî ,, toc E Aclo an hair fe litemanylînohounstat Acypue-_________________________________ o 12, nton, jocil t -bltitl. noîioîd Inîtolit. 2 boit caskr wu duredtugotnutitsa cmrta home.!82 AUCTION SALES Deer sun-mt.oitnOie.isncn7 t aînl2iîdresser itdlien np Cati Kent Marshull 878-6228 uni lt hint toit pou more.1 Bretilour nI;lt tttM nic,irko. NoI - lîcît ; ittti --e ctirai~i , ' and ,buidsnoidhopeoldiomolubaie !,,mtoiieh; ne. eaitto liditors-2 Priord ai ................ .......... $379S Sertice (10711tor For Cmledo %th. Allîrcîiac bob olong iot - et > titinca:Glo Sevcs(91 Ltd. N NoticeActonSrvc nuncb n,,,2o mounc gou i' %listînget larg nuits Gîl- 85 ACRE FARM - tîiEden Milîs I I t ThSAuio rie uc-un JMS fa rcs2 Go-a gns W il file fiio ,,i rîInt. tîo,îîo c jasit ame mites nortb oI somrte Sprieg fed strmani flows Unimn coenstruction, ruisem ban- ttt EatniJESS0Chris A. Schouten TERMS CASH. iagoauiy airons te ratIna proponîy. Atnmiaom oîud 4-glw largo lioing ram bea- NEY MIASON, lte nf Mltoat,- bedronm banso, modern hitohen uni hatbroom. Bank ut-u icednn o Ontaion relle Maniace- AUCTIONRER Nu ronr Furm soud. cdn bun uni drivshe bin loin oonditioe, Act foot, this farm înisb stiding doors uni deoit rs' Agmnt, deceard. Lunhtoobnnlr Pnots' oponnibic fnn uciden wiii soit quîchtp ................> ....... ..... .. e. u 1Cr r A f bedromso, i 4-se.. bath clos- - saleso ail tytpes. 20t)29 MAX STOREY, Rokohîn ci aîoneor. HOMEPLUSINCOME- waýl ou mahobusrmreîtbwfi ALU pcrsosbuoing uny anontema ae HOME REALTORME- place. Caii' irnreFmres. otalmsuagainttheabove Esttm ncLOR1Lierqurd to senti flI par- e.87-56A CT N S L This brick toi-pioo bus a bauntifut big omeerus 2-bedromn LIMITED Campbellville noîlrsgofoî moctoni neor ton-' Te. 37-27 Aitn OntT1 N SA saite mîith tiropluort ibmth lobin rnom, sepocate ecîracn ____3,______Ont and suttirires incarme tnom ibm toter 2 suites ta brli _____ fAursml ciuosp oa- e the 71bh day at Fobeaary, 1 Oosti 0F FORD TRACTOR. PARM IMPLEMENTS, HOITSEHOLD EUR- figt iflaion Ecelentconiton hroghot.It outlcIci cor 5-bcodmt brick tanm 1973, aller 'hl dat tes- jNITURE, SONIE ANTIQUES, GARDEN ANID HANO TOOLS, te the bs ineront Non e made, botîn son it ta- ONL $70 , bouse. uarge hovonroota, sep- l aie asois mut te dislnibalod, GLASS, CHINA. APPLIANCES, MISE. ETC. don .......OL "'""""0 14-Rinceoteu umaim punetîd dienn om'buiongugad nnyto lairris ,, a ,., ________17o38'i 2 -nonm oewihba ' 20s17'hîtrho3 btrmut &0'bluorneoîr dU LrwruM At flicti, l e ii th 6n Ib i 'ni. of Nona i.ýsaglez l'p.. toimoom bittan im amain Itone tamîly comtaile THE CANADA TRUST CO., Lcrd Aurtiner Co,î O. Lot 19. Fioni Guito 1 tîku 11%%N 7 cnst Ioi Blîoc Sprngs5 Rd. k itohen rinoody forpyour per- cuigaos rele.A 11 og iFr,-Lvsk sentir îppnrox 5 tutus t'it, ulcph Lin, las, 20 S-r7coui FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS sorai lonobî, 3 gond stan bli-d larg plsapta . îbg Sq-i oo t1, Onrt.U M c nt ,îppîîîîî miles boln soleilbbt ile. o En Unît 25 ai the mais, ai ne1y deoatld, & pe Torool 210, Oct. nda a- Furcitturre Sales bpos-iicstnre go lionî2 milos, ueon lbi ton iho ttb Lino, I moita. Phoe:bu netusho yu!Sitat $8,00 it god eros.C HU:TH SONAI Phone 878-6730 For Mr. and Mm., MURRAY HAYWARD Phonen ~ý onr ta futl fboncpnte 1 98'o ,000 es gond sorte Cuit n THMS, Milton Ont.f ATURDAs -AUR 20 aiy1pNoo MAURICE BEATY - 878-6418 juot 2 blocks tene scol Les3 Hu0km4 219RAY MaieAR At, Milon Ont Apiaiaoonl Ooe't bosîtate on titis one!t 100 Acres Fnond N8 inînlî eelet oltsi mlo allt fu, and ic Enrs nig u te r inml on tioe Nanr's finosit p ou muet pri- londît ns engin, -t.iti 'ds 11 rit],: Susaý Il ri1fi5 CANADA TRUST REALTOR le Aenrttm A Cai uni , ora aimi eaont- 12 UTION SALES 20 AUCTION SALES t son iîuotci jt ntnocîtittbltioontp HATNadPE IIINMLO 7-01 mtng,Ibhave i and enty -ois.lb os n 3 pb.h ETO 01 SEi95tt FIRNITUSF HALTO und EEL DVISIO 870-85i 550 per acre. For fuomber de- A S LE bnNunît scoîp; ciîn.,îî -i, (ilsfloîîolandîîchair;îîsso lint4 TORONTO07423038 tls itoooLeUmBunker. A 0 N SA LE pot.; Deornli oninîsuitît Il "Il[ sco Ie Mille: ring4 010 IIlîtb nh oc fue l n ton o 1 1,0 tii lo t ab le: t bo ok-tti TAN 1HOMPSONREAL[SIAIE ~ROIER] IN MILTON Smumîî to berr tbriktungalwiu istcascn dition, prunoto drive and ncmy taedscapod laI. Datti cosidootuot port o[ lame, 126,900. Ctotuo building lot 60 e 132', recetp naparatrd, Com- ploIe wstb prinato bedgieg and nbadm re. Lust- cd ai 113,900, Raoted for pong monoutine. ibree bedmonte home.r Cant anuitubto. tf pou are bhii cf -aluni unît mach lite un eotualion, gis-meta a cati, For Persona[ and Confidential Assistance with Your Reai Estate Requirements caîl STAN THOMPSON - 878-2455 442 Woodward Ave. MILTON, ONTARIO Phone 878-2455 17c38 0 aocrs andaocm 2 -stan-p homo mifb attabed 2 cur ga- To bh l boi t their resideor, 125 Uyiia Ave., Miltone, on rogeo Offmilg 5 bedroomo, 3 boîbroomo, largo livicg' SATURDAY, JANUARY 20 ai 12 Noon r m wlh a brick ftmmptoc., orpueuto dinicg ram, tamilv APPLIANCES - R.C. Vie- Rulter Soott; 20 neatter hourdi size hiiohon aed maic flon non 21 " TV: .C.A. Vicoo radia ho bo' b Cbarles Diokens; 10 famuîp roam. Non 25' x 30' o nd neord piaper Westing- trother bourd books by Dom- mtorl ban uni speîag loi houseroig'nulon Frigidire us a' 6 roî bnnnd boots bs puiti Ofimrmi ai $55,900. CuIt: oetoriu sttovet.'. umrs Woeoeer Roýbý6ee Homs'0 ; S leather Uc, Bunker. cabinet radio, Viking wmnunobouci boohi bv Vicor Hugot; wsuhroovercuuoom; SieO..t 2 and vlumesofUes Min' Bowling AIley cm otocînlo nssui macbine; meaties (in Englishi); 5 olumes 6 autmatitaes, rorntymi urugaimotbe' ockh.O;tcoi1raumr bottniwonhs byobert nisbri. inerior of building pact îýMcGrwEisn)air onU:ouis Stevenson; 6 olumesle- remuînotoi, goani mture on diînr irmboe hourd monho hyWm. Sta- lOrintia oouisPen FURNITURF a bdad ho-ro. On'niShort toiehm plap, Exoellent torris th nc, dresse,; drese,-n d 1761,0 dRr o rti BruboîAams nwaleircluson lesetintrr u2 siianbhirs; irr ek 111 l00.ntmenoflTherNelmAge En- unoilodmit. Caliu Oo' Dam' bonoon, gneen gentlemîan'soc ynloîtedia 192". and orbor land. ousional chair, hcunlmtet pion gond bconbs bufftt 6' long: set oI 5 mapta MISCELLANF.OUS - BIne Commercial and nîde chairsn, rminishei ad ne- Flameed Cnoch; nîheronroots. Industrial Property oaned;t onlir drap - ci île ait taops; finarptaoonottung & Coolucn "no" cloasIaci, me otype om ir non n to, irons' 2 rngs about l0' x 12'; Ricditoîip orerbur' hon smuit painting by F. M. Bmn- batr drsh gondone;o crrynPnrîî 2 Id trames and gnd Behu ealt othesi of deamees. gond, misuhor posetungs ot d Bond Limmoges; , rockercandchair; 5 Ionochairs; lass chbina; uni othon setoli Services (1961) Ltd. wuamdoao,; dossing table;' cbrst r S 5mb Tbomuas moight RELO ldrowssoo 2 smal uIcbb ýýk1 OK; e.hmelolhoto sIeel RATR spnal toi, gond ant,; Jenos rnr.n 'G ng Nantit" about Milton 878-4121 4 mt sikoa 0" t 50" ty Joseph Pratt; loto ,bsIe an t cst of dram-1ga.rdo oaluo, sutteturmaow and Toronto 826-3085 rtommode chaim. trîo usaunaioneepc 17s98 19BOOKS - 25 boots bp S I nînontS.t Pîmaso Noteu Titis ns an excemllent, dre uftrring. Omes havm F 1IND sId teiebaomeand aregivng uptousereepin. The wy toe byTERMSu CASH. No reutre. semiing itemu n lnger in o epnilefracdns nerded. 28n3t MAX STOREY, Runittenuti Auntioneer 3 pb., 24-plulo Fornd 2 ionnîrsî îîîîîîîn ou.1 :I o'.a fable; bitais 2 -ooo welun.ci tnînlun i commnîunmiti hd: tt.gbt n.oitrse;20' l,li' i111 ît' 1 b.ii t os ot scaits -, ,is lun notor, mliii -nî, e.tn a1 tnd maureosn. itO% îîtula sb. boat dîtî ilht m.ilOl Iotui-rl Otntîtbon: Dom pilusset, ,iic t h.î Coi dlii. 2 pumnp otl-, 30 gi. tabînntttî,mIr)z c'intlîiîîillen nnpiotenuîni;nobbnn tînodolci -id1i ti 1-1 i topý tuihi & bl,îî'!n-; 32' extnsion ludîlon '2ttîiî t -ut Ii mut oý in îî Astiln con, sclim 14 lin: ' îI l,îpî Cutcttoi as i' cupboars 17 2-c, oIdiebrs, iusnng go; ipplînox 1,0 buhai o'îîw APPt INSPFA 1 ît'Ion e.u, n nnîlmxe bsn: quantI nc cr ossî toup Fiig ida I fîlimbe &foilrflmbr; titi-(slosîtings trnî4groît gond qOarltil nsui u.oitiwnoci a s no'n Frigiaire n - bhumern trl ot lngothbi nlti1,) 1lua urt»nti,4Ien.gnli alc ao marotel radios: i.ARN, GARDEN rni OTU kitioit ci-i: fans n : onth FR TOOLS. MINO. t b hp Gîtn on -1,t1 edcii zrpacc t son36b'etidni,îngua-,nnsol liu.tisbl.Iooi huaoicu 2 posoo' lutin nîos 20' oud ouý ouii. cia o fs i8" blair, ponh wtnito il tiu h: Llt,- nstecookwabs'trt: tunpnt;2taoon frl-t prcad-itisouc nuîse nr ers; 14 rnm sIanohion,. owp-i lot,; qu0001 Of mil tur01 nc, %\TiOt:FS Reîîniltod Pols,7nolisof sansct ,-. ais- tilts, pnc 'nbon: tîei. pnnso. n olîîîon ib wir. îtn,'ticnk.n6tIiî-i,ho hais; quuotitvofa patio filgsturno 2 uîîlî, onnld cirîn filas, icn sulis îof peblockhandtz,,Itt tîittu oM flointu,îlol. ns-eint ool lr vlioooi'm tom,' d, ik n,'îlunn chtir:n pine os- drus; qoonîlîs; of bonbons iîîî uni tiluto lum h so, fi tv' andbitohclbumpeo' 12lfonti.,ut pnin, n tscîpboard; stop lidot; Film aI ssnap rn' bnitinrsal TERMS ARE CASH No elroms. Farm i, solîl, sîsser mooing. Ownarror autiocommenot nosonaeibe foroaccideat. Lunchnb holtc Ladies ai Ebrarari' Cittimot Orne aI Salet tiaorbeoli gonds ut 12 Ilori, feilomni ty waon lot, mnoo.oandtuarmnmplcmreîus 20h83 Aucîlonoont CHEtS A. SCHOUTEN 870-2576.