MacArthur.. 35 seeking [Casaffesus fetn Page if 08W mordensnaisi aise hasi I a. Marrues presnee thse une appainfeif fA. Preafon of job> thiru od marduss miffs the wards,n'n grot Bssrlisglas la f5caf a regionol andi reifuraledsUtefaenfa Se o molte of conasy Lonksng for sumeune ta do part mode carle 8ecmpisnioiag thse muneif 9e nofesi the enxtessat tiue mork as a diosict farno, a peruanaf, profensionof, andi bmundariesuof thse raglan moulsiSe moman reeentlp placed! o isefp polîbrcaf cateeo ise isefd for licr. oet 8p the province bof nise felt manted ad mu The Champion, andi He nofei lins resssriss earh e i lIere moulsi ise raon for nite mas amazesi aft the resuffo. thse meeftig more not i aoy map negotiasson on internat Sie received 35 replies -foce fa 8e faisco as Seing a pernonal Seandarses. from semi-refired men, fise assaali or eharacter rritieism. 28e reniemesi special projects remainder froas 20006 mes and Mcs MacArhr saodshe hud oitadino1972oand menonei tes.agerslookîngifor part ioe 0001 Miton Dostrctc [ligh SchüoI omngm entîco, the baiano service tsoofl 077une and see Principal Charles Ifooter. Mr. commlice and eoad main- Hanter and assistant super- tenance management as mntendeol of lise Norths Educatin programos Ihat gaI off the ground Pasi Warden.lIon fmaninrougi Centre Don Thonmas affendei lIse on 1972. presentedl 18e chaîn of office andi Tuesdop meefing andi Mru. Site saggesfesi t8e "tnmm your Nassagaaeya Deputy-reene Jim MacArthur smid any qoutions maunfy" programt tisaI fol ulartes Watson presenfed flomers on aisout anailahîlity coulsi he mn 1872 sisouls iSe confinuiesi To Sehaîf aI Nassagamepa Cosrd ansmeresi S filema. pot empisasss on eultarat value asd resideols. Watsmn said aBier Wheo tise vole came Bois site suggeslsýd an amard ime gîven moring four pears on c005i il McCuag andi Marjorie Pomys of las the isesoùni pointimg sepicig mmlh Mes. MacArthur 8e knes- the ilitos, Mrs. MacArthar andi iim a Hfaiton seene and have thse couolp coancîil mouid Se gmided Watson of Nassagameya, Terpy cvainty piirchase tise wmmomnig mit S a polîticai pomer feonm Maooeii of Oakoiiie, tan Cone of paimting ansi haog itleai 18e coanty ainse or îîeîom, hon by one08 Esupesing as meil as t3ave Cos admioistration boilding. moris aîlh the coanicif. He ansi Les Preston of Barlmf ton Serg-n conchided hîs remaries 8y sotisg suppolesi ro. McActhir. Aan rgoe, Ca t he coiceof 001e norfo os tise voire sPpe Mrsas Ma c Kehur e Jusige ula 08au, ony fte nooeh no longer, bot the Pete Mars an PatMcKezieCourt Judge, offiriatesi at the voîce of ail Hatlin. of Acti-fnT Hilf of Euquening. smearîng-is ceremoop for 08e HicMoen ud ene yks f memhees of coanicîl and the feverai reùered or defeatesi fileorgetomo ansi AI Mamaon of marden. Ren. H. W. Poster of poliiiciano us oei as a nmmee of Oai'de supportesi Morroo's led. mirace Anglican chueeh recilesi former mardens mere in Regfaneaommfltee the peaper of dedicalton aond con- altendaocc ai the meeting Le hier inaugual speech the daclesi the mnoation. 'l'esday. Ç&taaRepr I b Ybile jMilton Council briefs Darmng lise inaugurai meeting of Mîlton Coanril Monsiup, memnes movesi quirisly alet regalar isusiness mils somne changes on the haoding nI uorescpondence and the onduci ul te t7'70707. In eua -Aoihortord peoparaiun Sp R6. V. Andersonsaod Amociates of a repdel on 18e deamnage of fise fronr fi. ('reeis ant a cool of -Engaged H. Aiti tu audit manîcîpal parchases over tise posî threeryrars for overpoyaseof o sales taxes. Mr. Aktfomif 8e poîd '[5 per cent of onerpoymenta Setdisconees anderecovers mith 18e lomo reeamîing 08e balanee. -Accepled 18e stoem ansi sanitoiey semers in 08e firsf phase ofth1e Victoria Wmod deveiop- muent after tmîog ads'isedi mosinm catch basîns had been clearesi. -Appoved erection of an îiamîsatid adcermsîng sîgn for a reat estate frintaitte norhmest corner ofiOntariodSt. and Pearl Sti. The sign is tale nine feet 82 sieetiand0the hollomnof the sgn os lu 8e 15 feel [romn 18e groansi. -Approvesi remosat of four chesiouiitrees at0the samo Pearl- Ontîario properly aI 18e omner's ropeose, [oui reieres ftSe malter ofairee replacementlpeogeamfto the couocil s publiie relatios comnoittee. -Asioplesi a reensumendafiaOn ai the Planning Boardf that moulsi FC7oane 18e Miflon Comsoanity Ceedît Union propertp bo oummerciai ansi permit sonsicus'hon of an additioo to 18e building ta the7 front50 andei lot .77777 n 0707.oo'7071g 70 lob' and7 sie plan agreementfl are tu be prepiaced. -Approned occupancy permilu inaparimeot huildînes sol nervesi hp elenoforo iserause of lIse ofrike mn thse indunlry, prooided tise omner andi the tenanf 0160 OS agreement rehievmg the fors of 002 reort-O uibilstp or lîafufîtp. -Agreed to seek renoning of thse Haines propertp aI 95 Main Sf. Lapermit the useofmoromon as an art centre. f.earoed lIse report made severai years aigo on semers for the Forest Ceove area mas beiog upolatcd by the engineers ta aoymhere if y00 thmSk yoo are already lisere. SH a7lfl FOR DEPENDABLE SERVICE 818-6380 four Siiefi Deafor BELL BRGS. MI LTON Tise Champion, MiIton, Ont., Wed., Jancaep 10, 19737 f0 nosuene telo pou fisat ise ooce dsd, theo 200 cao prettp meSl tis'f feel au neur o Cod asSle loo mhîch one has mooed. 1912 CAPRI 1912 MUSTANG V65Mh t7800 t ic,05 Lc No. do., 5adoop, V8 W352 aulomai-Poe teeoog 0352aod rud,o L,s N. 780410 1910 RIDEAU 500 1961 METEGI METEORS WAGON ail standard 78877<85 Plus sle'îg poer77 s L., roof rck an a, N.8019 89 AS IS NO CERTIFICATE- 1971 Meteor, 2 dooe 7878705 Li5 No N8305 $1999 e e. IGE 'Tfe olfier day I strode, file in hand, int 0ne nf the largent governmeof deparfonenfo, defer- onned bo suIve a peoblemt for one of my Hall on constituents. As f approached a pleosant-looking civil seceant Sohînd ftSe eonoer, f noticed a large grey compofer- l5ke machine in the corener of tise nrrm. If 075 about six feet sqoare hy 15 feel long, and dhsplayed a ser180 of dials and grapho on the froof. If hoooed quielly. "Wha'slhal?""Ilîried tnsouod casual. in casel1was spposedfto linow. 'PYou -ooiiced, S' e replied, fis lace brîghtenmng in satisfaction. «"Thai 's 0< itew XY-1500 Red Tape Machmne." P oor Resi Tape Machine"' f RO NOL 5087e peopte Ioe daneosly. Sut sesari folks w887 their foonse aend beiosgieqs peotectod. ur oe packae" Co8,Eooos 18 s t & s:BL askesi, sonmemhat sonpiassef. "Pro, thal's mhere if's ail made for 08îs deportment. Mue8 larger and fauster fiaonlise oni modeis. le addition le t8e standard tlype of linseromeni Redi Tape i CIOTo, menvedeveioped asnembasd mfoch me sali Bueeaucratic lRed Tape o BITo. Il mas actuaf>y creaied as a hp-peodoel of 18e spoce mnduslep. It containsa e type of sys08etîc materiai 08at's esfremeiy steosg, aimoos imposuoie tb cul, esen mî08 18e sharprol mind or tSe mosl poooîed questons. PYou mean pou actuailp mors a ce'ahongredftape?" 1ltoquired dubious1i> -Weil, the machîse dues 08e murA nom for the mSoie ofepaelmet. Atleasi for 08e na future. PBut me hope esenluaiiy tb decveiop a nea Sranrh ni tSe oleportoseol, mî08 fuit staff bo bondie tise eupocfed tocreasesi samber of fies and mallers ISai miti require 18e applicatin of eed tape to ihem.- "My goodsess", 1isaîd, lue lacS ot any other appropriafe eepIý. Serve fhemn aIl tfout our ullîmale goal", Se nidcd, lomerong hi, soîce, !e 7< the cooiter, .27.5 daciog aroood for possîie cavesdroppers, "10 ansenlire new depariment bu serve the needo of dI gosorniment agescîrs-The leptcarment ut Red Tape." * i'hc names of severai Memcers ot P'artiament mhom I lhought oould Se emîsently suitahie usosers of the nem deparimeol tllahed throogh my mord. A rehattai occareedto me. h ono1t oh," I shol back. fhat iheory has ateeady Seen triesi milS Ioformatioo Caoada. I0 mus set ap as a single centralioed ugeos> tb gather, reproduce andi dîstrîhate information os ail gooernmest progeamo and polîcîrs. Bat as me isnom il's a faîlare. EacS deparîment Sas choseo lu maîstaîs its otOn nooripiation section ta hasdie 08e publicution and oistributin of mosi t ofb omit materiai. Information Canadai oioeaeiatay btl gctong materiai, or te supplyis inadeofoate."« -WSy.- '1 escloaîties, Songer poîntedl opmards, orgettisig moneioly that t was not addcessong an ail-candidates omeeting, 'Why, a Department 0f Roed Tape. ise Inormation Canada. moutd oniy resulti duplicamtoon of sercice, soaste of ¶anpuyers' money. and a tangie ot annoing ced i m)ochimes tetumphaoly Sefore i coutol finish. Nom yoa se got He gloord ait sm completeis tmkîog hspoin.l Islunflout, ie ihand, prohfem unsofoed, havn 00lol tis baftle, Sut rest assucesi, sot the ar J. R.C re Q QPTOMETRIST Ouf LINGTON MALI. TELEPHCNE 632 7788 POLLOCK tCAMPBELL 7527 0500 e Mern1.1 I serviceN *~~~ ~ na. .~a5 ..i..... ....... I Multon 676-2911 362-4411 3f5-8315 305-f341 365-32f2 361-430f f77-f510 365-3494 365-3292 677 9564 36806041I feoflol 365... .. ...1 I * fmnyon 451-2473 451-2473 451 5080 451 5880 451 5fff 451 2404 "677-9510I Genrgetown 877-35' " ' f77-3571 457 1720 311i22b 45i 1721 457 1721 853 1020 Milton -478-3495 87f-3435 0055ii 0 ff5s 00550 634-4444 006 0 ii o5) 0 '65 3280 (o 4 - - - - - - - - - - q