Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Jan 1973, p. 18

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86 The Champin, Mton, Oct., Wed., Jonnery 10, 1973 Hornby Euchres. highlight community activity RN Mes Jîim Hamiltoe Cluh nicld their uccbly cuchre party un ilatucitut cight, Dec 30, et tbe North Trufulgar fiecreulioe Centre. There wr eight tablesuteuchreein playit She peines gemng lu Mes. Len Hamilton, drs, E. Freecccod and Mcc. Esu Steen. The gets prises cere wo hy Vi Preston cwhu pteyed as n gent),. Clure Wilsun, Wilmee Mescu and Harold Soueltie. The tucby deuwe ere won (y Mîldre Mesn utd Wilhert Nic. Nancy Peck cf Port Creit spent Uie weekend withMr.uand Mes. Garrv Humilton und family for New VeaCes. Mec. Esc Steen ci Toconto, spent tue ueeheed csith Mes. lacea Hamilton. liicthday gceetisgs are exlened tu Albect Murchent crii Kes Flea, chu utîl celeheute tirer hirthdeys Jan. 15. Steiseesare h reetistls are extetfed taMr and Mrs. Albert Mîeccre, chu cmli celehecte Ster eeddîtg ateisersary Jet. '. rhecrmeeslcrieefs estend heir best triches. Birthda> ileectiege are estecded tu Miss Belle Stout, chu cili celehecte e htethdey Jus. Gel we11 l.etweilluishi sucre exteded ts hcs. FrankhPeecc, whsisca patient te the Milton District Huspitaliuollccmig ugeeh Jet. 6. Hec cict) fiîends esteed Ster get ceil triches tue a speedy Keni. Kesîlea tnd icîiîî of Htueshhand Nancy Pechuof Prt Credif cere dinner gursts oe Nec Yeer's cîth Me. and Mes. Jeu Iftit ult. Me. ced Mrs. Kee Sout, Jury, Jemîr ccd f.crey Musre ot Georgetown, ere dicter gurets oneSedey evrntgwitMr. ccd Mes. Geery Hamilten aed teciy cf the Nttth fie. Hsrehy. Frietd iltte pleaedltuheee that ArthurPltetîuecupeeeting train e seriun speretise ced feupes lu te hume sucet. Me. and Mes. George Trecees and Scot ci Cleebsue vîsîlud se lletcedcy ightcith Me. cnd Mes. Gceey Hamilîton aed tecity ut Horebh. Attiversaey greegs are esteneddtuMr. ccd Mes. George Hamilt uhu cil i celeheule thete w.di re saye Jus. I2 fOrcI wîshec are esteeded lu Gieoege and Filtr. lOîethday geertige are esteeded f0 Cheryl Acte Pecch chu witI celeheete her he-thday Jeu. 10. Fuehe nineers The North Teafalgar Euchre Cluh held their ueebîy peety Jet. 6l et the North Trafalgar Hecretise Centre. There ere sertn tahles ut ruche le play cith the prises gsîeg f5 Mes. May Semmîl. Mec. Marche Richardson caid Mes. Mildre .Masse. The gens peines ere wonth0WltertBarnardMes. Vi Prestons chu plce as a en lrf OFFICERS 0F CAMPBELL LODGE le Campliellville fer 1973 ussre scoiu t ethIe regleer meeting Jan. 2. Tfsey aie, front rosc rît lu rîght, Se. Warden Ted Jeninge, Immodiate Puef Masset Jouî Beedheed, Wosntpful Meeter Keti McNabb, lustcllitg Muster Jerk Meyhail, and Jr. Wardee Lien Andrews. Middle rue, lefI lu rigbt, Se. Deacce Brscb Harris, .Ir. Deecus George Pefletterit, Jr. Stocard Wayne Taylor, an illeet Nis The lîtcky drues ee o b Wimee Mesne ced Kilbride Irese Gusîltelîse. plul cf the Pisegeuse Luen- mmNHait Jeu. O. The ladîrs' A n i ue petues sere eus ho Mes, Juranie Cunninghcm ced Mes. Jean iheendr The gents prizrs cee for interî ho0b Clacude Mel.ccghlîu and icihe Mi aughlint The duse prise wa o Yin uHamilton. ByMr.PDJ.Soeori femîly oi Me. aed Mers. R.F. Schilling ut Crdce Speîeg Rd.. fi ide, hase heet cuilrclteg aques deticg hecb lu the 18W5e, a unique idruec tuefomed Sts Christenes and a dîsptap lu She public ces put se. J0 Aune Schllting and hec muSeer, Mes. J. Hery, ut Ktîheide, clte lot ci bard eueb and ethenîcc en r look overalmost thee room n the house ced eftee cuiictieg the articlrs dîspicyrd them f0 greai edecetege. Dueîeg She Christmuas seaso Jo Aneedecide taarry She Sheme ut the 1800's een Icether ced she greerrd r dcler gusts wearin. pattaicies, emuch, epese cci cap filai hcd tere made le Sent titre s a peeticcteeiy fie sheit etucb lu he sert, aitd Hosepital chee il cas loundtcsite bacd cufferle a bechet bill. Wr esletd gel cr11 cishen. Mien Joyce Wison retrnel te classes clter the hulidey aI Gucelph Uiersity chore she la ciclueco te the humncitces. Pateicia Ford epet flié hulidcys cîtb ber paents Me. and Mes. B. Fordeandheclhee un Oie Fîlth L,îne and returerd te Ceeltus Universit y Ottaca. Assistant Srcretacy Stuc Gorman, cnd SecretarY Ros Caerti. Buck esc reft lu right, Cheplain Chearles Bryant, lener Guard Allut Parsons, Treesuror Atmx Moore, Tyler Rick Btitsii, and Direclur 0f Ceremuis Don MeMiHan. Absent chre photo ccc taer ces Sr. Steward Date teallanfine. (PhotoebyJ. Jenningnl collection makes esting viewing articles such et te00 cledîng denu, camisule, cergeemeetu. ollis, pctchcoek quils, bats, sceîty hcgs, etc, cnded e pbctugeephs ut (relt, great. greet uucles and cutu Theere uld edsrîsemests feront elues ced picture post cerds. Ocherneillehbolet iiume of Se things fecmSte ld Babereville Hutel cee there, the circtgeîeder, seusege stuffr, box steve. hece sectes, cetn planer ced spidr grill. Mrs. H enry chuced uld cre books, scbcil buoks, cnd the fensily Bible datrd 18a9 0cr stuey thet mehes lcscieaig lîcterict cas about the ld iemialy Shobuser caed the -ieculletss thet setîrd mcey thsusandc and Seosecde ut miles uely tu lu suld, and as part payent, a bleecine suife ufthOe eerly 1800' s ces taer le tschange and that is bingused li> Ju Aune eue. Saucie uftSerte lueely cetîfecîs are t lu e hened user tu te Hciuc ced Brant Museome nu thclsîasy mure people cari sec ce lu Nies. Henaet cuuld eehie arrycue lu hase a prîsete sîec cf Sts terilic collection. Ju Aune and \es. Hesey aee sut tutlly desulrd lu the pcst a's boSe cee talentedcartists Jo Aneba hcdoc '73 GREMLIN An economny car can be fun An import? Hardly! lt's Canadian made with Canadian features that make it great value .. 111e George Ctemen * Like the cygiso, a 23i CIT six cyliîdee P R 1C E " Nec standard tfront cecurcoin FROM hucr tttOt ahsctbs impacts of u t u s 5, m .e h t y e n e t u e y c s u e I o n r a l $ 2 8 * Sîngle unit body cosetructics Ettetgy nhsueiq steeisg couu O Fisue curtedl fuii syomeshet 3eepeed c iatransiso * CatyoupOyiec tait gale wisSus * Fîttore i fe l tack aed sarbacetor tire *Out check theflcistiof teatuestor ioueit.A ce coomi car cao tetufun c.Gel in onthefntussucet Uy Mes. Cecif PaBternon lue hetter leserege. Du eut Me. ced Mes. John Wildgcisr uveelsed lecilues se use brasier amdtccitly oi hanît SI. Macr ccd equipieîit ce the tectue could Me. ced Mes. Paul Clarke of lues usver hechecede. Saerty Cobourg ere hutîday vsstues cate, eolf hues ced scfrty bellu sîSeftheîepaensMr. andMes. pieeetîcrisus iojuey. John Wldgcise Se. ced Steset Ue c idr leecb tue cil cueh and Jîli of She FueS Lie. encept plucîcg. Mcey types ut Siecere cympeSey cs etened farci tracter accidents ere lu the Chartes Wtctheell femily, etoce, stelîstîce shocod thel 120 Ilsird Lano, ced the members cf uperetus ere billet ccd 260 Utc f aesiy us toîr ouddOn and mîjueed te accidents Seat mud nadberraemrcetreretly onte have beuaycidrd. Noer bcinta tiacieiloftheicssuthee. hceyuhenusitgea traclero Me. ced Mec. Claeee maciuueey. Fullueîeg Sheno Patteesue cnd famîly ut lueche Fiee Chiot A. Eý Sceingsslle unsetepyd et Oicegh Cleceet ut Milton Fie tJcpt. Presbeeyteeîee se Christicas cddresed the grup ced Seidaycndiater eregeste espîcined luts ece. Herscîd cith Mr. ua Mes Josephliecuon MiltoneFire Drpaetmeel ccres tue Derry Rd. an ceu cf 100 square miles fecci Vîsitors the du. la Sîdeeuad f0 the tur Mrs Mac Gîllup cf Geoegetoen Hae ite and f rom She benOîtes cias cerecet yîstcecith hrson- East ced West cîth 20,000 to-lau ced deugtle Mr. ced Mes. persansîin thîs erea There are 32 Juc Wctson ced tcmily un the vulusteer cien ce the foece . Acd lTsied fine dthe ccl is sutoutow lue hcetus Mes. Grant Declit. Bîlly, cith the trckba. Paiieich ced Kcre ccd Williamn Fe lîghtees are ccrefully Drvins ere Christmacs day seileefo tuIhe cueh. Thry ment gcests cîth Me. ced Mes. passeciredicci test. recoîso sie Ceeeetb Devint, Wilucwdle, ciuslhs hasic training and Me cead Mes. Clarence rersie 70perenttontaeeittn Felleesse ced fccily ut ruaci Each man ciust becc tient Seisgville eteeluine ce Nec aid. bacc chere ruch pîcce cf Vear's day Ser guestu ere esîuiet is keptithetrcs, îheîursSteeeMe.D.Clarhe,cand ie ableituîdetOty firescendthte the Jim Juhtsltns, htaeley peuper enlînguisher lu use, lar Maech's ced E. Pr11 familles of lecre the signais, i ltghtc et Iîgl Milliun ced Vine MalIces ut ced (ced signais te duytîght) i. 1 idnillia and thiru fieeds. godcatlyiegbksland cctnglfor Mer and Mcc. FrankbKchhet, lirebehs,andbecable ta clih Fith ise have puechaed c fai ladders cîthout holding un. secehi rtecfud andeillhbe niuvtsg hafety hinte lu cher tee hume sn tce ter Me. Cirmeet adysed peuple f0 fture. icictelhrlot adconcessiontanid lacocea leaders cîli attend the i- lu gise accumule directions chen Hîtrainingschcoiue onJa. sad lu cclilîgifrcelpîincaserofftîe A at t.igey Hall. The speitg proîcct flmh ciade tn Hultue Coucty is ceeîeg eîth beite This should sciee ciny spots te houses, btea most inleestisg schiectfor barnscandcwith trcctuetthiltcee ablyocig ladies12 yecccand eeat lireeîhreetsSomeofthese oIder. Huenhu hcuth club is core pour cîrtut, dcct ced eepeî.tîsg lu staci classes on cuhuebs ceci lîght buihs. Alecys "iaturdai Jane27îin0maîh chuech Alays use sfrty cyrs on hall al 1 pc. L.ecdes Mes C. lîghls ce grusucrs. Corret PUaîtesueand Mes MCîiryce mahstftextension cedscand cîli (e happy tu eîcome use pesper fuses. uecibesterocilslclubcandcsy heeusul cotiniers cee he tee giels cho woîdd lîbe f0 decdiy. Nor ecîcnrale or attend. pcsctcre, trier reuet c tracte Obroef eg with gusclîne il te muotue ilet udtl etches te Breda gitg, orif the mutceisbhotor Viictuwhosctieeduabeciirtleg insolde a building. Me. Clemeet cuile tchcggacîg ieur hem hocie ait eerd ssaty questions fecic durîeg the rcee hldays. the sîcuo cnd haeded ouf ro huyee Becreetise paeplets ce lice catety. Cusutittee held a mont suc- lTe Haltos Sctety Cueit ns ce- crssfetccecheracthe Cetrre 0" pealcngonthe Hcltcs Culy Jane5eîth1tblesenplcy, Mn Fcecisteadi ccd muret home J.C. Cuninghamc, Mi Aune cuproeeirt csmyrtîttos. Stouoit, J.C. Ccuningham ced Vancouver vsitors Claro Ford cil wcn peines. Mr. ced Mes. Fred Cartwright lucby decce fesen the tellîrs cf Brectccid Bay Vancouver wee ohy Me. Boy Wilson, Ilancd cie vsnîn thS the Mcc. W. Fîddcer, Harold Dawcon fcrmee's eidters and becdhees se ced Williaci Clarfecit. flus cra They are gusts elSe Jontfmeeting Me. ced Mes. Alfred Fred, A joint meetg ut Hullue and Ontario SIt. Milice. Peel Safoty Ccuncît cas held un ficlhdcy grettege lu Boette Fctday Jan. 5 te Milton cith Uuusfîid, Pacl Stucer ced prosîdeet Bob Mciy preeîding. AI Michael Babhý the onn enssinlwo filmsnon Mc. ced Mes. Hctsy Destint, trarlue naey Olp cocow tael Mcc. Graet Destint and William demostrute the accidetsteSat DeLiest ec guete c a diem cet bappon n uceen geoued ced biethdcy pcity se Sceduy ced hlti ce groud tog hali are reeîeg Jue 7. cf the Toronto a hera. Hîgfditrs cf adnîoe tue Curlieg Club. Other guecle cre tracter ucemn are te make nure Mc. ced Mes. Sam Deeben, Mc. cil four wheolu are on nebid and Mce. John Denlîn Mc. and graulad. Do nul Illich luadn tegher Mcc. Cd. Destin, Mme. Maggie ,relusely ceeccumes ced Mec. Henry bas une ut r peielings hcegcg cf te Milton Hospital. Il shows an eaety pîeer scene ut plucîng. This coSlleo tecîdet- tliy hec been see by familles iraitn Dundas ceteeduce, Feegits, Waterloo ced Hamilten.' Atready bard eit woeh ocr et She Kîtheide shctcng cinb are membere ut the Kîtheide Becretîs Asea. Wrctber periittieg Sts dîtl scion bc redy for use. Ifs nu jolir standing out ithe freeuig mtld spreyieg ualr,andMr. Murray dreress oursicee thnbs, Fins Furniture AT FACTOSS' To SOU PRICES MILTON PLAZA r- q9 FI ALLAN CLEMENTS American & SON Motors PIMONE (iRONIF ýT 878-2328 MILTON - ONT. hitowMr. and Me. Jîmound, Me. and Mes. Ces Destin, Me: and Mes Ju Declie ccd Mes. Violet Fuceester. lTe lccitly galhrtg ens c giiig accy icreeeli toc Mes. Fiiee chu îscrelceîeg lu hec utm o the Grand Bahamus, Bermuda nitr a vîsît eith ber daughtee. heuthees ced cidtrs aed their relaivîes te Ibis ceea. If ca ls joint biethday celehentîce foc Mes. Fucrelcer and her bher Willîinm Devint web s ac speciat dcy ce Jan. If1. Mers. Forcente rc elurned lu Becîcuda on Ja. 9. Broken Hlp Frrende are curry l taer Seat Mrs. Norcian Castltu ut Quren Streeiit, itultontl iheteeturnisg fromt shoipping cn Sclueduy îcorsîegJn dion te seîp aI hem hiîc. She lias labos lu Milot lioîîptte ced ialect lu Scitonlu Drumquin Organist flyNrs.Cecl Patterson Mine Elien Morley et Ottawa eiaited with hier parents Mr. aet Mre. L. Morley - Trafalgar Rd. and ber meey frieede in thin ares reoeetly. Thbe muethl y meetieg ot Betel G (.W. eus held ut the hume cf Mcc. Alfred Buli on Wednesduy eveuîngJan. 3lcith 12 members ctteudutg. Mcc. Le Lister cas prnsideet fee the meetb. Mre. Carlyle Fealthereton read the colptuce teseee aed gave te Iheme Betieuieg e eew yeer." Sonorel thuefe yee ltlere were read, [rom Bey. Lynne Adamns tor Xem gitu, tron Mien Audrey Laureece for a choque te hetp soltt ber cure ie Chad, Atrica, freen Mes. faillie Hugbee tor ttowers whee ehe wac ie hespitat aed a cItter ut appreciallue tremt te Fred Victer Mission tor tce neyeraI cacteens ut ued cletieg, whnte gifle ued orne worm quittes seet at Christmas. Severet former membors seet greeliege te teur fctends ut Bethel. Thee coco Mc. and Mrs. John Lister Boecayge, tce Aldercue teecdy ut Brantford aed Mr. aed Mrc. Aneil Petereun et Oakeitte. dennaf reporte donnuaI reporte tcom Iroacurer, seccotary, frieedship, and nerving cmminttere were gtvee. Betel aunual church meeting wll he held in the chorch Jan. If et t pou. te lcdies wll serve luncht. A joint meetieg cîtb Hillcreel congregallue cull be held eit BeiheetChurchon Jan. 22 ait8p.m. Luncch lbe served. The U.C.W. itl coter te o wedding in Aprit and uten une wn Joue. resigns Mcs, Ferry Merry ed, n iteroutiog toUs frene the etody teook n Atrira, giving te itle and population, dialecte and religins. Loe taon 2 percent are crinlian. fTainod tenekere te agricutture machinecy, well dllîng are heurtdly etemed b,îthey du flt akforClhisian msinre.At thce ce delîcious lnch w an cercel by Mcc. T.A. Lochie and te huseun. Organitresigus Thce cuegrogatn et BedUtl United cttnrch Trafalgar Rd. are eery uorry lu accept the resîgnetien uftIhe church urgouint Mine Mary Httte R.N. ut Hulteevîlle wbillfeus been choir leader fer the pont year. Mien Huten plane te retern te a cortnn caroor and ber maey friende wtcb ber weoU. Gel woll wîdcoc te Mcc. Fret 'furf whu bac boe qoile dll wit Bitlday greetinge te Donald Featbereten, IKathryn Grenten, Janice Geodimt, John Aldernen, Nncy Sino and Roue Needbamn. Sincere nympoSey le extended te tbe tamtly nd ete et tce laIe Bialpb Bac. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS MEETS EVERV TUESDAY9pn. Gecco Anglicne Poresh Hali HAVING A PR00LEM' DROP IN Down with rates! Colt aed reseice accuw Cheunutet Impala ur uther tine car Gas included with rentai. Tdee hotouemoet mor creititarde JACK RICHARDSON CHEV OLDS LTD. 878-2393 HIGHWAY 25S. MILTON Or f70,3f12. Omagh Fire chief explains hazords to the joint safety meeting ATTENTION RATEPAYERS TOWNSHIP 0F ESQUESUNG THE COUNCIL 0F ESQUESING TOWNSHIP HAS THE FOLLOWING APPOINTMENTS: (1) COMMI1TEE 0F ADJUSIMENT Two members for three year ferm (2) ESQUESING COMMUNITY HALL., STEWAR1TOWN Four members for f wo year ferm (3) GEORGETOWN and DISTRICT MEMORIAL HOSPITAL One member for tco year ferm (4) HALTON COUNTY MUSEUM BOARD Que member for two year ferm (5) HORNBY BAIL PARK Two members for fwo year ferm (6) LIBRARY BOARD Two memnbers for fhree year ferm (7) PLANNING BOARD Tico memnbers for fhree year ferm (8) SOLANOT COMMISSION STUDY PROPOSED HYDRO ROUTE Th ree mem bers ciho woutd be able fo attend meetings held during fhe day fime us well as evening fo sfudy and discuss possible hydro roufes front Middleporf fo Pickering under fhe direcfion of Bruce Howleff who bas been refained by t he commission fo make furfher sfudies. Any interesfed rafepayer of Esquesing Township seeking re-appoinfmenf or appoinfmenf fo any of fthe above boards or commiffees musf make application in wrifing fo fhe clerk nof lafter fhan Wednesdlay, Jaeuary 17, f973, 4 pi. Application musf be clearly marked as foi which board or commiffee appoînfeno s foi be made. Deimar Frenche A.M.C.T. Clerk-Treasurer Township of Esquesing R.R. 1 Georgefown, Ontario.

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