12 Tise Champion, Milon, Ont. Wed. Jasa.p 10, 1973 Reject angle parking A delegation of downtnwn businessmen osas onsuccesfat in tas bod t0 bave angle packing restoorei on a sertion of Main St. inoci Ooirostore angle parking on the Mais St. ontol the dot- loroltors of arovis trois tse Mary A. parking lotare overcone and pevisaps oOier Iotsaore devetopel os Moll St. He sois angle parking nt as a soluotion, but as a testporary asoer 10i corrert paorking dittîcutties esperienveil by stony sboppers. C'iallrngosg the odea Oiai the street os for stos'og lralltc anod sot for parking. Me. MrCready qusoloned osiere tise trattîr osas tooong and for what. Reg DiCola reported continenta linom runsters indicatel Oiey 10usd il dittîcoit Mo pacattet porb. He cited probles os otiser larger cenoorosoooor'.thorore aolboof1 dlooo auniiesýe alwdt He soogesteif thOe boss issutd prorreil osOi Oie rcostrction of Mary St. as plonocil toso yeacs ago, tise stercisants sitîgie1 ore isclineil to redevetope their Mayor O. Oeil eonpbasined Oie boss isad spesi $100,000 10 acquore parking on Mary St. He nid ise eeatined reconstruction soood bave taben place but lie obseroed Oial plazas bave 10 pro vide thiser on pakin and areOihettaxed on il Newosndered pr anuaryi Sale LIMITED TIME OFFER 20 piece service in a decorated box of four 5-piece place settings (001er Expires Jasoary 28, 1973 ONEIDA*DELUXE STAîNLESS a - i 2PIECE SERVICE FOURS 5PIECE PLACE SETTINGS $ i.1 AU -C 1$ m 95 COMMUNITY*STAINLESS 20 PIECE SERVICE FOUR 5 FIECE PLACE SEETTING5 COMMUNITY* SîLVERPLATE 20 PIECE SERVICE FOUR 5 PIECE PLACE SETTIPIOS 9 rose brancie tmlLxAa 228 MAIN ST. MILTON 878-6341 df dowatown businessmsen woutd sponsor a petition Mo provide parking improvestents andl bave tise cool risargeil barb on a local proKo' 'Oic' Hiitispriority 'lTe stayor poited oui Oiat Macy St. badl a 10gb prlocity oIn lise soon-ta.ise-reteased Roadi Needi Study. Reeve B. McCionig declare l ie osas opposeilt10 ongle parking. He sais il an dangru and a retrograde îe. Mais St sOe only dirougs sîrret on oso. be poînled oua. Oerloning 10 ansk county courocl. ostacis respansibe tor the slre.t Ironi ruris M cois, osiscOer angle parking routd lie resored, steintrs dectared Oiey osece oppased ta angle parking. Act progressively Reeve McCuaig, os suissequent discssion, urgeil rooncil in act r'osptly os Oie rebuitding of Mary St. ond pave lise parking ltI on a local improvennent bias. "ise osve acled progressioely", lie suggested. He observed tisaI perisapi tises snrcbanls would lear daiso Oie Icoces on Ohir pcoperty tisat are rurrestly protevtlsg 20 parking spares. Depol> Reror M. Poosys risargel tat ongle parking osas bazardoas osd il custesters and isosisessst'-n lisei lise enîcot ot Oie isaoarr,, tbey woutd sot oppose iparallel parbing. Several olier rouncdtors S lie os oppotion Ma angle par isg, oplosg toc as earty start on Oie reconstruclion of Mary St. Enthusiasm (Colninced Peon Page 1) asIl enlectain as neit Milton YouOi Councîl niti ta holding a donce ai Oie cotlee bonie Frîday stgist. Worbers ai Oie YouOi Cooincil betd a bistt selling nnowsten tags tant weebesd 10 raine wosey toc Oic fesiai and 10 betp otfset conla of Ohir dance. Gary Heaney, a steintr of Oie YouOi Coorî.l osas cisen as Oiis yeac'n version of "Mîtt tise Oiioo'san." He made bils tient appearonve os lise weebend, talpwng 10 prostote tise klts on Oie sale of ononstes. SmnaS] plastic inoosien are taisg sold and osîtI serve as adission 10 tise laocgrounds and stost ofthOe eveols aI Oie groonds. Contestants and speclators osi b ave 10 osear a snossoan. An e=oti boisa stade 10 bave Oie sonnn aotd in adoanco. Otar locotafo toc 11festivat asi tae a pie eating content, an acta ond croit oson, a isconinati *goto-e nis lise tirestes * ratleogîsg local police, a destonstralios isy tise Red Kni'gis snowstobile Main ond a swiststng conipelîllon. Tisa siunng rostpetison osilt tae bold ai Ontario Orisont for Oie Deal. Popsiac events Ottar poputar eventa bacb froont lait year îovlude Oie nois sculpioring content, Oie inut stan and lise parade Saturday storniso sicis ositI bics off Oiat day'u arlivolies. Objections .... tContmu nd trams Panai1) and Hats Iand Grnap. tise imnpression tbe storo, sewer cnstd bie oned oipnri comptetios ni tse ticot phase. He nid Obis badi been agreed upon witb HRCA ovrbalty. Hev sad it osas bail businesrs to put 2.000 fret of espesve pope osto te grousd andsnot rereiv any benefittfrom it "'Ibis chsange ositi bort un andl bort Ohe town," be nid. Sioce tise quadront nas flcst inbabited letasisuner ronidenlu bave depended os a teisporary hoob-up osbereby waler is poonped trois tise devetoponont and cbassetied dooso tise Ontario St. Cceeb. A oneebasicat baiure a tew neebo ago csed water to back up and blond 14 boises in the Wiospey subdivision. AU sane nay Eonos said Wimpey bail bouit ait tise homes they woutd lie attooseo to buotd untit visonnetalitos is vooipteted and bie tbougbt other devetopers os Oie quadrant sece in Oie saine situation. Tise ficsl phase of Chaonnet- szatin witt inctode ibat arça sb the Streais trois Mais SI. ort ti Oie CPR and ost M Martin St. Fuciber phases isvotve the itreais soutb of Mis St. 1 approsonatey Parbway Dr. tor straigistenîng, deepenisg and veinent tiig. Tise section sorts of tise CPR to Woodward St. andl Oie Rîverptace Crenc. section nuSl tae donc atter lise birai phse iî coispteted. Stepsens nid ise toit the bsalance ni lise cbaonetisatios aiter Oie benst phsase sisoutd totton the birsi phsase osunediatety. Land asseisisy and expcopriation Toe Canadian Chaispion os sposoroi Oie sosai o.utptaring, tise Rotary Ctub under tise direction ot Gui Gostounki os orgonioîng tise watt shsow ond the Optiost Club sitl isotd a purs sbooting content and bay rides. Once agosn Oie poputar dot sted races osît t lieted and Oiey are betng oegasized isy Doris Smollie. Arcangestents bave iseen stade 10 bave the Rotisan's Curavan wi tise mobile oond systestavataste and bave Oie St. John Ambiulance in altendance. Gan disptay Haltos Spotsteos Assoc- iation osill have a boots in Oie arts and ceait isatt osoO a cottection of antique guns os disptay. Menibors ofthOe ctuis wott stan the booOi and wott tae eagev Mo discouss the stoci of thiser lobs as iseIl as projeclo pant and present. Milton Legn tadoes are sponioring tise pie eatosg contenta asd 30 contestants osoti earb bave ose apple poe to eat. Tise fastesi poe caler osil bse tudgthclOe Tise Lions ctubs of Mitton osoti bave tiseir food boots open asti bave bot drinbs and tood avaîtate. Tlie group steelo tonigsi ai t pst. aitie Leglon Hall and bopes tM oson out tinal details ai Oiat bie. -Ttonk snoos Thsetosts's tird annual Snoos Festovat os set f or Fvb. 16, 17 and 10. poceediags for the balance ofthOe a-omet are underway. Stepson nid ta boped Oie balance coatd tae dos nder ons contract. Wbite fil o sny gunon worb at tis point, it sa bkety Oie projeet won't ta tinisised onucs tatore the eorty part of t9t5. SAME WAY Fousd on on office bsulletin board: "in Case of Fice, sicopty Son lise building wiOi tise naine vecistesa abaon tisat occoro ecci day ai quittint iste." We've got to clear out items to make room for new arrivais and to do it we're slashing prices as much as 50%. But don't de/a y ..selection is best right now. Settie committees ... (Clonîbosei tenas Page a) Kerr and Metanon. Rassied tu Oie davetopirrent comonittee are Cooncitior Keantz as cbairnnan, Mayos Beat, and Coonctitors Moreau, Porter and Planning Board appointinenbo trois roanrol are Mayor Beot and 'ýouvrîltvrs Porter, Cisoilds asti NormtanPearce and Perey arr. Tise Ecoonn Dovetopisent Comission nîlI inctude Cousicilocu Porter andl Metanon and ritizns John Ontier, Juon Baitey, Don Jacksson, O. Brown andl R. DiCola. Nasted o tise Paris and Recreatin Commoittee were Cannittlora A. Mebonon and J. Kerr wli H. Hopis taing appoissted toc tua-en yonr tarn. Tie Arena Board witi have courncit representatios troni Councittors A. Metansn andl S. flildo. Citooeo stestiers stîI tae Marty ('apulo, Rtobert Pvîob, C'harl'es Johnon, Wolltoast lioiney andl Parbs and Recrea- 1100 appoonise Mrs. Rose Harrison. Ltisrary Bosard steiutars wit tae Mes. E. Rîddeti, R. MacKay, O. Jackson, K. Marshsall and Mayor tient or bis atternate 1. 2300 cc overhead cam engine. 2. Front disc brales. 1. Knit vinyl interior. 4. Protective sida-guard beams in doors. 5. Sound-absorbing double panei roof. 6. Fait-sale fuel pump to protect your engine. Deputy Reeve Powy. Cauncil broke witb tradition Ohis year, dectaring is appointonent ta thseHalton itegion Conservation Auttnority sbnotd be a member of Councit. floey samed Couscittor G. Krantz. Dr. C. A. Martin bas represented the town on tbe Authority silice its usoepition. ingle appointineno approved by our~ii were Reeve MrCuaig toite lire area irornttr, Cý W, Boggs to the' parking auolooroty, t. Wood to lise rostsottee ot ad- justonent and Mrs. E. Daignas 10 tie Haltnn Museumo Board. Ose tbîng about osîild oalu- sowing ibeon is sot contioed to any one season ofthOe year. 7. GM's comprehensive safety package. B. FuiI-cuit suspension. 9. Fuit foam-moided seats. 10. Powered interior ventilation system. 11. Corrosion-resistant sida-terminai baftery. 12. Big 8.7 cubic foot trunk capacity. RIGHT NOW 388 Main Sb .~ tti 878-2355 Streelsville Lise 826-3950 CONTINUES! Savings to 50%lo on many items! Shop now for Suites, Mattresses, Lamper Colonial Maple, Hostess Chairs, Coffee Tables Etc. RIGHT ON PONTIACS NEW ECONOMY CAR ... AWBtVo RIGHT ON WITH ALL THIS AS STANDARD EQUIPMENT FURNITURE RICHA DSON'201 Main St. Milton 878-3261 HOME FURNISHINGS