Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Jan 1973, p. 11

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17 ML ESTATE 17 RE AL ESTATE l BEST SRe aIt ye7und MInsasance Ltd. 310 MAIN STREET - MILTON, ONTARIO FOR RENT - Dental office, ideal loatiosn, gnd paring' -cm- operasories. lab, rnoopsinn asnd ofice. Inmnediato pass, 1sin 210. montll. INDUSTRIAL UNITS -- 2,000 vquare 5el aod op, ocplete milS lînivsed offices, wmosv, loadiog Udois, sprinisler spssec. parking le in5te Alliance Isdostrinl MaIl et Miltn. Retiog [romn 1191.67 per voit. Linsiled cismer availaisle. JUST LISTED -Cesolealp losaued les Miltn. Large. celI on stroctrd, brickh'bnsr soesverled in5v 6 apîrînoants - ail cr11 raoied. Idral dnvrlopmnc cse, 142' s 189', desia- ntid "Higis Deesitp". Veodor openst ofvier as $130,000. COMMERCIAL STORE - Rituaird o Milsosss Man Street. This propertpisas esently bees reennated and onsisivnofa modernostoe ois a thee bedronm apuelimenl abose. Ideai Invation. Veodor open ta effet. SEEF FARM - 120 acre iarm, corner location, oeslp 151 miles tran 401 Cioseriral. Four isedrovm bourse reoestlp reess- vated, sandard Saok bars, sec ioaig brsvn 104' x72' sosîrete silo 24' c 70', nosomatoc eqoipmnrt Dnisiog shsed. Fluot elaso operalios gond posessial as an ienes crnt1 Pelîrd ni less isan $2.590 per ace. FERGUS - Lakeo BelsonA. 190 acrr iarm, Gond 6 tnnm isouse luege basis barn,. pole barn 68 es 82% implamess sed garage. Gnadvsad lam -130 acres morisable. Opes ti nffer as 11179. pereacre, gond terrils availaisle. WANTED -ituinso on thurnes - iarnno - yod buaildingi lais on Milton and Districi. Son deserve tise bevst svirs possible. List with Boom Realty and enjoy "PROMPT, PROFESSIONAL SERVICEu CALI 878-411.8 TODAY Mike Lodwimh 878-4873 1Art Peacock 878-644; Jim BaîIey 878-65061 Bumn Besi 878-411 f SieVan & Jagoda Alimpic 878-3086 MEMBERS 0F THE OAEVILLE REAL ROTATS BOARD WANTED TO BUY 3 or 4 b envis isonne lder type or s 7, on Milton or Cano eîiviiie oca. No eealtvrv, pi ave. Repîp: BOX 198 GODDARD The Canadian Champion D. G DAD17c37 R EALTOR LIMITED Cbaecîng 2 -sînrericksisiome onsspavinous Folio leseed loi. 3 'bedeon-cs, facîly bivises, essinsed baeis poreis yod pa- 1 t io va h ta sshîoul &i hbop- piog. Excellentstoarer! Loîev i bon cbuilu 3-hedronc brik bungalowv, vnly 5 mies. lîsmo(nn, fealorîn codeen kihen vath brevakfîni aea, spac in', rcs room vieh gan es arsa, hvaoilil vioc. Osio Happy New Home Countryoornrr, 6 mides fromt 401, tibis voli bs-pi 3-icdonm brick isunoahlo iv 101 visas vouooodered. Pnîsod rgs Cail sndov (ne an appoint' mnt m rvis 3as be Beeon 878- 95SII 1 Family Home 32 ace parIs-I %vilS scteioly! v bedenon isaei sylit - lv r ovanne icoe home. OR homne, sivoalrd onatac 5 -vuov ningle iaooilo' sîreeteclseîtoibathsveiools dveiiing. AsSisýg 165,000 Tis bonne ntrs mnsy ex Foe florei-enformatios t ras. Foe IonISer isformnliot Pieuse vIl Jovime Beelos 878-9511. GCise Annette A Culi" Near Plaza MILTON 878-2051 15 iodeonm briak 2 vIsore TORONTO 742-5858 Sionne soils livinig evnc 24' b. 17e37 15', dussuog roumi 1' bÜy 14' don 15' by lot ,kiiehen fo CHRISTIEJ & W OODS ma9ny extrnsmne vathoutrs EAL BSTATR LIMITRI> apprecanlo CoRi Jasisie Set BROKSR .ton tnday tv vira' ibis boin BROKER 978-9511. 18 MinSret ILO 1973 Listiing poned of 3 iedmomv. breo Country lo nlvn om ala Immedame ootetion slairs, fn-il baseraent &- pane Immedate ossesion drive. Forappinmct s 3 -beUrnvm briek.s ilonrd on Ross Crovon 978-95ý11 or 8i7 bal acre, ýpaiilp lreed, lioin 2755. eoocso'îebdising aro.uenls olt basemool. Poil prise WOW! 027,900. For appoictentrfloil 3 i-edevom brieS osd vin Soînne Chistoie 878-205. bungalvo', eisarmuvn lovin 1 ar oodeil lot siear Camp' erot mieS Siepiner, sepua brUlirI. Tep $12,900. Omner air dînmng mnm, lVi baIs imtinst soul Cali Mypede bîleisen niso van bisoli foe M iMoCiellan 978-5190 or 870-2095. lises convetîrode,Cot drsîgned isasameol sous fie Genvp nI bunilding loIs, uppees. plaît and aîîaoised garug bailf ncroandl larcer. $7.900 Maise vone nppssnmt tooda tu $8.900ý CaSi 8pte McCiel- iiU Rovs Cevcos 878-9SII1 las 8785190 ne 078-20M8. 878-27355 Single budin0 lot in tows, ver- Home Wanid vicd. skig 12,00. Serions isoyer asnivu tv lv aenaMitnHg coWANTED 3 -isiudmnm huogalow ps CliefI soîis 120.000 diosn pa- erd. Cas pont iselp Plen mnts sieedv 3 - isdorov rail Doreon Cisnqneite 878-24 isomesoisiamlpeuono ad cr9340 17e lîrae. $38 -$38,000 peine range. Eanlp posvessiof r e- To qoîvel. Cali biptleMalI las 678-5190 or 676-20095.e U , SL Home welUs large roirs cai BU , EI rd forlien iiî ie vîtOrin piossesio, eilier o oavvtr RENT, TRADE sîcuýs soould ise soiitabie. Cail Aipenle Mdelan 078-590 or 878-205. CALL 878-2095 If Buny 878-6057 USE Canadian Champio CLASSIFIEDS Bs-LAW NO. 58-7 EXPLANATORY NI Ibis Bp-lac mdll aosend lise exsslcg BesI Milon Planncng Area, iseing lise Zoeieg Sp' lOy-lave No. 58-72 is inlendied ba defise "Pris alito elassîsale ronfnsion lsal isas arises Revlrices Area Bp-lac foe lise Milton PI does fol presenlp mention or provide for 'lie Bp-lac also regoîles lise locatins of Pr nrressnry equipaseol os loIs. Aoiy fuiier informatlion isal May ise reqol Bp-lawcrn lie nbisnsed isy raîlîng Use Cler Bp-lac No. 31-69, as nmesdeol, iseing lise Zv Milton, is aîno avaîlaisîe for inspertios aI 8-i or Notic TOTH1E RATEFAYERS 0F ESQURE THE TON 0F OAKVILLEV BORDER TEE TOWN 0F MILTON. 8- NOTICE 0F APPLICATION lo Th -se b3ise Corporatios of lise Tocs ni Milton Sregolale land ase passedl pursuasl bo Seel TARE NOTICE isal lise Courvi Us te Milton îslesds 10 apply tb Tise Osstaris M tse provisions siSerlios 35 of TIse Planning No. 58-72 passedl os Use 16th day of Orlolser iS IW'5i515l iserecilis. A sole giessg n esplanalios of lise pi lac and salmng lise lands allerlesi llereisy AN« PERSON INTERESTED MAY aller lise dale ai 18-s solice, sesdi isy regis Cers ni thse Ton sf Miltaos ntire of las said isy-Iac, Lagelier wilis a slalesoesl n ANS PERSON coisiog la suport lise lise By-Iac may sssisin fnarteen (14) daps OTE OF GOOD ANTIQUE 1IRNITURE, REGULAR FUSMITURS APPLIANCES, GLASS AMI> CHINA, MISC. ETC. eîclad Aires Bp-lac ni the- lamn Usath Toms ni Miltof. remosed from hem isome vise ovol in Mdstoi for novecnenec 'aIe Scumiming Psols" asnd IN TUE AORICULTURAL HALL AT TBF FAIROROUNOS due bo the ladt 8-ai Use FrMt .FR auaing Area as amneie, FrM .FR Pivate Scuaing .ats". SATURDAY, JANUARY 13, ai i oMcock innse Sdlcmisg Pelsansd ANTIQUES -Sala & match- dînvees 2 fivor lampo, hed- ing chair: 2 popbnsîeeed Vicîtorouai amýp- bonis stvnd fao chairv; nphaisteeed seing scalI, issU eblesîenllield, soi- red is onerli it cUis bo it 'bah nut 8O devise dis5; vol npvalstcnil vllital hai b's Office, Tocs of MiEtn gatele sg drap toI able; Dos' seies lorap î oasisTvdimsuu .he k;4eeoneams.Žflreaeevfn.th -ing Sp-lac ni 190 Tomeni nnoielhing chairs;- Visioriau 6no0d 'ne', 15'2 8h/ý 9 v 6; e Cler'sOffice. love vrai, large spisssusf sebel; 10' ball evner. drap irafIc wa onod vM ime APPLIANCES atd MISC. J. MrGeae8-e muisini vivai; Jaeques 8- Hayes Znl 3 Vslai e CIerS-Adininlsralvn ouisldv;m amaestel radoniovi mde Tome ni Millan cinia cabinet, ail glass lrnts -uI anI aihn oe Doyean Fhye drap vcal table; nmatinvsiemeord plan- vaeeboulo1 eaosînllnv XaMnsdFM radio,fleuvrpl- vaisveaunnuroo' ainise uo.apiscepe- Pisio Là uarp;sd giavoaivcinuairaslfavoismeleaners adabe;f SING TOWNSEIP AND sasollestibo. branýs bocisondn; 'iTVoa, selecri an, 3pirIn 80<08E POPERTIRS serrsflver.everyce od on 'boardee;valie d> VHOSE PRPER11ESpote; vil painting an cavas; 1lddae;n.o ag n -steamer moSn; olol vamrrasnnnulpicsoes andifrain-o.qua- large qunotsoi n Id boouks. ntip nI bodding, liners for Ivl a Ostario Muanipal Board and cnRfs; siole, pair of ski's,! for approsal vi a Sp-lac to OTUER FUONITURE -Sonne 16' poins and biaits; lavo chair; io 35 cf TIse Plasniag Art. nid picîvees and [rames; hlond1 chaiise lonsge; kilehen slep1 Corporatios ai the Tocs of Oied'v kec maple 8-pv. bndrn sivai; sealers; jars; omiser glass nicipol Board plrumant ti suite, vompete; 2 maio cag- and cbina; pois, panis etî. Adt for approsal oi Sp-lac aaiseraeks; vedar ett vwal omalI elessele appliansen. Hon 1972. ACopp ofthe Bp-lac nul; hodung oncut gavms' reigrator; cwricgerv vsýhng table; nabînut armmeiar; oabnuaehine; qoilt; rail nI nias_ ic arpoar mnd eBfed cf Use Byp plant sînd; marrie rhenl i, 10' s 150'. isalso inrnisaiiserecs8-. Terras aire Casis No Reserevs Ossv-r movieg. Privsiev% irosa Il cSi it Bovins5k monsmgnofsale. Lovais asadlabt Hall durovînes, lerai mail or doliner 8-Ushe sieoAstnrso sptbl1cnedts objectionstoiappnnsalnofUte Aosooorrr'v Reivaiko Thîs us an esoellents niierisg of gaad' ai lise grounds of saris vis- qvahspymeesndise. Lais nI acommoodatios dons soi per mit us ta sel] otiser rersdens. tappliration ion approsal nf aBlr the doaeo ai -lustice 201137 Pisooe 878-2576 DATES vu Milan. bis fiS dan lanasos, 1973. RiH'y AbICEA MORTON. FCUlK & i'LANNAC-AN Baî..ilis & buibsîlais, 207 Mino Si. Milton Ont. be- sodiciwor' hi'reî 19s39 Notice to Creditors AND OTUERS la lise Enlase i JAMES SYD- NEY MIASON, Isle cf Mailton, Onltri, relirai Massoinosur ers' Agant, deoesald. 20 AUICTION SALES For Complete Auclion Service Chris A. Scbouten AUUTIOPJEER Sale, oI ail typesý Saleosonîoanesahst Tel. 878-2576 RA 3. Milles. Ont ALL pes., rZng an, ail tende r iv' ienaoed ta sesd toit par- ilaotuh lim uathevBronte Park ois'îooiinvd esecvinr on ove-bck uuuetire 71h das it Fvbu'nnen 971. allervhî,h datevthees- Tenderscmere caledltisscee ;il,. seill bi h dîsîrubvd. ion tise constructin of as hiig regard ol oa cssieno entrante bilding, 8-rer pier liii hm a al, uaveîîaî poolions aod a lavatory building 1ait Brosle Crreb Proviacial Frs. CUI[ CANADA TRUST hO, Esînnialai cst of Use cons 'lu liii Veoga Si., $160,09M, Ultof East 8-FF and Cii mbu 210 Onu. Miaoser ni Ciovrnmest Sensices ho. Jun Snoo reparla. îlU CEBINSON AND 'Tue parkis u a 2,966 acre pars TUOMPSON. vtretching frivm lise Quees 219 M,îîo Si. Milton, Onu. Flizaisetis Rap 10 Ulgiap 5, on SeS391 the Bveîuogîoes-Oaîuiîîe isbouadari. Tisa entrance for Use 20 AUCTION SALES firsI phsase muSl 90 os Burl-Onis W ard Brownridge D.puerenoie8-Ipol Liseesied Auonsesr miso like on do misaI lbep hane bo Faenn- Liresoari do almapo do il 9011er? Fornilsîve sales i,.,...- aeoiiee'îe oR Phone 878-6730 froct havisng a isad opinin ni bo--ut pou cari ieep lisent iront Appeausals - ARN , -cPOom i 0ng rigisî about i. I & 4 19 LEGAL - 19 LEGAL Notice TO TUE RATEPATEIIS 0F TUE TOWN 0F MILTON NOTICE 0F APPLICATION la Tise Ontario Mumicipal Board op the Corporalion ai the Townalf Milan lar awpraal ai a Bp-lac la regalatlan u-ssse pasosi portaen la Sectio 35 ai TIse Plamning Art. TARE NOTICE 8-at the Coainri ai the Carporatioa ai Use Townalf Millasn iolaada bo applp la The Ontario Municipal Board pursant la Use provsisssof Section 35 ofiThe Planning Adt for alsproval ai Bpdlac No. 58-72 psced on the 168- day ni Oela90s, 1972. A Cvpp ai t5e Sp-lac os iarnished iserenstis Aoaon gotev nepiavalinsflthe poryooeand effeclafiise Bp- lac andl slating lise lands aUeltei lberrisp v aiso loecsisrd hereevih. ANS PEBSON INTERESTRO MAS, cil8-a orleeo 114> daps aflar 190 dala of 18- otaive, senti isp t'egctered maiU or debsver 8-Ushe Cors ai Use Tocs cf Miltos solive cf is nisjectin la appeosal ni the nid bp-lac, lageUser dUsh a s8-amest of 190 grounda ai sors ob- jectios. ANS PERSiaN iisisg lai suppart 190 appication for approsal ai the Bp-lac map ciiis iorlesn (14) dapo aBter Use dala o vil ntce seaU bp rsgisdered mail or debsver to the Clans of 190 Tome ni Milton notice ni is suppart of apprnsal of0the said bp-lac lageUser dUsh a requasl for notice ai aop 90aring tisaI cap be ld gising alsv the ncîte and address lai caris sors mUrie sisoald b0 gisesi. TUHE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD ap apprare ni Use naid bp-lac but 90ivre doisg moit cap appoint a lime asd place mises asp objîetios 8-lise bp-lac ciii 90 vessidered. Solive of asp iseaeisg UsaI ap 90 eld miSl be gises oslp lai persuss misa base Biled an objection or sotice of support andl cio base 1eRt dUs or debsvered la Use Clenis uadersîgsed, the addremla cisirissnoticenof iearing la ise sent. TUHE LAST DATE FOR FILINO OBJECTIONS cll 90 Use 118- dap ni Jnnuarp, 1973. DATED aIise Tonofv Millan 18-o Srd day ni Janaarp, 1973. J. McGearbie, Cleris, Town ni Milton, 251 Macn St. E., MILTON, OsL. TEE CORPORATION OFTUETOWNOF MILTON nY-tAN NO. 5&-72 A Ry-8-setlaamead Bp-lac No. 31-69. cE ERAS theMunicipal CouedfthebaCorprtionsofUse Town nf Mîltos drems il adeisabla to acend Bp-lac Nociser 21-6, as ameoded; NO0N TUHE R EFO0R E tise Mueicipal CosneSi liste Corporation of Use Tons of Millas ENACTSasinllncs: 1. TisaI Section 2 of Bp-lac Noc90r 31-69 bs berebp aceoded by îmierlîsg nionr soisseeîon (96) lisereni 190 folIoc8-g sobaerin lO96a) -(96a) -SWIMMINCI POOL, PEISATE" tcass ap bodp of cale permnaneslp lorated oalduars vs prisoalp owee propertl evntanned isp arîificial cane, asnd noed and a8intasned for th parpose ni sscoocînf, cading, disisg vr isa8-isg." 2. TisaI Secîio 6 î2î cf Bp-lac Nunn90r 31-69 is isereisp amnendai bH inserlisg aller soisseclin Ifi Usereof the inllocing suisserlios ( g): -g> FRIVATE SWIMMING F001S h Nnlcîtlandîag np vIser provision nf 8b Bp-lac 10 eonlrarp, cn a Resideslîal Zose a privala simcisg puaI aî structures ou venjonctin dUs sveb a s .soigpo a ororlasiand osai is Use islerior nide or rearpyard prosided Usai' iî1înovpartofhsoeis miig pol ssllble lcatedeloser lisan 2à iret tv asp streetl 'me or dloser 8-an 4 leel ta anp restror sîde lot mie, or closer 8-an 10 feell t8-tat portion ni lise tst loI lise cici adjoins the Iner vide pard ni lise adîvîsîsg loI if sncba lot is bnilt uov, or wcisr adjoins the required un-erior sude yard of tise adjocing loi if vneb lot isvacnet, ad 2> No caler eîreulaling or trealcent eqoipmest sors as pampo or filtrs sisaîl ise ventaid rînoor Usas 19 feel bo asp tetor cîde lot lise. 111) A prîsale scicîsg poolobhaSnl 90bc omsidered part ofith lot covenage pronidai tsateno part ofi suris sciomîsg pool or i eaulîng pevîrudes more 8-n 4lo Icluisovetlie iinisised grade." 3. 'Ibis Bp-lac shial berome effective on Use date ierci sabjeel reeîvîsg the approral ni Use Onsario Monieipal Board. eREAD a FIRSF, SECOND and TUIRD, 358E asd FINAILSY FASSE 'H14ltis OAS 0F OCTOBER, 1912. Brian Best Mayor J. Mehiearone OlrS 19 LEGAL 19 LEGAL Tise Chamepion, Milton, ost., Wed., Jaeoaey 10, 1973 1l ams isy regislered mail or deliver 8-Ue Clark ai lise Tows aI Milto meid ai 8- açala prval ai lise naid! isp-aw lageUser wilisa 19 LEGAL 18 TENDERS meeqea la tc Ue ai asy lsearisig ltat say be iseld giviag alan Use -- -- rame and addlarssstoi ismlhnie ssaldle iven. Notice in Creditors TE D R TH1E ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD map apprvve ai the saod ANI> OTHIRSTE D R isp-baw bal bselare da8-gmsail may appafll a lime and place wism asy-i oisjectimn ta the isp-law miii ie essssidered. Natice ai asp iseaeisg tisaI AI ldaims agninsl tise Esînne THE HALTON COUNTY ap ise iseld cii ise gises aslp lai persaca misla isave led as oisjectin of CHRISTINE GIVEN laie, o) or satice ai sapport and wisn bave loBt ci8- ar deliseeed 8-Uste CIers Ballon Cenîreiianr ise.h BOARD, 0F EDUCATION lcdersigaed8-te addresslai clnotirevofismr8-ngîla8-mesn. Tiewn of Miltot. in lise Cnuvsy 1 90)11 'e-rive tendrs vo 'CHEIAS DAE FO FIINGOBJETIOS wll b th 17hnI Ballon, lidon', visoa died vs TUi S DTLOF14 BJCIN ofî iseay Use3 178 hbui th, lAiS day of)loin, CARETAKER SUPPLIES iliî ol h T w fMitnii r .iaoa.or 9,3ay 19.1 -Il ., ""I i1 -' iý 1- h (Wi J. MeGearise, id the -aid -lisi, lilving regaird Fodr, Mi dlose ai 400 p.sl- oiii of Mibton eliisli l. -i Fehevars 2, 1973 Cleris, Tns ni v Milon DalU ai Mîî, die is eaidîvi-'iIvi Ir ?,51MainoSl. E.. 141h d ai isltoisentrio 1972 s naiedarsndae ioisandiieodal MILTON, Ont. 11 . fDýb, 91 priuasmv'cotieia BOl SEN, FERRAS, FORD Us the Central Admsini strat ion Of- TEE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF MILTON BAESLER, hice 2050 Guelphi Lion Borlig BY-AW O. 8i7 19 Mais SîI, Milton, Ont. ion, Ont. BS-LawtAWenO.lowN.1-9 Soii.lorn for thev Administra- The loe r i ans' niodr soi A5plalamedBpIONaSIiO or. 19c37 nol nevsariy ne ai.iepîed. W U ER E A S Use Municipal Cvvrnei Us te Corporation ni Use Tomew otc t - ni Millan deemo il adoisaisîrtoi amesd Bp-lac Nonnier 31469, ns Noie aoCeisors THE HALTON COUNTY amesded; i AND> OTER BOARD 0F EDUCATION NON TUHE R E FOR E Use Musicipal Coonnîl nI Use [nUeEIaeCL8RCR>1137 Corporatiasni Uste Town nf Millan ENACTS as 8-Slocs' InOE hWe 5 laIet af UseE _____________ Tam- ar Miltn cn tise Casas- ACIN AE I. TiaI Sertin 2 ni Bp-lac Nomiser 31-69 s isereisy ncesded isy Ip ai Halsas, Rsllaed Tssras- 20 AITO AE islsernsng aller noisoclios (96> Usereol lise flociag solerion i(96ai. et, Deeeased. 1Ail pensons haoînv claims ag- AUCTION SALE 96a> I'SWIMMINO POOL, PRIVATE' meass ap isody of caler, ntih nan LE prrmnsenlly iornlod valdoves vs prisnaly omneil properly, aODNGE DOWNS laiei af ELe 'oslaaie isy artificîi meam, and nord and ma'mlained fove lise lise Tow i Milton, in th Con- MrUs& Mas. DeamThammen parpose of smisnnig, mndîng. diving ne isaUsing." vsiiainRîriThsei Ai 125 Lodia Aie , Milion, on Dei.vasedi, vAin divA on or aisool S URAt 12NUARS2 fliceih d.aîi Oloe 1972, aveAmiNo 2. Tisat Section 6 (2) ni Bp-lac Nociser 31-69v is ereisy amended hy eeo1 e 0ondpeiaao~ Appiianc.eî essellent antique 'same toIshe andesîooed ~o o ar av ho 18 0o beove tho 25th day of) Jannary, ok b i atrSot ig)PRIVATE SWIMMINO POOtS 197,; olseesoise tho e-ae vvii Charles Divkens, Rvbi, Beonsi- bc111 diserlisoleo vîlhooi refardi taIlg Vision Huigo, Wm. Shaises- îiî Nnlcîislndcg asy vIser provisios of lisis By-lam lv lise te taims1t yo De- malIi es cotay na Residenlial on a nrivale swovlfnng pool asd Daerd isîs. 195let dayt nix welIos structures in coonctrin Us saris a nwimisnig pnol mny isr emhe' WFERAIS' CASH. ererledndnsedmUs te iferlnl ssdevorrtear d proidiUsnl. ALLAN J. NICHOLS, 117<SOEle-ov il1) aovpartîofsrsuciscmig polsa ie leaondler 207 Mary Strnet, 1 A ST5v37 RAvkover Usas 25 IraI toi asy sîreel line or rînser 8-n 4 leel lv nny MILTON, Ontario. -û3 utoer rear or nîdriol isae oreloser 8-tn 10 leelîn UsaI portiosni boîlieltor for tho Esoonvoro. ALREGIS AUCTIONS Use tesr lot ise cisri adjons Use Ine side yard ni lise 19s371rsrt nd1nînîng lot il saris lot is issill opos, or cicis adjoins lise AN ANTIQUE reqvieed islerior vide yard of lise nd2oinoig lot il sors lot Noceb C dirs A TON SL il> Nomnlterrsrrvulatinfnorlren.trnldbequPment seiss ANDo O-cHERS aCIO anoîhe pumpoor llerssaîlbieloraîrd eloser Usas l leel lv ny Wlai asaea tetor silde laI mie. ailna lise EvIale r, 11> A prîvale scissisig panl sisaS nnl 90 rcnidered poart of Use 2%1olito- h Etata î~~~îi ARHU sBa~ îvîs RANDFNBCRG, Rocaod Iasernatianal loOseae rvddlait no parI oi sors scissning mool or its laai. Ballon hent,înniaI Maci- Sales Areaa e railiso prolrudes moreUshn 41iolrelnisnvethe fnissedrade. 01-, in Sie Toný aI Milton, in ii GEORGFTOWN Uscie ntedateisereo soisieti ta hiiavi Cut(id Haler Reiied, 3.iis Bylincsialieomeeeevoe o- ho dîved vooli aboot îhe 7îh 7 i1 nolîivielhislBov. 401ion remvurago lise approvai ni Use Ostario Municipal Board daoo.lJ.anv', 1972, cool bc 7'îialgav Rd. se ir mile souoll tîld oh the onderi'o-td on oflUns 7vonBHaton adS3 ISADa JFIRST SECOND and TIRD TIMEansd FIALIS PASSD île' heoeJvi 1,17; Mna on THIS 108- DAY 0F OCTOBER, 1972. vhvrevallvîthv osdvlesioeed vili Mnda Eseslg, Janaao 15 divîholue ihe îoevofithe ai Ai60pm. Brian Best eoiale hoîvn egard oniloia he Ciesis - oShîsi Jaooaîi 14, se Mayor siaiis tihen flid. cave i un i nd5 pouý rid J.iGeci Daied ai Miltan, Oniario, fins, Antiqueand Calecablas lie J lernei 19ih daî ai Disciser. 1972 - CIreR- CILASSWARR OlA boulies; THE ORPRATON F TH TON O MITON HOIDEN, FERRAS, F0503 Ocalei ovair, piessed, Dep- TU CRPRA IN 0FTENO. S 0F8M-T2 and BAESLER - enosîbe, haenîîvai aed vîher tep. HS-AWN.n871196 Mîi. hît., Milton, Ont. vsi n id glas,; sompaies. s p- EXPLANATORSNOTE NoIicvîoî -u taea Admînîsétrator per houler. aid lieonce plaies; 19,37 -oasisý, oes,1vlis; Bisque cina 'Ibis Bp-lac wîlI nmrtud lise esistnng Resîrîrteil Ares Bp-lac ni Use - lins, hand palneo. Milton ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t nlnigAeiigteUig ylwo h ono itn FIJRNITURE - Areins boss MilaslacnAreisisUsZvsnfplcnUsenRoiîlof Notice ss Cr uetra chaier,; 3p, Feeneis pneioe seC: Bp-lac No. 58-7is o lesded la delmne "Prîvale Sciancmg Piols" and i AND OTCRS Jacsques & BHans haive louage; alvo elunmialecnfiusionlisalisas arises duertolise met 8-attse --p lys u dîrng vancsute Reonricee Arra Bp-lac for lise Miltos Plasnning Ares ns acendel, lu lise Essase of WILLIAM paîbvi. tahivo biankel bon, vlaoessoî presentiy cestice or pronude foe "Privale Scùniccsg Pools" GEORGE MORTON, basa ni dîoug bas; Fine opbaed-s; Ils lise Tons ni Milton, la the ,a hl sid,: n, isiser hîg 'lse By-inm nlsv regolalestse loraion ni Frîvale Swmcing Pools andl Cnss nf Ballas. 'chaireîcalle. Refiihedý seci- aceeoory eqipceelon lots. -i.nîohed and onhoîishesl Oser Iv eyirliemnincalnslsntfnylaeqnrednooeson AIl ue-on, haing c Iainis a-50 a) onovque le aill ta ny urterinfrmaiontht my b reuied n cn co ittis ainsi [l, Foiî ali 111 iILLIAM LAMhPb -Band lacps. 000 Bp-lac tn 9 obtanord isp evUssg Use Cleriss Offise, Tome ni Milton. CH ORGE MIORTON, laie'îsithe Clone o îb lise vend iacps; D5 7oîno Mioin t0he Coante hanging lacys. lîinues; gnd Bp-Inn No. 31-69, as amended, iseing lise Zosing Bp lac of 111e Tome Of ai BaIlon, veii d, abso dîitd on heivlmîl lamp. Milton, i ioa allaieifornspectionateClersOfie. or ahou slie hvI0îh da- ni Av0- Tbis i, anolhricrn goad sel- a-h, 1972. air lîvrîbu rvqaasud cîiisn o nique mtavil Plae J, Meehee lui-n silvlliarticil- lsaîhîta attend. Clerk-Adcininlraior linti o vth, and'vouoood onaer Seiiing bi vombar 'Town of Mîlton hvior the' Av 7v dav vi l'ehî'v Rs-leshcvni asiiabie ail bc3dvivhs dai'nha ALFOFS R. SPENCE. Lt, sva ,î,sv aiI hadîo t-e Avetiaineîr Il.. il, 20h20 R.R 5, Geor'geown. r 0 d e 9 r- S, e. ýtf

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