Flyersl' work set ou in race for playof SWEEPING IN and tryleg te score, Mitn ttesspt durieg Priday's gasse against torwards Grog Cbschssacb and Harold Merr Hespeler. Milton lesit 6-4. werse tisoarteli by goaie Evans on tibs (Photo by R. Gosss) Win f irst two close gomes Pintos edged f rom tourney Milbon Novine Pintes provided z y 0f clles and thrilte for aI lise Clarbion Isvltatloesl Tournsamsesl during lhe bslldeyn. =h elgdyl "Y ts d. il.C an Reps b e oe 3- 2. Thse local boys were traIlng Clerbon 2-0 letere fley stantd roflng. Je Gaston scored os uanssted geaI tei mallke Il 2-t. Witfl euy 14 seconds tlt 10 lise gesse and aBter coaches Tis and Ellises hald psslled the goalle fer as neta attacher, Dine Fesnisconeed os a pan 1-e Bineratlin 11e sp the gesse and force a sddsn deufi maritimse peiod. Wifl jeut fine, minutes tit; in fie onritimse perlosi, Eddie Loe- lsicb picked ap a pasa trois Wayne ManDesigall and olszed os atesost imssisble angle elet past theClreon geuhie 10 sein fie gesse for Mites. Thse following dsy au eeufler 1 '1 We're avalable 'les, cour Chasepion III avail!- asI on Wedlnedr-r-ne toi Io îngnewsdaers: lIALTONVILLE Jeneings Oeneeal Store BROOKVILLE Mokeodis Store ACTON Antan 5enbn 5Saop Adames Bas Depie Royal MiI k Store GEORGETOWN tevoens 5tore Feodien s Bioe toees Tnck Skie 2nlrex Sose Sfeep SPE VS IDE Spensidi esal Buore HORNBY Hforn ko Gnneral Stor DRUMQU UN Drusaqule Store OMAGH Ossafh CeairaI Maori PALE RMO Paleesea Cesiral Soe NE LSON collingls service Station#O Monte Nemo Vosenî LOWVILLE Leseoille Vanittn Robertson a Ceefoan'e KILBRIDE Cosîns Canerai Maori CAMPBELLVILLE Moawkse Inn CarIe's Garage Cure's Corner MI1LTON H E IHTS FOItlie Varies Y Peebsîde Ceeral Store le and Around MILTON Chalet Restaurant, Hone-IIDie-n, Hosdn's Onlonl, r fonso', Frui Market, West Ed Motifs, Milles Varief e, Joes Cnenrai Ste, Harris Statlonere, Els5oy's Plermacli, Ladwithe Super Savs. Miffois Dicaleisun, Milton Orie Mail Plaga Omike Bnop, Canavn Restaurant, Mac's Mlb, Meinlolie Restaurant, Asm District Hoaspital. 10-23 Service Station. seqserb teames ffort os fie Pintes dsowed Fastie byea score ofl5- 4. Jee Gaeton, obo dide't quit sbotlng and oorling trees fie Z =sle wusin a reoardnd ho an eors1kabat trick. Rn receinned asasins 1ses Ricbard Siaeanor 12), Dace FîçIogi (21, and Eddie La)epnlsl.Brin Serafin put pthe pueb in fie net an a pau froco Leprleb. It bnd ta lie esoîber setisfying geis for Eddie Loepricb sale oece again sesred fie selnslng goal an e inastifstl paeug play fross Jon Gantes. Close tisa De Tboenday lin Pintos seere elissinaes by Cusefla 3-2. Il wsea e tbrutling gesse troinsoteet te finisb. Roeet Gon did an antatesding job 10 fie sein, hlplng tes teacosstes botd e 2-t edge letare Cesetbre lied up fie geise seîtb seconds te go. ta ssstden deetb onertsoe e esit-an- itefeclion seot nte fie net triend fie gessie. Miltn bnd opesed fie scoring se e goal by Eddie Lueprici os an eeuist feoss Brios Serefisi. Berefini ncoeed tbe second gat heiilp tross Joe GaeIan and Eddie Loepeicb. Tbe boys provideit excelleot hockey for tbe fais and vitre a credit te Miltoni. Bpeebtag of credit a lot oft fis mst go 10 coacbes Daweson Rlissoinn Roaty Toies and msanager Gtord Cartwrigbt for finir excellent bondtiog ofthfe boys. Third period rolly helps Ban toms wvin It eas a tîgbt te, fie finisb but flrougb a greet teais effort, illes Bantees B's seneged e 5-3 nîetory uner Georgetowen on Sttatuday, Dec. 23. Ite itet penid e goa byuo !kLeandestsed by Jey RoN'.rI oId Kevul Busvien put MIal aeed t-0. This sees followed in fie secund seifi a goal Peut McCass assîsted by Dace Marshall and ric Ellisun tsfn fie busse inees e 2-0 tend. Tss guets seere eeturned by Georgeton- fie birst by Peul Merineaeeusted by Mîke Ricb- seuni and an uassisted goal by Greg Scbeob--to lie the score. In0the tlsrd period Georetosen seent aeed wîtb a goal by Gtien Bodner ussîsteli by Mille Ricb' ssuodt uod Pul Mentes ta ssite il 3-2. Hooncer, tis oas fie end of ,Uesing inn Georgelown seben Mle.liokn tuant retied usit fired basse hb siîtcb goals ta eseke fie tinal score 5-2. Derek Grittitte got lIme tying and osessng goals, botb assistait liy Eric Rilison. Tle tifrfi and final gat wus scored by Eric Ettieun wîtb an essist by Peut McCann. In goal for Milton Oas "Hup Perrott obo did as exceptioeutty gond job of mninug fie net. Bantams win in consolation play Miltan Legion Bantusss wion fie consolation cbosspieusbtp in the Sucver Stick Tournassent eguinst Cbioguecossy test eekenit witb a e-o nictory oner Dsoncsle un fie test gernie. Milton ltthfe opener te 'tborotd 2-1 wee fley seere iced pn the lest 29 seconds 0figes.Manager Jse Wilson wes critîcet ot peur officieting in fiat gesse. Fboltgagee Therclub leet Orangecitte 4-1 in fie ftest gesse of tbo consolation cound and weon the second gesse egaînot Dunnvilte for tbe connotation assard. Wiluoo said the club sbeted bord and pteyed gond bockey te, coo u li fie tropby in fie ceslton eepetilies. Tbe club ressenes league actieu Tberodey in Gselpb asd wti bost Burlington Menday et e peu. [W Ho y uENCIU EE Dm r eueses Eiia cTIdeni ou prl e ryildns'pe 5e5lbri propry l iesnt fess Mitoo Continental Flynns heud 1010 fie neni year and the test teg of tle Centrat Ontario Junior B hocey schedule euh a bigjo elsead 0f flees, ilfle thsehpej te gais a lerfhin thfe playotls fis year. Flynes endedthe year en a peur note, lesing 5-1tol Oaknille in (tekvite n Boxise Day and fies 6-4 10 Hespeler Friday in fie Million rib. The tosses set Ftyers in senenfi place. ibe holiday gesses saw Hespeter clinb fross sitt te i fi plsce, snerleblng fie Preston club. Prestes tends Flynes by three points and bas Inie gesses in besd. Bnsy sceedle Flynre were te plsy in Deltnlle test nigbl and wilt host Burtîsgton Fridey nigbt and trenel te Bisrlingloo for fie second garnie nI thse bock lu bock sertes. Tlsey'Bl play Dabvitte in (takvstle nesl Tunsday for %le fourfi gesse in eiglst days. Wli lees fies sis weebo and anty 15 gesses teft on fie schedule, fie reud for fie Ftyere wsll bo a rosgb une. Ttsey'll meet tiret plsce Borbonglon flree tisses andfthe reot of lin teagoe twice in sevn gesses ut bosse and niglit on tle rosid. Fridey oîgbt Ftyers lound fleessetons down 4-0 before fie locat shosters lieutly fousd fie range nuüdway firougli fie final stenea and bit for four goals cstting the Heopeter teud asd sbicusg fie final esergin ta 6-4. Bitty Presoîeb' opeord tbe Mitton scornog nilen he tank possession eit centre ice. carried fie pucb on aod leet Bries Evans on a powier ptay goal. Il wau Miltoo's first goal of fie gesse. Presiak scored ssaesîsted. Deooy Nichot, Anigun York and Harold Merry added singles. Merry, obo slarred seîth the club lauI yeur, betped out Friday. He nies hosse lrnss scboot for fie holidays. He scored a goal and an amssit. Pressseb, fRay Loce, Jobo Arotd and York att picked up assis durssg fie cootest. Stops 41 sinin Ftyer goalse Deug %ealerail tersed aoay 41 sholu and nies leaten tiîce in eacb peri. By ouy nI cocoparison Eouns wes Tàdrlor loadi Mites victory Slnurked by John Taytor's Issu gouis, Milten Mites nilged Oak.- vitte 2-1i n Mitton. Taylor scored fie fuîst one sn fie second period an u pans frnss Scott Barnes. In fie flird perîid Miltn nent aImait 2-f n Taytor's second fout iif fie assistgon aDu Buting. But the Qaks fougbî rigbt bock und it îfiv iononutes teft in fie gesse, Pessocb brobe 10 on Derrick Nrotssds und picbed fie open corner to spod is shutout. 7:30 p.m. Early Birds-Regalar Games 50 Special Games Comfortable Sealusg Admissin $1.00 per perses & 2 free cards Ail Proceelis for Yoelh a Comssenmly Work Ample Parking - Eus servis@ te the réer parking lot I.hll Opis Clu ocly testeiti aes attogelier by chipypu îtntoilc the~~ ~~ Ftes us este u espeler 10. Thegesse was relatiney Ires of 'fliere niere nu maejor penalties MffTONNOVICE COACH Marty Copule gives a tese words of encouragessent ta his yosng charges, during lise cnisolation chosspionship serins of lthe Misor "A" tolrsassent in Milton Arena Satarday. Milton's Novice entry hall lest Ilseir first gasse to Bay Ridges after a 5-5 tie was broken by penalty shote, tises blanked Grimosby 2-0 in tise cnsolaticon round. They tut tise final te isgston Township by a 4-t score. (Photo byfl. Downsi) Mito S*,o of Divig EXPERT The Chompon Milon, Ont. Wed. Jane y 3, 1973 5 it KEYS vet sred Miltonsonly goal ý'U HL in the Oekvilleeg:e.eGre U NL Gsaeleuoeh asld ontae Caprd F TOU WAIT persed ssarker. Bld Calen Brion Beet led fie Oabvitte AT MILTON attack wtb lwo goals selile Don _______ Millord, Roma Rich and C..555 Steenkof singled for the win. 227 Main Si. Miltoni - 878-2».3 * ,HOME LI G_- f HTING * IDEAS NADALIN ELECTRIC c- CLTD. 3153 Steles Ane. Milton NEW SHOWROOM *OP EN DAILY * Newi Chandeliers for clin ing roocos * iDimmer swîfches for ini site control of * brightness ODecorafive lamps, ail shapes leo High infensity miniatore desk lamps *Allracttve wall brackets for entrances HIGH DISCOUINTS ON SOME DISPLAY ITEMS Decorafing Idea Brochures Avoulable on request e Enqaîrifs inoîted 'an heatîng and t air canditaauag la Fast service an matar rfpaîrs * ADALI E IC January Special a tremendous jntroductorY offer from U LTRA PROPERTIES LTD. Clîmatic Alumrnum Reg. $1.lOper sq. ft Aluminum siding means no painting tor 20 years NOW A 20 YEAR (manufacturiers) GUARANTEE on ai ALUMINUM SIDING .'lluminum mearu N.eee,nlna la, 20 Y.-i C.îl .. bel. oie ynPein *300 hunin- 30 f. bssb fuel1 120 fi. .120 I.h15h. eqonle 1,200 sq1 fi If gable, 6' n 20Y «qoi, 200 sq bt Toioieq, boise., 1,400 sq bl IMITED MATERIAL & COLOURS 637-2315 24 NOUR SERVICE REG. SI $1 ,540.0 9 0 0 YOU SAVE $434 Reg. Prc S O1persq.h.t SCIe -e, -d-Inn d l *5]