Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Jan 1973, p. 3

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Girl seriously injured recovering in hospital A Miltan girl aertaasly mnjared in a pre-Clirisimsas accident ta Peut Comiiy îs stf ln Oie ineivîe cere uiti ut Toronto GeneraltHospialbutis maig a guud eecovcry, ucuediug tu heu paets. Marion Vecderlieydcs, daugltitr of Mr. and Mru. William Vanderlieydeu af Appleliy Unr Miltos, oelelirated lier lOili lifil- day in tlie taspiiel on Clitmas Day. A Grade 12 studeul ait M. M. obinson Higli Oclial in Burlingionse slclasliceu activc lu Junior Farmeru ecd siogs ulili Oie HoIl Rusary Foli Clir. Bic tras one ut six percece liari me a liree-cer pife ap un Sireles Ave. casi of Wtastau Cliurclill Blvd . oc Saiordey, Dec. 16. Marlon tran pinncd lu tlie car. liakes rccuvrry Roîlicd t0 Peel Memoriel Hospitel. cie eas later lremferred loi Toronto General. lier sklt tran frectared, site uftcrcd lrirue damaec, a irulicu jase, a callapaedi long and a leg s liroken in twu places. SÛR1 in MARlOM' VAr4bERREYD)EN Pension refused former employee Willham Middlcloc, e former uthsiness tlie 1972 board deuil peri lime iccrclary titi the uld mi. Actan Selieul oard han liece Boerd mcmlieru, îccludicg dessed e retircement; pension liy Actuc and Nessegeweye repre- lieltuc Coocty Board of scclatice Tom Waisoc, did cet Educalion. cmmccl on the denial. Middleioc oruef the Acton Nat In mtriaes board for 35 ycarn liefore ilc ec a interview board escelgemetef eiO tic uoier sheurman Ernest Bodcar ssid litoc boerds 10 force Oic Hallan Middtetoc taicd lie reqouls oc e Cunty Boerd utl Educeiioc. dlac ieî eht pecsion provicioc li, rcqocst tas tomned down wmi mede mn tic Actoc luard's liy tte boerd darlug a meeimg monuton. Tflirsdey, end tran Oie lent niere lioevr Baduar seye Oiei chte board mesclun etecdcd tovIuding il in tlie minutes, lliey Esques ng orser eclcd ou il. Esq esng The cheirman sid grantmgOthe reqest could setealrend incîccu solici tor ot tic cocer ofthOesformer boards iucolccd. lic aIse itressed Lliai, Mîddiletu lied heen a part nom ed QC tarecfmployce ufth Oict Enqocig Tutrnstap'i solicitor Terrecce F. Betres of Gcorge. tow aia trs une uft Iso lieltoni dfffilfliiituiliiiiiifiififififf lawycri uamed Qaren's Ceunselo e, Oic Netr Year's Deyls Government le Oiri i un Wesseîl Gall ut Borlufto tac , elsocetredaQ. Thieltro Hlin OPTOMETRIST sohliitrs wccc emong 98 mamed e QCs luis ycar. A gorernimcni = URINT E press rclcese said thos lionareifN iclode r.ey trio tare 'gie MALL frcely uft Iliir lime, eacrgy and e lihylcaas arcos af puliie TELEPHONE 632-7788 seric. as seit as litg a leaders lu licîr profession." iitiiitiiaiiiitiiaaiîtiiiiiiit CUTIrING THiE RIBBON lui offlcially open Oie Ra Social Cluli on Sicelci Ave. durmng Oie New Yesr's Eve ponly tran Maor Bries Besi assisteif by Councillar Don Gardon ut Oekeille. Caub preoident Aifonso Crisci andf Mms. Crisci arc accompanied liy soc 30e for Oie ceoln. Thte oct euditorium lias or- commodation for mure ilias 400. A gmoup cf celelirans is seco daring Oic cvcnlng os Oiey atraît lic 0,-rival ufthOe New Veor. Beluse, a vie, ut tic dance fluor as parlygoers enjayed themscives. (Phoosliy S. Dills) Philosobit By Edi Sharpe Gud's tlira wark sluwly, but Justice" îs mocked. cluir thie lficy wurk. Vve Iseard il said surface forces are ai irr lu oct Iliere lit ce justice on thse wurld; tuisgs rîglsi; forces grealer than luaiever iliere îs - Eieraal any tiraa force. Ecil lirings Justice." hleu ecit ur ciolesce destruction lu iliose whli praclise lilgs lenrtaclie and mural il. We cao depesd os bt Elersal lialance la apei. lOis "Elersal Justice. is erer fails. XX'DISPENSING OPTICIANS N Ocuist Prescriptions Filie *Contact Lersus To beffer serve yso eue oîll lie open Thorsdays from 9.30 arn. fo 5.30 p.mn. in Miltone in addit ion ta or previsous hoors. H0085- HOURS-- Muen. u sric .530 p.mf Taesday, Wednesday Thues. 9uer. -u9pcm & Thursday. Cîosed Safarday 9.3f arn. fa 5.30 p.m. 175 Lakeshore Rd. E. 70 MAI N ST. E. 845-3621 878-5151 OAKVILLE MILTON NEW MEMBERS WELCOMED At the meeting of the Milton Snow Birds Snowmobile Club Wod. Jan. 10, 1973 AT MILTON LEGION 1sf Flan,- 8:300p.mt. SHOWING SNOWMOBILE FILMS Door Prize-Sowmobile Suit For Quality and Friendly Service I £ FLOWER K'4ef SHOP MILTON PLAZA -u q Abn res 878-288f Fnea T,ýe NOTICE TO AIL RESIDENTS AND BUSINESSES IN THE TOWN 0F MILTON BY-LAW 56-71 By-Iaw 56-71 of the Town of Milton prohibifs eed maies il att offence for est, persue lu thrope, place or depasit suow, ice or siosh or eut, public euie, highuet, or street ie fie towe ut Milton. A convictionuuederfthe provisioesof this by-lawcould result in a fine of up lu $300.00 for caci offeuce. May, we please have your cu operatilue J.crk-Adr hisfaa J. McGeechnieao Taown ut Mi Iton a mms-cuma, alim lias andergone tefo operatiaus. 'Olie ta cuudup. alurg mari liciter ilien ltse ducluru expecled," sauf lier uufhcr, Hec purents and fur brushees viuit hue ulooi evury day. Mes' Vauderlicydes saut Martou's fricudu in Miltos and disicl liace tees very helptal acd tracy lieue prayed for a speedy rercccry. Tlie lioly Rosary Folki Choie urgasiied a spccial mass for lier and close ta 200 peuple eitended. Roger leuhuff, e Lullicren sioîster, ocerlieurd e conver- satioc trcolviog two yoosgsiers suu trrre in differmit pre-Easter rommunicant classes lic trac cocduciug. Tie hidi trere ex- clieogiag notes or selai their perlîcatar groopu bl lies studying. -9/arc op ta original uic," Oie bory said. Iliais cuog, thc otlier cul e,, -wc'rc past redempiiocl" -JoeCrevassc, [.ouisidle Coorier-Joorcel The Champion, Mailton, Ont., Wed., Jacuary 3, 1973 3 Perhaps you've wondered Practicel. whai, if anythisg, focs trugi -/lieu peuple stand up." lie ltse masd of a speaker whes flic seys, 'il trrry liecause tllait audiece stands and applauds ai lIscy may trali out and leave me thic end of hîs tlt. Thse iliaagsts lu dean up att Ilsse dlrty ot ert Cueuls, former govercor diohes! ' -e Craat, and testeraI jaiffe, are entirely Louisville Courier-Joaactal, Hom Important Is Your Home? Yofu hoe ad loid on ar credfte yu, and yo 1-1J lect h,,- iý? tqhc , I-1S lf,fufuuf.fîSu cue pi de s30 5509, icih o le Ouft-re yuuprofectingf5hem fru the epfccssuofa non spirituel afe fr. the coliudnussf deah whut hpe, -feue, the pfraspect ut anueter-fftyuuthut ieauuu' Yuu cee onde gfue theef fie icst in Christian influece and tr-aining ONLY wefit yuencouragefihet turead andf cead afh theef fite uible, sud iic ticef -egufuefi fa aile study and iutship. u c eut ucly peutect fhiS saufs for- efernty fy u cse give fiee a lfIe uf li fuilcens and genucne, whuleouie heppiness they wifi erue, fureef Hue, important is YOUR hume' ouef u being eue Io studyth fe ouk ot Gud, andi woi-shi reouleefe at the Church of Christ? Free-Mai TODAY Pica,, Pesuvide ]'Chrisiaeufy isuc duefeutiona' Church of Chist pamtphlet 241 Kus Court Cl Bie Cuccespuedeese Course Milton, Ost. Ph. 878a605ut CI Peesuel uibfe Cfu.dy NAME _ _____________ __ AIDRE5SS PHONuE_____ OUTERWEAR Ladies' Coats Ladies' Car Coats Ladies' Ski Jackets Girls' Coats Girls' Jackets Snow Suits Infants' Snow Suits Men's Jackets Boys«' Jackets Ski-doo Suits SHGP EARLY AT 1 IION ""P TMENT STORE Open De ly Tv 6 Thut ay anti , pri Sc 200 Main St. 878-9261 Open Tliansday and Friday ft p.m. , a 8 -N IL Àd

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