Four proposed federal ridings Firefighters raise $1 ,062 for Muscular Dystrophy 22tanbs te their "laUl gale" promotion ut Miltan Plana bock ini Oclober, Milton Fie Depurîment oet a local record in their 1972 land-rotsing drive foe the Musculoir Dysteoç'ty Association ut Canada. The brigade tes collerted $1,002.05 lue the MD fand, lice- hgbhters reported. Their ussai collecions are ite ic50 tei $MO range bat Si year benides the camuniters sobich tey placed Ln sbires aeoand ton, the brigade set up atolI booth on twt iceebendo ai Milton Floua. 22se ointary toithaotb collected $801 for the MD tand, as generos materists "paid a toll" soten Siey deove tt the Floua parking lot. Fiee preventiontact Chuef A. E. Clement said the j<ofl booSi" bad a double duts' tue tise liee brigade. It sous teld near =Fiee PrevenOan Weeb mnd thase soagave a "donation received naine tiee preventian lieabice, paeils and batiocisn retars toc the donation. 'We not otly ssoelledi thc Mancular Dyslrophy fond, utc dintributed quitte o bit of lire peeventian literature," the chiet said. "Ail the adulis received a pendi wtS o tire presentian message printed un lt, mndii Siere socre any ebildeinu the cor Siep received o free teilsen-ano geaeing a mtessage about lice prevention." Loul soeek ChicO Cle.ucot coiiected Sic cannistees utbicb ted teen ini local sbires for a couple of montsn. The coina were coutted and yielded $261.05, and es the caseuster collection non hegher toianany pres'iousyear. Lant year Sic brigade's test year ta date. MD roilection-vise 'flic cannîstees i 1971 yielded MILTON 878-3272 or 878-3208 Sho.ntens. Sun. Thia Thiirs. 8.00 p.m. F,&, and Sat. 7.00 & 9.00 nt.4 F.'l.5 01.6 2 ;0cm. s...7 m.. 8 ta. 9 wml.O il 1ncd...lin. «"MLLY Students S51 80 .IN~J0 ( SAdults $1. 75 'CA UTION - .Some mas' find the dialogue in this film offensive." eu.ll &Jî.2 so.13 Whali MWILSAD endl6 LOIý MAM= Obituary William McMullen William D. MeMullen, soho vorked ait P. L. Robertson Mon- starturing Ca . for 50 yearo passedl asoay ai Joseph Brant Memorial Hospital on Tharnday, Dc. 21, 1972. He sous in bis Ofth ye or Heis survivedlby sns Kenneti of Georgetown, Keîth ut R.R. 2, Casephelîsîlle, and Dus-id ut It.R. I MottaI. Me. McMulieo is aise survived by a brother George (Gea!> of Mdlton and sisters Mes. Gien Dollîver iJean> ut Rochester Miciîgan, Mes. W. Oeckfard (Kate) of Brampton, Mrs. Perry Hall (Jackue> and Mes. Harold McMillun (Caroline ), boSi ai Milton, and hy 12 grandrbhildren. He was pre-deceasedi hy beoSiers Robert and Peter and by sisters Mrs. George Currie (Lina) and Mrs. A. Pibe (Rose). 'lTe dereased, uhu lived 'm Milton ail is hie, resided ut 147 l'userai service vus bel! on Saturday, lic. 23 uit MrKersie Funerul Home. Rev. R. W. Fster of Grace Angliran Cburcb van the ottîcîulîng utinister. lutermeni urus in Evergreem Ceseetery, Milton. Palbeaers were sons Keoueth, Keitb, and David, sepheur Robert MeMullen, brother-in-lav Harold MeMillan, andliver Hall. BEST DECORATED HOME in tihe Dorset Park Subdivision over Chtristmas soas the bouse uf Mr. and Mrs. AI Kelly and family at U6 Baldwcin Court. TIse Dorset Park Residents' Association sponsoeed a content and offerei a prize for thse best decorated home. Mayor Brion Best and Champion "About tise Towon" columnist Mrs. Dolores Melansun were ltse judges. (Photoby R. Dosons) Leg By George MrLeod E ah yeur tihe Royal Canadian Legion loses appeouimately 33,000 utembers througb deats and dropoat-itis. 00e strongly urge ail members utho have set renewed their membersbip for 1973,todouso aitonce. Otemembor, Beoncis 136 needs you in '73. Oar many artîvîlies siart bock i ul swing tSus week alter thc holidays, se plan lu, attend. Don't lorgel aur Frîday night progressive cachre aI 9 p.m. lthe tollowing memiters are [solvi on uarsîrkhboardand were iiuied alaur Newt Year's dance: 'Gord Barlue, Tom Wlieeler. BUi Coales and Fred Robitins. 00e THE CANADIAN CHNAM PION Autoizîed as Second Closs Mail Postal Registration Socoher 0913 FABRIC 560" DONEGAL TWEED SUITINC 58"1 WOOL & MOHAIR FLANNEL $398 45" WASIAILE on Notes wîsh yuu tellosos a speedy Happy "nversu' Congratulations ta tise peesident ofthSi Ladies' AuxiiY and hec banband un Shi 32aid anniversury on Jan. 3. AIse happy bietbday te Sharon Kierstead and Nora Dosons, aise a special velcame tram Brandi 136 ta Mes. Juhnson so tes teamtfeeeed leom, PaeeY SOandIII. Don't torget. it pou taenit paid pour daes, get doson ibis veeb, telîre pou are tan late. Salivation Army PICK-UP TRUCK in Mliton & Area EVERY TUESDAY 87-522 1 PROCLAMATION SMO WMEN .......... DAIS. January 5 and 6 It is my pleasure on beisaît of tise Councîl af tise Corporation af the Town of Milton ta proclalm SNOWMEN DAYS In recognItioi of tise annual Miltan Snose Festival sponsored by tise Milton Communits' Service Clubs. Milton Youts Council wli iold a blitz to self Snowmen on Januars' 5 and 6. Tise Snawmen euli be pour admission tai tise Seose Festival Februars' 16, 17 and 18. Milton Couccil encourages tise support of ail citinens in preparing for tisis annual levent. Brian Best Mayor l5th Annual JANUARY Decembr 2,972to Janury 2th, 1973 FLATWARE ~uanan4~ SAVE 20%/o ON ALL OPEN STOCK 1847 RO-GERS BROS. SILVERPLATE OVER SA VINGS Reg 1195LI INTERNATIONAL ~ DECORATOR STAINLESS __ 795 995 rooe hranciŽerIQ. 228 MAIN ST. MILTON 878-6341 h i Sale 54"1 WASHABLEVICS POLYESTER BLEUI 45" BRUSHED OHALLIS 45"1 PRINTED POLYESTER CRIMP KITS L $1d$32 45"1 TEXTURED POLYESTER 60"9 JAOQUARD ID FAlOT OREPES PIQUE ORIMPLENE $29y! ~Reg. 88$6.98 $9d letuy7.41 ee' A 5' inu end A#,#, Fakir jad famnity gatefui4i thook h Milton Firefighters Mr. &Mrs. Ken Campbell Pupils and Staff of Wl1. Dick School Mayor Brian Best The Town, Red Cross and ail those who assisted and gave help to us Lwig n affer the fire at 95 Mahn St