86 The Champion. Mtoou Ont,, Wed., Joruary 3, 1973 5150PLY SPLASOING" were the words tu the public ou Wednesday, Thnrsday and these girls migbl use tsi describe swimnning ut Friduy. Use OSD pool lasn week. The pool was opened (Photo by D. O'Reilly) FrienilsotMrs. Duiutby Witso oftGuelphbwiltbeppaed tobhear ui se bas retuineul bome trois bospitl autd s mabtng roosarbable prugiess. Durotby is a mimber ut Miltou Senior Citîoeo tOrcheistra aud topes tu be bock wtUs titi gtoop slortty. Miss Etizabtetht Noriugtou ot tuiou aud Miltun aud Mictuel Bilou ut Turoutu aud Londus are speodingUthebutudays an Use W. J. Nurrngitun tactu uu titi moutaut ORR. 6 Miltou). Noe residints on Trafalgar t areMr. and Mis. N. J. Ootansi andUsheir tiso cbitdieu huom South Atuuca, Mr. and Mis, tL. Pareut fruntBrampton audMr. and Mis. N. Tusey frum Mississausa. Wr welcumne Usem, lu ue lun. Brune andl Durotby Diugman oend son Dairn of toy ia lturmety ut Miltou) spent Use Nuew Year butiday iu Mdltou itîl Bob and Ftu Eggtîton, te2 Roiutooit Crîsc. Bob Reid, tt1 Ontaio St. louf the town >o/ores Metanson ietitctcsi[rom Cbicgo on Dee' 24 utter uttiitdotg the wedding of bis sicitco Keciti Hitibi Jr. of Waubegun, Bob tried uosusxe..siutts lu get afigbt [rum CiuLgo bacb to Torontoibut coutl oui, due t0 the iog conditions in or Onua Dorine the itirvofioiogifor a lgt Bob tras.cttcd to Fort tauderdut, ltorid and back to Cbhigo. He uuo pi coco t utheb aiuportins Chicago ut the tisse uf titi terrible trugeito tben tiso planes cottîdeil os tbe ruotsay. Hi tried uguto tu geît Oîigbt bacb to Toronto but coutld 001 and 000 ltsm.Iyoccitoreturn bonneoihc bus. on iii,. 24. Mrs. Jsie Humitoo, Miso Cauoi Hamilton aond Mîo. tidi cnjoyiol Chtristmas dîssîr ai tbe Norrington turm, HoR 6. Miltos. Neo Mittooto.,. aic Mtc and Mrcc. J. Doietts and diuigtii lrototPicberng wiouare rsidiog ut 30 torse Scot, Dr., and Mr. and Ms, D. J. tors and tbcîc tuuhtc..c...t.gtc.t uhO havecmoveci tU 1pAiuroctcotsc Dr. Mir andl Mrs. At Kelly, 116 Bldin Ct .bhai on tirut pion loi titi biot Chiristimas bouse stîcorutios ini Dorset Park. Titi bouses oerî ludged ou Wcitocsday cseiîou Dec. 27) and tode o 1r titi esint isere Mtayor Brias Beot and Dotores Mctaosoo. Titi pîue is beutg uoucdcst by titi Dorset Park Communîty Assoctationl. lircuident of titi assoctation la t2oyd Bînson. t44 MîDonatd ùtisi. Mr. and Mis. H. Rilîy and djuogittr trom Cantttîtd base movcd to 105 Mctjoatd Crise. Wricomc to Milton. Mis. Kcn utupisan of loy Lia sprot titi iottday ueebend wlUs bcr grand-daugitter and ber itusboui, Dotores and Art FANCY DIVES sucb os titis one seere the rule Recreation Committee sponsored public Metauson, 235 Garnet Ave. -Newu 1973 caleudas eait uthUe omimin pool in Use Onfario School for swtmmiug tere domine the Christmas 1 od ie ewihaumlles springitie op aroud tite toise. Use Deatosports building last wiik. The Mltun bolidays. (Photo by D. OReillyt aud prusperous t973. -Siabe oit titi January I dotlrums, adoortise you uwanled items in a Chaimpion ctassitîed ad. THUNDERBIRD '73 A car made with care in the Thuniderbird tradition. t combines elegance with innovatîne engineering for its our b gb standard of wnat a personal luoury car should be. Dramatic styling, long 10w Thonderbird proportions and a bright new grille. Tasteful ornamentotion. strong Eniergy-Absorbing Bumper system. Tbunderbîrd luoory goes beyond looks of course wîtb V8, select shift cruise-n-matic automnatic transmission, power steering, power Iront dîsc brakes, AM radio, insîde hood release ind spare tire lock to deter tbeft There's more . . . so mucb more we'd like tu talk to yoo about it. Obvoosly you and Thunderbîrd should meet. Let us introduce tee. MOTORS __-_ U C. 11. MILTON COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION GROWING 1 GROWINGI1 GROWING 1 WITH MILTON LOW CGST FINANOINS MONTHLY PAIMENTS (Principal and Intmremt) 12% ANNUAL INTEREST RATE ____ 12ms 2 O. 36 mos. 48 mos. 60 ms 1 ,000 88.85 47.08 33.22 1l50o 133.20 70.62 49.83 2,000 177.70 94.10 66.43 2,500 222.13 117.69 03.04 65.84 3,000 266.65 141.23 99.65 79.01 3,500 310.98 164.76 116.26 92.17 4,000 355.40 180.30 132.86 105.34 4,500 399.02 211.84 149.47 118.51 100.11 5,000 23 4472 166.08 131.67 111.23 (Tc arrive ai Total Cuit-sobtrost oteount lurroisea fruit total paetiti Repayment prograts are nogotiabie-the above are sampies onip. A Rebate ot 20 percent on Interesf paid bas been paid for the last 10 peurs f0 members in good standing. No outra charge for lite insurance at pour Credit Union. Sickness andi accîidenn unsurance; fo caver boan payments lu case of sickness availabie at lois cost. SHARE TERI AUT LONSSAVINGS DEPOSITS FasI Lu InsredCurrentdirdend 5 percent 612 - 14-7/4 6% UNTERESI C MRENT ACCOUNTS PERSONAL Non-cheqoing harges O S Savng Acont CoqesACCOUNTS Home poeet.E ADIT ONALT EVIE (aomsinu tatd it n hofie enkfAmrc Trvlrscoqs *Gruplie usuaue valabe 0 6oi cs . 7eMnyOdr etîanci aiCountselin ques FCO reg Currenyuedfo [ CmnePRVT, popdn ureous% Cient busie ipour ns.Ec 0.A omeia n Eres Trafiavles Cn heouie.s ako mrc rvles hqe JGou ieinsrneaalb tlo THEt CaMNT CRnEDI NO N TDAY elked ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~4 Mokeauto fu a nf. e., îltoun tsevc @Fiancal ou Tel opho eig 8784168 OffIcAe, eromp ad .5 . Thurto s a y A Frîdailiii 14usinesstunnene 1' I~'I' "i I I Un., ' ." U nI .RI NINLMT l SERt. MILTO i i i I IN Y âme,2 i7-168MFo Inforati o Cai 878-4168 MILTON OPTICAL DISPENSINO OPTICIANS Oculists' Prescriptions promptly & accurately Il lied HOURS Tu esda y & Wednesda y 9: 30 f0 5: 30 Thursday 1:0to 8:00 Friday 1: 00to5: 30 69 Main St. Milton 878-4961 409 Main Si. East MILTON Phone 878-2389