19 LEGAL 19 LEGAL Notice T0 TH1E RAIMPAYEUS 0F TH1E 1'OWN 0F MILTON NOTICIEOF APPLICATION tu The1 Ontario Musnipal Board by te Coporaion f th Tonof Milton, for approeuIa oa B y-law te reglte Ilpraia ofi teunt 35o h lnigAt TAKE NOTtCÊZat:CndtleCo%ý rporationot lte Townm of Milton intendo bo apply te The Otario Municipal Board purtaient te the prosonso of Section 35 of The Planning Act for approvat of By-tr w No. 58-72 passed on the ltt day of OeŽloier, 1972. A Copy ofthe By-laev is fucniohed leerewili. A note givig n eoplnnion efthe porpoe nd offert of lte Ny- laie and olating the landse alfected titereby le nîne fornsshedl ieroei. ANY PERSON INTERESTED MAY, teititin tonrteeo (14) dnys aller lthe date of titis notice, snd ity reglotered Mail or detiver I. lte Clerk ni lte Towen et Milton notice et bis objection te approval of lte said by-law, tegeliser wits n otetienent efthle gruuis of nocit oit- jectin. ANY PERSON wisiting te support the np laion for npproval et lte Ny-laie may teititin foorteen (14) days Wftorlie date of ie notice tend by regiatered mail or deliver te lie Clerit efthe Towen et Milton nsotice ut jue suppert et approval et the said by-law tegelier wli n reqoent lar notice et any iteariog titat may ie beld glviog aise, lie namte and address teteiticit surit notice nitold le glveo. TEE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD may appreve ofthe nid by-law but beoon deing su it may appoint a limte and place whien nny oitjectien ltthe ity-law will 1e comdered. Notice et nny hearlng liaI may ie iteld diH ite given only te pernonso hieiave led n objection or notice et support and wito have left til or dellvered te lie Clerit undersigned, the addreooto soicitnoticeeof itearlog 101 tu esent. TEE LAST DATE FOR FILING OBJECTIONS wili thle 17li day et Janary, 1973. DATEDeaIIth Toneof Milton lio3rd day oftJanuary. 1973. J. McGeacise, Clent, Towon ef Milton, 251 Main St. E., MILTON, Oet, TH1E CORPORATION OF TNETOWN OF MILTON BY-LAW NO. 18-72 A Hy-la eamend By-Iaw Ne. 3149. W HE ERAS lie Municipal Ceenrcil et 1he Corporation of 1he Toswn of Milton deeme il advienitte te nmeod Ny-lew Nemiter 31-69, as nooended; NO0W THER E FOR E lte Municipal Council et lte Corporation of the Town of Milton ENACTS astfollows: e. Titat Section 2 of Ny-laie Nenilar 31-69 le itereity entendedit y iertiog alersitsertion (96) liereof the llowing noitnection (l6a): -l96a) -SWIMMING POOL, PRIVATE" means ny lady of water, permanently loreled outiloors on privately ownoed property, centaied ity arlificial meano, and uoed and maintained for lie porpose of swimmiog, soading, diviog or itliig." 2. Tit Section 6 (2) of Ny-laie Numlar 31-69 fl itereity amended ity eesertiog alter sobsertion (fIl lieceuthetollewiog sotesection <g): "1gî PRIVATE SWIMMING POOLS (1) Notwltetaoding eoy ollar provisionof utlis Ny-laie lali centrary, le a Resideotial Zone a private nwbmiming pool and structures in cojonction wi Surit a swinosiog. peotl may I:e ererlad and usein lehle interior side or rear yard prorided liaI, lI1)no port et surit swimmring peol shall lae torated dloser lian S5 teet te any street line or dloter lion 4 fort tei auy rear or aide lot line, or closer lian 10 teet to liat portion et lie rear lot lie whiicit adjoins lie interior side yard of lie adjoining lot if sort lot is hitlt upos, or wlaith adjoins lie requo'ed itterier side yard ot tla adjoiniog lot if surit lot sa vacant, and 2) No waler rirrolating or trealment equipment surit as pompo or lilterseitail lie turated dloser liane10 tort tei any rour or aide lot fine. 11) A prîvate swinmoiog pool steti nul lae cooidered port ufthe lot ruverage provided Iliat no part ef surit ssining pool or las rafing proîrudes more lin4'o feet alave thefinisbed grade." 3. Tis Ny-lue shite iterome effective un lie date lareet soitiect to receiviug 110 approval ufthle Ontario Municipal Noard. EEAD a FIRST, SECOND and TEIRD TIME and FINALLY PASSED THIS5 16li DAY OF OCTOBER, 1972. lOian Neot Mayor J. MeGeare Cierk BY-LAW NO. 11-72 EXPLANATORY NOTE 'Ibs By-law wiSl amesd lie esisting Reslriclad M'en Ny-laie of lie Milton Plannmng Airea, laing lie Zoning By-law of mhe Towno et Milton. lly-laie No. 58-72 le intended te define "Private Ssninuleng Poule" and ais eitmmnala contusion 1101 itas atilen due lu lie tact liaI lie Restrtcted Area Ny-laie for 110 Milton Planning Ares as ameioled, dines otpreseotly mention or provide for "Private Siiming Poule". 'lbeffy-laie alie, regalates the roatin ut Private Siiniing Pools uni acessory eqoipment un loto. Any lortlar iformation ltaI may lae requirein t ceneection iiis Ny-lac ca ittined ity carling lie Clerits Office, Toien uf Milton. Ny-laie No. 31-69, as amendaid, laoog the Zoing Ny-laie ufth11 Tocs ut Miltoilaallsi availahletfor inspection atie Clert's Office. J. Mctbearlae Clerit-Admininlenter Towne et Milton Notice l199 TE RATEPAYERS 0F ESQIJESING TOWNSHIP AND TEE TOWN 0F OAKVILLE WHOSE PROPERTIES BORDER THIE TOWN 0F MILTON. leNOTICE 0F APPLICATION te 111e Ontario Municipal Bonrd hy Corporation ufthe Tocs ut Milton for appovet ut a Ny-lues le regula lend aie pesed pursunt le Section 35 of lthe Planning Art. TARE NOTICE liet lie Conenil efthe Corperation nfthe Tocs ut iton ilands 10 upply te l'le Ontario Municipal Board pononent 10 thiovisîionsof Section 35 of 'lte Planning Art for appruval et Ny-lnso No. 58-72 pooseda li te l6li day ut Orteter, 1972. A Cupy ofthe Ny-taie i loruistee tececsili. A note giving n enplntion ufthle porpose nd offert ufthe Ny- laie and steting lie lands attected titecety te aIsei Oncisited laresoili. AMY PERSON INTERESTED MAY, seititin tooteen ( 14) days sitar t10 date of lite notice, send hy regietered mail or dotiver le lie Ciort efthle Tocs ut Milton uotice of bis objection te epproval ofthe sid by-lase, tegeliser wAi e tristement ufth11 groneds of sorti ob- jection. AMY PERSON ieisig la nupport 110 application foir appreval et 19 EGA 19 LEGAL 19 LEGAL B w ig The Chamrpion, Miltln, OGe., Wed., Juary 3, 1973 1 lie %4aiemai'sulitin fourew (14) dayn sitler liedate et lits notice foCreîor CNA b Oer SlS ff and y regiotere malo eie oteCeko hsTWo ao,1Ntc oCeiosO r 12 classes =îtceoi n pofeapprovn othie sald by-tnietegelier wlioa N ITER Oins itpl., Rorsin Fy lit: hies reuufrntiee a orin, ia a lae bli gving aiseo lie AdOMES sisals. Sndra Lenailts uameand addceo. suicnotlcesild laegiven. D00 kedtpe.tiur egl ATU RANDENRURG, 0spee cotr , rei tu f.27, a objection ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ Mîin je heeeauw illl3e1eridr00 Noiceof00e Oai tht c-ailese ommoroilonyn Roardfor22.lolsaalemoi.tallnîîeny mardofeutmobl ceai1enncefmone miaylaiteldsvilllagiveonly tepesos wsulave filed aojeton, th, Cîoe'tyif Hailton, Reicd, i icc iîcto rrgistei sonne 12 aou esoaen l s leoed sonne of or notice ofsupportand who have left iîlior dlvred tle Clertý ,ho di'd ici - aNli'e te 7th iii îli ,iîî.,. ,. [se a .iltone thetdeî îirely en closs undersigned, the addreesleu inh nhoticeofheaci soeeent.rl litý oi 2 tîI..is, 1972, ciii b, Iii. Sîc.C on Weîte.d,e, tan, ufi wnfi h contne to'ii ceolher tiiid oith lie' oiedee.iged ce (1. fi) eseeks. THIE [AST DATE FOR FILINO ONJECTIONS ieill te lie 7lii er belore Joouary 12, 1973; -Llood croude, islendrd thr Seral of the clossesecurreslly Thte luruîlurc re-îsing day of Jaosery, 1973. , hecallîr, the eedvcsigeed w Miser "A" hockeyleournanmenî inpeainsgialthe hool willl bcc .e-curse wil) le eopaoded ueut di',irieoîe lthe ascl of ithesiaid Milton Armna Wedueodoy tu eegistered sort as bitcdge, korp termi 10 oller tome misur DATED aitheaTowenof Miltibis 3rd day ofJnory, 1973. cuide hasing regirdl osly te the Saurday. fiI and receallus, yoga, and uphulslery. students il la aitle dlaims ticu Cileil. let elrip and re-finit larniture J. MGeahie aIe ai iltn, Otaro, Visond in addition, tiasic tecitiqus Clerit, Toswn ut Milles, 151h dai of December. 1972. Aê U C T 0 A L E oZailitesoy furliur la iet 251 Main St. E.,N L naIiese ciuroayl ML N, t. HOLIsEN, PERRAS, FORD brosghl le the seitoul for MLOO. and HAESLER SATURDAY, JANUARY 6th - 12 NOON itelelceriug. The luekofîstrage TECROAINOTHTONOMITN 196 Maie Si.. Miiltoe, Oel. I acililies diclales that lthe TEE ORPRATON FTNEOWNFMITON ,Soliitii for the Ad'einisleator Te hb, i.,i in le Inenire mot e laiton lame BY-LAW NO. 5&72 119c37 The Agricultural Hall, Milton Fair Grounds aller eact dlais. A By-lnsutoalmend Ny-tew Ne. 31-49, ('Cresen iandy esi meteli Fr Mr GîiODON ARMOSTRONG of ce',îlie ooay risit tei eoe in lie ieelding WHEER E AS the Municipal CouneeuofttheCorporationsoftteTuen Notice fo Creditors ofi~ele2c .ý icîci esu] , onu Anie Frniioce aned iîher, sud metalcerk claso. Gia,, snd (hin,,. Ayytî,e..,, Etc,~,r,, 'lIwo uew biess coures aro ni Milton dormes il adeisable la amoend Ny-laie No'sber 31-69, an AND OTHERS avoulable tiuuitieepig fer a antended; -ANTIOQUE FOIRNITU r ('lii suni ofî. ci .îed ycicc'd emall businsess aed brush u your lu ti he Rolute of WILFRID bail, Cupojhcd 6 '>s in eac .,î,.5 l.. p.c,, 9l"se toiîpc lypîsg. The itukeikeping course NO0W THE RE FO0R E lte Municipal Ceunceil ut lthe GORDON CEOZR, lte et deco, cieght C,k, ee.,i,.' hli .ti.iiidio ilvecîicc udl be of inerest oiose pople Corporationeofte Tow ofMiltn NACSas flos: the1 Teien et Milon, In lthe Cioci; giegier leee.d (hCl siik wr... - li-d Aiaddie icey; engaged in a omaîl buosiness, or Couny et Eaions ing, oee Inn N,a,î oIld Vel,,,- naîl o,îl up, ii,'.die sceing for thoewto wietto learuiaic 1.'lit Section 2 of Ny-laie Nainlar 31-69 le itereby amended ity ej. Solitc. Bostonu Ri,..kc, Lie îi..hiic'i,'gcrel;i goed boukkeeping andl aeoutisg rin ler subsectios (961 lieco11 the llosoing sultaen ln, Ail Fer-eus itaeieg oloîeos ag ceeRvi' ece îii,.k,., dii is e lskif. If yoa itave net lyped for ainesi lthe Eslalc of WILS'RID Sel. uîai txep le.- Tabele; smi ina u ., p,.,' Miemor ciuto sainmnteand istereiec "<In)"SWMMNG OO, PIVTE"mens eylad o ieteGORSON CROZIER. laie ef lt-e eire Oe,,ikc.ec pien, Oî,v, ViiI. ce pasldsifflsyoumayibteisterested -SWIMINGPOO, PRVAT" mens ny bdy f waerTownc of Miloe, deceasLd.Wh rite .., & R-o,ee O p,-e hakmte oreeniit"buhu pormaueutly locnted outdoors ou privntely ssnod prupertyY died ou cr aboto lthe 21e1 day kilchee chairs. pini I upheiard ilecus stlol"aeta centained ity arLidicial means, and eisai and maiand lu i IOi>tc.17.aehriy e peii iel ihîkî FI.ANC ES .iid OTHER yor thyieg" itisoreeue porpote of simming, ieading, divieg or itling." qoiecd t'Y sed full pacîjoolars Beraentford Ciok' iiI,,i u.eevki 11(11SFIlioO ITEMS -Freench loNieh sh ofer w ore of '"ch lairosielhe unery ianosiiiii Came.tci'l t 'îîîîî w ý .iil Chesterfieldcae-fte 2dgeletotrilcucaines 2. 'lIt Section 6 (2) ut Ny-laie Numlar 31469 lis iereby ainended by sîec poiae eo tleeoeii'eiiri.ii c>, i Reuivert (l, Ayr eîeCId);eracliteI elecrie aond ee uierting aIlar ubsection (Iliterofteulloig subetion (g): ter 3ti dale Cit cla le 73 l ale (4d);iec iiiiig -al ,4iiiedcii ls lîyb ieitmnse.Er i ll bt o diclribtld, e- (01oes O,I) Mie Il' il odd 'i, ha,,p: RC A Radie; Adt. le lie opportsety le repair your I.lg u i cllv neo, radie and de iitir televisies PRIVATE SWIMoMING POOtLS ieg rugi 'd ouly le ihe. claies and inereyti p""ieces'i.yiave io eareTeiueuuroa Chat a, boerececoil GLASS, CHIINA .,iii 5lîSCý tab.i.le;. 'tu hillol idd learu lie lieery asd prarbice ut (1) Notwlthstnding eny utitor provision ut lis Ny-laie le lie DATEII aI Miltee, fiais 141h olec Vieeii, (Inni i,, I ii h hu, ind dicesiui', iidd choies ooballig circuits, tigths, etc. ceutrury, in e Residential Zone a privala siem'mng puul and dav oI Dic.eusher 1972. iiciepiee. crieee.l glas,; ulîeen' .iîiiile iIuiiî..iigeile; Au atbemyt wi l ho mado lt structures i cenjortin ii surit e seiminsog pool mey lae ore gli's andhc 6i. h lie, i - .'i. \t o haui.. turiceiers , ors a ereeitelmg dIais, as there erectedanedused inliheinerios ide or rear yard prviddia: MONTREAL TRUST CO. '.îîu ler, piecee; lriioeliii yii- it\%, . siup lide,; lcioý has beeu a large increase le ( 1) noupartuofsuitsiniming pool sh ite locuadrluter 15 Rieng Steet West, citer ,îed haiîeîî .îlhoeî i i , li- (Ii 11 1 kutIuc.' cee,; ereeietieg elasses arreos lie flen 25 teet lu any street lineour dloser lion 4 foot bu esy Toi'oeto 105, . p, aee,ide,; eippon;et i iloîhnî h e 14 i.' uni,~ ir, piep, 'couldy esecially ameug lie leur or aide lotlfine, orrcloterlihn1 elettlat portionuof iteecuoer, elose Br-edieii, china iiiýci i i nid liii, an.id îîhce, honger ituecuvee and theorear lotlUneiehiritadjoinsliheinteriur sido yardoftie hy HAROLD C. FUNK, ipponieit aîîd selelii. ct i- , n, an liiii piaeno & moîtiere. edjemiglut if suritlotehuilt upon,urniiradjinslie 0acriei and Solieitoc, iie .1 oId .ci ,,ed iiiîel,'iClaesses iîlI egîs bthe sert of reurditro ieyr fteajiiglti uhlt 207 Maie SI., Milton, Ont. Jae. 15. le additien fl lthe aleve tavcnad19c36 IEtRMS (ASti e.RIiiili,iie, Sold geneeed iuereetelaese, a Grade s receot, ned 20 AUCTIO - riîîî,î ii Se, ttîi otiiiuiiîli liii ami accid.ets. 13sociology cediourse wii 12) Noieuterecirruletinguorbreatmrst eqoipmenl soch a SLE PtC,it -' ii0i Il) o 1iii lo iciOiii aloergeeedus. u pumpt or liters shitl bc loreted cluser lien 10O.for le 20enyNSLSaiob eitrd nJn 0 n reer or sîde lut ise. Aitiii'.e oeh-gîu Feit. 13. This elaus lS t 11)A private simming pool stll nutle lcessidered partuof lie For Complote 21V MCieAtRFNFrs HrîîvS 'CHOIJTEN; ho coudurted on Toesday and tut ceverege povideil Ilat nu part of sort siumine ool or lts 68' 9-' ce1778 879-2576 fleoreday eeuisgs forS1 sere. raîbeng prutrudes more lion 4½î fortalavethe tinisiod grade." 3. 'Ibis Ny-lac shitel herome effective os lie date hereul subject te receietog the appruvel of lie Onturio Municipal Beard. RihADa e'IRST, SECOND and THIRD TtME andl FINALLY PASSED TElS loli DAY 0F OCTOBR, 1972. BituBest Mayor J. McGeace tIent TEE CORPORATION 0F TEE TOWN 0F MILTON NY-LAW NO. 1-72 EXPLANATORY NOTE Thie Ny-les wiSl amesd lie esisting Reetrirted M'en Ny-laie efthe Miltos Planning Ares, laing lie Zoning Ny-lac ufthe Toen uf Milles. Ny-lac Nu. 5&21 itended le define "Privule Su'inming Pools" and also elimnule confusiun 1101 tas arises due bu lie tact liaI lie Htestricted M'eu Ny-lue for lthe Milton Planning M'eu as ainded, dort sot presently meutiun or provide tor "Pirate Swroming Pouls". The By-law aise regelatestte location of Privole Siooong Pools and urcessury eqaipment on lots. Any furtitier iformation titat may lae rejuired in conmection sili titis By-law cn la oittamed by raltiog lie i'lerit's Office, Tuais ut Milles. By-law No. 31-69, as amesded, lalur tite '/oning Ny-laieo et 1 Townm of Milto, oa alto availaitîr for inspection at thte Clerit's Office J. Meilcachie Clerk -Admmnistrator l'oies uf Miltos PuiUID Service Chri- A. Schouten --- ... - AULC T ION EER S tes ef alli' cpm. recscoudwIrde i, here, Toi. 878-25762 E! R.R. 3, Milbon. Oent. Lie.xýAcioerCAR WASHW Fores- Lireeltc Whe yo( oi p (2 galln euor oee Forniîo Sales Phone 878-6730 er tate adeauage of our AfriI- i Tp20cf REDUCED PRICES t-12 galeon (il> op, cor wash 50 cents WE TALE A LOT FOR 4-8 galloe fil) op, ear wast 10 R) Mon Fo hrs. YOUR NESI FRICE Oaci t cp30 l'rCdae 25 renst era Frtday, Safurday I Oaci t 0e) Soanuday "ODF' AUCTIONEERING and Sosdayt- n5p oia ANTtQUES A SPECIALTY ieea Soies ALAN ODENBACH Gradoali' & Licesed Auctlieeer B e l B uros. L tG. 878-294541MrtsîMttnOt 'IILTON, ONT . ""Some of my bosi frionds liston te CFRBI GodnScli Corne le thîut efif don' kuuw ut augone rate deesu't ouluy listeuîug lu Welly Crouler Nuit Hookelt., Nil) Stophenson, Jackt Dien. Henry Shnnoen, EerI Warren, Nil MrVen, Betty Kennedy and Nil) Deegun. Nul tu mention Ray Seuin George Wilson, Wuyne Van Eonn, on Depeard Joitu Detan, asd alluour ecs guys. A god goup. Guu afston. And, eh gos, Gordon Allen Sinrlai, 11l4Sa.m. &S545hpm., Mouday -Frîday. Thal's me' 1.1 e 36 Duc