T4 Theimplois Mition, Ont., Wed., Dacombar 27, 1972 Annou -nces mester Pil" for Bronte Cu..k Park Apro, a frruie re T«oani'ê t SID ,M ipn MMi tis a008a da i lisy arMo ine msc arfeatursi v ie Plamlo Duvdls" i~ m r~I urban.areLod park - a Park developsu.st vOl ha1la aUhbeiuhr oittitSa0111 ia iletiladal mo.avnr a&am Hon PUM p poaover anumber or yeaum i maua 40rmui Meun -Mle il1akvl _____________________ LgooBernier, Minlaiurof Natural su las ah.h iIa Puveog tha.d uliuueliSS B=it thei quen Eibobedi tuer contributions 0 lis 'lion cauna fer tva aslci punit, picole Obéits, teril n w , w fth M " Way and flbay 2s, thée 2,Ml sucreis, bath forsially aud rotn ta lie pi lay lmiark. -M.hi rihi tables, bievl aladrsseanwCene maao te iecr oc site in tse Burigton- intormolly,- comesented Mir. Thse naturel environint ce *0 palIM, arts &id -ia centre i mimi oet o hvoa maao tirls a (tebville area s joti 25 moiles Bernier. -We anticipoge tisai deep andl spectacolur Brota pilygroaido Dmorlg tise ubster, trom Toronto and wiii provide a many tacilitieo vitl la avoulable Creet gorge vill be preserved aiovihoeing and cross-country Ga IM 1a0v ,U asall major recreationa centre for thse by .tuiy, 1973." Te pork will bave and traita, outdoor exisibits, stuesg traits will bt aabe Gaolnc udad w ft a iamswweai., ataag mits toboggan slides andt lilden tiovours most mator credit caris. l¶aTh= Plan a colla ter ueveasi -'nrhan.oeed" park; invation: --a mlnl.bus Internai tranaporrltlon uptm thal tln hatse nedfor mono- munt df automobileu beyood enisance parklag lob; -mauvuo dae-re centres hi pamt&:aento Mo enloyeot aiacilte geared to dut -a& démostration tares vhere ýAto cao help in callivation ot oropu, groom borain or pèrlpto i vegetable and fruit Euuyaeceff "Unlike man xin JACK RICHARDSON Svicis Iark s emslly acces.- CHEV-OLDS LTDI. 87-231 hir Belerald " iseaule HIGHWAY 25 S. MILTON or 878-38 mmneof the parta sleu man ah5- mimute vols from Brsnteus GO- talti aid vo expoct tlat o GO baus framn tise Oukvline GO-otation (Photo byS. Gis) llmestpethear.i Ptm ceil toc aver 6,00t parking 'a àe m tise pr=s inter- IL ~ ntdtie Q.E.WaiBronte Rtond viii la recomtrscled," be added. "I an pacticarly happy vils theispécial fancliitiesvbhich viiila b provided for bandicappeit persn. These viii Inclade rasp estronces ta buildings and ipecla visetîchair lralo' Mr. lIemso lai tr the unique pak vsdeveloped frsm rtonedtions mde by dis Beaste Crevis Provincial Pars * Advloory Committet laaded hy Daimd M. Bleshtae, ai Gaik- tille ocitect. The cosunittee S Sreceived nnmeraas propsian briefs tram t public and - evestaliy recoisuended thde tinal concept. ~ ~*' Ain praviding valuable con- - ftributiais vere thse Han. James 050w, Minlater of Goverumait Services, and die Hon. George Kerr, Q.C., Provincial llecrttary toc Justice. Tie part desig vas develaped by tise Torono -, casultisg tires, ProjertAU O B D iSnows of winter turn greens fo white Imléetato oh pin is o MILT N, I_________________________________________________ iing cartied ont by gavers- f v seo- miesntl~isltvs nc "'lit cornes through my f..t"' Mrs. Sprowl divines water PLEASE NOTE by JenOts Burr Mns Jobs Sprowl of Avo aie tigt andhbasiakesitfr grnted B of dis fev remaienrg mater evorsce. AvweU-drille istaad THERE W ILL B Itats driocitit os a grey-hirbd diviners. masai at hagain. and isformaotion tram tht lady in gais boots, tramping Lise occasion tis teste vas Usivesity of Guelph have helped aooad dis f ield vils a forbeit ererbion uf a atm hume on the Mca. liprovi 10 lesrs mach &bout melal rsd. Ssddmtly ber ares Rocbvond sidsrsd prsperty of laid types and voter tablsit, but started ta flair vildly, as if osatise Mac Barrsuais te ar- motnfbrbavng m string, and hse sttedi clty: esstpasyisg scores for a veli fraes esperience. N ABG 'Tier ae vocosed~*Hovever, tisere lu no ibreas boe. YoslIl tisit voter Mrs. Sprovl is very vsll-aovs epantiss fabr tiset acaooy 2i-25 test dotes bat thv rocis is for iser actîvity. ibe ia diie u ier rigin areai or8laGR BG ovor 100 test dowos Tiscres o respossible for monrelsta eabiytopdi acrey smaS uprif at 150 fort aid tmoshve rai mont,. eU diai h b ar odity t a er acurily lagroses ot 165 fort asd 175 %e fis beame avare of~ b ep u t iisvtr iil fort" inieriteit pover aitie age of (Constd on Page Etght> MARIO'S PI àZZERDIA 5 ilS.8830 PICK U P NEW YEAR'S O D mJN 1 HOLIDAY HOURSMO D Y AN i Closed Dec. 27, 31 N EW YEAI'S BAT WOpefrom pm-2a.m. ""'s ADVANCE ORDERS NVAPP J * PLEASE REMEMBER .1 Collection Normalty Made on Monday Will be Made on Next Regular Pick-up Day * For Your AreaI CHRISTMAS TRIE ~ PICK UP STARTS TUESDAY, JAN. 2 Plaaa. do flot placa trams out for colloction befote this data to pravant tham blowlng ilway. Collections wiII begin at 8 a.m. on IJANUARI 2. P.S-Plai Ourbsm ag ut*or avaltabte as thé Teown Huil foe Oly $2.50 fos 50 baes - Mao Santuy - Mara Consentant te Usa. BRUCE McKERR, Wors Soperintendent sixl a cou t. mgrl lite T dt! bl bye fia frit lii ebeski