As 1913 takes on the spotlight, ail of us here extend to you aur earnest goad wishes for a year that wilI fulfili your most treasured dreams. On your way ta future goals, wie wish you good luck. We're proud to have been able to serve yau in 1972 and we look forward to the same opportunity in 1973. May your 1973 be happy, healthy and prosperaus. 4týA Syu Po Annanin af Pnlym nwae last Býrnm a a yearn agt int an in and the n produoes jant a p averafl n The fnl an jant pravided Ask a Polyne IrnIabi: the Cao The correct Uinited mnaIe n: Bat laaing il product ta mai laten,. nodula packag ahaa every Whai an bi thraag lacate countr lThai WE HAVE LOADED THIS STORE WITH ALL THE FESTIVE SEASON GOODIES THERE ARE MANY SPECIALS PILED HIGH FOR YOUR PLEASURE- COME ON IN AND BROWSE AROUND START YOUR NEW YEAR RIGHT. LED WITH!'ST $UPER V FROM ALL THE STAFF AT LED WITH'S (-K u; "Grade "A"~