its iber salît for Lon la reporta apectar gs, one and an. le !Iand 0000u lHE CLOWN, alias MIlay laglis, asknil Saint Niai toc a arm snwsobila, wen the aId gentleman visited Campbel.l- ville last wcck. Ha was brougbt ta, the village by Ihe tocaI Usass Clutb. (Photo by D. O'Railly) Draft plan approval on two subdivisions Coaditaaal dratt plan appaneal mon grsutad Oy 1h. Dapartmant of Muicipal Mffatrs an Victaria Wood aad Winspey Homes Lld. second phasas, Miton Cousil mon advtsnd lastmaabk. Mayor Bran RasI patntad nul Mae coadittasal approvals caqaica assurancas ta the Dapartmn Mhal -saftcienl stars. drainage tactillies mîlI axst toa scam- insiste davalapina a! tba plan'. Ha alsonoe salai saer conditin nder nch the deenlapers aor amnars mare ceqairad ta -saliat> aIl tbe rnquiras.eata, tinancial aor otM.- anse, ofthMe muiscipalily ra- serfaca.g af rmadls, inslaliatino sernics and dcainage". Couascilaor G. Kranta saggnsled snc cricil agraadtIn eep Mrs V. Russell, presîdant ofthMe WD Ratapayars Associatin informed& captas of the lla.roke lais Acbtllea, a pacabcad Holaste lo ne b..bnc a> Id. C. Rid, Miltas, baa cacentiy tan amenaid a Bina Scal Proaduction cealdficata by Mae kloalatin-Franîaa Asaociation of Canada. le s.x lactations on Imicea day milktng, she pradacad 141,050 îlei. .ilk esatamant 5,656 has. lat, avaraga lent 4.00 par cent lelteclat.I liebr tlanet lactation, as a nma-yeac.ald Ln 305 days n tcea-day milking, aba pcaiaced 22.042 lbgs. ilb caataiaîng i12 1h.. fat, averate tast .962 par cent Outtactat. Thia record bas a Braad Clana Averaganor 189 percent tar milk and 204 per cent lac fat. cnndtioaal draft plan approaaai CAMPBELLVILLE sbaald ha tarwardnd ta hnr. 8 Mambers agrend Ma Ibis.542 7 Dale; alan grandasa Dr. William Ford and bis mite Louse, af Toronta. Oalag untll dama Eajayig a Cbristaias Rail et Mne Palisb Hall, Brlinglan as Ssacuday e. 23 ancra Mr. and Mca. ll. Hamilton sud Mr. sud Mca. R. Mcbialln, sud along anMh maay aMher frienda lhey danand Mhe migbt ss6oy la llin. toaginas lland. The ball mas spaaaarnd by the Olympia Flyiug Clab, and duriaf Mne evaaing FED I Fn IOUT.OFTOWI H4ornby Eden children present white giffts af church By Mn..fmRIamillon Mrm.LmnMcCormack (nee Hazel Jarbîn Roberîsan White Gift Saoday waa ab- Hfamilton) an Ihe birlls oI their celafrate Ilsîr bicttha sarvnd aI Edea United Cbarcb an daugbtac, Donna Joanne. 310, and ta Mm. Baot Sanday, Delc. 17 wban the Anothar granddaughter lar Mr. Jacky Plant on Dec. 3 ndildrnn presnld tOmar wite and Mrs. Floyd Hamiltan. Mnrry Christmnas gifla at ilh. fro nt o . ch Birtbday grentiaga arn readnrs of 1his calas.. Then front of th. clmrch mon extended toDora McCarronanud thedaybniilndwlst decorated with med artifîclal poaettan ndlgl wbit iIbrid. . ji tuMr.and Del..tu. l concert Mm. = Ta (atrlnee Watker) on 1he birtt, oI their daaghter * . m . * Pamela Francen, at MilIon at ii i e SC l O District Hospital. A nister for u ib i e s h o Pont. Blrlhday gcnnîîngn are By Mrs.P. D.J. àoes sausage raIls, mina. extended Mo Kyle Walywh. Despite the terrible wealber on and Christmas cake w celefrated bis tifth bit" y on Wndnnsday, Dnc. 20, tbn Ana Hlamiltan ente &mnday, [Sec«. auditoriumn mon packed tu ber horne lier braMa Mis. Alec Watsan aI Britiash CaPacity with noger parentsas Thoman, whs arri Columbia a itn g h.= son and fil Kibr Publie Scoo seio Germa' toh l paIo Iamnily on Muth e George. classes pst an s Christmnas gathering. Carat BIs tawn. Mca. Watson '.111 be cncert. The clanses pnt an play$, Hally Thomsas Inister M M e linie visitim.g bier thecboirn rendered ChtaÎaasa are alsa celebrati fresand nigbrs fille in music, and on excellent recarder Gsristoms Pirtbdayn Mhe district. recital cantributed la a mmlt happy retarns. On Wednesday evnnng, Dec. 2t saccanafail evenisg. Onîsîrd happy bu Mhe memh.rn afilla Eden. Unted Hamer, one painfal accident Laurie Show on ChaI Church Choir called aI 1h. homes marmd Mhe evnng foc Mc. and and ta Marcus Scasa ninging Christman Carala. Mra. Aaderchncb and their 20. Fallawing Mhe ning nang Mhey daugter Cathy. Unfertunately were taoed Ioa deliclaus lonch. CaMhy caagbt lier lingera in Mhe - Sin ethy*la exte d ac dooand baild l e taken la Mhe tuincar y.oMyh le Rlnd bAhspilal bhr sbe bavel Ran, who panned amayaon sudis painan SnaDec. 17, le bis 85Mbyear. at. Hth t. e are able He on Mhe h.taved bonbad o>f tareparts ha CaMhy is camg Abbie SmiM and dear ftMer af alang fine ns.. Hsrcy up and gel Ernest and Frank of R. R. 2, beter saaa, Cathy. Harnby; George af R. R. 4, Rock- M.adMc.W Fad I woad, Jsba aI Newmocke- Jeon Kilbride St. mer. Mhrillnd ta h.e thMm. Glenn Stingern of WÙ7 able la bear aI tinst baud tram and Gordon, deceaand and R C M Poa Douglas Fard, an f braMher of Itîma Mercer of R . . officec attached ta Mne f AISEI Brampton. He a lavnd by Il narcatica stad, details of bits gheadcbusm Mc. tnmn e prtg wOn Cscms daMa. afd s M Ibainess fer mony daa nbîl.sdyM.adap Mrs. Fard ealertaiaed thnir I years prier ta bos cmûrement. cidn a rncidmt llelatad geetiaga are exlended cide n n ..rnt ta bte lllepbm Waller, wba arcsspts Larlma dianer, f1 aelebratedlits cnd birthday an and amangal Mhe family pcnneal 1 tlenday, Dec. 17. Saetlanley and Jayce Fard of f Congratulatias la Mr. andsil Gnb e; ouglas and Mary I Fard witM Mhei Ma cbildrmn OTHER Hather and Scatt; Mr. sud Mcas. lue Seal Bill Gable and their tsar I Blu se l iden Stanan Ka,. Am..and FEATE 1STOuNe YeLECTRIOsh co7n 6378! h ouse siding . for the carefree beaoty of it. fiances any horn, ld ornew tuco, ooamaeor bick. ALUMINUM PRODUCIS F A lYmPinu DoS ERLINM DUTIS eF Car ADAt atlof Forspihe St., Dabaillo N CUSTOMERS PHONE COLLECT echo the chiming of the NewYeor belis with best wishes to ail for a future filleda with peace, happiness prosperity. MILTON MOTOR SALES MILTON, ONTARIO 1he Champion, Milta Ont. Ned. Deaembea 27, 1972 ingoan aaoldwide w l for peac nandi bhebbd. Thanks faor yaur loyal patronage. MILTON ESSO Main a Han. 25 1SrEAD) OF ALWAYS giving, Santa Claus got s bias tramt lagid Booamouer dading a Christmas parly ocgsoized by dia Campballcille Lias lest ment,. The pacty mas held in Mhe Masas.c Hall. (Photo byD. O'Reilly) THE YEAR AHEADO. Corne on people, get togealaer and in the New Year with lova and brotherhood. INSURANCE 208 Main Street E., Milton -I ---------------------------- wbs mili ya an Dec. Ross and ta tbe and may blessig. maa pis mte served. rined le r.Cpl. G. ced f ras. Mhe ta.aily abard aud 8 sf Anal .ag Ibeir - s.any rlbdsy la ;tmon ave, naon Dec.