Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Dec 1972, B, p. 8

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MTire Champin, FAIlles Ont. Wed. Ocoamber 27, 1972 1Backgrounder Synthetic rubber manufacturer Polymer now international company Anitouncemont of lire olort-op of Potymoer Corporations tees Building Systemos Division mas madelant weein mThe Ciramin. %nie a amoil iregi0oing jutI 30 yoarn ago, Pot peer irai growni into an international corporation and tire oew Milton plant, whiicir psodsreo fartary-radlL iroosing, io foot a part of lire company's overaill oporations. Tire folowirgirbarigroander" an ftI wiro Potymer is, stas provided iry tire coespany: dAir a typicat buosinessman wiro Pofymner f0 and tire omiwor sai poiairty ire .. .. air, yes, ftatns lire compony liraI moires ririrer. Tire ansmer f0, of course, correct. Polymer Corporation t.aioitod of Siarnia, Canada, doos me syntirotir rulier. Bol Pofymer today is foot fmsiog ifs image os a one-type-of- prodoct coespony. For in addition ta esaig roirirr mnd rer ltto, il isno ti bsions of moduair iroms and plastie packaging, and computer lotie- oiraring. And tire lintgrowo longer every yoor. Wial'n more, Polymer ns abrout asineterntational as a compaoy man ire mnd nots ita prodorti trroogir offices and distibirooro focated in appcooimesly 70 coanties. fimuied msarkret iraI Pol yeer sioufd f0e an mnteroational company os really no oorprioe, Canada preoentos a limitod market for a foge corporation. As a resait, Pot peer rao irecomo internaatfoital fit scopie since Wortd War 11, and for mocir of lns 30-year isf0ry ft bao sopplied airoot 1l per ceitt of tire woridos syntirolfc rer outafdo Eastern Europe and tire U.S.S.R. Tire trade marir POLYSAR - a contraction of Polymer and Sarni a - 10 proiraily ismw in f more ports around tire wortd tiai fiaI of anyolirer Canadiaen export item. Lant year, somolifg tire 6S per cent of total tales more made mn enporl marirets. Witir a sesaîf wartfme mnvesmeesof aroumd $«iition, Polysoor mas eotaiiied in 1942 as thre frst synlirelic roirier plant intire Brftisir Commonwealtho. Sooce then, lire compaity iras mosirroomed into an mnternational organizalion. Totaf inveolmenl ai cont fit land, bildmgs and oquipesent f0 00w $M2 milion. Unfire lire fiants of lire U.S. roirier indoolry, Polytoor iras no Sies witir od or lire companfes. This mairen il lire largoot iodependenl producer of syntiretic rouier in lire wortd. ta lire foot dorade afone, production rmce from 370 mition pootds 10 856 million poanido, raisig nales fcom S87 million la $175 milion. In the early pmt-wpocyearo the t company faced a perfod oft Lnprat chranges. 00ftir a Ilion siaf dmotr mariol, sorcess ai a profftairfe ontorprfoe ifged i an lire devetopinent of a strong mxport markret asd ait assured flbw of bicf tecirniral fmootedgo. To meel ttoo chrallenge lire compaoy entarged fls prodoct lhn and promoted thir mse in Europe and etoomirore in lire world. fIt fart, Pofymer was tire firrst Nortir Amorfcait synfiretfc roirier prodocor ta enter tire Eoropoait markret, and irelpod rote a deesasd iry providing rantamoro witir lcirniral mitom- irfm and iry sirowing iltes irow snttii rulier coofd ire msedIa lire irool advantage. Tire estabirshiment if a wocldwide distriirolor nyntom tire devefopesent of a strong lorirnirat service orgaoizatfoit more essentiel featoron of Polytooros poitetration of lire enpocl markeot. Tire olirr signifirant stop in ibio perinf ws lire formation of a vftally needed researcir and devetopmont orgaoizaioit. To France, flgium Docing Ilote earty years. vialaally ail syotiretir roirr rapacily wao in Northr Aunerira, estoir comomoed more tirai iratf tas prodoction and toppliod lire world msarkeots sifir lire rctnsder. Bol viforoos industriel enpansion mn Europe moon rcoogir airout lire estaishot- mont of local nyntiretir rer prodocers, as moîl as incroaofng interent froes U.S. ptants looiring for oxport mariols. fInfibis environesent, focation factors tocrme crftiraf 10 resafinf competitivo in many msarkeots, and Polymer iruifl nom prodoction facîlities aI Strasboourg, Franco, in 1962 antd aI Aotwocp, ffelgfom in 1963. At lire oaine lime, tire ovorsoan organîitation mas slreaeslined witir a markreting soirnidiary iroadqoarterod aI Friiroorg, Soititerlanif, oaesed Polysar olternatiotiaf S.A. îPISA for bort), responitotrî for fte wese wrnd outsîde Northr Anerféa. Addittitnalty, tihe compaity entered into joint saitofacfifg iangemeit fit Mexifoo =rni oit ifs omit tecfsiofogy, aindirealint operating pfantts ofnis ftnifn Pronton and Lfitdsay, Oittarfo- and Chrattaitooga, Toto. Af f these manofactorfng facifities, togetirer wf tir stiategfcaff y locafed stocirs iretd iry dfotcfirotors fit more tiran 2f coonitrfeo, brfng POLYSAR prdcowltineasy reacir of tire wrfd'o fodstrfes. Now 4,000555150 Today tire Potysar Groop moostafins ofieairle offfoes fit tire U.S., Mexio, Brazft, tire U.K., France, Austrfa, ftafy, Spafit, Seedet aitd Japan. fit ail, more thro 4,00f emptoyees are focated fit noverai major fndustrfal naions of tire worfd. Cootomers f tcfode vfrtoaffy evory iodmstry, from tires to automoilfes, adresfv es' moctaiatoal goodo, contstructfon materiafs, foolmear, nportfng gmods, esedicine, agricultture, carpets, ireddfitg, conmunicaioits, compotor tlime- nfiaring and pfastics. Dlespîte tire iitvolvemett in fto eniotii;, bsisfos, Potymer decided in f009 tirat tire tfme irad mome for lire orgaofsatfion f0 br-eak out of fls mootd as a one- lype-of-prodt'ct compaity amdtef, brooden ils irorfitons. Ao Pofyner president, tait C. Rushr, points out: 'We mero stfff deafiof prinarify fit one markeot. 00e wtre tanding on one feg, as ft wr.Sa we decided la seoir staiffty iry irroadeing oor irase. Ao a resofi, tire compatty iraa commîtted itotif f0 diversification on many fevelo, ositir more offectivte mantagemeit of enioffof fines of busofnosoand a searcir foc item ares in icir ta employ its hiuan, tochirofat and financial resoorres. Tire company iras, in tact, !P'ope ibis New Year wsfghs in with happiness for ofl. To off, tfoanks. CRESI HARDWARE 136 Main St. COLD WINTER DAYS malte for youfl fuon Pond in Centonniat Park. an lheoo 1000 boys prove. The irockrey pfoyer- (Phroto iryD. O fteffy) itresttors wero footfng itroood on thiret athe No property tax rebates you collect on incarne fax proporly tan reirato ciraque f rom, tiroir landtords dts yeor, Ontarfo Tresorer Cirarles MarNaugirtai sad. f îstead, tenants and iromeowners witf lie apptying for tas credita wiren tirey file iteir 1972 incomne tan retis earty f0 1973. Ontarions renidentfat proporly tan redoction progri of lire post tour yoors la being ctpfared iry a nom proporty fait credîl plan. Mr. MacNaagirtan said tire nom proviocial plan, desigted ta mort equitairfy ditriiralo tire proporty andergone a detafled rofif0ig of ils operatiott and structure, and the resulto are iregùoing 10 f0e toIt in a stoady fricirfo of item ventores and acquisftians. Pofyors ticot, mnd poriraps most amiritiom, mono ostaide tire coirf0r ffeld 4es ifs esfry loto mndmtrialioed iromsiig tiroagr an ogreemnent witir Stresseil Strurctures, for., of Denter, Cofdoreo. Tire agreemont 'goto Polpiner an excloive tirenai for application of Stresoed Stroc- tures' roosiof lecirnotogy it Canada, as wef as options for sîmifar ficensen fit severat foroigit roontrios. Otirer ditersifira lion motos bote f000 toto computer firme- siraring and mbt plastfis prodoct ion and food parkaging prodorlo in the U.S. and Canada. Gebnecafly, Pofymor 'S diversification plana art cenfeced on fasl-growing industries, esporiaf y itose wiricr are irmed on tire application of advanced terhnologies. And tire oearci n orldeside. mnd tenants, wfl esorir fsroag tire porsanal incmme tant systees and ire admintered toc Ontario iry tire Deporfent of Naonial Rtevenuse. -The properly tan: credif wflf come as an f0come tant reftesd chaeque or an a redactian f0 income tan. Homovor, t siraatd advise Ontario iromossers fIt tu qoalif y for tire new proporty tan crodit, 1972 muonicipal tanes mmetlie paîd duri0g 1972," ie sauf. Mr. MacNhto said tire nom systoto mi il rodace tire total proporty tan irurdit iry af lest $160 million. Loit incomo groopo mdfl iroiefit moof. Tire plan f0 atmo tomng enfeitded tu mrters andf toarders. fie properly tant credil ptan la reotrirtod ta Ontari o residenta and appîtes tu prinripal reandesces oidy. Renidenso in homestfor the agod or tan-enoespf institutions do of qoalf fy. Mestgetmsre T'le Tresorer ad ite iroief if ta individual tanpayors esif tory irecaase me irave fi nird proporty taxes lto incomo tanin and, therefore, tu tire inditfduat's aiiity f0 poy. Tire majority of Ontario resîdonts will roreire more money iracir ander the nom plan. Sine wdfi roreive airout lire saie as foot yeur, seule togr orne ourners wîff reroite tom., Homeonetrs. tenantit and otirern whio may bc eligiirte-sucr on-raepspi-witl rerelve instructians on irow t aoppty ton mnd ratcuate tire property tan credif mires fiey roreive 1972 incoino tan: cetiro forme earf y test yesr. f. I a I fi fi fl ci ri Dial 878-2341 JackJ~L/~ fih011700v ld Ld A redyAd-Visor wîl tielp you MEN'S WE R 791 HIGHWAY 25 S.MLO write your ad. ____________________________ Most everybody uses Classified Want Ads. The newly married turnish their home or apartment with the outstanding furniture and appliance buys offered in the Classified Section. Dog gone? Many a pet has been joyfully reunited with its owner, thanks to the Weil read Want Ads. Maybe you would like to seil your washer, ref rigerator, type- writer, musical instrument, golf clubs, rent an apartment, offer a service - the list is endless. One thing is certain - you won't be lonesome - most everybody reads and uses the Want Ads. Thats what makes them 90 fast acting. Try one, you'll see. Join the Crowd, tind out how easY it is fo place a 'Six permits in November If wu a aibm mentît fS & iassisatbidn co nalr e ct t Peai3its ea Tistpe forfor = 1 buildings, onl l, a diio and lievlei on- Tgrr age. ore

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