1he Champion, Mailton, Ont. Wad. Dacembea 27, 1972 Mer- Looking bock ait. the news of 1972 Tise year 1972 lu almost aiver. What tsigislights aftie year can you usuiekty call ta mini? Perhops ibis review of tise stories that mode secs in 1972 miSl reiresis s'ou memors'. Bs' Bob Bartt Ans estînsate] 86,000,0O gaeious and DausO'ReIUy of mater peare] out of tihe Scotch Blottk Dan le Eaqsseassg. A msal- Austexatig5 iserans a papisme fonction in thse ruisber tapie eaety ln tise Ysar. At anc "fabiqsam" cames] tisa oeftom Januars' meeting ot coasseSl and tise Thiri] ani Fondis Linon applications te ise annonci] mccc mere aStimian] romaine] mnder msade for 3,300 acres tif landi mater for tise isetter part ef tise sonus, cmnt and mont of tise oi entreont isoandaclea. Thse deci8alon After slii] planning ani] a lotef mon evenloafly delayes] anti] a isari]merk Milton Optimiste mccc regiral goecrnsmant atesuce- roceds of $1.222, tise pireceetis mont in mnadc. front an onction tisey iseli] in on Ja.2,lyerod roi Jane. lei]cr nfrc]mrristai] Construsction mors on Milten a n gaaemM i i otnew a sin St. got uni]erway le Mss' olnrye]tseiidneccr] ans] the~ $3o,sOo jois mas on Five Si]ereai] Esqussang. complctci] sitis cani]crasly oss Nursasaprotcat tarmeil tisen tise Main St. Preteat agaonst iseavy reconstruction program ani]er- marhlai] fer encans mi]dsisrt- ten tws s'oses earlier. steffing ai] mi]ecaecalcleg le Wiseethiaralislete tis eilis needin l Norths Hallon Bill Brosse, a Kilisrii]e mccc sparsci isy an article resii]ont, mon sevecal mei]ate le apeRcrleg le tis pap1er ani] Thse tise Canaiin Wiseelcisair heiun Frac Preon. Acten Depaty Competitian in Aiserta. Tise 19- Eteeve Pst MeKeonie fnsgist tise s'ear-ol] mon inîncadi]nl a car macu ani] eventalls' mas able te nccii]ent isut isis love of sports isave tise teSl eentlesnent of overcame tise pisnical atifficsi]ty nussfilles] le tise coanty tu mi] Ici] Monte competition le is provii]e Norts Ballon mils isetter miseelcissir. Jeric. In ale iet ie l Juls' Nassagameya etJan 9 ss l ai e a tesers Township learnei btiai] mon a ofJlu es nEsqses l . vartial ilsa figlst le geta levelles] a isuge bacc asti]= h = istirseak [romi wat sean felt 22,00t corseras omni] iss Joisn te stiufair ncisasl tases. Tses' Welles' et Main St., Milton. won a rebate of $49.499 atter Jins McKay mas elemi] fair figisting a long isattie. lise refusi] boar] presii]ent mits Geral] mas matie op isy other muni- Carton vice-presii]ent, Alfrei] cipalities in lise eoanty. Fers] past presii]cnt, Jerk Me- Near tise ens] of Augont local Pisoil serons] vioe-press]ent an ND)Ps receiveti a bit of o settecs Mrs. G. E. Reas]ieas] secretncy- mtten cand]idate Stepisen Alcisk treasurer. sesdsdrew froon tise election. He te Feiscoars tise tomo ces- a reled b Croy pnse te ite seron] sonnet Seoe Holtn repl ace b e Cay Festival midi aSt hinsn ef fanns '~i n mise as nse sts-th frailie lne soats]toc. tise festival Paig an]9 ]]s eeett i teaturti] a parad]e, ficemaclis, race. lice issrsisg cecemony, husksy Big aseSc Mog races, malt show ans] a wis]e Town politicienm mare siscse] variet' of octivities. te leart tise Mleistcy of Natural Starocleait Retources liai] implemente] maca pinc] Sbacan usk ftlood plain restrictios on aSl of mtas ou i]ae twomal osktis tise watersse incloilg Milton. rai an] aste etwones te Pte Tise contraversia tapie mas roadandwas etuned o Pter diseusse] isy provincial ottiils and Steven Frenchi at tistir Et- and toms representetives only a qusumg isome. Tise s]ag mas dis- tee s]ays earlier andno istaof tise roserai] in Scarisortugs il strong measaces mas gîves. poans]s ligister tbau misen ise lot lite and Mrs. Dan MeColemas tus way ailer tes master bai] mare pu ot g rigfv loassni u 0 to s]og sisow o mile t0, nisatyigfv , ta cool Augsst Rigi and a hlf amay from misera he P ans] civilian mas toms]. seociers promteds] eian] le Laie in Feisesars' tire of Esqueuing. Tiscea yea aIs] Tara annase olnesMrsyed tise and ber puppy mera toms] later, Master Feesn Mill ai Stewart- sleeping in a shes] on a fanm lowrs. Firemen fosgist ta contrat about a mita tram lise familyts theslfreafroml 3sm. ta ta.la, anme Fisc Sii]eroi] borne. seves hooru. Bob Stanfies] mas greete] lis A erippliso stecm lefi sorts yaang asd]ol] mien ha steppe] le Barbangion witisout power tac ai Haltes Masar ans] Milten sevecoti]aysmwite isyiro mochars youth Coancils Cotfre Hoose le tram tareraI cammonities dagasi. Steniei]'s visitu mare suarrie] abaut trs'leg te restoe sever able te te reear]e as eomfortasle coni]itions agate. escitiaf ventures but o foir Several people sattaes]d sevre nsmber meceaon ban] te fraI tisa lasse i]orisg tise ulorni. Henry Tacy leader. Gacter tisa Eslhrid florist mas Hfglsligbt aftie ens]o thlie aisaig thasa saffacmng lasses. siotoer sess mas tise Stea- Second tbae Era remian. Ovar 25,000 Peaple Han Harris mas alerte] visitai] tise ti amnat version at presis]ent at Miltes Chamber of tise popolar avent. Ustihe atiser Commerce. It mos tise secasi] rear, mises eatter tsecatesas] time tac Me. Harrds ta bals] tiat te mnteccopt or rot tise prograni past. short, lise meatser pravaiai]. Miton District Hospital poppas] Dcpaly Clans iat tbe sema osce agole misas Campbell Thomson mas ame] Ms. L. Verrait, farmer noirsm.Ig Miltan's i]apat cer, o semis' s]ireetecr ai tbe lionpitet, eharge] ereates] post. Thosons bai] bers tise isoars] mits srangfol s]is- asministration-traasurar af missal. She bai] becs s]ismisse] N'assagowaya Tomnsisip. lis lise board] i]orlg a seass]al at Nobs]y mas surprise] mises tise baspitel Imo yaars aciar. iscamsant Holtan MP Nos] Terry O'Connor got oit ta an Wttmg eau niminate] lo leai] aarlys' nart is tise eleetion tise Liserais sn tisa fai]cral campaî n misas ha mas alcIoas Htmever, man' mare osnatei]ss'5WotaltomîToriesmi surprise] e e liwas s]efaatas Dahailte. A vigocoos compaigs lis Tors' Terry D'Connor le tisa les] blet te eictecy aothei polIs in Deteber eteekios. Detoser, iafaating LiseraI Political radfias mare big naes lecombant Ras] Whitingand]NDP inoSeptemser le Hation ans] tise cballenger Corolyn Hnlstis. raion. Tise biggast local avasi ma anich-off raBs' le kasit lis laMcal Conservative leader Risar Stestield. A crocs] of o bout 5,00 s'eos'le otteasse tihe eveat. Nasateentis cesors nostalgie tooh o hais] on Mltban, mises tse Milaon Fair Bacs acaomlcs]gcs] tise arrivai çf autisen mith lin annuenfi tS fate. Il mas tise 1101h version of tise foiroan] an alwas's, it wm a ssceess. Maâisant sere Sspense grippe] is as le eacly Octoer sen a police mon- nt mas carrai] antaon MOltann western fringes fer dia aliegas] killer of a tenclinglon momuan ans] ber lt-snnts-ol] son, Tise area of tans] bars]erei] lis t0 Sls]erons], Bell Seteol Une, ¶isesainc Rd]. ans] t4 Sii]ecoadin l Nords Burlinion asa cors]an-i] off lis Burlinglon Police ansd PP, aBter a rmiient of 10 SiMeons], George Nemell haci an letras]er le lie bouse. Police easi]oete] o dierougi seaci of dia acta,.lise mas mas not dsicovere] lnei acea, bot mon latter arreste] near Oiltia. At about dia saime lima dia biodys of a maman is er. late 20's oeal' 30's mas fomi] lis twa huniers rieur Georgetows, A uo'f the bodsy lis dia Formolec Sciences Centre in Toronto ubamas] abhad ai] s] rsm, o gise- sIit moani] te tb eins. Police bave sot s'ai siscovré] her identit'. "Trudeoumania in't ]eas]" ceas] Tise Champion's leai] ulors' ot Prima Minister Pierre TIos]aa's aisit te Dauilla s]ng Septamber. A moh ut about 3,90 people isasme] Hopes]ala MaS tu banirand sisahe banMs midi Oie PM, Hamever it Trsdeasmalea wasn't bittai, St mas treats' s]immmiha e ie fas]aral etactios a mundi teter mban the liseral govcrnment mat abatant defeoini]. Dail meeting A annembat MuU eet-e- candidMtes meeting mais hlin l Milton rieur Oie latter part efthOe mondi. Fei]eral canidiatcs Cacalyn Holteen of Oie NDP, LiseraI Nai] Wtetisg mi] PC Terry O'Coonnor npoia bisel ans] mecerci] seritten qouetiiras Adiiuet er thievon iscehe inte Oie Milton Drug Mart le liilton Plana and sinla abaut $00 mords of iirugs. Aceos]lng te police Oie ntoen s]csgs mccc of Oic l'bard" type sucis as codi]ane ans] metsres]ine. The Champion asisc its ceai]ers, via a questionnaire coupon, seeder Oies' favore] a Oiree or four baonogs reglonal gavarsenent selop. Most efthOe replies sacmci] te les]lcaic a fouir socaugs s]ivliin (as ai]vacate] lis Milton Comneii) mas more Meroas. O'Connor, Kerapllsg Possihis' Oie isiggest naes stery ai Oie s'eac mas Oie fas]eral atectias, bals] near the ans] of Octeher. lise alectian le HaItn mas almont stricts' a Tors' affair. Cannervative cand]idate Ters' O'Connor s]efeatcs] dia popular lecumbsent LiteraI Rai] Wlotleg le Hailon ris]leg an] Cacolyn Holteel of Oic NDP. te Hallon- Wcstmocti PC candiMate Bill Kemplîng lioniils' i]ctete] Ife're coming your wuy ta miss you the kînul of a New Year tisat yau wili long remember as the happiest, the bealtbiest and the rhost prosperous. LYLE DALES INTERNATIONAL HARVESTEn FARM EOUIPMENT L 4 aO__ VISH YGU 00 e4s tihe New Ycar we'te celebrating l'y sending out isest wishes and thankn ta al our patrons. EDGAR HOWDEN & SON 110. AND STAFF literai stmacsr-liearar Norm NeGsmesa an] NDP isopetet Dicisson satas' A aleste Is' .10) produtsion morisrsaldihe tP. L.NRobertson C. lastes] a meis. The mas reisre te tisair loba aller catityleg anee tmo-yeac contrsct midi an average 65 rente an hour mage seccease. Over 300 people gattece] near dia ceoteps at Victoria Parh an a rani di]cizly Nov. Il Nassembranca Day te hasor Oie Caras]im sols]lrs ans] figloing mes mso fosgst le diee macn. Politirol hspafis]s le ail seves Haltas manicipalition mode dter inentionsknmn isy dia middsle of Novembar. Widi Oie exception of Oie sepacate scisuol rapresanlotive toc Milton, tbare mare challengers tor aver' politicat pont. ASt Oie round]l seolo on Nassagames'a an] Esqoesinq Townships mare also op fer grais. Agreement Miton Polira Asociation and Milton Coancil arrivai] ai a salar' agreement tac 1073. Homever, neillier Oie Police Asscation for Coancil sivutgas] Oic tensus aftis comtrr. A feelisg of "let's nat change bernes Le Oie mis]-stream' of regiosal govarnment" mas avîdent mben vitters le tiscea Northi Haltos mnicipalities returse] lersenent heate of gacarmuaint sn Oie Dec. 4 ere- lias. Milten Mayor Brios Oral and Rarses Avne MacArthuor ai Nassvîgawea andi 'rom Hill of Esqusamgmaera raurse as]teir peste. Esqoesleg's Hill aimnt lastdthaalartios la formuer Dcpnty eva NasseSl MiSler, bat licovy upport irom Hi]l's oms village af Glen Williamst cres] hlm. MiSler wsmai Oic ont' s]epoty raeve miso faies] le bis lii te raptue tlie Beeves position. te Nasoagames'a Don McMillan mas easils' s]fate lis Neeva Ms. A. Msacrstsur. M i sois]aliglit te dia eleetion, ltlt1ieotedsin favoruofa ragular solos lise] bas service. Bs' about a 100 vota margis, raters agres] te suvsi]ia dia Milton Bas Unes, operate] lis Davi] an] Irce Lamis. Tisa couple, mis als ankas]fo tacdi raterans]nm, sali] Oies' cootl sot aperote dia service midioat o nolisis'; ami osIs boae do ase apraions if Oie' dii] sot recalva tisnncaI assistace. Baaslay racing Aotber relrasi]am mon a "Ys'as tram voters. Natepos'ees le Nassagomeya votadi] laor oi =aMsoighlt raeleg at Mohiawk .aacs m Camptellvite. Thsa Ontario Jockey Club lias] petiliase] Nassagaweya Cauneil A large ans] anasuol aurtion taok place in Derember. Tise auction, misic rtera in fo oaf 22 bers os tma stas, s]ispase] ai Dorsal Park subisionia te Oie 1,300items fromth sis atoftt the Otario Si. (ccck taiai aid theasalerseacarepartrsjiosbsaovar horns. $50,N10, ans] site] ta oaid caraIs'. Sleste Clas ad a ii s sleiti Mîltoo's Main St. mas lac a parachute misan ie asîte] dererate] midi nam Christmas 100 cbîli]res at Noma ILolIo- igis. Cana]ian Clus. Tse respecte] aIs] A fmttontios le tisa pussp mou tram tise North tPaIe sei tokes mater from Oie perarbutet it lbe parke. MILTON HYDRO COMMISSION tecitiic of the s piopoacol for t. -Phosteisy À- bure o s]ays, reai]î t li vsy lirai il the tilleul ris] at peaîce 1973 a. We hop, Ih, w approacbing N- Y- ý,i11 bi» ta you tuil 'n", of a CI bappiness and pr.ý;éer ly. DURANTES ESSO HIGHWAY25 NORTH