The Champion, Miltoe, Ont. Waed. Decamnber 27, 1972 JR.rC;;do]D OPTOME1 RIST BURL INSTON MAIL *TELEPPONE S-7788 j A NIODEEN VERSION of "A Christmos lot», porirove (îy .JoAooe McNeilI. The Caoto was performei by stodents of Martin imoto cootot-ter seas a bosioess mon hy the Si. Sesool last week. Kothy Helsohy os the naine of C(tttech" taSser toiks wtth 'his" polio-offlietel son (P'hoto hyD. O'Reilly) Uà Ml'M»> A SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT Santa Claus, inthfie form of oghting 1he Way- ose of severot performones ot Mortis Oebhte Moreao asko Frankîs whiat he wanto for Chrstmaos. SeShool's Christmas5 Concert bost week. Nick Wollaston played Franjue. The scene is front a slot called (Photo by D. O'Reilly) - ~School news. w (Conttond from Page B2) AAttONl, rTHE LlrrLE DRUMMER BOY, sbeep, Aron's friend, loo on white Aaron piayedtes Srom foraa epaity ondiesce îost pluys. Nîne yeorold Jeff Moris mas Aaron osd week in the Christmos Concert pretentefi by Joey Golemn, 55, mot Bobo. mie stodesîs asd taff of OSD. Boba, the (Photo by J. Jessings) 5:30 8:00 5:30 4961, tSiIOLt, AARON PLAYED hit magie lrtts, inthbe audittence wateho. The- childreo sn Ibis, ome childreo of .Jerosolemn Soseed, otthoogh il tdancet oer ttrom the closs of Miss Wendy~ was îhaftcîîlt 10 keep their mistis os whot they t ao-r. at Lht (St) Christmas concrt. sete Soisg in sonne doses, with oIt thse people (Photo by.lJ Jeonings) Ws'l send you onough free fuel to givo you piping hot watsr for the noxt 6 months!1 If yoo leaso a Gulf Hconoint Wottt Hsoter unytme heteen nom and Fehssasy the 15th, 1973, 'Slgie yoo 100 gllomns rdton n , yooennxt deliv'sof fuel ol. 100Ogallons of bonc fuel! That's enoogh fuel to gie yoo ol ths hotmateyo'lneod for the nnoîsix nonths! The Gulf Econojet Wotnt Heater hsoos mater 3timnsfaster than ga - nd5 rimes footer thon nlectrictty*. Aod it usen lot foel thon most olfiedmutnîhots So if yoo mont lots ond lots of hot mntse and oochanc o sae moncy, all yoot Glf Home Comnfort Centre today aout a Golf Eoonoiet Water Heater. Ws mont yoo to hoe oomfoetablt. Guif R.R. Milon BAILET FUELS 878-4821 or 878-6895 1, rach and every ene of yeur en the resolve ta ierreane ur efforts to make our commauniy a beai hier1 happier and more prooperous ne. Witb deep pride in the contined sapport yoo have exi .euded Io et, wr tay, "Thuuk You!" BEST REALTY AND INSURANCE LTD. AND STAFF SHIRLEY -JA GODA MIKE- ART JIM-STEVAN-BRIAN dchairs, wooid be ri sai. open datly, hool ttolidoy cloood on flt be cloed t Dol'. onnag more r future. for The solos of a Chtriosma mthool oommercîolinm May have boss tourned hy stme otudenstî ot W. I. Dîck. Popilo in Principul John Lenz' grade Osve donss snohasged gtfto lest week. Homever the gifîs were501 Porchoosed at a stor ASl tse presnto more of the ;,,mo-made eartety. Soute yooogoloeo presented their coonitorparto with a eopy of a posut or article tloey had written. Me. Lenz rereiveda plate nS foolge. Sttadeto tn the grade fiee donts ait W.I. Dick Sehont have boss otodytng comunications and temopapero recentty, and tâat mmhk Ihey producei their fient tehool nemopapse, caSsail 'Sehoot Bulletin." The tO-page paper inetodet editorîutn. Seatore storis, snterv.etom, cartoont, severut pages of food articls and recips, plus a few puzzleo. Teacher Mes. K. Eethine taiS ovoryoos in the ehaso contrihotedt sotîethato for Ahe Bulletin",' and ail the otodenlo enlopsi Ase prosect. -Stores te Milton oses boslmg milh aetietty Friday anS Saturday, at bls-minute Chrittas thoppeet filleS thsie Bats. for NEW YER May gecai health, gond limes, gond fortue b. yeurs je the peur aheud. We are iet gruectol for peur puce cooperuheen DoD, ALCOHOLIRS ANONYMOUS MEElS EVERY TUEtDAY 9ipm Gorac Anglican Pa' tshHal HAVING A PROBLEM? 090i e Ne Yetsltold i toea y t t loft hoyso MILTON LAU NDROMAT