Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Dec 1972, p. 11

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Approve te«onIng for Credif Union eh .00 .00 .00 0 0 Ose in, nt, ta M3 sgency only uiments bie r lise courts. ta ai 100 taons. ,.Partygi &ing l~e Oneedrawn In other bisnss, lihe Btoard lnarnnd tl wus $210 ovendroor, on its budaget at the end of November. Consultisig tee wtiics wetibrtison =neee oere isamd orlte. onedat Maintisent decided te boRd two regular meetings ions usantin l lise nese year, one ta hear depulations and me la maire decajuons on 'applications aod poicien. Tise me o atie isoord hbieoi growlng ropldly la tise poot yrar. Tise 12 inaugusral mou set for Jan. 17. Busy time Accidents a-plenty lfwan absoy eek leadila up ta Csristmsoa for Milton Pallce. lbey were called an fa innanfigate onnerol accidents. .iOse accident Wednmsday, Dec. 0inotned a ase at lise corner of King and BelliSt..mtech was ktui by a ' ca iattiddd on il Ere Jy.ann t02 thgt mecar. drinen isy Rondy hctdcbocier af 142 lfsinond Crese., reoeived $1.100W damsage. Police in eiigalc a fauc.car tear-end calso nSteetet Anc. af Martin Sf. Fridsy, Dec. 22 A total et $0,425 damage was donc .0 asdrinen isy Juccgcn Bascis. aul of Reckseied, Barbsara tdcGinnin if 122 Broute Sf. Milton, Alfred Vail of Recismond and Emdüy F. Gardisoise if Brampton. No.ne mas injered. 1$tMdamage Ais accident af tise carner if Parisway Dr. and Blallon Ane. caaned $450 total damnage 10 cars drivea isy Roiscit M. Wafters ot 321 Haltes Ave. and Wallacc Gray if 305 Maplemied Crcnc., moursday. tDamage tefallrd 000 mise We're available Ylamoui Chsampi.on isl" 58W .Uns Wadnasdav S tlineltwwsdcaners HALTONVILLE Jenisgs Occerat torc B ROOK VIL LF MaLeails Stars ACTON Antion lmotse Sisop Adames Bus Depot Roeal Muk tare GEORGETOWN Stenens Sisen Fendtey s Store Joe's Tank $hsop Deteu ISeote Sbop SPEYSIDE Speyside enera toare HORNBY Hosssby ignoras Stoe Countrn Fora DRUMOUIN Dresequin Store OMAGH Omagis Oenerat tone PALE RMO Pateeea Oneal Store NELSON Cotssng's Servicn Statio Mons Neo Veriety LOWVILLE Laoille Varioit, Rouberlits A Cootiassa KILBRIDE Csaio's Ousaral tare CAMPBELLVILLE Moawka Inn rarly's Garage Cari's Corner MILTON HEIGHTS Fititor Varioey Parksiuda Ocnora tare lnand Around MILTON Csalet Restauranst, Daenorue ta Hoadsa Restaurant, llods Drie-in, ongin's Essa, Atiansa s Frais Market. West End Mosis, Milton Varioe, Joc's enaral Stor, Harris Siationey, Jim 's Billiards' T'ise Chamspin' Elssiots Ptiarseacn Ledwith's Supor lion, Milton Dalicaiessea, Milton Dm0g Mari, Plais Ssoke iShop, Caraean Restaurant, Man's Milk, Mountiieci Resaurant, Milton Distrint Hospital, 50-25 tonvine Statian. mca drinen isy Pul Smith et Dsotdao sud Raobert W. Drcdge af R.R. 3, Milton mollidcd ats cistreuce ta Miltont Plaa lise conter of Ontaria St. sud Pln St. on Sstorday. Palice alo innnufigated onvral minir accidenta. Na drivera or pansengero mere injorei, liicy sald Conservation foundation considered Halton tfegian Conernation Aeflsority is givno serieons con- sideration te' netting ap s Consernation Foaundatien. Basically lise idea tlat! lise teundatien n ten alleow people ta tinnate tant or monry la cao- servaltion altiriico. In ilisor areas lise pion bos woriscd viel and bot beau well rcnined. HttCA Cisairinan Barry Honspisiys aotil thlie donîr con du tis in is wil sud bis onfate reaies certain isenefili ondin lise testeraI and provsincial sac- cession dutlies. -Hablai banc bean sigisted la then district. 10 allow Multon Comssionoty Credif Union tu launch a major expanosion if thiser building et 44 Main St. mhe Credit Union, prnsnly occupying a 30 isy 60 font office. plans expansion 10 tise ontis und eaotiseundsorif thse lot tamalle tise biuliding 60 by 80 font. Tu emioply mitisprigclue mmlis, tise CensitUoanml onclose lise Bowes St. crtekaithlie mont nide of lhiser properly te shloo paristug on ble balance of tise ospoimately 130 by 100 font lot. linea porking upacon om nccoonr. objeccfos te reoalg by-laws were tiled miib tise lieus ai Milton Concit meeting lait wceis. Concîl acisnîmledgcd tise oisjction if W. M. Thosemon le the rcmoning to permit a fbree oforcy isuilding uithlie corncr of Mill and Brinte. He malatamned tise bilding wîld ie 100 close fi lits pripefy bane mnd the tisiee stîrcp beîgist mîuld enclede sunlightsflrîm flt priperty. Curelly a fmi slirey isuilding would tie permniffe ndter lise etiotiag nîning isuf tise denelipern pripioed a tisree slirey isuilding. It woîld bave cemmercialauseion tise main fluor and reidential on thse lip fmi flancs. Cati tl valid Coanicil cosdirmed tes posiftion, agreig lise isy-lam mas valid and montinaed ilst is application (I~AA) A wuman and bier daugister, home un Higismay 25 nirli ot Mdlaon Safarday evenlag, wr hlimjueed misen a car slîdut et n i orntrol, struris a tw trucs, VGLKSWAGEN GWNERS Repairs are sf1l avail able in Milton by factorp Orained mechanics at MILTON ONRTSLER NQ Otario St. N. 878-2963 eJb ýthe peope ýyu lik " .uh antd say hello fi a oparkling New Year 1 To Al our goiel patrons aur fondeot gratitude. AA ,.M - liSthe Ontario Municipal Board. Noices il objection wcre alo tiled mîthi coaincti agaimft a devetîprment if tewn biSses pripisei for an ores on lise meaf side ut Orînli St. Opponenli maanlimed parksing, fronlige, front yard, side yards and rear yards mere mnadeqiate. Tisey aIse mainlimed tise additiuitil rntf wouId aggrevate tbandistg tirtter souli. Ciancil decîded ti ais aie develiper lu meef wifis thse ad- miistfration cîmmittee and suggesf ie migh isf ilie li ment ants tisise misi iiject te bis plan Moetre proreedmg on the plan. HaIt on Region Conservation Authisî ty Cisairman Barry lliospireyu turecaot fiugs fumes aisead misen ise told tise enecutive cummlffee ut tise aufbueîfy tisif Qnccn'o Pars iadt annunced a cracisdoîn un spending, speritîrallp un administration. mhe pruvinre is aonoanrnd on unceaue ut $65,000 will bave f0 rover aUt 37 oithoritieo in tise proitnce. mat mili murS ouf te, omntiog la the urder ut $1,00 or $2,000 tue a cegion tise sine of laitinus. Tlsey are mroog Cisarmant Humpisreys cisarged tise province was wong in risslag 10i rut cuits la liaf partirolar area. "We bave oto lie umnalleot stattu, one ut tise poirnut ottice tarilîties. Tis la narruai limio and if isasn'f to-en properlp cinsidereol," ie laid the eserutive rimmiiten Wednesdap. Pire Cisairman Allan Wrighst noted tise sit in prioirîies af the provincial level mas limards teanspurtation Wrighst onteced osaI aIl if the Toronto peuple weegig 10 do, once liey îoed tise modero teansportation facîlities tu get out ut tise city, il tise coservation areas mere gîmng 10 ie rut o bîrshly. Memiser Kelly Nem ut Oakisit toik a dîtterent luis af lie pcuisiem. "10e isaven't iseen trnated li iadly la tbe pasf. Ofisers are screaming islmdy meurder fui. We've isad ouc day lait tise rum ment dry," Newn lild lis rulleagies. He added fisat ie rudu't sen misy connervation authurif les shouldn't ie rit tf lie ulier areas are biseg cit as mell. cuntmnueduonlhruugsatfeace and steucs isem in tise drivemay. M-s. Luise Cisalitiux and ier live-ynariîld daugster Carol ut H. H. 3 Milton were holi fceated if Milton District Hospital tir ruts and brises tullommng the freas acrident. me lins truck, owned and driven isy Josephs Wayne ot Dem- _re_-In Service Staion, bisa luit fiuished towîng a stucs car out if a dîtris sien tise accident hsappewd . Poice said tise trucs was facîng suutis-isund on the cast sisioldee ufthle road. mhe ortshboand rar mas driven isp James R. Turner ut Eden MüIs. Streets ot tusen were quiet over lie isulîday aieeisend. WsftLE CH{RISTMASHRAS passed for another affluai Lrc-cutting Lakes placé on lise Bey year, the mnemory of cutting their owo tire Frm on Highwuy 25, just norfh of Milton. suii iongers in thse minds of the cisildren of tise (Photo by D. O'Reillyl MOiton Co-Operative Nursery Scisol. The Says stores fao close objecfs fo rezoning Past and preseb memsers if tise board ot dirnctors, mepme sentatives [rom Shoeidan Collrge or Applied Arts and Terisnotogy and faruliy onnobers of Credif Valley Scisuit if Nursing 0ionded a ie andriseese party at '-e ocisoni rermnly tu honor James J. McCarfisy of Missionauga. Mc. McCarisy mas cisairman if lise isoard of direclirs ai Crait Volley Sehool of Nursing from 1966 antil 1971. Tise present risuirman ofthe isard, Jolhn W Ostver of Milton, ansoiled a plaque narning tise auditorium "McCartip Hall" aid prnsentnd a senSi contnrning isonrary isoard memisership on Mr. MeCartisy in recognition if oufifanding and devofed sernices gîven 10 tise founding and denetipmient of Creaif Valley Scorili if Nursing. mhe spials misere Credit Valley Scisolof Nursing studenfu rcvetheir clinmcat eoperienre i0' Jýeorgtowno District MernoiLal Hospital, Milton District Houspital, Miosisiauga Hospital, Oaisvilte-Tratatgar Mnmoriat Hospital and Peel Menorîat Honpital. Eaeis isospital touard and lise fine rom- monîtiesat large are represented ontse board of directors et Credit Volley Schoot ot Norsing. Miss Oremsa Oluisieet has inen tse Dirertur ottise nsanto sioce lis meception. mere are presenty 35 ireil quatîtîrd tartuty memiseri on staff and 230 studentu lit tise peugram. mne maximoum numiser ut stiidents nisu con ie or. esommdatd in tisîscisml and in the resîdnncn is 300. Credif Valley Seisotl if Nursing is lucated ut 2186 Harotarii St, Mussissauga. as taxi, car collide Four Milton and arce reoidentu Milton OPP învestîgated and mere mnjured Sanday afternoon reporf btis veniîes mere bady nisen a car ond a tans rottided damuged. almînt isead-in, on tise Ei -sgNassagaweya Tomn MUe nea à Sideriad. 'u Mc. and Mes. Murray Cornie if O5 Orînte St. Milton mere trnated tir toial ond iseat ruts, lAnne Coleman of 212 Main St. Million, driver ofthlie tani, alo iuftered faceculi and apamenger in tise fans, Flornce Mrtsaac of Kootuesisto îuftered L fractured joui. Jan. 25 next blood ctinic Mîsten Rest Crass lt sebeduling lis tînt blond chil ot thse e yeu a fiarsdsy, Jan. 25s ai te Legian Hall in isltao.e ltlond ibis se qnlte lam af iis fboe of die year sa me are lnabtog larward ta a goad farnauf," ssld Red Cross preuldeut Dn Hayward. He mbked Ibol daons cîrcle Ibot date an ibeir cairodar, os a rerninden. 34 permits a kourtiMit Newv lear in N ovem ber hope i yods health ifs thapne Ttsîrf oue perssî mccc BoeeOifal tisanks fie yîae patrnage. November reports buldn MILTON DELICATESSEN muspeclir Ray Otan. Most if tise persenli mere foe residenfial con- sfruction. Total value ut 240 Main St., Mîtitoo conntruction mas $033.202. NO0 lTICE ý -I Thse Champion, Muin Ont. Wed. Decnymier 27, 1972 Ostier unveils plaque naming."McCarthy Hall" Four people injured lue 973. Sees provincial cuts affecting HRCA program 4iiiP2fZ V'DI SPENSING OPTICIANS *Ono ist Pprsipions Filins *Cootact Lenses HOURS- HOURS- Mon. Fri iani. 5.30 p. Thois. 9 a.O - 9 p. Tuesdlay and Wednesday Closed Saturday 9.30 arnM. ta 5.30 p. 175 Lakeshore Rd. E. 70 MAIN ST. E. 845-3621 878-5151 OAKVILLE MILTON Woman, daughter hurt in freakish accident TO ALL RESIDENTS AND BUSINESSES IN THE TOWN 0F MILTON BY-LAW 56-71 Bp law 56-71 if tise Tows of Mifton prîhibits aed maises if an offence for aîy persan te Ohrow, place or deposit snow, ice or siess on anp public lave, igiway or street le the tîwe ot Miltin. A conviction eider tise preovisions ot this top law coeld resuif in a fine ot op te 0300.00 fer each offence. SAay me please hase pour co-uperat ion. J. McGrachie Ciers Admsousfrator Toms of MoiIton -I Our wisis big and Sincere... And si is our Appreciation if Voir Patronage and Goodwill. Son pou scon, in 1972! DENZIL LAWRENCE or take advantage of our REDUCEU PRICES 8-12 gallon fill up, car wash 50 cents 4-8 gallon MI up, car wash $1.00 8 a.m. to 7 P.M. mon, to 7 8an, to 8:30 p.m. Friday 25 cents Extra Friday, Saturday 8 a to 6 p- Saturday and Sunday to 5 p.m. Sunday Bell Bro& Ltd. 409 Martin St. Milton, Ont.

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