ýjouse league happenings forward mnn 1hece mas n rJ. Jeunuogo) Byi John MeLeon Scohînos once viClors in the 6-2 cOoteSt. Roidi' Hood earoed on onnoot on Richard's lerst goal. BANTAM l3-aig Brown and Waiter Maissie Stella Porion Real Estate were te pacemakers as tisey egdBell Brothers 2-1 as thti' each scored a paie for lise 21-0i lead ho thse Brut period wioners while single goais were on a gmtl i' Richard Lesle who cousied hy John Bonsam ami iiniuisedl ott a nest pausisg play Mikie Clemenia. Carl Barker wits Dace Arhic and Pete controlled the pucis wel when hie DeGraaf. Phoying mush a 0 mapas on the ice and net sp tisree adivontage, tise Real Estate crew goals white Dace MasNeîll Luai a 2-0 iead au Bead Cllhs earnied ose atsist. dumped in a retay fhome Doug Water. lien Brighst completed a PEEWEE pasong pariay witis Cameon te a gmrne tisai was topo toc Gall and Alex Riddell to pu oSl enteriaisment, Fay Piomising Brothers os tise scorehoard. ond Milton nwrgSevc Hotd's Choclen Kingutonis a 3-0 nsated ho a 1-t draw. Mars lead on Milton Police and Bien Hocoiog for Foi' and Enis Titroit issng on for a 3-2 verdict. Brion for Anuwerîng Service wr Fion scared the fient goal for the alssont unheatasle as th.y tended minners on a sois drive eariy in ier respective gmtl creases Bt lest poriod. Peter Hunt pst meh. Toffoli had ho h.e eotra sharp Houdi allaid 2-o00n0 pass trom on Scott Watios of Fay mas Jin Farreli miBi only 45 seconds aoarded g pealy bt miset ont toIt in 1h. lient poriod ond Bien of the Aosmerîog Service players mrlyin he fh.inal trame, Gary feUl on Bie puckin 90t creuse. Danse scored tise ecestual Rnostuood his groond meS and 1 wing goala mie fiisted a plai' utepptd the drive. Aodrem Evans miBi Fern Pellier ami Ersie coonter!lise goat for Anumerhog King. Pool Sisields orored Bie Service miBi iselp from David lerst gonl for Poice on a pols Boughteon white 20 minutes lter, from Stove Harris misile tise oBier Cltriu Arnold lied up Bie gosse for goal isy the losers von coonted isy t Plsmh.rs thinhong oif a Csarie Gracimiso mas istiped sot posohof play mush John Nodalin hi' Enno Belcedere and Demlis ond Maris Curtis. Durante. Reanver Homes teppod Color Local 4970 osated ho a 4-2 min Yasr Worid 4-3 alter h.îng doms ocer McCoig Insurance as 3-2 ariy win h th oonl tttriod. llepistoCole led t mimnero miBi Rager Del NinsotBe big gos for mo goais bath mus Bite help ot te miostro, neorinf t oponlng Tom SmitBi Suese Strath ami goal eft1h. gosse as meSl as Tiacy' Mueray' ncored tise oBier comlting 1h. mimner, totis limes goalu unassiohod. tance LYons on miao dlsh.s. Pierre Gahipoau iirtd ose goal toc McCoaig miBi conted t tying goal for Beaver htlp frose Murray MePhail and ah os a solo ettort 0101 litenethBen Lyoms set up Brent Arpa toc Hart tesmed op miBi Galipoao t oBier McCmaig courter. Jest Martens for tise otiser Beaver mariser. Dmayot Milton Marine surpristdl Pay's Haggari; scored the fiest Color Electrîcoîtisoa 6-4mwin and ovt Yoar World gmtl on a pasu trom 010o a Bire may hie for firut spot Glenn Misema. Charlts Kerr I siBi Bailey Fuels aod Pay's conted 1h. second ont trom Electrîci. Larry With.ell tired Pister Icisicis and Ted Glynni' tmo goals olîhin 49 seconds ta while Dosg Vaoghsan Pot C. Y. W. givt Milton Marine t min. white temporarily aisead mhen ise Nies Rlip, Greg Orpes. David thiah.d ott a paon tromn Haggarl. Clarise and Stecen Faulkner MIDGET scoced once each. Aooiuis oece BiUts Auto Body regishored a 2 earoed hy Robert Vaughian blie, 1 victer' ocler Pigment and Henry Royptru, Rohert Munro, Chemical te remain tîi to f rsiQg Orpon and Ron Cornie. Gien plc.Ms eo d for on on Yoong neplied icote limes toc pla iletor fore on gal Fay's Eletrie and ont goal mou uaued eot ord te sno coonied isy Vittorio Treoto. oted it secnd.ga ies Mu Randy MacDlonald 121, Steven aouBt triggtrmao for a passiof ttor î2, re Apptne aodt play wiBi Ford ami Dace Cooller. Vthrs reotrrdaîh. Serg Mazorato scored tise 'alyFesso dMlo Pigment goai 12 seconds hoter. Ati'od Fuel toppedbn Mîthe 101h goaltendtcs, Gtyn Roberts toe Body 7-3 hor themis inho tise for Pigment and Pete Maisoie for ticl ilie toc tise leaderoa e lis mese sharp an Biey stopped coonted a trio of goals and atmi neverai gludi attempis taris. eacotd one assst. Scott Prior and Milion TrvlService tdgtd Mise Ellîs tociscoonted apaircot Kmigit'u Mens Wear 4-3 on Henry Nadaln os lise pacesetter wîi a paie of goals mnd on assiot on t winmig goal rounled hy Jh .t- Chtalhsoc. Alan Ayer scoced"tn Bi .uri II1 tIo I oBier gmtl foc tise mimers and ' assistât Oee earned hi'bitte Harnden and Nadalin, Steve McCann mas t leader toc Junior B Knigisîs as ise fired aIl tiscet goals on solo dasises.w ikie Nevns contd a pair of TRAMS Gi' W gmals lesding Jim's Billiards ta min ocer Super Sant. Wyatt Baclingtos 22 15 Evans, Dace Aodercisti, Franks Stretvilîr 21 14 Hume and Russell scortd once Preston 21 10 escistor t minnecu ohile asuists Cakiellt 21 10 once earned hi' Andcies (3), Biampton 21 10 Home (2), Rvans (2), Necion, Hcspelcr 20 7 Prise, and Raody Hamilton. Les Mtilton 21 7 Bromn repied tice toc Super [landas 19 2 Save mie Aortele Bugeois had dLont goal and assistu ment tb Ras OsBimcrn and Lasco Hîgo -Ascesu lo oo Imice tacs. Ascess ta oo Dan Richard scoced tise chuteii Ge Oorgetoon tout ottis Brning and closiIoml of tise coSlected 399 donatrions of bltood. gosse toc Harris Steliosery isut in Mitons Otot bliond dîmne i hetmees came six goals as sciseduled for Janoary. the one for 5 fomily fun Y--.-- SUZUKIMOIE Re lit, 091*10 bill naP"I NOW arn ,a ead -$1 007,40 LA Other Sunui Madeis KAp tram as iam as A $13.00 H-wi'25&MainSl E. PilasOrnt. 818-2774 & 878-3412 goals tH rHod out Boilcys' scrrvg otite Mise Bcown iseipmi out once. Richard Larocoise, Maris Cisallinor and Aifoso Crisci ceplied once escs for Milton Auto Bady mils assiste gomlg ho Steves Cormacs ami Alfonso Crisci once tacs. NOVICE Dominion Hardmare gave sp an early goal te Ponliaco ibut Bien hoonsed hock mush tiscet miammweced goals ot tie so ts drop t Pontias 3-t. Jetf Lamh. scoctd Imice te pose t viciars wte Glen MacDonald added oneand one ami mou taned hi' Brandy Cremnon. Neil Bsyd scoctd 1h. tort' Pontias mariser ohes h. thiiseu off o play' wiBi Scott Cisoditig and Wayne Arthsur. Ted Vandenheucel scoctd fcomn John Siestd mîi ont minute rtmainiog in tise game ho givt St. Clair Paint and Walipaper a cloue 4-3 decisios over Reehias Lodgt. St. Clair tuaitsa3-0 leadonly to have lltistahs iseep ociig ontil ti'y lied up t game tis setling tise stage toc Vandeoisuscets iseroirs. Mise Cochoît toned 100 gmol toc t minners wite Ganni' Ford chipped in oîth a goal and on sassint. Bcyan CoIn ucored Imo ,inassisted goals 10 tead Ratohahu mhite Mach Ltloup teamed upowitisDavid Rooan for t Bhird goal. Hon tochot scoced on a great solo sffort tact' in lise secood ptcîod t0 brceaks a deadocs and gmte Milton Uphisshoy a 3-2 min over Momiscai Fuels. Joti' Gatipeau scoced once and asuisted on lise oilier goal toc t sans hy Wayne Locii misile Lockiscrttucntd tise facor assîslîsg Gatîpeau. Moiscai' mares came trono Scian BtSl and Michael Rîtoisen miBi ont asist gong toMark Tasdel. Aller a scocelens tîrsl perlid Betacs Brothsers led hi' tise 100 goal performance ot Ctîff Hart dsoned Milton taon Service 3-O. Stecen Jayon added ont goal ohole OSsiSts oece eacned hi' Doayne Hîddetl and Hyle Gervais once taris. tionsi Simon eacned tise nsutoot iandlîng seorral tough drives. Fieîen spotted the Lions cius a goal aond tises caome hans timo mn lise second tramte 10 010 2-t. Date RKerr oas tise goal getter foc Lions mils lise mmli of Paul loisson. Rddy Wcgglesoorts with the lyîog goal and Bois Heipti omIs lise oînnîng tait' wtre tise marhameo toc tise Fmremîglmlecs. Bats goals came on solo dasises. Ieads ?ague L T GF GA Fbs 4 3 121 72 33 4 3 114 W0 31 8 3 1W8 W 23 9 2 114 99 22 9 2 1W9 1W9 22 10 3 90 92 1 7 14 t M8 1,9 10 17 0 75 132 4 A cri nipped hi' Donma Aman, sais vice Hazet Reid, second Grace Duncan ami lead Glane l'attecsonowon a curing isonspint ai Mîssîsoauga Dnc t. ho m00c rncent action foust pi'rmo mn lise anoua loche>. lionsytol went 10 Huis CeIado. Hec cmnis mates are M. Wilson and OeIly'temple. Second prîze oet bo J. Sottoty's cîns of H. Steoart, y. Moore and E. Shannon. Thord pi'rîn Oett a rois siii'd hi' J. Arnoldl. H. Heid, S. Brown and W. Rita bui part mn thal rinis. Flrsi prizt ho thec second drao E. Bronchss cis i V . Beeler. Do. Remisauco NI1iii N COiii5M U NIt7 o,IýLoniHs' oeoh trple, eCta ind iule 8odyn.I men se 5at sinle. a Ohttsssoo singles. CrolynOneaps 2501), otHOadolIer 247 - 24. croor SoHoO Ito i3,, Mllke Oclieder ohHooHctls. Cicolyn osori 50, nOOHty Ooot 569. To OutHen it ciel 35'. , ti 10,,OidenOsuill 77, Mlles BOvl, 71t). Frank PeHîlla O ciat PdHî. .. 7, fIon 49, Voc OHpr aioo ( moolyn Ocam Hf.,m3, vandeho,o o Il for 38. Bill The Champion, Milton, Ont., Wed., December 13, 1972 5_ -Champion ctossitieds mili -Sianta Clous inviltas local help you round up extra doldren tu write ta hüm and posl Chistmas cash. Soit your dmei lettons ait1he speeil tetter- onwantet possessions easily hn imn in front Of Milt Deioartninnt central Halionsa huai Store. marhetplace, the classitied page. Are We Investing Wisely? Every wsc peronv provdcs for thn future Whether wc have lIttie or mc~Hh, se ikn to Loy oside savings for the ftureo prntncotly at nterest. And in s invnsting on 1,9e ta nmalle the Ilsest chisolo possibl. Wýhatnee 0ou inoestment mal, h. vin are faceci wit the tact You sonrt take tl waith yol- As the Bible soc, "We hcought nothing into tis worid. nd t is certain vin con carry nottingout- lTn. 6:7). This is tre,owhether oe are rit, or pour. Os, investiments and sosings are mîft hnhind. lonen is. howeo, one linportant exception to titis rote. theChristian can moie ,nvestnents that wiii endure hnyond hs sOvn liite and highten into ete-nity. Jnsus sid, "Lay not up tor yoursnlves treas a es In narlth.. hut lay uor s o ro tevsteaue n eaen. Whneenether moth nsir rositdoth corupt, and wheteves do nothbreak thruund stal lttott. 6: 19, 20). Laynin spiitual treasures in tnOonn i oossnplishied ty tollooing the Lord's instructions. Are YOU tollowingthnse instructions? Let usexamnine tris nootonnek Free-Mail TODAY Pinose Psovido Chrho Crs QChris7Onity is undeonmnotional" 241 cohot Churt paimphlt Milton, Ont. CI Bile Corcespondencn Course Ph. 11711-05e OI Pecconol BAinl Study fADDRESS - PHONE ____ CITY PROV _______ mnd H. Morley mon fieut print. Second pi'rîeoenthoa B. Gisson, M. Rerr andl W. Jackson. Third maz vts mon hi' P. Seiderînons risi of D. Amon, F. Soit and M. MeNtît. Tise prîzes toc isoBi drawa oece taistys, caPoms and apsairof conis iens. PRICE $130.00 &h ANILINE LEOTHER COAT 31" lovg. This is trHly A rî ,.0j a Man's deloigit. For a Christmas giît. StylisO single breasîno cool, toar pals0 oltO nnlnpn tmop LE N T by*VD poekols. Fotor hook wit tiset inonrtd pInots and LEK I y .VD atrîtt BcownnOly GoonOhim te otsanlin omort ad fcsoom of roemnofOrluisos knit sitorsiy Bot. PRICE S ()0)-115.00 skllItalIy styled toc ail occasions. Wear ion i oeonklt stoepintucnrtrm knt, Neoecnoteds coons'g Nonscritktn, bitdnnt.pisktntor aggituo Fashion-Nom, long point perma stay sollan and S PORT SHIRT mwo ballon cuits. Stralgst hottono lots yoa oear this versatile shirt tîsked in or oit. Make noir gft For warmth and oolort, ThetBaymere SOrtlstfor snlesî,onscnoo. Chomsnlrom ricsls and lionty tOn select man ot yoo Christmas lisI Foshonohle flra p'atterns in pcedomlnaling stades of Wco, olilai, 0,0v 2 buttn cuits. Coose tow ttom plain Ton, Blue Black or Gold. SoteS. M. L. OL stripesandschecks in olorsot rnd, lon.sroonoand'0.0- 12 0 green. Sint S.M.L. St. Plain Checks$1.0-12 0 $10.00 - $12.00 SWEATERS SOCKS nek h rs ek hesin i t ipro Yoove heacd about,ct.d absoutthis hoseand now buttons oors ofnay,Oiugudy,ogrn.ttaniscown roi Ont 4 of tht,, nost pnpolac styles Irn and ometn S.ML,XL Fcadrcok 5 te Mat's SOop. Anti stols strts nylon oens tOut yoar sosks mon't eling ta your '12.00 - 39.95 troasers Naot. Gark Gey,. Black, Etork Bron, Smoke Blue or ark live. Cardign swetetrs pln or fionnsarso Top Bras$ 10" Mid LenglO AaismnisnglO iscom, tat. nîggOtil. green and gstd. '2.15 '2.00 '1.50 S. ML ' 17.00 - s28.00 OpBen vedaofthenonok GOT A PROBLEM? Thi Onn , oisý -j A PRE-GAME PRi' TALE hi' casi Maris Hoceyti lisesi' wisich isceps t scens staft Grenhe istlped tui spsr his Milhon Upisslsttring isusi' fromi six ostlos ever' lialsrday Notice Ocam hou 3-2 victoc7t. Mach's Oeam is mornisg. (Photo bi J . Jenaingo) onli' ont of masi' teams is tise Miltas Mincir Team effort provides Multon's-3-2 victory w - An exoellent team effort ar- Gaton on a tint paming plai'. cotihoil toc Milton Notice Pints, Winaiaî Weektad 3-2 deteat oner Choogoncooni' Pintos ioppod off a mhnîng Saodsy. Tise locaho; sisaled isard wtsn i iipo.ts tro h. oi'ening ohosîte. Enen Georgetomn Novice team 52 salh Mwo men short, Milton Brian Secafîni and Eddie applîtd pressure on t home i.otirich ted tise Milton athoris hoam's goatte. saish 100 goaho tacs. Miltonoscorers once Jon Gatton Jot Gatton scoced a oingle. who scored 100 goals, ont R obe to plaYed a steadi' nanssiuted and tht oBier on an ganse in te net toc 1h. Photon. assist iro Eddie Loeprics. Ausisîs titren t0 Wayne Mar- Motton's lird goal camne oft t Dougosl 121 lins Jelirni', Pal sicki of Davie Ftemmnghon mitasobherho, Blair Pisillipo and Jot os ont ai' hi Looprics ami Gaton. Childs, Branch rinks top turkey bonspiel BROWNIE'S SPORTS t50 Mill St. Milton 878-4602 Snowmobile Glottes Reg s9 75 Nom'.8 Snowmobile Boots ntri oppec, white and ced rcsino strpc , toeit liner Ogý $12A8 Nom $9.O SnowmobiIe Helmets treoiors C S-A apprcod. Ren. $19.95 hon '14.95 Cooper Hockey Gloves 111.95 Folding Hockey Nets Pro (List Prce $25.00) $12.98 Junior '7.95 Victoriaoilo Reg 2 98 No 1.19 Hockey Stick Sale Reg.I 1n 98 Noo '.29 BGNESSki PACKAGE Skis 134.95 Toe & Heel Step-in bindings $29.95 Caber 5 Buckle Plastic Boots $57.95 Poles 19.96 Satety Straps 11.99 Installation $5.*5 Toal $141.95 NomS.95 Open December 26th Boxlng Day