%14 Thse Champn Mtaon Oct. Mot. Oecembee 13, 1972 Omoagh Local 4-H members honored by Kiwanis Bybics. CcilPatcson ball us i'iursday Dec. 7. lac a Congratulatios ta tise Haitas a. titis pot unis imceon. Tise baill H mnembars ciso acre guess ot wou nîccty decarated tac tise Kingsoay Kicoots Cluis ai a Ciscistmaos and tablste tooised gay moon lameauc attse Old Mla on iC oltroctive taisle centars and Menday Dec. a deilclots; food. The gusas oece Eteven yomng peaple from, tise oeiratad by president Mes, C. Agriratturai 4-H Clubs and Ica Pattersas mnd 1he grce wsea said yong ladies aftie Horcisismkig lh Mes. T. Onose. riais. ecr bicîg tise biais Neocty 20 cnjoyed tise festive iseisiers in tise erios riais meat and tctioossip. projects ocre prcsestad clOs a bosdsamce Oxfocd ittaslcatcd Tbasis yos leiters dîritîoary . Tise Kîsgsoay bics, C. Pattecsen pcentded toc Kiomnis Clubs moise tisese speciat tise isusinss meeting olsirs acards aoang cis teapies ta floiaet. bics. H. Rot60rtacd Haiton 4-H memisers ecri yeac. red tise ncipture lessos andt Local otaneen gave a proyer. Thons yos iettecs toao coners ocre Eules ocre read teo, bics. E. Marshsall an tise hoarse riais. John Jessemnan, bics. Donald Peaoui, Patteron ai tise snwoiie cluis Mes. C. Peor oris tacloccs and .id Cecit Poltersos Hottas Field cardu. tram bics. Paonsc toc ccop and Lyn Stewart ai tise cacdsb er rcect iictidaymad Haitas Holstein riais. rercpis and tisosis trais Tise Derembec meeting ai tise Armoaghs and Sotat Mission toc Ossagis Presisyteetas W.A. and ravsh dasatians. .M.S. oaa betd ot tise chrisar A tetter tramn tise Pcesbytecimn Hornby Enrol il members in Brownie Pack Bp bics. Jise Hamiltan Ciaude birl-ugit cisa pisycit Tise North Teafalgar Earisre au a lady) and secand pcize cas lai bctd Cric ceeisly cucice cas sy bics Jin, Hamilton. Tise Party ai tise Nortis Trafalgar irtes prise foarCe mes cas con isy tecceaioCentre as batarday BucistBurtoandCthesecond prizc sigist, Dec. 9. Tisere ocre 10 oau cas by ion Homifttn. babies ai cucise sn play. Higis Avsiveesaey greectîsgs are prises cece cas by Mes. EdsCh estcsded ta Mr. and bics. Wilsscr Macsismest, bics. Lithosn Hoodes Masos. ciso ctit reiciscata Ccir mnd Mes. DoraChy Peatisersso. aeddssg asssversary an Theciigis for thce gentscccc t'uescday, Dcc. 19. cas by Bars Burtan and Jm tacoonle pacis Hasuttos cisa ocre tîrd lac tiest Os Wevtscsday. Dec. 6, Cce place) and RatpbrFeatbcrstaatfor trosie Paris aithCe Pery Csrd pie.i'ieilucky draovcwere Merry Scisaat escatird Il cas isy Mes. Myctie Cunsisghsam Ococaîrs. Tisey arc Ousas and Jaohn Roberts. Moasall, Gimny Corsos. Ciseryt Mr. asd bics. Lîsecy Ruttcdgc of isan, tisa Jaontan. Tracy En., dtC vîsîtedi as Stnaiy oiC Mr. tînda Ducliette, Keadro and Mes. Joisn Dctnmod and Hamiton, Karen Orotoize, Me. asd bics testie Ruttedgc ai GuraI ch , L.ia Raberts and Che Nîstis soc, Horvby. Joanno Mebiîtton. Bron Qdl Cosgratulatiass ta Mr. ast Mary Plîpposce and Tosy Qol Mes. Bob Oatvisbscg snec Vichy tOocyte Wood caris ciC the paris. ' tisa w ocre crrd os Anisvirsary grretisgs are Fciday evescng, Dc 8,.atl7p.no-e.. xtesdrd ta Me. asd bics. ai Hitteest Uniîted Cisocis Rec. Claresce Dessis, cisc ciii tymne Adams otticloate ut tise criciscate tis ocdding cecatny. .- - - eeecsary on Dec. 20. Kocisce GetWeil issasre estesdcd ta Tisece c ccc sevra babies ai Art Plant chis a patient ta Che rure in play ai Ce Pmnegcovc St. Mîishacis Hospital, Toronto. Canimmity Hall as Tisursdoy Bîclisdoy gceetiogs are sigisi. Dec. 7. Poliacsg tlursh extcsdcd ta bics. John Buadl prises cere pcesrsted. First and Keois Jepsos, W60 ci psize lac Che ladies oas cas by celebeate thicr irCdays Dec. t5. Kilbride Seasonts parties off ta a good start Bybies. P.J.D. Senanes Fitst oi the seavon*s partira 1cr Me. and bics. Henry Ganter of Kiliscide gct otf iv a raily cnoayable stuet. Thei Mad Mev. CctptrvsClubs of St. Paul's United Cisoci belli a Chriastas patyand dance and i oas a trrmevdtus uccrss. At ndaigbt a ballet oas ses-ced itis ssasy gourmet dises ta tasspt coccytte. rtrose bosse Mca. Harold Jacksson of Kibride St. cas a patient ut JosephBranit tenoial Hospital in Burtingios rrcestty. Not shra basse on lune ttcChe Chistsmas scasas. Her susecus friesds sertit armest wisheortca speedy recocer ise matis of the Kîiscîide Cubsansd Scoutsmust have spent longihs ssta'vig oer hottves tascatduce the lccely asortirent ob goodies ut Che baise soie iscid tuai Satucday in Kîlbicde Unitedl Cisurcis Hall. Tub decaeatisns Many articles, octluding Che lavriy mîsatuce tb tecoratias rc uoid by Che cidccs. Tise tais decacatias autl tac a toc prire. Sis tables dîspiayint isand- mae apruna. Chistsmas decoaaios, bamessade randy, cooies, itavestofbreadtand ass bats oece set up isy Che organicees. tise iscibent dracrve o sas Lcece vote oi Chansa frcss everpane tac Crier bard oci. HOLLY BELIEFS The cocty Dnîuids decrte tiseir butin asd basses oitis baugiss oI houpy os a ceicosse te spirits tbccatcsed isy teant andl wastends tatrisons consîdecet tl uslanky ta bctag batiy itt a bause baface Christmsas Eve anal avariation anis blisel betd Chal Che type ai ccoece ai Che tisse Che balty cas braugi iunis Che bame determaîcal cia oai cale Cheibouse sn Che manChs oisead-il fair tise wîbe oui cote. it isal, Che ubuad cauid batl aoay. isios EvasgIt Holl, Tsooto cas ccod sig tac gifts of tfood, on tiseir roptioards oece boce. Thec preident tsaolsed ait oho had orsed tu maire lise tati baliser ou November a tinancisi nurcess. Lettecsofattisbaere ta be sent many firsends obo isad eontciisstedl articles and sdonaions toc tise baeac. Tisese oece maris apprcciatad Sevecat Conada Pacisers labels ocre bandeit in. Chisismas itacers Wi be sent ta shat in members. Att ocre narry ta bears tisai Misa Jessie Jarvis. a taormer memiser of Omagisl in Western Hospital, Toconta. Mes. M. Turner cas sccetocy for W.A. mnd .M.S. mecctings. bics. R. Marshaoll iccosucer repacted tisai tise .M.S. hâti met itsaloaortion of $4it. and isis badl been sentiso Toronta. A tettar cas ccad expliing tisai nuppty istaey oa uscd tac food andt cistisg torc risdren in tadia. tac seociers and supplies tac mssion ields ta tise nactis. A qail isad iseenmde and was satdai tise bacaur. Colection Tise rollection of tise Dec. Meinag over 30. as toise sent ta tise Bible Society. Your favrite caoo cas mnsoeccd tac coU call. bics. R. Lewis cou coader tfcrlise Chistsmas pesgcomt lcom tise gliad tidtags. mony bysens and caoos oece csjoyed. Christmas ceodints oece given isy Mes. H. McCan. and Mes. C. Jocoîs. Tise presideot tismbed ait toc thie esaopecotan on tise posi ycoc of Cisistian tcttooslùp and carbisg tagetiser. The meeting ctasedi wdb proyer. A oarge casgcegotion corsipped ot Omagis Peesisyleton chrise os Omndoy Dcc. 1t. Rev. R. Lacis dcttveced a mesuage toc yaung asd oit. A baptismal service coas condacted ai cic tose bic. and Mes. Barcry Cote prceotad tiseir tisrec ebidres. Susaa Laurel, Mactocie Lyo, and Grant Vtctar. Large containers ocre seocty fisied cis tise chite tilts preseti isy 1605e prisent toc tise tcss fotoctata. Fotiootag tise traning orsbip 160 ilondoy licbaat papits pccscntcd thcir concert of piano sumisees. reccitations and musical scier- seaus os tise guitor. etectrie orgm., and occrdios. David Laurence sisoccd tscee fisms. These oece enjoyed isy oit. A sisocgosbacd uciscon cas sccocdi ta about la parents and yamngstcrs attanding. Tise cisuc bail con niceiy decocoti tac tise occasion. Latar ail adjoucnod ta tise cisocci for a visit trois Omisa Claus Coino Marshall presideit ttc tise prograis. All pcesest crciveit os oronge. the treot of Mr. mnd bics. R. Bracsridge. In charge ot tise Sunday Orisoci are Mes. and Mes. Cltin Marshall, saperittndens. Teors are bics. R. lieacncidge, bics. Clacence bicCon. bics. Graham Gitties, Mes'. J. Jarvis Gorry taurence. bics. Gordon and scccctary tccasarcc Doald Douglas. Posi Saperinedesi sa Hacold Dtouas. Birtbday grecimas go ta (tics Wilinmsan, Jobs Rîdgeoay, Joba Wddgease. Marki Curtsanmd Jahn Perry. bmay baises ta tise aires arc vcry prettîiy decoateit toc tise Chrcistmas ileason. Drumquin Observe White Gift Sundoy at Bethel United Church Dp Mes. Cccl Patters A tortge congregtion corsipped ai Octise United Churcs os Dec. 10. 17ev. tys Adams oas is tise puipit asd tise crisi cesdeccd os astisec. Whte tift OSudoy oas aoecved seuls tisechidcen pcesetstisg tiseir gil ta tise baby se tise cradie. Otiser gâisai ofued cioting and qailta ciii ba sent ta Toronta Missions. Cangcaitatioms ta tise Yaung Peaple ai tise congcegatian seit mccl cacs ilnday evcnisg ai tise esanse. Their pcesent pcnject ta ta pcavide isys and Christmas goadies tac 5t cisildeen tnan8 undec pciiegcd sehoul in Toranta. Marc ace needed. iss Mary Hsttan wsea ai tise organ. tise coodie ligitg service COuNY MUSEUMS alighttcl esisis cill attise os alsspi.sy ut the acscat Open Homse anal tea. Dec. 15,1tg anal 17. Tise eel bas barame a tradition ut Che moncosa, a canvercel bars ut Keisa Caaservatian Aatisarity. (J. H. Fishisari Pisotagraphy) Lowville Christmas theme at gatherings By Mes. Richsard Soveceigo Mr. and bics. Erie Gudgcas enîcyd tiseîc sigit at Che Opera inCentral Terhissaa Orsoat ta Torontc. Tiscîr daugstcc Suan sang asd partrayed tise part of Uirca. a Negro srerecu ta Verdi's -Masised Bali". Tise opeca cas iseit tac foar nigis mndcc tise dircrtion aI Guiseppe Macina. Mr. mnd Mes. Geocge Couisen bave bers vîaîtiag cîtis Ccir fiîcdu and iamîiy in tise L'asmonity tise pai Ica ceeks. The aiescasn anit cf Che IAZ U.C.W' iseid Cricr Chrcistms meeting aitie tocnitte Unitaed Chiurris. Chisbtmas msic Thr ladies as accîvisg bad a dessert lunchs cis a backsgrond ai tae Christmas muassc sy Cce YauC mnd Junicr Chirs anal Cce ravin oaa decoratcd csCh condies and notsviysccses. Mcv. George Caliîg and Mes' Garfieild Coling ted Cce ladies ta Che carsip srvice cis Mes. Dickinson atd bict. Borge Gcsisy aise taing part on lise pragrais of redinga and Christsmas crccs. Met. G. Foste prsestedthCc business. 'licarol cui cas answcred wiCh asdividuat contributios an the meanmng cf Chrisitas. Federation meeting Sevecat barmers irais Ibis ora uttedrd tise Haitas Cocunir Pediecatias ci Agriculture Anstat Baaquet aI Hîieaet Cisurris an Dec. .This is amajor sroia ad bsinuess eceat ai Cce ycoc. The gurat speaker cat Gardas Hill, Presîdesi ai tise Ontario Federatias oI Agriculture. Harald biiddteisctak introccd Me. Hill and Tais Faster Chasset bhan 1cr bit inupirmng speech,. deducatics anîd tosriy efforts tac Che larmers. Bmnstmcembecsip OSic Gardas Hill bas bers preîdent lac tise pat Crec yeocs the sscmisip bas cîsen tram 400 t uver 12,400. This pravea barmeca cas ucgmniae tc ospcavc Cricr ccii bcing mnd con get tagetiser tc vsare mnd suppoct items ta mose Che isest use of Cceir resaucces. Htgbtigists af tise spechrb ccosir asd pcopccty tuses. ugriratrai ose cf dcugs tac asonais. tivestaris bausing and ouste dîspoal, asnd marketing asnd contrîibutions ct agrcultuce ta sciety. Osc-tiid ai Che tabac force is lied ta food producioas. He aise stccscd Che cccl lac a national effort mnd ta ca-oediaatc tise tamity of lacis argonizatias. Ros egswoactis uistcadured am Cisairmas cf Che t974 ptacseg matchs ta be ieid vn Halta Cousty. AIl larmers are escaucaged ta enter tise cmpetitsas tac lueis Impravemesi ta cake Haltos (busty a cvctby bost lac Chis speciat event. Nausitg Meais A fiîcdty cctccmc aoaita tise bongey and destîtuta aI Oatvatios Acmy centen secais Che country, cics prcrtde noucisbssg meais asnd Chisismas lestivîties ta Ccousadsoofisanîctcss mes. VOLKSWAGEN OWNERS Repo ru arc st ill ova I able vn Milton by tariory traited mechanins ai MILTON OHRYSLER DODGE aomerlo Plasa Maices %oý Ontarso St. N. 878-2962 tfsr Adveoi oas belli. Tise tirai; cossue isad iseen lit isy Janice Ptcbett and Jbasse MeMittotlit thisecyond ose. There ciii ise tise touai Chistsmas party foc tise Oonday Scisasi asd o pot taris isetrieon floiet oorsip oni De. 17. tietisel and itillecesi cmtssted chisers oui tead in tise Caoo Slervice ai ltccesi ai t pin., Dec. 17. (toi ccli wiss ta Willam MeLea oi Trafalgac Rd. seita aO patient ie Htamilton Genecat Hospital ioliooing a ceceni ac- cident in wiic ise settteced sevece ised tajuries. Gai weil sisises ta Hency Nowoisot Derr, Rd. seit ta suit o patient ta Oaisvitie Trafalgac Hospital anal datag oioeiy. Greetiags tictidoy gr= ia ta anc fiendsaon itesrsa day. bics. Stuart beirb ltan, Keilis Chamiserlais, Stuoct Mcbitio, (tocs asty Adreano Pozteisan Pooncisan Raymond King, Katiseea Jonses and Katiietat Courte. Mrs. Lonard Listec oas isostesa toc tise December meeting ai tise U.c.W. of Betiset atturcs on Dec. 6 tac a nom0 pst luck lonciseen. Met. Lister 000 tse peesident toc tise meeting andi opeeed cis a poem an Chrstmass. Rev. Lyn Adasas in t cisacge ofa 'og a nd gave tise mcosiog otAZZ nuaingtse toue lCastied on Page B Filteaso> I ûamanali Thank you ta the kind people of Milton who supported me for re election to Town Council 1 wish you off o Happy Holiday Seoson Gord Krantz MILTON VETERINARY CLINIC is pleased to onnounce' thot office hours ore os normal and o Veterinorion wiII be ovoiloble. The proctice wiII continue os usuol until Dr. Wilkie recuperotes from his illness. Fi Ti Tohe) airead pcaduc, Agicu at tise Agsicul Inoth on gons and pi tsece is tse gon itiu ith it catinh mile", 1 M.ociet cegion appco Hill Fedeci Pacis i se tise iselier pr*ovint tosdleî asked sssgges, costl oetrot deugs 1 aisa teaiese pcicen. Hill i tise o "We <C.ntin -ced cet wbite c (ttcistri 'Ise but 'lise fini 21972 ha. :yeoc to Mes. E. sisop se bilion ,reporte, :fiited î - ould t -osduct 'you lets Ford la isospîlti and ceo Lister J silver 1 (tceetsq Catedon l'en là taucce appers deticiou t.ostec-t. i5. Tfise J iseid at liait ans preside. I ~- 1 wont to express My THANKS ta ail the voters for their support in returning me to Milton Council. 1 will be pleosed to work on your behoîf. Best wishes for o Happy Festive Season and Prosperous New Veor! Syd Childs PROCLAMATION CIYIO HOLIDAY TUESDAY DECEMBER 26, 1972 BGXING BAT Whes ata mseei of te Concil of the Corporation of the Town of Miton held on the 57v day of Decmbcc ý972, idta resalaed that Tuesday, Decrober 26, 1972 Box ng Day) be and the senne s hareise 7,eed as a Cac oisday for the creni yooc and tisai thse Maor be authorized te pabiish a proclamation i cc v ion These are. tiserectae, so make keasse thatin7 vaepiace ith the aforesaid resaIution 1do heresy prcaime Thesday, Derescier 26. 1972 (Boaeq Day) as a CIVIC HOLIDAY. BRIAN BEST Mayor GOD SAVE TH4E QUEEN OUR COMPLETE CONSTRUCTION SERVICE INOLIDES a NW HOMES * CABINET WOIK e BAlAIES la REBOUATIONS Let us quote as your home impravement pralect. Add living space ie your preseet home protessionaily. CALL 878-6853 CATHEA CONCRETE RESTORATIONS 'éR LTD. s 2M Martin St. MILTON S1S-1813 1