Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Dec 1972, p. 20

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84 Th. Champion. Milton, Ont.. Wed., Dclaemh.r 13, 1972 _ 1~ tie 1 10111 Aboutth town wihDolores Melonson New residents on Lorme Scots Clanamen's Orchestra. Dr. are Mr. and Mrs. G. Many prazes more awarded Marchand and tiseir tma cisildren daring tise evemng and a sperial frota Toronto, Mr. and tOrs. P. eettito mon made ta ad- [asergan and to ans frtra mmigraia Ban Waods. Batta Brampton, Mr. ami Mrs. B. Claus dad ot targai tse Cais ami Entichtapp and staugister tram muot ta ad far lte tmitivitims. tramalea, and Mr. and Mca. T. ttnnnebeck and tamily tram A tteaciy "Welrome lt Miltan" Toronto. Wr melcame tise gaes ot ta Mr. and Mns. D. fannisles tai Miltan. Perratti ami on tram Toronta, tand Mr. and Mca. O. Catiter atd Gien Gisat, RHR. 6 Mitaon a amilly, also ftram Toroto, wha presetly taring Ermpe. Since have maved ta Chuttrcill Ave. sie tnft Miltan an Oct. 12, he has bren travelling miih Mark Thte Mitn iltm Birda Club Riddntas, alan oi Miltan, mnd lwa have planruid a vecy isy minier !anecican boys. actardale a "Chitdrmn'a Day" ai Tbhey have tttced Eagtand, Evertan la plataed tac Jmttcry. Hliand, Gecmany, Autria, ta Feli'tary iisey are plutting Sntaeland, France, and Spain. trail rides and a daster et Cout They cecently tank a croiise tramn Clai Park and anatter trail ride Barcelona, Spaint t ha isatd ai at Wataciail's Park. Ibiza ni thte Meditercanean mioce ta Felarnary Use club mii atan tlsey are cenfing a villa. Ttsey take part in the "*Tarcs Ligkt tape ta spead Christmas ta tise Parade" and give rides ai Use Canacy tslands. UStat Festival and pnasihly tstld Gien lmnds tha people very Satarday races, ta Macch a friendly, especitily in Garanay. dinter and datce wili ha held. At Hec cîsited thse alympir site la Usea' meeting an Jan. ta, 1973 Munichs and traveilrd on Use more activitirs miB hae planed, a calimay systen bautt esperially fismie mieh shame and an fac lthe alympirs. He fournd members mill ie a lcamed. Snslnerland the moist hatiint country and enjtyrd taritg Use Congraulatians and hent castîrs in Ausicia. The mat mvilles ga ta Mc. and Mcs. depressmng spot hie inand masthUe Douglas Frermat oi tIR. 2 concentratin camp ai Dachau, Campbllville whn celeiscate Germany. Usear adlver medditg anniversacy taday (Weil.) Dec. t3. liappy isirtisday ta Flara Zulian. 75ti Tremaine Rd. mhn Thse Drcemiser meeting oi Use celeýbrates liec iirtisdty taday Hacmaay Court aparimeat Weid. i D)e 13. resîdeata tas iseld an Friday ecenmng, Der.'t. A larkey dinner Tise Girl Gaides ai Canada, mUsh ail Use tritnings mas talIon Division ditter tan hrld serve in Use gaaly decraated at St. George's Angliscat Charch Cotmatn Raies. hallsi Gesrgetown an Tisarsday, Ana excellent lamnt ai Dec. 7. cesîdrats rnjayed a msicat Follnwasg a tachey iner, taagramn iy Jmiy Hantar, Mcs. Nancy Wecry ai Geargeiton; Ed. Faster and Betty Clemeat. receiced tise "Amard oi Etlectîn ai ailiceca tac tise Fartitade". Ecerytar eajayed a cmnng year mas hald wtill Mcs. concert isy St. George's Charcs Blanche Ruaiot elecird Chairman chair ander tise direcion oi chair ai the Hanse Camumitter tac t973. monter G. de Kterr. blides tare shassa ai Use 2sm Vititst Mcs. Ed Fauter and Warld Canterence ai Use Wacld anlaist Betty Clament aise, Aissociation oi Girl Guides, held pacticapatad in th Chantatettes iTarantn in Jane. Attesding Use rancart ai Nas.saganryt Pes. diner tram Miltan (White Daka isytecian Charch an Nov. 28. Iser Ares were: vonne Aadcmos, sames mere accidently amitird District Cammissiates', Pat in tast teck's repart. Scannell. Distrit Treasatr, GoItres Melannan, Pablir Mr. and Mrs. D. Ksihstch tram- Rtelations ilecretary, Lieuteat Toroto, Mc. and tOcs. N. Debase Miller tram 2sd Guide Ca. Yacemîtk tramn Scartaroags ami (Miltan), Bron D1 Siley Mr. ami Mcs. W. Rabinson tramn Jatastan and Tawny Dm1 Bett Rexdale have cecently maved tn Cros;i tram tnt trassale Park ai McDanald Crear. Wr melesme lMilton), Tamny Ot Patute aimse people ta tar tamis. traîne tramt tl Bramnie Park itMilton) Captait Jean Hiil ami Grace Charch hattar tan betdi Lieutenant Saily Hiarris fram la Dec. 2. Canvrner mas Mrs. t'accy Guie C. Drmqin)andLiu- ýtatii, 385 Parkvay Dc. 'liane la Guenn Caa. e D R ssn anm 5tes charge ai Use vaciety ai eshihits Guide Ca. (Miltan). Oece Kaye Thampsan and Margaret Maxtrd, ccatts We osish toi welcame Mc. and boutaque; Mcs. V. N. Ramnay and Mrs Mca Geocge ilmann, hake taisle; Mca G en Nafram Taranto mho Marte Brawnanmd Satly bacc maced ta 50t MeCrar Ct. and Mc. and Mrs. W. Roaa and Causissie, dalacatassea; Betty iaesily Irtes Clarisan tht, mari Fastar mnd Rase Marie Jensen, in asit 08Bldmmn Ct. Nem mwhite elephat; Doris ilenirar, cesîdents as 29t Kiagnlelgs Ct. sommag; Betty Maitids and Greta are Mc.rand Mcs. R. Love andandcirn kmthaig Beetta Cana daugbtac tram Domnsciem, and mdaUyGidlcny;Je ttc R. Gattenbrg tamits' tram ActaIt, cidcet's corner; Jaan MiaSISsatia have maved la ai 391 Waters and Eleanar Cooper, ta Ontario St. Mc. and Mcs. R 'taîku;, ami Pesny Carias tank Henry tram Dakville are aaew caca ai aie paper craRts. reuideata at 630A, Gira Eden Aýpts. o Tise Duteis Canadien Country . Clubs ield tiseir chîldcen's Ch'lristmas party an iaaday aRtec- staln aI tise Legian Hall. Slt. Nirbalats and Black Peter made ttcîc ansaI assit ltthe chtldres ad bcugbl a gituorcvs-yae. Foaur yaangslecs misase namnes st appeace in taBlack Peter's book a mccc saugbt sut and lacaught ta kncl Ln front of St. Nick. Tise chiideen pramtsing ta tcy a little barder sent year Oece Jahaay Scisauten. Chics De Brtyn, Mvichael Scisautan and Linda Scbautea. Master ai cacamaties fac lise allecanan mas presadent MdI Wyvn.R Y O L Me. acd Mrs. Bruce DOngean Drnt get cou tht nitisaut andO Drecuitlv Leaatacmecly Ia'aper iaaaratncttcerage.. ai Milton) vsited Milton an the tut us for tise ettis plas tac O'eehend ta attend Use .S.P. vase tamiy. p.sety an Satucday ecaning ai Use Union Hall as Martin street. CE NT About lit people attanded Use N RAC Milton District Hospital Raspîsyrees StriaI Clnb's Mtnua Chistamas party. Music tac dancint nas pctcaded hy Use P 7 We are moving ta 190 Masn St. Match ote ad tor apentng date ai sac sent addcess. jten the eseanie corne ap and bramne. We hava a made selection oi merchandas aust perieci toc Christmeas Civing. Euchre 'tie Halaon Wosen' Itetate mdprymtbld ai Unt Iote Rd., Nav. 28.« 'Euremiar mare Iodles, Mns. Catit Baker mnd Mca. Frutret Welta; men' Mns Win Meron and Haaaj Yoaung Honor Mr. Henderson on 85th birthday MNR. AND MRS. ELMER ZIMMERMAN celehcoad tiseir SOts wetding annivrsacy Sabacdsy, aI ceceptitns aI SL. Pal's Unaited Charca, Miltan in lise attecatan, andl aI lise Masonair Hall in tise eceniag. (Photo hy J. Jrtstiags) 5Oth anniversary happy event for E. Zimmermans Dccc 2t) fienda. relatices and ncigbar gatisecad as an open haaae Satacday ta cancey hast asishes ta Mc. and Mcs. Eler Zniacaanaof74 Rohart ta. an theîc talden weddint aaaicersacy. An open basse mas held ta St. Paulas United Chuci in Use aitecnntn, talamad by a iamily dianac aitis churcs and an eccnsstg open bause at St. Claic Massiu Lotige. Watt ksown iscre. tise Zimmsecmashae livedin ttau' batte as Robhert S. tac thc past 41 yeacs. Mr. Zananaesan mas a atane masos and baîlder mass at tas lite utl ha celired a tait the store nan tccspiad hy Syec's Famîly Fasisns in Milton, Hea alto tachad an tte Notre D>amncoanvent aI Watacdomn and ramnembers mackîsg as a snging scatiald 250 iraI in ttc air then Use Pigoît Building mas erecled in Hamiltan MosIt b is nurk. banecer, tas homes and bars Ln Milton and district, liHe aiseo spens 10 yeacs aI Miltan trick Ln. lsd., durisg tise a Eidr inrisuris 'lie couple attend St. Psulus Lbhurs'b. nsece hae has beau an eider or secera yeacs. li s alan a mntser ai the local Maonic Itilge. Mca. Ziatanerman s the former Myrtle Oeaton, and ttcy mece moccieti t ttc Beatan tacm in Wellington County Dec. 13, 1922. "ttr ttec macciaga tbey liced in 'arlisle and Rîlbiscde isetara maia ta Milton an 1531. Mr. /aneman tas tacs miseca Lake Medat is nut in north Strssîglan. Ibme hace foac cidres. Ed ai Dukille. Max ai Stilîscîlte, Madieleine Faliesecn oaikos cille and Hiarcey ni L'ampbellcillc. Theca are 12 gs'andchildcen. Speciol grerigs tAmng lise hast ut gftu cards and ilameca tbcy recciei ece a bouquet and treetangrcard delicerad by Miltan Mayor Brian Ocat.' a procincial scrall delîcerei and aigncti iy Ballon Eaxt MPP Jas Stn, andti chers ai congratulations tram Dntario Premier William Dacis anti Hdllon MP Teccy O'Convnor. 'isce anniccruary open bouses and dmnner mare acrangati by tts'îe tamîly. aîtb the UCW ai St. l's catering in the atenm and lac the dinner.I thteccvning tise Msasovî' Latige ladies banticd ttc cateeîag. tarveraI urganînatians are Planning Net Yerc'n parties in tour. The Rasattg il Presytarian W. M.S. md adie. Aid hald Usair Chisitinais meeting aitUsehomeaof Mct. D. Henderata an Dec. 7. Tise data isappeted ha coïncide miUs Use tMl isitMady ai Mc. Henderan ami a porly la is tatar mas calehaed wiUs o tntm lunchs, o large hirUsday ca, a bon oi gaRs mnd Use altgitg ni happy isirtaday About 20 fieadsanmd reatives, amatg mham mare Rev. D. Lowry, hia mite and amati dangistar Shaona, onit dame la a vry ismcty dmnner. Foc dessert o laarly iacUday cake camplele miai canies mos placed aponthUe gsast ai hionar Aitar Use cmndlms mare islams att mnd Use deiscitas cake sampîrd isy ail, Mr. Hendecann, aanisted hy Sharan, tpmed tisa gifts mnd Mc. Lawry tank anme pictuces oi Use gcatp. Makeaspeschs Mr. Hendean mode a speech ttadsing aor ttieir gond misis and gati and cecallng o isirthday Par hae badl hadl mhes ha hacamne21 yearsaold. At Usol lima an elderly fiimd lied tald hlm Usai Usa tirsi 21 years passed! murs mare slamly Usan Use iatamning Years mnd Usis ha had taasd ta hae vcy tia having Passed several 21's sinca Usai day. AI 2 p.m. the W. M. S. gcaap ra alird ta arder hy Use pcenidast, Mca. W. Kennedy, a C'rttcmas bymo mas sang and sure tp call Phaca 0783447 Mat. B. Gitn. Hasteas Tht Mast Famaus asket ithea WasIdO UshetCharitinon sIarywa onlda SIt. Mrs. Norcm. Mca. Mallet, lise pragromn coavesar, called en Mct. Lowry, Use gamlt speoker. Guet speaker Mct. Lowry apaie aimai Use pavarty ai Jans. Beginoing is Hin lamly trin la oale, ase madined mils caierenqsce tram Usa Usie hat His mUtra ie ta eacUs lied hemu apet milsta notcldly possessions. Thse prsnt day observance ai Chistas titisi cammeccialiam biks amoy graily ftra Use trse meaning oi Use day. Mct. Kennedy taaked Mcts. "À LA S GIVB HER ROYAL DOULTOI FIGURINI THIS x\/Z LoveIE:ades ' The\~ lafvmisiac faceaands'frm la frOnn simr immamoriat. RoyalI potirs are noeexceptiotn. la the cati sac hum aisey haave ciptîrac lacetsaandmoadtuoffeilae las a cariasy of iaseaeatiag siticligat cotumcslhavse kanged vcraith SMALL FIGURINE Belle & Penny $ 1750 ! ' Fair Lady $4850 Chamber ups rates bllonill caostaimnnihanmt$30 tao iSboifeithtbeCmaacalty payng Inad Commtaece la t973, lt Cliolsier ta ass Use tao tar a per capital agreedolt a gaieraimeeting Die. orant ai 50 enta par perata. 5. Membera s h a0r tomer Toa mueh lise empaye Wiii pay $W0; 11 ta 25 Cit0 Use aeed tacrlise amplayeea $50; 26l t 10 increaedrvnDoSmt amplayeea $75; avec 10 sugdtd tich BantlUs emjtya t a, gef i$5t une mat aplent la or=ainn Mrt trang am$5t drams atd aellitg lcea _______________ Hamever special projecta ai Use Osoanier mUt hae suppartait isy Lowryyfor ut latereaiing addcmts, separata callection. o caro at mon g ami Mr. Lowry 'Christmos projectif, hike rlaond Use meeting wiUs 'proyer. stands, heaolticatlaa, lamt Tise Ladies' Aid meetitg promioaha nd tveraead mera itllaed ami mat cbired hy Use airelle th Chanier vistained pceaidatt Mrs. Hendersoa. misera tanda raald hae apent ltahie Sevecol maltera ai bsitess coming year. pectainsag ta tise Chistmas ____ seatatn mere dliat wUs. 'lTe -Thece are jat aine mora git- meeting cltted wiUs o = Cst s hoppin doa haîame Cha'istas. hyma. -A FEW SUGGESTIONS: -1h High Heplica ai a Graodtaliser Clark-R ectrc Iota.8 '-Ginarlaraad lisase Coni Jar--..a a as Pcelty np chume anose triait' trandies Cam ts'nteisn Domnia mouppîs 'TING GIFT".. FoiLady t193 71 is (18-7ca )ciilt,,î'î designers anti fullamssg pages yss tmas; ai' tise eltusts aty Tlary alia tiscas son is,, fansions and

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