ist ]go Canadien ing enginners 70 acres et teet Prodais ire buatriat ,eportn. n tise conty inventigeled led et Iboir Tusday. T'ise <ter Nelsen etillon front sg Otia Allent evidesce tisai Aresolutlon assesosinent igers, coonly o inveigate k~ te coty ublic Scisont s teblsi bier soner, aipeet erlesi isien garage et T. erence Frui bout 10 an 090 ' Cadian t, 1022 Stock Yards, ies contipeied as ansad lise by-lai 0cr us att taes et tise llsed y esbed for. a vote ofthbe i Municipal G3eorgetowne f0 detenlere ament te lie te the greal are liobte te aid tor on or le guarontes sepplies, ut ot 210 te 51. set about a t abost 15 te lalely in lise hondreda of te lie river tiy sente et 'y elsesys do y bave bossi ago Canadien 12, 1872 ibe Icodint lonîreal, ai teriies te tise tîlces doing 'ed eiders by me teitieut a ibe msrstity the Literary eous question imnt be o rententer Legislature penalty, te y deliver a Milton, on ý,Caurtssip lie soemi pe tire?"1 To uerciat Ad- ~s you ecery yon "itesi <.R. Brner, ve trust tat lti. Smifof Calr Ey Roy Dosws Are yen a safe driver? See ban yen do on tde little 12-questtan qui. Answser S are baeurw. 1. Tise iamiser et licensed Canadien drivers iolved i collisions or vilolations of lte law every year amounis to (e) one out of 500 ( 5) one stof 50 c) onse ot of five. 2. The percentage of Canadiens killed in tratflc accidents tebite tiscy were inspaired by elcolsol la approsiately <a) 10oper cent (b> 40 per cent (c) 90 per cent. 3. Il ail veisicle occupants noie seat haleit atone, traffic deatis wosidbe redsced by (a) 10tpercent (b) 8 Upercent(ce) 40 percent. 4. Cantpared le thse daytinte figure, tise nlgit tinte traftc fataltty rate per velsicte toiles trsvelledin <a a) tise seine (b) onebhaif (c) twlce 5. Icopafrment by alcaissi in anoei prolent aftectlng drivers butllaonty ainiierftr in pdestlan fatlties. reerFse? t. Safeiy belta slsosdd bie bnidiled ap (a) durleg long trips (b) for igh-speed tigtway travet (c) ai tise tinte. 7. Aller a collieion, tise prestent siegte casse et tratflc deatits in (a) ejectlan front tise vefdcle (b) collision witfi tise wlndsield (c) colliaian nitis tise steerlng coliuia. t. Before drlving aller ntaderate drliding, tise defensive driver allows bon ensci tinte fer escis iteonce drink on 12,eonce belte et tees? (a) 30 msinates (b) 15 colnites (c) one basar. 9f. Tbereieaa reppted trsftlcpreperty damaegeccdent in Conada on on average ot every (a) beur (b) moinute (c) second. 10. Pedestriasn are tise victimco in wbai percestage of ai traffic accidente? (a) 50 parcent (b) 10 per cent (c) 25 percent. il. Younsg people in tise 15-24 alg e fractiet coabe ep nisat fraction et ail trafi us taetiies? (a) one-nintis (b) one-qonrier (c) ene-tisird. 12. Thse bitai ecesntisc lon te Canada front traf ic accidents is tien weil de yeu bmow yesr inses? Rere are sente amples et Coaisi Code et Cacoda tans niid are net failier te ntany people, yel nisy affect yoer day-te-day 111e. You ntay tii lInny te coake iassng iteedione calis te sine onsespecting persan. Actsistiy. il's a very serions onatter aad yoa can ie chargedounder Section32M (t) of theCrimnelt Code. Did youteinw itieaagalcot thse lta refusetuantlla peceoMlicer te arreet apersen, if reqsested te doe? Sectiont118(bef te Crimel Codeeof Canada sys everyene niso onislt, nifiseet reaisanabte eccse' te aisist a public elticer on pence etticer in tise execution et bits dety ie acresting a person i prenervief tise peance, aflerbhavieg resseonisie noticefiset ie îs rcquired te do sa, is gulity oflan todiclobte offmnce aed s Siable te iuprisemient for twe years. Saretis te isnep tise peace are covered in Secties 745 (1) et tise Cimnel Cade. "Any persan ni e tniat aitier perses seli caise peronat ijuy te but or is telle or cbild ortelt damtage bis preperty ntay tey an ienfcoration belere a Jasile et tise Pince. If thse Justice onsiders, tisere le groundslo fulisstear, he ntay caise accaied te pest a boad fon ene year. If bie breakis lie bond, lie con tie contnitted le prison bir ose year." Did yeu kos yeu con couse a disturbance in any ene ot several weys? Accondieg te Section 171 et tise Crintinat Coda, yen caese ea distuntenceior enear a public place by figblleg, screaetieg, sboelieg, sweoring, saiefn, esne iesultieg orobncene lenguege, by beiog druns, impeding er ntetestisg eliser people, teiterieg in a pubtic ptace on le ony seay obstrocting persans wbo are tisere. dincbargieg flrearone or otiser disorderly cendect. Oer tisante te Safety Officer Const. Ronald Onwatd et Milten Pelice fer tin informoation. Anoiber ssnnteobile seasn is spon ai andi Ssawsneblle Salety Wee i ins svebk, Dec. t0 te t6. Accerdlng te Ontarie Set ety Leegee, tise firll ftaeities recordei ibis sellsn bad an ell-tae-fantlie ring- siseentobties cslided sous coor vebmiclen. Tisere are encouragieg indications tisai nsntebiters are boginnng te reetize tise potentiet bazardesof tise peteerft, tittie fin- moacis' Durie tise 19f-O Onterie sosenoble neason eben lins lison 100,0so onactnes were in use, tisere score 30 fatal accidents. 'tIhree yeacs laier. i the 1971-72 teaien, svbes neoniy e quarier ot a milion snseiobsînt were in opealien in Ontario, the seine nucober 30< ftal oneontebsie accidente occsrred. Whis the ftaltiy rate icoproiring in Ibis ever-grewing sport et sawissbLiug? The Ontario Safety [cague ctaints ibat tise essiebile industry and oneoisoilers, ibeseselves, bave beess largely respoosible fer ibis botter saety recerd in Ontario. Tise oneow- moebile mnanufacturers and distribuiers tersned tise Otaleo So- mobile Distibuters Associatien tirer yeacs ago onpreaily for the parpose et prenting ononwsble salety. thisel ebjectives bave been carried ont bonestly and wuti cosunendable activty. Snonninbilers havefomedboundredaeof clubs in cemnsieoii att acreai tise previece for the purpose et sentrefling soensebile ese, treaiif epersiers endi preseetief a gond issage le, the publie. Consgratulations! Sniomebiling te begineing te sbow siga et maionsty. Salely Corner bas a leiter fron a coecerned relader sobo f eils, for tise salie et the citdren, a step ligt is necessary et lie cerner et Pins SI. and Ontario Si. - the soeelsr enirance le Miltes Plsua. "Parente send their scoall cisdreneon ercaads after scboland il is terrlbly bony boere et supper tinte. 1 bave seon mtary scosl cblldree iryieg te cress ondi cars bovntg te sinon on tbolr brakes lu lienp front bitiing tient," ds seud. -cise sonali girl won bmit en bier bicycle and nie ceetl bave beeo Wied. Mayte tiatisl tise enly ay ceill get protection fer the pediestrians et tisai sonner. *Wby wili the aeiberitie oelstee tthe urgiegnu te e tise people, ebo sec tie nedao etie comunity beoere tragediesisappes? Wben the seeser citizeos' hoes are befll et ibis corner we win really need ligs.' Herets a tip bic Christimas nboppers-bkecp yeer con locbed and peeveet OheIls. ANSWERSt -<<'1(<7 c 07 !q< g6 !(s) fI !(e) 'z !(s),5 !asqed' !(a5 ('f <'cq<c) ' Wrlm DIPINDABLE smvucE OUR READERS WRITE: NEW YEAJI'S EVE DRINICIG ENCROACIIES ON LOR5S DAY Dear Sire; Mr. Johno Clement, miister o) conre andI commercial relations, resect)y annunce ins tise legisiature tisat regultiont willite aconendosi te Persmit taverneu and oIson licenced establisments te open Senday, Dec. 31 frein t te'l assi., and a lengtisier porled et bainess for diing rsant loongin and licenced dining roinse te serve alcebolic teverages lie aine day. The Lordis Day Act lntphest lere dioeld tie ee wonS un Seadsay excepi itlea or s onse secesaiiy or ntercy. Dise qestions wbetbor the Conernnent ot Otaleo te contraveeiog tie Ast. ht oeesos te aie the geverenent te boeni on mateog alsbel maire eaiilyeotainedond for lengibier boums. De ibe ene bond autierities admit alcebol la ibe natioees sntiber one drug peoblent. Dnthlie etiter bondeonr gevermentn ot 100 long age permittedl tie brewiog industry te service beacses and susseer resart areas, opsenes addiiiocoi teclities for selllng alcobelis beverages, ansi locerei lise driki agetfron 2110101. This seents liSe a strante ssy to ceabat a Seroui soiaI el. A bon sboold tie plasesi on asivertisiel osns lovely lenteng yoelb cui almisolis teverages ansi a realini, sebstitete pictone of tise drunis, ibese nisose mental capabdfities bave iseen dantaged by alcobol, tie brokes homnes, ibe bornavod, nse are victum et alcosol, gisen inntead. Thissiaiesl more relaiing te ibe opening et lacerai oe Senday is e turfiser ecocc- ment on lise lord's lia. acd shiould ns) bte permit)ed. Consereed persoco shtould tite liseir inember oftte Lsgislaline Accembly aI Queenes Park, Torono, sente Prentier Wiiamt Davis, andi aise the ediier et year seaspaper. Readers are furiber encouragei te ge csarci asnisiersandi songregaleons te nd i a petition eppesing ibis receni ennecsssary legisiation. De i ente. To delay te 10 deside. IvnoMrNeilly, Major, Tise Salvetion Acesy, 172 WaterlooeAvenue, Guelph, Otario. DOG KILLED ON ROAla COULD HAVE 11531 conLo Deer Sir: 1 bopethe persen orpersens hbtind keiesi a deg on Briteonin Rd. sear Boyne corner on Teday, Dec. 5 wIll sever torgel itting ansi leaving ilimithe roasi for etier drivers te ren over. I amt anars il tees teggy imait esening. But tisey migisi bave ft a sbild and drisse acay, leasing il te setter. De yoe suppose tiey ste a goosisupper stepi teel ibat nigisi, bosieg nisat lbey did teea living creatone nise nas lisely soeiees boni friend? I geei serry for ycu, iseddy. Disgentesi. Girl in hospital after occident A yeeng pedestrion tees laisen te Milton District Hospitl Setersiay aller being invelves in a car ntisbep ai Main ansi Ceart Sts., accersieg te Milten Pelic. Hspital officiais saisi Sborron Grayef 12 Prirce SI. Milton, wsen onder observation ansi weels ibe te bespitel for a teen says. Driver et tie car invol vos cas Staoley KCoewles et 87 Martin St. Driverbacrt Pulce aise report a econdi accident oser Ose ceebensi utvolvng ijuries te one et tie drivers atnîslei. Larey Nirisie et R.R. i Milten wstreatesi fer inor sieries at Mol> alier boe wau insolvesi in a lava sarcollisien en Merlin St.. Seeday. Driver et the second sac liniei sas Johtn Thosent et CENTREPIECE For adremai ansi ibely binlt- day cesiroplese arrange several eutlpoinettia blenms witi freens ia sisalloso boci. Anetior dreorelive leouc may boe appiei by ringiglihe botes of Chsristmtas censilos ciib betty ansi greens. If 700 are isasing a speriel beliday osoal, place e soreati on the bock of encs chirs witi place cers attaesles le the tep et tie ivreatie. NADALIN ELECTRIC NEW SHOWROOM_ OPEN DAILY * New Cisandeliers tue d(oing omss *CDimmer sw)tches tue )ntin(te contro) ut brigistooss eDecuratine )amps, cli shapes e Hîghitentosity miniature donS lampe * Attractive wali israckets for entrasses HIGH DISCOUNTS ON SOME DISPLAY ITEMS Decurating Idea Brucchures Anaiabfe un requesi li Enquiries inuited on heating and air conditioning li Fait service on motor repairs lurloigue. Estimatei damage te 0<e cars wen $1,500 apicce. The enly otiser accident of the pool wees cas a miner ose on Toeoday, Des. 5. There cas 105 damage. PEEKING tNTD MILTON'S PAST ....St. MeArthur, Marilyn Foy, Jeannette Fcster, Paul's Unitod Cisurcs junior choeir sous iSylvia Stevenson, Tii ente Blanche Pîciset, pisotegrapsos ity local pisotograpier Rose Sheila Porter, Laoris Stevenoon, Doroiny Pearen is 1946. tn the front row are the Wnod, Rotit Lawscn, Pont Hord. Top row, Huis insistor Res. Gordon Porter, chiser enotinor" Fcster, Woyne Hilscn, Roy Dcwss. ? Pusiceli Miss Norris and choir leader tise Rev. A. ansi Dasidi Podrel). Tise pisoto wsea loanei isy Pusiceli. Second rose, Yvonne Cooper, Ronisoj Mes. Marilyn (Foy( McCullougs tif Orlaodo, Bierry, Annse Picliet, Jeo Mousutain, Alnse Florida. Anne Tigist, Isoeise Wilson, Marjorie TOYS AND REINDEER A THOOJGHT MANYTHINGS Os tse nîgitt tefure Chtristmas, ccording te tradituon, Sente Encepi for Chitmtoan, Christmasos a Huis Day, a siay C.laus and bis sleigbful ut teys are [Orsemiter old te tise drearen s) Grace and gratitude. Most cf sesîred thrugithlie air ity eigitt nonth o) lthe tear. suis lthe doys cil il, ens îny and itepe fcr tir reideer witc ansteer tu sort getting sitotter and blacker, ccd wrld. Beynnd tise tus aed opîrîtei nontr an Daniter, lits sigit o 55de and «cler trsllrttes, lOrre n lthe spirit ut Dancer, <'rosser, Vixn, Casuel, Wihoot Chtristmas, scmetting 1011< in ltegoodness andgod upid, Dsdr, and Blit1cm like it cold have to bte invesird. sol) c) people eseryseiere. MILTON COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION GROWINGI1 GROWI NGI1 GROWING 1 WUTH MILTON LSW COST FuA9oins. MONTILI PAINENTS (Principal and Intmrost) 12% ANAL INTEIEST RITE 12 muns. 24 mins. 36 muos. 48 cons, t0 iti ls. 5 00 88.85 47.ti8 33.22 1,000i 133.28 70.62 49.83 2,ti00t 177.70 94.15 66.43 2,500i 222.13 117.69 83.04 ti5.84 3,000 266.65 141.23 99.65 79.ti1 3,500 310.98 164.7ti 116.26 92.17 4,000O 355.40 1811.30 132.86 105.34 4,50e 399.82 211.84 149.47 118.51 100.11 5,000 44 5 2353 166.08 131.67 111.23 (Te arrive aîîs(otl Cc naitiraciaenssni biersowefom tisisi plrti Repaymsn( peogracos are ssgotiab(e-the abuse are samples uv(y. A Rebate of 20 percent on interest paid has bees paisi for tise las) 10 y'ers to members iv goosi standing, No extra charge for (((s inscranco c) <'nue Credi( Union. Sîckness ansi accident isorarce; (s csvr boan payenents iv case of sickss ava((cit(e a( (0w cosi. AUOLASSHARE TERM AUT LONSSAVINGS DEPOSITS LiteInsrmi Csrrentdividend 5 percent '61/2 - 71/% 73/4 6 ITEES C MRENT McORTîS PERSONAL % NTRET oe PERSONAL Sa0 g Acout Oarges OMEQUIMO C!ooad S ] Qsre F ' q uns ACCOUNTS Hot u re or.Ec ADDITIONAL SERVICES *A cusemissioser of affidavits in tise office. li Basis s) America Trace) ers cheques *Groop ((15 (osurance ana)) able a> (0W cos). a Moy Orders *Rd booki evafuafios ot used cars. Pus) oi( accuvis service epinancial Cousof)(g. *Foureign Csrrency ePRIVATE, prompt and courfeous eConvenusnft business Ilours coos(deraf)on ot ai) foao appficafiuns. *Safefy depus)) boxs @American Express Traveflers' Cheques. JOIN THE COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION TODAY! 44 Mess St. E. Miltos Tolophono 878-4168 àFo r co oeeec Office Meurs DaiIy 9.15 - 4.45, Thursday & Friday Tll 1.45 StsarOdayanInfo m. 87I 16 I nomtn ai 874 6 -j I 'Thank youass : To the residents of :1-1 Nassagaweya for their * continued support in electing me Deputy Reeve. * Jim Watson * * j 11Î -- -- -- -- -