Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Nov 1972, p. 9

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IWamt Ads Knock on !51000 Doors -878-2341 %OVAL tPARKING tITIfaE F16 ILGE arehouse BD aesoe Storage are Logkma Storige ffy - Msvbsga SERVICE tActan 21maif - "PAIRS lS ZING rIONS N'SWEAR Sàtree 78-4472 tTATION -iEDULE TORONTO B5 am8., *10.13 - -4.33 1.8., ain,, *6iJ0 'ITCHENER 5 arn., 0-8.15 IAMILTON 1 .S.3 pa.. A GUELPH ionralay, Son- ffiday. SOL. only. TERY Iolsterinq6 serns cils of sari- esosoble coolr i deltsey ILTON. scPrap. guaronlea ais elp. 21maif LEANERS :Sereine ARTI ?709 21601t NO sDE ing Service mates . Indutalelat AINGA ACTON 3-2438 2104 ýN 1N G erce) St. Mlton MNSON SIc-Il NfELDING r- Portable 365 21o41 T MRON ir & Ouldauir NCRETE N LTD. ER KRJAyN in St. a53 BIRTHS 'MoMEIL - MacyRces am Gier- aid MdNeil pare pod te an- no sc h birth o et heir dasegh- ter, Asgela Anne Helen, as les- oph Brant Mermorrai Hospittal, Borlington, onNoveessier 17, 1972. Granddesgister cf Mir. and -Mrs. Thsomeas MeNeil. Glace BaNS. andMr nd Mrs. Hf. O'IOARi> - Mr. and Mes. Ken O'Hara <neeis Jckson) oif 122 Bronle St., MiuSas, are pleased t0 announce thbierth of ilseir sons Keneselth lames. welgisI 8 lb., Il oea., ai Milton District Hospitai ais Tuesday. Novenuier 21, 1972. ENG1AGEMENTS- ,Mr. and Mss. los Criesti of Milsoi wisb tu asneence tihe engagemsenit csf thisir stasgistar, Cacm, t0 Mr. los DAcsgeio, sois csf Mr. and Mss. MiSse DtAngelo of Brooklyn, Nisw York. Mr. ansd Mss. William Moues. lacin tf Miltos are picaeod t0 aai esothlie en.gageent csf thisii osly, dausflster, Wemdy Dos, lesse, te Mr. Diavid lobe Heil, sois of h*. and Mms. Johsn Hel- Pisi, Miltoa. COMING MARRIAGIES ROBSON - MAY - Mr'. and Mss. lacks May, Norvai, Ont., on- woneiris peiassre tise mac siletf ciseir aidisr dasgister. LsoGwessdoiyn (Wensdy) ta Mr. Robsert Hacreld Roleson. son csf Mr. and Mca. Harold Roale, Horalby, Ont., asr Discemisisi 2, 1972, is Norval UiJteid Cisurcis, Narval, Ont. ..STUkRT . 3E19E9REFS -Tise Rissersist R. P. E. ond Mrs. leffares are piisased teanonae Ibis fortcomlnig morriage of tisiir yotsngisr daagister , Lucy Anise tris, to Mr. Pisilp lobe Start, sots of Mr. lacis Stusart and Mrs. Wiisnifrcd Stoart osf Toronto, Ont. The weisdleg wil taise place at St. George's Cisurcis, Lovsilis, on Saturday, Diecasiser 30, 1972. aI 4.00 p.m. DEATHS HUFPMAN, Fredericis - At Mik .tues District Hospital, oas Frn' day, Nssccmbisr 24, 1972, Freder iris Hellmn, les bis 9tat visas hbad ai tise tate Maisel And erson ; dear father csf Mes. Mur ray Hayward (Violt)s csf RR t, Acton, Mrs. Addison Woodiey (Rita) ot RA. t, Miltais, anc Mrs. 'Musse Hooper (Tiseima csf 1CR. t, lesgiewood; aise taves by Oints grandbîildren and 1 grisas grandcbiidrsn. Paisral service ws ancd o Manday aI Cisc McKisrie Fuais ai Home. Interment Evergres Cemetery. IN MEMORIAMS MdMUIRR.0Y - Ins ioving mess ory csf a deor tisser and tas les9 aues, Ram. MaMarray,mt passed amay on Dieember 5 1971. Oneoyear bas passed, dearsi Since you scere calied away, Howwetidaomve remember, Tisas sad and weary day. Yeu staffered matis, Yu mure ored nos, 00e watched you day by day, 00e cried and prayisd tisas you dear Ile, Wouid noI bis taken osoay. Sadiy missisd bat set largo tees, love, Lii, Don. aieces isepiesem. oIS sTOVER - In ioving rcn of a dear motber ansd gran seotber. Etle Siarer. mis a s edi amay, Noveessier 27, 1969. A beariacise. a tear, a mm sedear, Eacb day of aur tises, w wiisoaerbee 'Lariesgy rmemiiredbyd gister Lorrai ne. sunin.as B grne isiren Gardon Robe asd Biiiy. clI-4l CARDS OF THANKS I seould tibis te till ail o iseigisiors and friecals for tise cards soi gifts dsarltg my SIs is Toronto Generai Hoopittai. cl-3657 Harvey Caespise t wisis to tisaisi my friens and neiigidsars for ait tise tave fiemers and cards, aise tbo ia iseiped my fasiiy dris my stay is Pari MemariaI Ht pital. c3l.3is32 GTaci Ms Asýire thaek yoate 0 B. A. Richaerds, nursinsg att ansd freatment risceivid is ths apy et Josephs Brara Hospits ta Dr. Ram MarKay, assisted Dr. Gt'bsoes andi visies fram t B. A. Richsards aoi nursinsg ses fer tiseir kindesss andi unde standing wiie les Milton Hosp ai. Spisciet tisanis t my ma friensl, Bethisis i egci, Horm Institatis and visis froma Rs Lystee Adamo ansd vinîtiod c ffi-l6i Cisarese Foi CARDS OF THANKS .1 FOR SAI. CLASSIFIED RATES 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE 5 VEHICLES FOR SALE 8 HELP WANTE.D Me. Brut Mms. Chsester C. Ser- KELVINATOR etotis sb7er. eeea. t asua 8 wi s NOTICE: Tise Womso's Equal vc ihta tisaisi ail tiseir fr1. ff50 878-4791. lc3362O lrIrAflThAKIt' 11 ai s ens eaie n nihos8824 Chamsption Millts Onttri 1 NOV M B R LEARA/N CEI545ssLOpotuit At fo tee ld oubsao 1ea ACRE separated and 879-234 1'%eiY.ft>.970, yrohib , stcth, certains triboîca on tise occasionto 0tiseiceyed, Esscesieg Top. 0783518. D&TtS MARAM 5,ORýCM 5OMrmAG SNOWMOBILES AND MOTORCYCLES lOtis Annlsereary. motcing sl a. tclO.351 -o atcos Nir. mv -g5 tssiue eseseeee.. Sssscse >t orcuatonstares day tbisymdll aays remsmer. .2550 loi chang Item on mie h.se ns s e - eO cr tocs r.sis SNICWMOBSI LES: considered emorexattractivs lu c1,1-3593 rime, uteti i ymar. P59. 879-9169. ns c- ausuots fsuo »h a.5 usiss.pros sis .tee tisn aitr We wiesi to lisansi oit Our fri- li3963 30 isax ER A e t office 25s c nsaddition. 00E NEED TRADE-INS. aericsn lstisis otuss COOMOs ZVissn.5500 OARS o iiAisS -.1.0 sasete fnit11 il... fore toIs positions miii continue ends, nisigisiors and relatives LINETI drapes, beige, bromis cmt foe see 1diiýll972 RIJPP NITRO 440, excellenst consdition, towmltieogs. $900. loi stase miseoier for mon. or for lise sery boeisy carde, ansd and genpassera, 13E' %vids. soosuos si.s c as w et ns, c ite o cu . 1.72 SCRPO Stingeroo, 16.5 b.p. womes. Sueis listings are sot lttece csf eymposisy, alto bisou- 878-3.3o Ieîi.5596192SOPO tnete,5h. ieddt xcu pro g tifu1 flomeru and issecy aet of DEADLINE IS 12 NOON TUESDAY 192SOPOcsnees,2 ..itcne tetet i persuns c isindieseeitesded to as les tise HOME mode crochet ponechoitsrum c164I tout of adear busieand and fa- $I2 for adults, 86 for ciidrees. aealisruo omeSus. REsALi.TT OÀi- s.e ose mîom isas tirer. Siseciai tsateis te Rdv. R. 87M5160. lclIt 3550 DEADLINE THIS CLASSIFICATION - 5 P.M. MONDAY. MO O CY LS CLEANING lady wned amis Fouler, Cano ais an, Mss. Led- LARGE, antique, eoiid a id- 1972 HONDA 450, escellent condition. 1995. day a omis. 87-898. fl-teSO mils and choie, titi iid nutrss fin tabl d ensia his Chamspions, Milton, Ont., ScIt., Noncmiscr 29, 1972 9 17 OD B30etmmloe 90 is tise Maner, oar paifoonrisrs, es aints gur codto. 192HNAC 5Sc lwmlae 80 OMAN te eleoo bouse, ans tise fdfKersie Piserai Home foc Best tiffer. 878.8518. lc31-36&2 1965 SUZURI, excellenst cossdition, 4,500 miles, $150. day a eek, acces transportaion tsesir kind, eifficient services. FOR pars oesîy, 1965 Fard, FOR SALE 3 ANIMALS FOR SALE secessary. 878-9957. 8e31-3619 Tionis yen aS aincisrisy and auto.; asu Pr. csf ne s5t m ti Waich for our Weekly Usisd Ad EXPERIENCED parts mue, iraisle God for alt Oure friens. res 775 e 15. 878-52M7. lc3-3686 .ET9f30 dcycr HOLSTFIN cos ansd brifera gond saiasT and isenefis. Isppiy Ethel Sisaty and Famly. WSIGOS t .H eod u on pnMn eFi,1 e9 St 0ý6 Bx12 h aainCap cll1.ta97 IUST su siase for Chisitmas, sseedetimter), 20; baby crih isDIH eod oscms Oe o.t n. Is9 St 06 Oo12 ieCoda heas Sosait portable typeoriter, 135. lsattress 16-; Sosey tape reame- Fracsk OpsIccn 879-4096. lon. ge30-3452 Thei faasiiy csf tise lte Norma 071.5215 aflerS5 pme. ieSl-560 der, 175. 879-6237. lc-56O 03-65-T E A ERfE G EXPERIENCEO waitresm for Wrigglesmorsis would tiSse ta THest-S DG press tiseir tisanks and apprc- GILSON aprigIl r.frigerator-1 HOCKEY isqipmet: eiitcst, 30 9RD pellets, etarsitsg t0 Mites licateosse, 12Mi ltcsdorinog tiseir reeva t bc-treezer; Moffat eleetrie saoe, 4 1lansie, sbosaidar and bnec pards, loy; 3 grade Sisortisor iseifer, 9iOTO EYLNMLO t.Erifrain al9 risasemesi. e isoub te lumearo, 23". Bofin e gotsd woris- giovee, mokae, pasras, iseimctand calots, S mas. aid. 634-3999. 2690. 803113615 tbassi isigisisrs, friendei and ris- ing enrier. 878-9"19. il3l-3689 garter boit. 854-9654. 1031-3665 3c31 35991 878-4212 latives for carda of sympatsy, ts,5L ieod pi e LOOms ismnte IPYsn at sc il-Sosi . DEPEN)A-BLE lady for baby ficses and donsations t55 tise iinrndLEficcecrdm pi er- 2i aCsOdGreSaesmo setmister PUoee Poode, purssd ciscir ectg and ligs isoosebeeinn, Canadiannise'et Saicthi. e gn 16" n 4 t 8'. 879-9360. 79" gmonslfatiser, $400; 64" grais' Lots ttcieuse frais. Resseo- SEE OUR SELECTION 0F E iday. 878-4625. 8c31-5608 mood ato ISs 10fisisilies -is5052.tf dmotser, $30. 878-963. able. 878-4517. 3c3796-tf doetara, nurses andastaff aI Mil- -10r31-3685 t iIA i I APPRPNTICE for motor velt- son District Hospitai . Speisell TURQUOISE ctsdoseed S Il. ______FRisE ta gondi bosse, 5 ta 6 icl r~~N1oepairs. Muet bave Grades Ibasis su De'. Legacis, Dr. Syisrs. cousis atsd motcising tb chair, TAILOATE, nem. for a 1973 mentit aid pup. blacks mit CI l IIn L te 9Ytdel t0 Apply ta MacHueod Ros. Chearles Haiuer, Ibis UiC.W. excellent coeditios, $125. 878-I bail ton 0odge pick-rap, $10; 3 mhite marbinge, part Lois., home sas Truck Soles, Hvcy. 25. 870- af St. Paut's United Cissrcis and 3057. 1031-365 Gerasent Sisepierd peso I hite, %viri ebilde preferuiele. 878- 12 8ei-teSO MeKeraieis PurieraI Home for - 8 wsok. aid, $5 es. VS4-9697. 2673 alser 6 p.m. 3oSi-3 12 ail Ibeir iindoma,. 031-3591 OIL epace iscater mIle fan.1 Ic3'-365i i MA RIEO couple or cespons- lItants Home Furviabings, 345. -I~f ib e pcrson se care for 3smait _________Guelph_ St., Gecelgeois 87- PDDD parmssracier.îAIM L BOARDE C ar atIJ cidren in ecciaoge far fe ANNIVERSARIES 929 b24'lcrn oS eetsbabaa ______som ansd hoard. 870-207 before ends and 2 40" mattresses, os 2 p m 8c3l-3617 WHEELCHAIR, Everest ccsd ese. Cati afler 5 pa.. 87093. ]UST is lime for Chr8ima Congratulatios, Monn ami leosingo, Hollywcood asode], 1031-3497 gioing! Panitse pups, meatsed. BOYS & lIS. Tis Oaiiy Dad, Me. and Mir. Harold piteoaaicstires, used 3sos, aise blackPuérile, 7 ms. aid. ýJorna Record is iaoking for Dvisi, on yens 15tk Wed' $200. 878-2275. 1c31-3600 YOU WtLL LIRE buyitsg yoOr beeseerose. Ser îbem ut 353, ichardsonI ev - Ol criessnth/ilonaesI ding Aosivsry. Wisdoesdsy, builditsg matrais and criai aI Riogoîrigis CI.. Milton. y ou ars inerested on earning Noveseiier 29, 1972. Love frnt FIREPLACE WOOD Crmetocds. Campbeilviile.Oouiek 3-31-5618 1972 CHEVELLE 945-974 moc33nd -3404 pon c31-3599 Gise cordOe cod 44x'8s x 19 sevicservice. lity Hhgeis isaaiinmedim Plleone eatchnr moc neyaordp-8,345-742b8c33348 ycsar~ ~ ~ ~~ $2 faay cr 1ahlfodCanbellvill 854-2232. l-41-t 'MODERNf DR S'179BLINO iib. i eimhossicsmcho lcitroVO $29 cod 11e bil esrdCamp ose . & AKEpester tleeriog, poer braises, radio. whbiste ali tirns and! GENERAL lohorer rquired -Me. and Mfre. R. L. Millor & AEheel dsscs. Lsc. 7935J. 'u os ossuco irfr milt ceseale Obeir Sai W- Phone 854-2502 CIL cap quaity palots for Pis' Fer 6 bornes, pcs etc. au sIc csrcsAioyno jaiser din Asivsryo Deceasita CAMIPBELLVIULE oe misa cre. Smc our dcara- Rsnae raIes. 1971 FORD HALF TON FLEETSIDE TRUCK isite, Miltenvtets Heigbcî, on g8 ierfmt invites friende b-Itf tingfcenstre fcaurinf butsdreds cand relativs ta join tbem ric af colore ac Copclaisd Lumiser. Cali 878-3478 V-8 ecsgite, aatnmatic transmssionc iooally ostned, 11.008 Lceer Base Litte hecwrees 8 a. 1lais Open Houase Tis is tieir bho RNG 700 Mains Oc. E., Milton. 1c2646-ld 31c,îif origcinal miclcs, custtom cais. Lit. 64366B. Im. ce 12 c.m. 237l tsar aI Granrny's Place. 2470 Nc. RNEPARTS NUBRR icsleo'pry 171VG 2DORSDA RIKTRC DIE 1 Siderad, Businegtots, ont Sats Eleents - CeaIrais - Smitcis draMjF okets ra iSa n EERE O FOR 1 VEGAie le dans SîEDtts AîbN g oeir eiIy R se me da, ecssbe 1, roS 2 by CHROMALOX witie or yciiow paper, only HOLIDAYS LEONandakbo it acig neir cogauaiosel.hia fer ics cecsomy car. Lic. 54870L. Apply MR. KEITH HILO COrigiunaaln csniy.en on1-36S $1.58 per bois aI Tise Caocdion32BotS. Originr. inrZim aes.n nmt Champisi, 191 Main St., Miltais. GOLDEVAL 11970 MONTE CARLO- mais mii otîibrat sisci 500hBOARDING KENNELS I ieishrd ics gold toits mccching ctceor, VS., poster steer-' 8893 Weddi9. Oniverousy, Slarcd McCabis Parts Depot Ltd. LARGE giasey prins ai Can- ing, Pcower braises, aOctssatic tratsission, radio, wtice f e. Otei Hen e lsi 1 bld Ae. Hmltn 547.1209 adian Champieon utaff phoscs. Dogt $2.50 Cals $1.75 seuIl sires, ctsd dines. Lic. N42702. NUTS & BOLTS -Rsem of St. Puis United 2 blckis west of Delta, off King plus cas. Cashsmust acompn 52.00ic Opa 246 isoursGE luee your -Cisurais, Main St., Milcsn, andi Sacordays liil Noots. étrier. Enqaire ravewat Champ- Heated Peis Covernd Rcna hecbtdtsn aoL493 Esperien ed oisiy. Apply le f ram 7.30 ta El pas. in tise Mas- 'ion office 191 Mals St., Miltaisht it e nrrdo.Li,493.cnfidetsce for ierview MRS. asic Hall. No. 25 Hwy. Relatives, -________________ LUNDRIGAN . - lriendt and nisigisiors ail invii- PRVT AE 5 NRHR c7- 878-2781 D SOM 25»5-9*104 cd la estend. Gifvs gmalefoily de- 5 I¶î'....lFU¶ SPI 5132 ciined. 032-3654 PRVTESLE ees, 7yeors old; 3 Red Dntîci- VECLSFRAE JACK RIC H A RD SO N________ _ _ _ _ l _ 800 EBTU air ccsictiser ta Apricas dmarf treos, 7 year -- CHEV. - OLDS. LTDI WANTED BY THE COMING EVENTS ft alidicsg witsdoeo, J100; heasy aid; quaolily dl asparags- ssaîy skili ciait sa (Th Con- p59a4utîiya iasai 04CE . Irci,$150 orONTARIO ST. S. MILTON 878-2393I BySot fMlo ot-alet,$0 hebroS;placts. J. Niealray 854-9973. hest fter. 878-694 BANK57 0Ferene MTelREALy BoyScsae sfMuot mnt- dint $0;mbrlaeom 5; cl 3592 190VL ANT 1A contionat, Eoporiescced Castai Part - Tie - aprdrv, auru.Dec. Rcsy froal free refrigeror, Ige. 858-390 afe ai00 n16. c53-36Sl froeetsr starage. $150. EXCLUSIVE ecmly secches 16.000 miles. 352090 alcer 60 a f M ilon available la f ur malt P.m. 511320ce T ie Hac isre, tusly tersIl 5ube a-fam ,a 1966 BUICR Wildcas, A-i con- E O S L Poe8 -91 pm. Admssioun 75c. c3 -1 87-41 $200 oi nssceote at $1.00, 5ii. 500. Phone 878-2925 Mil- THE FRST OF TH 973's 8c3 ___________ -3613_ 1031 Iax ineladod. Asaiiable as Tise to. 522-4110TH FRT0FT 193s52 Bingo - ae vr ody -Caesadiacs Champion,, 191 Main gosss mcy ondy - Se., Milais. If ardering by mail, 1965 AUSTIN 1100, mide ovales, as ..$0.0 ako.Hl RU BY'S' pIeuse adti15cStcscocr Pan- spacers. ester. miseci. an la. Bcal EXCEPTIONALLY LOW MILEAGE TRACOR RILE R 0Roaay Parlis Hait, Mllieonstae 1c126-II uffer. 870-905. 5cli-3300 RCO TAIE a _ cl9-2665-tf TR PaAge. RIE TROICA coniton ___ ___ __ aft3 V3lcuooi. $ $ $ S A V 1 N G S DIE s- Cecstre, Friday, December t, at EXOTIC FISH 2 PRODUCE FOR SALE gond, 878di6067. Cciicrer3.38 Reqaired for Nights. bculing 8 pis. Ladiles please prcsvlds .s -07. 55-49lice puulery. 5 dary -eis Sues- Admission Soc. eSt-SOi4 Ope 9 am. -9 p.m. mccisdaye 93CRLA10 OP iihdi utadylo vrldyt hrdv iiu g __________________ 1 p.m. - 6 pas. Scndayn HAY. 870-90. 1970 E59TSUN aasamcîic, ex- 1973 k COROLLA r 12 ite COUPE , - radct o, te mscad syoliumssis Yea d ouncrds -Mitstmus cg -Tise Hattcsars wilI prisnlt MLO EGT RS 2c31-3679 cellenit eondition, boss aller. tracsision.rle tcie Nc11- rde212e.nysbaee 5 Ya-ruideplyec tinir Fuit Cocscert aI St. Fauta ITNHEGT RS Phsone 870-4586. 5c3l-36tO lrassitseo Lt. i-: LUnited Cisurvi. 'Milton, ona Wcd- erroas troas Hcllacs Board of CONctsfc ne ci81 t 1973 COROLLA 1600 SEDAN - Etoishcd on ruscord yrllcyw muis clha nesdcy, Nov. 29 aI 8 pot. Admis. Educaliats building 2215. 2c31 3486 CERTIFIRD 40 Plsaui black incter.r cqapped mitis white mai tres, whieel hOu-dole-.rie Faimos Ltd. rtions 11.00. 03536 STRA fo a__r 67- e- decr sedansoompaitanmire- discsradiatmicrns . N12. 6th Line.west ofiramptont - tMLO EGT TAWfrsl.9850 v builc macae. 8h38 or hese citer. leatmocccec.Ii51s2 setn MILTO HEtHT loicg 2e31-36S9 854-16l. 50i-361211973 CORONA 2 DOOR H.T. - Etiisned in caets wte, equip- 1 IWinstcn Chuchill Blvd.) osc ksc I cf Wegb Mte AQ EUARIUMS aesd SUPPLIES PHEASANTS. ready tar rausE- 1966 PONTIAC Parsiesee 2 - pedh tranisiona. Lie. Ncise08 sc. 4 pe ycim-&a smeore Se lesAe ers csf Ontario Lld." Esery lcte cg. 55 per hrare. Ordet not doer isardýtop, V-O cuoo, poster. rehSasise. c.Ni8.os Tbarsdap, 7.38 pas., Hoiy Ras- ___________ for holidaya. 871-9441. 'sîceringo bru-boa radio.$8 AIt cisce rhccles eqaipped mils tull reclsicg frcone seats cod ary Hall, Milton. C0-I611.ti 2a32-3614 1.5307 ritler5. 03-6 me c 'ds defroere and mccsy mure stadard optianas' ,4I~rt ry Mito Fic-fhera' Chist TW Vn TO '1ER c aslefress muash- 17. PIteT6 2 rer, ,0 ...f e cdef T P H R msBingoFna l, ensromdal.At Maabrnem, 4 sperd. mce npisatd SdayDc 13, 8.15 pis. Oese, 30' lottts, oerall beigisî iodau- 2Vzinios soucis of Aeon ocs cras, excrllent ectsdition. 471. îurseys. ebicees. Darr prize. dieg ail ebeeconi VHF bead Hmy. 25. Phsoe Actais 853-2055. 4062 lifter 5 pm. 5c31-362i SALES MANAGEMENT r' Eseryone meloome. e32-3628 iesssalted, 162.50. 2b23-4155 109TYT Crla teBingo as O p.m., WedessdY, 40' laer, aerati eigin loc- 1969cTOYOT ess lar, coco., ru-ntinlchrialf n-~Af ding 0550nelVFha, aclig nei at. a c .tr pellan yen tie Dec. 6' Senior Disltsg RocmG ding t a scscl VHF50 beati. i rrm s 'dia. Lic. 18319. Thiscris inosrafl n pr i a- arie Sesoal tacrlise D0. Ad elr, 7.0 uleseatsdieo condition, Bau MaI- some managemens pesisticss. rcardsl. 5O.S50Pm Seplit. Pro- dse0 alchasneiVHF head. lciars aod Opy. Faecy and87-11 Hy25NoHw.41 7-35telagtcmsttsyer 1cecds la 'hlîdrens Wes8inra icsslalled, 191.50. Cee grades. Emeos eider, banet 1970 PONTIAC OTO. 23,000 mi- 87-11 Hy 5N-o w.41 8846 fOrdlagy ah cecrs eed. Fand." c3l-3616 , llanroatlisrîesThisar ispowe rhacs riayjbser nd Cisieasa aoar, GrceEtt-aisad fra aond codes. Bigcnaerpower seeming ant scss MILTON netcapply. GrceEtrelc fo ecndT ance mith matchs- 5531 c-pcnmlei Cisureis Parias Hall, Salurdcy, set). Iealalled 520.00. Tuesay te Salurday, 9 su 6. in cnees Ltc. 563182. Bu Mo-___________________________ 12.30 to 3.0 pi. Dec. 2. 1.30 ta 4.30. Eeuluring F.M. sîraiead . înaaîî d a1te6Cod nay tara Lsd. 877-5N6. 5531 3639 519 - 833-9169 il. bcbc table, cndy bonIs, Seul' $29380 ROY BOUSFIELD 5 NWOIE ATOTccsday, Thac-oday & Eridcy aytig, armeing, deltieene gifI WE monýt womi, so l'm se9ll ____r___eincnfdec 57UHF isoad. insîatlcd S39.95. 878-6355 bn ler car- '70 Plymeouis Esc-o Il t l rwriîe lhoes No efde botqubildretscnter and192tiT 292 c.. 0hp,50 0 EDAR tente poots. 5cntt hn c e Ilsea tablea. e3-39 Cemitasts clar hecd. VHF miîecg-r. m.T., rierd a ec- ruas clO les, encellent codsictn. 878- 61 top. 877-7398. 7,31-3612 1Longstreet Associates 66 TiCn iudEssuiey cdUE ntîe M9 ___________ eoble. Wtîl arrepl eIder Voss----93-52 WANTED te buy, appros, tino rie George Lcegstreet îy Open bouse, corrars-lon in dat- Out.aii roser. leeslalled tccgenstcatonswaon.sgetade 1970 BOA SKl. -208 bhp. tio- ecres of mised hardscoad lceso.l Bcs 297, EKIN, Oct. eces Nos. 30 and Dru. 1,11te 5 & $69.95. 3 - N- ML F OR -SALE 8%5453. 5c31 9601 Icyl. n arrosc trcb. Alter 6.08o 632-6638. 7c3.3-35421 5131 Bwinas371 Meadombruais Drive, CLRCMNAON DUCKS, 10 gratis fnd Maîlard --L- .,8098 5c030 DONATIONS et ated furout- M lit bssop) 878.712. Lu- CLROMIAON drabes. 854-2735. 3c3l-5622 DA1LY 1971 POLARIS Musacng anes.ti re for lise Cotlec Hlouse. Ccli o ky dram. c31-3668 40' camer, oec-cti beigh indu- b____mile and cutter, ideal fcmily aeyttme after 7 p m., 876-4221. ay.dcsg comisinalien cetar isead Il PIOS. 8 wsais old. Jckb R E N T A L uoic, 1650. Phone 878-4308. 7c31-363 S A E _______._____ VHF and UHE cnd autoasati*ý Corrne 870-9165. 363153684 * Recsetsabte c-ates 5S-c-31-3633 WATDt hy noum Si FOR SALE rae.itald 50 BLACR carly adoaable pap- e Special weeised c-aIes FOR -seomobilnéra entes bungalow, lMtltocc. Ne agents en- pisa 15 ec. 878-2637. 3c3l 3669 cc-uIt test eertb rf Bc-ssaoola please. Phoee 08829,53, aller 6Begin 'tsith Lsig by PIANO, $30. 879-4441 afler 6.00 Repairs cf cli types. 17 PIOS. a-bars 60 is. Cali a-aigcdgti nded. 878- 878-3634. 73-56Lsig Sm P.m. 1--31-3611 Campiselîsille 854-23-54. T O Y O T A 3478. 50-345-st R-D -- s seri tMI in the afPERFECT Chritmssas gifît 10 RICHARDSONeS 3c31 3625 HWY 25, NORTH 0F 401 Hictoienesy ceste tSartt anti Rennedyi spend Raleighs Loston sparts bsi- 15 BREEDINO ewea. ainsu one87-35c .-e.cm c--in 9 C N cycle. isardiy ued. 871.-665. Radio & V bakfcr ae 7-f. 8846 2-91nlfne:TeCapo, a. 7-82 r3-68 C N DIAN ny c3-1O 201 Maies Street Raist 3631-3667 _33 e-.. ADOINO MACHINES. type- MITNIlS EASY ccs place peour ad is TO BUYe SELLe RENT OR LEASE CHAMPION er asmiters fcsr soie or rentai, MhoeLT8-9N Other adnerlners are isoving Chsampion alassificds. Dial 878- US TH A SIED PGS8 -24 Phoune 870-6962, Harris StanIce Phoe 86.649 greal saccese with Chionlu 254 ancd a eaarlemts ad-laksr US TH CASFED PGS7-24 rd. ecy. 16417-t cta.s ifieda - WI8Y NOT YOU? ouI iscip Ycsu mord tuur ad.

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